Traveling from the collapse

Traveling from the Bengage Chapter 18

In the lower left corner of the picture is a figure sitting there kneeling. It can be vaguely distinguished from the hairstyle and profile that this person is Joey himself. The still immature face no longer has stubbornness, only distressing fear and panic.

There is only one back in the center of the painting, exactly one back, with open hands covering Joey's body, and he is facing a group of big needle bees.

"this is?"

"This was painted by Xiaochun. This girl ran away from home when she was twelve years old. That time, she didn't go to Tokiwa City to look for me. When she was in Tokiwa Forest, she was suddenly attacked by a group of wild needle bees. This was the critical moment. She was rescued, but the boy was seriously injured and almost died.

Since that time, Xiaochun was banned from going out by the family, but it was also that time, Xiaochun's temperament completely changed. From that time, she began to learn everything that a nurse had to learn. This painting was also painted at that time.

Because Xiaochun was still young at that time and he was too scared, he almost didn't remember everything about the boy who saved her. The only thing was this back and the silver hair on this end."

"Silver...Silver hair..." Qiye's mouth twitched and couldn't stop, "You shouldn't say that this person is me." This is too bloody!

"Is there a wound on your right shoulder?"

"This..." Qiye unconsciously helped her right shoulder. There was a wound there. He didn't know how it came from before. Now...

Kwai smiled inexplicably, and couldn't tell what it was like. Her best sister had been in love with a man for four years, and now this man has become her boyfriend, and she still robbed her of her beloved man.

Chapter 27-Xiaochun

In the middle of the night, the girls were all divided into rooms and went to sleep, while Qiye was still sitting in the living room, thinking about how to solve Joey Chun's affairs.

To say that Qiye has no ambitions for Joey, he himself doesn't believe it, but the problem is that Joey already has someone he likes. Although that person is Qiye, it is the original Qiye. He always feels awkward to accept Joey. .

Click!At the sound of the key opening the door, Joey Chun entered the door and saw Qiye still sitting in the living room. He seemed to have a premonition in his heart. He tried to make his voice seem flat and smiled: "Qiyae, you haven't slept yet?"

"Yes," Qiye rubbed the temples on both sides, deliberately said: "Yes, I was kicked out of bed by Aoi."

"Hehe." Joey smiled, but a trace of pain flashed in his eyes.

The corner of my eye has been watching Joey's Qiye, and when I noticed the pain, I feel that my head hurts even more, "Can you chat with me?"

"Okay." Joe Yichun agreed, although she was very tired after a day of work.

There was also an episode here. Originally, Joey was going to sit on the sofa opposite Qiye, but he hesitated a little when he walked over. He still sat next to Qiye. Although it was unexpectedly separated by several floors, it did not interfere. That kind of intimate contact suddenly filled the living room with an ambiguous atmosphere.

"Um... Did you work hard today?" Qiye was completely speechless. Although he was talking to Joey, he didn't even think about what to talk about.

"Yeah." Joey nodded slightly, but immediately stopped talking.

Qiye was so anxious as to sit on pins and needles. If he were to switch to Aoi or Sakura, he would probably do it directly, using actions instead of words, but Joey would not do it.

Joey looked at Qiye scratching his cheeks like a monkey, and couldn't help but chuckle. Seeing Qiye staring at her sadly, he immediately covered it with his hands. For a while, he lost his eyes and mouth.

When Joey finished smiling, Qiye asked intently: "Have you had dinner?" The nurse's work is so hard, I'm afraid this girl hasn't eaten anything until now.

"Have eaten...cuckoo..." Joey was halfway talking, and the five internal organs temple in his stomach began to sing a big show at the right time, and he immediately blocked Joey's words.

Qiye didn’t hear it, took Joey’s hand and walked to the table. He pulled the chair for Joey like a gentleman. Then he pressed Joey to the seat like a gangster, and smiled: "Beautiful lady, wait. I'm ten minutes." After speaking, he rushed into the kitchen.

Joey sat in a chair, looked at the busy figure in the kitchen, couldn't help but smile.

Because Joey lives by himself most of the time, even if Aoi comes to see her, there are only two girls, so Joey doesn’t have many dishes in the refrigerator. For this reason, Qiye, who claims to be a "good man in the new century" In the afternoon, he deliberately went to clean up the food market.

Beat eggs, cut matsutake, wash vegetables, select vegetables, cook in a pot, heat oil, toss the pot skillfully, and stir-fry vegetables.

Ding Ding Dang Dang has been busy for a long time, a plate of soy sauce fried rice is brought in front of Joey, and there is also a bowl of matsutake soup, which was reserved for Joey during dinner.

Qiye handed the spoon to Joey and said with a smile: "Try it, I'm pretty good at craftsmanship."

Joey nodded. The five internal organs temple became more and more noisy. Regardless of etiquette, he scooped a large spoonful of rice and stuffed it into his mouth without fear of being scalded. The delicious taste on the tip of his tongue made Joey more appetite. Open, you can't care about what to eat or not, you can say it when you are full.

