Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 210

The Fallen Hell Beast did not stop the Omega Beast’s X evolution, but fought with the Alpha Beast holding the super alloy sword in his hand.


Because the Alpha Beast uses a life-threatening attack, the attack route is beyond common sense and cannot be thought with normal thoughts. Therefore, even the eternal kaleidoscope of the Fallen Hell Beast cannot predict the next move of the Alpha Beast, but it also limits the Fallen Hell Beast. itself.

Zhuanyan has the most powerful insight ability among the three pupils. With this powerful insight ability, it can quickly calculate the opponent's next move and predict the future in a short time.

At this time, every move of the Alpha Beast is a desperate trick, completely giving up the defense, and the action is completely different from usual. The calculation of the writing wheel is wrong, which causes the calculated result to be inconsistent with the reality, making the Fallen Hell Beast suddenly Surprised by the Alpha Beast.

When Alpha Beast saw that his desperate trick had achieved results, his heart was even more vigorous, and his sword was even more fierce.

The Fallen Hell Beast was also angered by the Alpha Beast's desperate play, annoyed in his heart, he simply closed his three eyes, and automatically responded to the Alpha Beast's attack based on his body.

The Alpha Beast originally relied on a powerful attack to temporarily suppress the Fallen Hell Beast, and his heart was ecstatic, but the Fallen Hell Beast suddenly closed its eyes. This incident caused the Alpha Beast's heart to jump, which is not good. The premonition flooded Alphamon's heart.

Facts have proved that the premonition of a strong man like Alpha Beast is very accurate. After the fallen hell beast closes its eyes, there is no restriction of the writing wheel, the vibration of the air and the echo of the sound wave are formed in the mind of the fallen hell beast A 3D three-dimensional picture, under the natural reaction of the body, the fallen hell beast horizontal sword sealed the king dragon sword of Alpha beast.

The effectiveness of his own method immediately made the Fallen Hell Beast's heart happy, still closing his eyes, relying solely on the combat instinct in this body to perform a series of simple but unmatched attacks.

The Alpha Beast's desperate attack was blocked by the Fallen Hell Beast. After this burst of strength, the qi immediately vented, and the Alpha Beast could no longer issue the fierce and powerful offensive it had before.

After the fallen hell beast closed his eyes, he could not completely let go of his body control at the beginning. The fallen hell beast was slightly jerky, but it didn’t take long for him to gain the upper hand and his movements became more and more smooth and coherent. Like the clouds and flowing water, there is no trace of flaws.

The Alpha Beast was forced to retreat again and again by the Fallen Hell Beast. The situation was very critical. At this moment, he heard a majestic voice:

"Omegamon Evolution——Omegamon X!!!"

Chapter 284-Crisis!

The sharper and sharper breath, the cold and proud eyes, the extremely dangerous Tyrannosaurus sword in the left hand, all these make up this Paladin-type Digimon-Omegamon X.

The Fallen Hell Beast shook Alpha Beast back with a sword, looked at Omega Beast X playfully, and sneered: "Do you think you will be my opponent after you evolve into X body?"

Omegamon X raised the tyrannosaurus sword in his left hand, and said coldly: "Is it right? I'll know it after hitting it."

The fallen hell beast raised his mouth and sipped disdainfully: "Cut!"

Omegamon became angry on the X face, and the tyrannosaurus sword in his left hand stabbed at the fallen hell beast with a terrifying aura of destruction: "Delete all!!!" The golden mysterious rune engraved on the tyrannosaurus sword After a wave of fluctuations, the Sword of Tyrannosaurus immediately carried an extremely powerful destructive force for Digimon.

The face of the Fallen Hell Beast changed, and he was obviously very afraid of deleting Omega Beast X's move. He raised his right hand and shouted coldly: "The Hardest Absolute Defense·Huanglong Beast Shield!!!"

The Fallen Hell Beast once again used his strongest defensive trick-the Shield of the Yellow Dragon Beast, with a golden and simple shield blocking the middle of the Fallen Hell Beast and Omega Beast.


