Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 226

Is it really that easy...

Chapter Three Hundred and Eighth-In the Space of Divine Power...

Everyone killed all day, and they didn’t know how many Dili demon clones were killed. At first, Lilith Beast, Beast Girl, Divine Heaven Beast and Heaven Female Beast were still counting, but afterwards they almost became red eyes. Because there are too many.

The salted egg yolk gradually sank into the western sky, the sky gradually darkened, and the fallen hell beasts looked at the surrounding environment. Although they killed many clones of the emperor today, the lowest-level clones like the foam blower only took one minute. Can create a lot of them, and the strength of the women is not as good as him, and they have been exhausted after playing all day.

"All back!!" The Fallen Hell Beast roared, and the penetrating voice directly covered the explosion on the battlefield and passed into the ears of the women.

The women heard the voice of the fallen hell beast and knew it was time to retreat. They all breathed a sigh of relief, but did not relax their vigilance because of this. Because the women did not act alone, there was always one person in charge of each group. Walk and retreat, constantly approaching the fallen hell beast.

After all the girls came to the Fallen Hell Beast, the Fallen Hell Beast glanced quickly, and he breathed a sigh of relief. No one was injured. It was just a little bit tired from the long battle. Only the strongest Lilith The beast and the holy female beast are better.

The fallen hell beast opened the kaleidoscope to write round eyes, and said faintly: "Shenwei!"

The space was distorted for a while, and the Fallen Hell Beast took all the women into his divine power space.Ignoring the foam blowers that surrounded him, the body of the fallen hell beast became illusory. The dense attacks of the blowers penetrated the body of the fallen hell beast and hit the opposite counterpart, and the fallen hell beast also entered the divine space. .

Shenwei space is very similar to moon reading space. The difference is that Shenwei space is a real space, while moon reading space is just an illusion. Fallen hell beasts can easily control the flow of time in moon reading space. Shenwei is not bad, but it is much more difficult.

As soon as the fallen hell beast entered the divine power space, Jiaer, who had not been able to participate in the battle before, immediately surrounded Suna and Meimei. They surrounded the fallen hell beast and looked up and down, as if they had to find something in the fallen hell beast. The injury comes the same.

"Well, you three girls." The Fallen Hell Beast said amusedly, and all of the three girls were embraced.Among the fallen hell beast women, the most unexpected body is naturally the Minerva beast, but these three can only be regarded as inferior. Loli and above, the imperial sister is not at the level, so a fallen hell beast is tall Body, it doesn't take much effort to hug the three of them at the same time.

The Fallen Hell Beast kissed each of the three little girls and said, "Don't touch me, I am not injured." In fact, even if the Fallen Hell Beast is injured, they can't see it, because Digimon is different from humans. .If humans are injured, they will bleed and bruise, which can be seen at a glance.If a Digimon is injured, a powerful Digimon can immediately eliminate its trauma, and no trace of injury can be seen from the outside. Of course, internal injuries still require a certain period of treatment.

"I'm worried about you..." Meimei said with a small mouth. Among all the girls, Meimei who is still squeamish likes to act like a baby, and Dilumon and Minerva are the favorites to quarrel with him.

"Hey, little girl, I will reward you now." The Fallen Hell Beast gave a smirk, and then reached into the bottom of the beautiful skirt.

Speaking of it, the weather in this world is really messy. In the real world, the date is still in December, and it is still in winter, and because of the appearance of the emperor, the temperature is very hot, no different from the dog days, but in the divine space , Under the control of the Fallen Hell Beast, the most comfortable 20 degrees Celsius is always the most comfortable in the Shenwei space, which is basically spring blossoms.

Under the touch of the fallen hell beast, Meimei's body immediately showed an emotional reaction. For the fallen hell beast and his women, there is no better way to recover their physical strength in a short time than double cultivation. .