Qiye put her hands on the table, propped her head, and looked at Joey with a smile. She felt that this charming look was extraordinarily cute, and at the same time made a decision in her heart, hehe, everyone understands.

Joey was afraid that he was really hungry. He swept away a large plate of fried rice and a bowl of soup. After eating, he couldn't help licking his lips. When Qiye looked at her with a smile, his face blushed and bowed. The head said: "Is the way I eat something ugly?"

Qiye stretched out her hand, twisted the rice grains at the corner of Joey's mouth, smiled and said, "Why? Xiaochun is very cute when he eats."

"Really?" Joey said shyly.

Qiye pinched Joey’s tender face, which felt smooth and tender, like a peeled boiled egg, and smiled: "Of course, I put a bath water for you, go take a hot bath and sleep well. Take a nap, see if you are tired."

"Yeah." Joey nodded shyly, but liked Qiye's concern for her.

Qiye stood up. He had to clean up the dishes. When he was about to walk into the kitchen, he suddenly turned his head and smiled at Joey: "Should I help you wash it?"

"I don't want it!" Joey ran away immediately after leaving a shameful sentence.

Qiye snickered, if she refused to let this girl go, would she escape?Things like distance and door are meaningless to Qiye.

After washing the dishes, Qiye began to think about where to sleep tonight. Aoi and Sakura gave a dead order today not to let him sleep together. It doesn’t seem appropriate to be with Peony. The girls are not alone. Sleeping, if you teleport in, you have to be blasted out by them, that would be a shame.

It is simply impossible for Qiye to sleep alone. Qiye, who is used to the feeling of the gentle fragrance of nephrite jade, requires him to sleep alone is a great torture.

After thinking about it, the goal of going to Qiye finally fell on Xiaochun’s body. An inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Just now, I was thinking about how to be an honest gentleman. At this moment, I was thinking about how to get people and girls into bed. It's really not related to the word gentleman.

After removing his clothes in Joey's room, an instant movement appeared in the bathroom.

Beautiful smooth and white back, slightly raised hips, beautiful legs without a trace of fat, round and smooth shoulders, white and slender neck, long pink hair hanging down, looming in the mist, this is Qiye Kan To the scene.

Before Xiaochun found herself, Qiye rushed to Xiaochun who was hugging from behind, and at the same time covered her small mouth to prevent her from screaming.

Qiye lowered her head and kissed Xiaochun's crimson earlobe, exhaling warm air: "Xiaochun, it's me."

Xiaochun's movements that he wanted to struggle couldn't help but stagnate. The damp and hot feeling in her ears and the voice that would always make her feel at ease drew her strength. After Qiye released her hand, she couldn't help but turned around and shyly responded to Qiye. Said: " come in...what are you doing..."

Chapter 28-Bathing and Sleeping Together

Qiye lowered her head and kissed Xiaochun's crimson earlobe, exhaling warm air: "Xiaochun, it's me."

Xiaochun's movements that he wanted to struggle couldn't help but stagnate. The damp and hot feeling in her ears and the voice that would always make her feel at ease drew her strength. After Qiye released her hand, she couldn't help but turned around and shyly responded to Qiye. Said: " come in...what are you doing..."

Qiye lowered her head and put her forehead against Xiaochun's clean forehead. Her purple charming eyes looked directly at the emerald blue eyes. The tip of her nose was gently rubbing against the tip of Xiaochun's, and she smiled and said, "You are not at this time Should give me a slap, and then shout:'You get out of me!'?"

Qiye is purely good-for-nothing if he gets a bargain. Uniform temptation is too attractive for Qiye. A policewoman, a nurse... Qiye feels more and more evil.

Aoi's shrewdness in police uniforms and Xiaochun's gentleness in nurse uniforms are both professional women who are extremely attractive to men.

Two red clouds fly on Xiaochun’s cheeks. She has been in unrequited love for four years. She was so molested by the man she loves, that her heartbeat is so violent, but Qiye locks her like a chain to prevent her from moving. , The male symbol on her hips made her even more embarrassed.

Seeing Xiaochun shy, Qiye felt it was particularly interesting to bully a little girl, and bent over and hugged Xiaochun's soft body.

Xiaochun's body is not tall or plump. The sixteen-year-old is not as tall as Sakura, who is younger than her. She usually wears a nurse uniform and stays on the workbench all day. It was too obvious that the whole body was unfolded in front of Qiye now, which showed a small and exquisite beauty.

Xiaochun, who was originally confused by his brain, felt that he was lighter, and when he reacted, he was already lying in Qiye's arms in an extremely ambiguous position—the princess embraced.

In this hug position, Xiaochun unconsciously wrapped her arms around Qiye's neck to maintain her body balance, but made her small face and Qiye's cheek closer.

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