Delete all and collided with the shield of the yellow dragon beast, making a heavy noise.This sound is different from the clear sound of ordinary metal collision. This sound is heavy and thick, as it has existed in ancient times. It is not like a metal collision, but like the sound of a heavy hammer hitting a drum.

After the shield of the yellow dragon beast was completely deleted from the blow of Omegamon X, the shield was illusory, and it seemed to be decomposed into original data.

Astonishment appeared in the eyes of the fallen hell beast, and immediately entered the power into the shield of the yellow dragon beast, which prevented the shield of the yellow dragon beast from dissipating.

Fallen Hell Beast and Omega Beast X looked at each other in surprise at the same time.The Fallen Hell Beast was surprised by the power of Omegamon X’s all-deleted trick, and even the shield data made by Huanglong Mine was almost broken down. Omegamon X was naturally surprised by the defense power of the Huanglong Beast’s shield. Even deleting all of him can't break it down.

Feared by the power of all deletion, the fallen hell beast did not dare to carry his body hard. After all, he still owes a serious crime of anger for his sins. He is not a perfect immortal body, and may still be killed. After getting the wrath of the Ultimate Monster, he can become a true immortal. Now, the fallen hell beast is not enough.

After Omegamon X was stunned for a while, he immediately wielded the Tyrannosaurus Sword and slashed at the head of the Fallen Hell Beast, still using his own nirvana—all deleted, intending to use this trick to kill the Fallen Hell Beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast did not dare to pick up Omega Beast X’s tricks, pointed its toes and quickly flew back. Although Omega Beast evolved into X body, its speed and power were greatly improved, but it was much worse than Fallen Hell Beast. , Was quickly opened up by the Fallen Hell Beast, and it became a chicken rib to delete all of them and fail to hit the target.

The Fallen Hell Beast took out his most convenient weapon, shotgun, eggplant, and fired two shots in a row, and four bullets flew towards Omegamon X's body.

Omegamon X put the Sword of Tyrannosaurus in front of him by a block and blocked the bullet, but his speed slowed down.What the Fallen Hell Beast is afraid of is that Omega Beast X's special moves are all deleted, and his own strength is still not enough to cause damage to the Fallen Hell Beast.While Omegamon X slowed down, the Fallen Hellbeast immediately teleported to the side of Omegamon X, its long legs turned into a big axe, and slashed into Omegamon X's ribs.

Seeing that the Fallen Hell Beast was about to attack Omega Beast X, the roar of Alpha Beast suddenly came from behind: "War Dragon Flame Fist!!!" The Alpha Beast's fists burned with raging fire and hit the Fallen Hell Beast. Back.

"Cut!" The Fallen Hell Beast sipped fiercely, twisted his body forcibly, removed the strength from his feet, and quickly avoided Alpha Beast's Dragon Flame Fist.Alpha Beast’s attack on Fallen Hell Beast is not too concerned, but if he gets entangled in it and gives Omega Beast X the opportunity to delete it all, then he will be hurt.

Alpha Beast stood beside Omega Beast X, and said in a deep voice: "I am responsible for dragging the Fallen Hell Beast, you find a chance to use your trick to solve him." Alpha Beast did not lower his voice, because there was no need for that. , In this situation, anyone would think of this old-fashioned tactic.

Omegamon X nodded heavily. He knew that if this special move was not deleted, his current strength would not be enough in front of the Fallen Hell Beast. Alpha Beast was going to drag the Fallen Hell Beast to him. Create an attack opportunity, it is very likely that Alpha Beast will die, and there is only one chance, there is no way back.

Alpha Beast once again held the Wang Long Sword in his hand, and he literally raised his body's strength to a state beyond the peak. The two golden wings on his body stirred up and flew toward the Fallen Hell Beast.

The fallen hell beast did not retreat, holding the sacred weapon ten-fist sword in his hand and rushed towards the Alpha beast. As soon as his momentum went forward, the ten-fist sword felt the boundless fighting will of its owner.