Under the proficient movements of the fallen hell beast, Meimei's clothes quickly left her body, and the girl's delicate and white body appeared in front of the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast also opened the zipper of his pants, releasing his dragon.For the women, the whole day of fighting has been very tired, but for the fallen hell beast, he has just hit the most excited state, whether it is physically or mentally, but now he is holding back. The fire in my stomach, I can't wait to vent it out on the girl.

Meimei looked at the fallen hell beast, which was more ferocious than ever before, with a coquettish light in her eyes. It was this thing that brought her infinite happiness.

Without any hesitation, Meimei directly swallowed the dragon of the fallen hell beast into her mouth.

Afterwards, the women all took off their clothes. Anyway, such a thing as sleeping together, at the request of the overbearing man, the fallen hell beast, would not happen, but two of them did not move, and their faces blushed. Looking at the chaotic scene in front of me, it was Melva and Venus.

Although the two of them have a weird relationship with the Fallen Hell Beast, they have not confirmed the relationship between men and women with the Fallen Hell Beast. They are both virgins. It is strange to see this scene not blushing.

However, the Fallen Hell Beast did not intend to let them go. From the moment it took them into the divine mighty space, the Fallen Hell Beast did not intend to let them go.

The fallen hell beasts galloped freely on the girls, because this love is also to restore the physical strength of the girls, so the fallen hell beasts did not stay too much on every girl, and the double repairs filled the girls. After that, he switched to the next one. After galloping for most of the night, he finally filled up all the stamina of the girls. Then, the Fallen Hell Beast pounced on the Melva Beast and Venus Beast with an evil look.

After watching the adult blockbuster for so long, there is nowhere to vent, even the goddess of war, Melva Beast, is already limp, not to mention Venus Beast.

The fallen hell beast leaned his head between the heads of the two women, and smelled the different scents of the two women in the nasal cavity. Melva was the god of war, so her body was full of wild smell.The Venus Beast, the god of beauty, has a fresh and elegant fragrance, but it is definitely not the fragrance of any kind of flowers and plants. It smells like the difference between a house flower and a wild flower.

"How about, two beauties, are you ready?" The Fallen Hell Beast asked with a smile.

"You...what are you talking nonsense...what...what preparations..." Melva beast squatted and said, the god of war was extremely flustered at this moment.

"Of course it was prepared to be eaten by me." The Fallen Hell Beast said in a calm tone, as simple as saying what to eat tonight, not as if it were proclaiming the chastity of the two goddesses.

"I...I won't hand over my body to you!!!" Melva beast stared at the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast shook his head, made a slurping sound in his mouth, and said, "I don't have the power to refuse you, you can't defy me."

"Then what are you telling me!" Melva looked at the Fallen Hell Beast with shame.

"I'm just telling you so that you can cooperate with my actions later." The Fallen Hell Beast said naturally, without shame. Then, the Fallen Hell Beast kissed the small mouth of Melva Beast.

Melva was ashamed for a while, but she couldn't stop the fallen hell beast from plundering her own mouth and take off her clothes. All her struggles in front of the fallen hell beast were futile.

Just when the fallen hell beast was doing foreplay for the Melva beast, the Venus beast had already taken off his clothes, and put his full chest on the strong back of the fallen hell beast, gently Squeezed his chest.

The Fallen Hell Beast turned his head and said with a smile: "Why is it so easy to let go?"

The Venus Beast slightly whitened the Fallen Hell Beast and said, "I can't escape anyway, can I? Then just take the initiative."

"You are really clever." The Fallen Hell Beast kissed the small mouth of the Venus Beast, and at the same time the waist was pushed forward and pierced into the holy ground of the Melva Beast.

It was the night, the fallen hell beasts had a romantic night, and the goddess of war and the goddess of beauty finally surrendered under his crotch...

Chapter 309-The Horner!

Although the fallen hell beast can’t control the time flow of God’s power to be as exaggerated as in the moon reading world, it is still possible to make the time flow of God’s power and the outside world several times different. Under the control of the fallen hell beast, in the God’s power The flow rate of time is eight times that of the real world. It is calculated as ten hours a night. In the divine power space, the fallen hell beasts have 80 hours of rest time.

