Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 173

"The magnificent cross!!"

The six-winged beast once again issued his nirvana, in addition to the fighting intent in his tone, there was also that monstrous anger.

Looking at the magnificent cross that was stronger than before, the fallen hell beast's eyes were full of caution. Although the six-winged beast has been provoked by him, it is still far from the point of losing its reason. It's easy to lose your mind, and the six-winged beast is not worthy of it.

"Dark Cross Cut!!"

The hands of the fallen hell beast shook, and the superalloy material that slashed the angel beast became a pile of superalloy gloves, which was put on his hands, and then both hands rushed to the magnificent cross in the sky with huge dark power!

The hands of the fallen hell beast slammed on the hot ball of light in the center of the magnificent cross, and the dark power combined with the superalloy, forcibly tore the main ball of light in the middle.

Without the shackles of the central sphere of light, the remaining nine spheres of light immediately scattered and flew around, and the violent explosion did not know how much land and lives were destroyed.

The magnificent cross is dominated by a star in the center, supplemented by the nine planets on the side. With the huge attraction of the stars, all the nine planets are held together. The nine in one form a kind of "field". The power is very powerful. It can be said that once the star in the middle is destroyed, the power of the magnificent cross must be cut at least by half.

After the fallen hell beast broke the central star, it rushed straight towards the six-winged beast, regardless of the damage caused by the remaining nine planetary spheres.It doesn't matter what the Digimon world is destroyed.

As for the Lilith Beast and the Divine Celestial Beast, although their power is not qualified to participate in this battle, there are two of them at the pinnacle of the ultimate body, plus the Shagutooth Beast, the Beast Beast, the Rose Beast, and the Lilac Beast. It shouldn't be a problem to get a clown king, it shouldn't be a problem to block a few spheres of light that are greatly reduced. Besides, it is impossible for all the nine spheres of light to fly to them.

The six-winged beast watched the fallen hell beast so easily cracked his majestic cross with nirvana, and his heart was even more angry. The twelve wings turned into a white arrow and shot towards the fallen hell beast.

"God-sent martial arts!!"

As soon as the six-winged beast threw a punch, it was caught by the fallen hell beast with one hand. The three scarlet eyes of the fallen hell beast looked at the six-winged beast coldly, and said: "This trick is no longer useful. !!!"

There is nothing more stupid than using the same trick continuously in front of a person who has a writing wheel. Just before, the Fallen Hell Beast has copied the Hexaping Beast’s heaven-sent martial skill with an eternal kaleidoscope.

Because there is no Kieyin in the Digimon world, the Fallen Hell Beast cannot copy Digimon’s tricks like copying ninjutsu. The eternal kaleidoscope cannot see the energy flow in the Digimon’s body. The Fallen Hell Beast must If you want to learn their tricks, unless you have absorbed their materials, of course, if you are a beautiful woman, you only need to do double training once, but you can learn them without absorbing materials or double training.

Although the godsend martial arts are the triumphant skills of the hexa-winged beast, in fact it is nothing remarkable. It is just that the hexa-winged beast relies on his digital world’s number one flying ability and the number one speed to issue super combos. In theory, As long as the physical quality reaches the level of the six-winged beast, this trick can be used.

This kind of existence did not exist in the original Digimon world, but now, the physical quality of the fallen hell beast is definitely slightly stronger than that of the six-winged beast. With the unparalleled dynamic vision and replication ability of the eternal kaleidoscope, it will be six The winged beast’s god-given martial arts were perfectly copied, and then relying on his powerful body that has gone through tens of thousands of battles, he used the god-given martial arts.

The six-winged beast was shocked by his own unique skill used by the fallen hell beast, but he was helpless.

The strength of the hexa-winged beast's bright form is slightly weaker than the normal form of the fallen hell beast. Even the fallen hell beast relies on the dynamic vision of the eternal kaleidoscope. Under the attack of God-given martial arts.

The current strength of the six-winged beast is a bit weaker than that of the fallen hell beast, and without the eternal kaleidoscope, how can it withstand the attack of the heavenly martial arts?

As for the flaws in the godsend martial arts?

The six-winged beast has an arrogant personality. When he created the skill of heaven-sent martial arts, how could it be possible that someone would use this trick to deal with him in the future, and how could he think about the flaws of the heaven-sent martial skill?

If you insist on the flaws of the heavenly martial arts, there is only one-speed.

The so-called martial arts in the world, only fast is not broken, God-given martial arts is exactly the trick that fits this sentence.The godsend martial arts are stunts that rely on super speed. As long as they have a faster speed than the user, there is a chance to crack the godsend martial arts. Of course, it is impossible with the current situation of the six-winged beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast uses heaven-sent martial arts at a more powerful speed and strength than the Hexa-winged Beast, and its double fists turn into a shadow of the sky, as if it has used a thousand-handed Tathagata palm, attacking the six-winged beast's body with high frequency and intensity.

The attack lasted for more than a minute. Regardless of how long it was, the Fallen Hell Beast slammed at least three thousand punches in a row in this short period of more than a minute, each of which was extremely powerful.