The original owner of the ten-fist sword was Susano's male Suzhan Wuzun. Before he became the hero who slayed the eight-headed serpent, Suzhan Wuzun was the only god of destruction in Japanese mythology who was not immune to incense. He was an evil god born for war. As his saber, the ten-fist sword naturally also has the characteristics of Suzhan Wuzun. When he feels a strong fighting spirit, the power of the ten-fist sword will increase.


The two top weapons in the Digital World collided head-on, and there was no stalemate. They were touched. The Fallen Hell Beast retreated half a step, and the Alpha Beast retreated ten steps in a row, and the hand holding the Wang Longjian also trembled slightly. .

The ten-fist sword in the hands of the fallen hell beast is still cold, and the sword light is unmatched.

Although the Wanglong Sword in Alpha Beast's hand was still brilliant, there was a crack.

If these weapons are divided into one, two and three levels, the ten-fist sword is the first-level peak artifact, while the Wanglongjian is the second-level peak artifact, and the hardness of the Huanglong Mine can be comparable to the first-level artifact, but it has no spirituality.

Alpha Beast seemed unaware of the crack on the Wanglong Sword, and again rushed towards the Fallen Hell Beast with his long sword.

The Fallen Hell Beast didn't want to fight with Alpha Beast too much. The tricks were deadly. They were all powerful and powerful tricks. They weren't like sword tricks at all, but rather like using a big knife to slash.

Although the Alpha Beast wanted to delay the life of the Fallen Hell Beast, it was powerless. The violent attack of the Fallen Hell Beast made the Alpha Beast extremely hard every time it received a move, and he couldn't stand in the same place all the time.

Facing the fallen hell beast like a tyrannosaurus, Alpha Beast looked at the Wang Long Sword that was on the verge of collapse in his hand, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

The Fallen Hell Beast once again swung an extremely fierce sword at the Alpha Beast.

Alpha Beast raised his sword to greet him. After this collision, with a sudden bang, Wang Longjian shattered and turned into a bunch of golden fragments.The Alpha Beast was not surprised to see the King Dragon Sword shattered. Instead, he was a little pleased. He opened his arms and yelled, "Bound!"

Under the control of Alpha Beast, the fragments of the Wang Long Sword turned into countless tough gold threads, instantly binding the fallen hell beast that did not react.At the same time, Alpha Beast also rushed up, gathering all the power of his body to lock the Fallen Hell Beast, shouting: "Omega Beast! Take advantage of it now!!!"

Needless to say about the Alpha Beast, Omega Beast X’s trick has been prepared for a long time. Seeing the Fallen Hell Beast is bound by the Alpha Beast, Omega Beast X immediately attacked the Fallen Hell Beast.

"delete all!!!"

Chapter 285-The Death of the Royal Knight!

Omegamon X’s tyrannosaurus sword is getting closer and closer to the fallen hell beast, and the face of the fallen hell beast has a look of horror, but the alpha beast and the bondage of the king dragon sword make it impossible for the fallen hell beast to break free for a while. come out.

Just as the Tyrannosaurus sword was about to pierce the eye of the fallen hell beast's forehead, a playful look flicked across the three eyes of the fallen hell beast.

Omegamon X caught the joke of the fallen hell beast, and felt uncomfortable in his heart, but at this time it was impossible to take the move, and could only watch the tyrannosaurus sword pierce the body of the fallen hell beast.

The moment the Tyrannosaurus sword pierced the body of the Fallen Hell Beast, Omega Beast X felt something wrong, because the touch from the hand was definitely not a normal piercing touch.Omegamon is also one of the thirteen royal knights. The royal knights do not represent absolute goodness. They represent their own goodness. They have done everything for their good deeds. These tens of thousands of years have died in Austria. There are thousands of Digimon in Migamon's hands. How can he be unfamiliar with the touch of the Tyrannosaurus sword piercing the Digimon's body, but the feeling now is obviously different from that.


The Fallen Hell Beast stabbed by Omega Beast X turned into a cloud of white smoke—Shadow Clone Technique!!!

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