For more than three days, the fallen hell beasts besides Huanai still Huanai, because there is nothing to do in the divine power space, and because of the dual cultivation, the strength and spirit of everyone can always be maintained at their peak state, and they can fight at any time. ready.

When the sun rose in the real world, the Fallen Hell Beast also bid farewell to the three daughters of Jiaer, and brought the remaining daughters to the real world again to fight the emperor Limo.

Dili Demon is not tired and does not need to rest. All it does is to destroy the two worlds of the real world and Digimon World. It can be said that Dili Demon is a perpetual motion machine. If the two worlds are not destroyed, unless it is it Be destroyed, otherwise the emperor will not stop.

After one night, although the number of foam blowers has not been as many as before the arrival of the fallen hell beasts yesterday, the attack range of the Emperor Li Demon’s red bubbles has expanded, because yesterday they only attacked the Emperor Demon clone. Instead of attacking those red bubbles.

With yesterday’s experience, the girls naturally discovered that the red wires are the energy source of the Emperor Li Demon, so this time they all cut off the Emperor Li Demon’s red wires, cut one wire, and bombarded the entire foam blower. Compared with your body, which consumes more energy, just think about it with your toes.

And with yesterday’s battle, today’s women’s cooperation is more tacit. When one is tired, the other one or two will immediately make up for the front, so that the people behind can rest and regain their strength. In the case of Bian Xiu, the combat power of the girls was obviously stronger than yesterday.

As for the strongest Fallen Hell Beast, he is naturally a Lone Ranger. With his strength, even if he does nothing, standing there, the foam blower cannot cause any harm to the Fallen Hell Beast.

Because the Emperor Li demon itself does not have any evil thoughts, the characteristics of the Fallen Hell Beast's ability to absorb evil thought attacks have no effect on the Emperor Li demon, but the Emperor Li demon’s attack must be able to damage the body of the Fallen Hell Beast itself. Foamers are obviously not good.

The fallen hell beast faced the black foam blowers in front of him, and couldn't help but get goose bumps. He had a intensive phobia. Looking at the dense foam blowers, he couldn't help feeling sick.

"Thanks to your sister! Fanzuna!" The fallen hell beast in his heart roared, and four black tube foxes flew out of him. At the same time, his hands began to seal, and he shouted coldly: "Multiple Shuriken Shadows Surgery!!!"

The powerful dark chakra of the fallen hell beast burst out from the body. Four tube foxes that are as thick as legs are transformed into two, two transformed into four, and 40 million. In the blink of an eye, the four tube foxes become feet. There is an army of hundreds of tube foxes.

With the chakra amount of the fallen hell beast now more than that of the ten tails, this technique does not even reach one ten thousandth of his chakra.

The guard fox, the fallen hell beast, did not have the cleverness and cunning that a fox should have, and rushed towards the foam blower like an angry tyrannosaurus.The pipe fox opened its big and fierce mouth and directly crushed the body of the foam blower. The fierce offensive of hundreds of pipe foxes reduced the number of foam blowers sharply.

In order to deal with the powerful offensive of the Fallen Hell Beast and others, the Emperor Limo created a more powerful clone.

The body is about two meters tall, green skin, very strong limbs, a single horn on the head, and the whole body's skin is very hard. Of course, there is a red wire connected to the back-a horner!

The cornerstrider is a powerful small attack clone created by the emperor. It is very good at close combat, and its strength is much stronger than that of the foam blower.

Because the hornstriders are much stronger than the foam blowers, it is naturally impossible for the emperor to assemble an army of hornstriders like the foam blowers, but there are still twenty hornstriders rushing towards the fallen hell beasts. Coming over, it can be seen that even the emperor demon with low wisdom knows the power of the fallen hell beast.

With a wave of the fallen hell beast's hand, his army of foxes bypassed the hornstriders and continued to attack the army of foam blowers, and the red bubble of Emperor Limo. As for these twenty hornstrider teams, he himself could easily solve.

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