The fallen hell beast twisted again in the air. During the rotation, the right arm became the robot arm of the ruling beast. The heavy mechanical arm was even more powerful after rotating. The three-finger mechanical arm was pressed against the six-winged beast. On the back of his head, he shouted: "Speed ​​up boxing!!!"


The fallen hell beast did not show any mercy because the six-winged beast was a little Zhengtai, and the accelerated punch of all power exploded in the back of the six-winged beast!!

Although there is still a big difference between the human body structure of the human Digimon and the human body, the back of the head is still the key point. The back of the six-winged beast is hit by the accelerated boxing of the fallen hell beast at zero distance, and it will never get up in a short time. .

The fallen hell beast will not let go of such a good opportunity, the dark power of the whole body erupts, and roars: "Ten thousand arrows are sent out!!"

The hands of the fallen hell beast were spread out, and nearly ten thousand lightning spears lined up in front of the fallen hell beast. Then, all the lightning spears were like countless iron needles attracted by magnets, and they pointed toward the six on the ground. The winged beast flew away.

Squeaky squeaky!!!!!

No matter what, adding a ten thousand behind it is definitely not a trivial matter. Nearly ten thousand lightning spears all exploded, the power is like the end of the world.

The attack of the fallen hell beast is definitely not that simple. The first round of lightning spears has not subsided, and the dark power erupted, and nearly ten thousand lightning spears lined up in front of the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast continuously releases countless lightning spears. In five minutes, the Fallen Hell Beast has fired half a million lightning spears, absorbing more than half of the dark power from the Fallen Hell Beast.

The powerful dark power released by the fallen hell beast, in addition to attacking the six-winged beast, is more injected into the earth. How can the newly restored Digimon world withstand the power of the fallen hell beast? The earth quickly spread to the entire Digimon world, and the digital world that has just been restored, I am afraid it will be destroyed soon.

The Fallen Hell Beast doesn't care if the Digimon world will be destroyed. He stared at the big hole motionlessly, and he could feel that although the six-winged beast's aura was extremely weak at this time, it was definitely not dead.

When the lightning power was completely integrated into the earth, the figure of the six-winged beast also slowly appeared in front of the fallen hell beast.

It’s probably the first time in this life that a hexa-winged beast has suffered such a serious injury. Twelve angel wings actually broke three pieces. The original noble golden short was found to have been roasted to black by lightning, with scars all over its body. The dark power and the power of thunder and lightning of the fallen hell beast continued to destroy, and its footsteps were swaying, as if it was about to fall at any time.

The six-winged beast looked at the fallen hell beast with extremely cold eyes, and gritted his teeth fiercely, as if it had made the last fight.

The fallen hell beast felt uneasy in his heart, but he couldn't tell why.


The six-winged beast raised his head and let out a roar that resounded throughout the digital world...

Chapter 234-Fierce Battle!!Six-winged beast!!!!(4)

Accompanied by the roar of the six-winged beast, the powerful dark power left by the fallen hell beast rushed towards the body of the six-winged beast in the land, and at the same time, the body of the six-winged beast burst out with strong energy and light.

The corners of the fallen hell beast's eyes twitched fiercely, the Hexa-winged beast actually absorbed his energy for evolution?!!Does this count as shooting yourself in the foot?

However, the fallen hell beast now has no guts to attack the six-winged beast, because during the evolution, all the power of the six-winged beast has soared to a peak. If the fallen hell is now attacking the six-winged beast, in case the power explodes, the fall Hell beasts are not completely sure that they can retreat all over.

The fallen hell beast can't do anything at this time, only watching the six-winged beast evolve.

When the light slowly faded, the true head of the seven demon kings-the fallen form of the six-winged beast officially appeared in the Digimon world.

On the left are six wings of devil, six wings of angels on the right, a face that is neither yin nor yang (...), a body in black and white, and the boundless power of both holy and evil.

Six-winged beast degenerate form, perfect body, virus species, demon-type Digimon, the strongest existence of the demon king, the strongest perfect body in history, the legendary "Super Demon King", the arrogant master of the seven deadly sins, the seven major sins The head of the devil.

A wry smile hung on the face of the fallen hell beast, this time it really lifted a rock and hit him in the foot.

The six-winged beast smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to lift the bangs hanging in front of his forehead, and then rushed towards the fallen hell beast.

The pupils of the fallen hell beast shrank and said in his heart: So fast!

This thought just appeared in the heart of the fallen hell beast, and the fist of the six-winged beast smashed down all over the world, so fast that the fallen hell beast could not react at all in its current state.

After evolving into a complete body, the strength of the six-winged beast skyrocketed, and it instantly overwhelmed the fallen hell beast. The six-winged beast with the combination of sage and evil can cause the greatest destructive power with the least amount.

The fusion of light and darkness, the result of 1+1 is far greater than 2.

"Lost Paradise!!" The sound of the six-winged beast sounded at this time.

The hexa-winged beast swings its fists faster than the fallen hell beast. Every random punch is powerful enough to match the full blow of an ultimate Digimon. One or two times is nothing to the fallen hell beast, but Thousands of fists smashed down at the same time, even the body of the fallen hell beast that has gone through countless battles and the superalloy material can not hold it, and even the core material has begun to tremble.

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