Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 245

"You...what are is...what...where?"

Qiye smiled, and Hinata suddenly became more afraid, and her voice was trembling.

"I have already said that I am Six Dao Qiye, that's all, as for this place, it is a place very far away from your home, so far as your father can't come to rescue you, Hinata-san." Qiye The smile became more evil, and bullying a little loli was really full of excitement and guilt.

"I...I want to go home..." Hinata said with a sullen mouth, and Xiao Hinata was almost scared to cry by Qiye.

Qiye grabbed a small hand of Hinata at lightning speed and pressed it on the table, and then quickly condensed a kunai with her right hand, and pierced the small hand aimed at Hinata.

"Ah!!!" Hinata screamed, looking at Kuwu's sharp blade, she couldn't help closing her big pure white eyes in fear.

Shocked!The imaginary pain did not happen. Hinata tentatively opened his eyes slowly, and saw the icy light of Kuwu passing between her two fingers and piercing the tabletop.

Qiye brought her big face close to Hinata's small face, with an evil smile on her face, and said, "Defeat me, you can go home."

In the next second, Hinata jetted his head, dizzy...

Qiye looked at Hinata who had passed out with a wry smile. The shyness of this little loli could not be fully understood without seeing it with her own eyes... This is really... so cute!!!

In the next few days, Qiye didn't directly start training the three girls, but went to pick up some tasks because he was short of money.

Although I saved a lot of money for the task before Qiye, about 80 million, it is not RMB. The exchange rate and prices are different. For Qiye to do next, 80 million is not enough. Qiye plans to buy one. Buy another piece of land and build a training ground for a villa or villa.

Although this is not the site of Konoha Village, the land of fire, there are few Konoha ninjas, but the Anbe of Wuyin Village is not vegetarian.Now that Terumi Mei has taken office, she really hopes to recall the people of the Mizutsuki family and the Kaguya family, and reproduce the glory of the two families in the past. As long as the white ice escape is shown in the outside world, it will definitely cause fog. Hidden high attention.

In addition, the news of the missing of Hyuga Hinata and Kurama Yakumo, the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, will be shown in the shadows of the villages the next day, so Hinata and Yakumo’s situation is not much better than that of Hakumo, especially It's Hinata. Her pure white eyes are too eye-catching. If she appears on the street, within 30 minutes, the dark part of the mist and the water shadow Terumiming will receive news, one of the three major pupil skills in the Ninja world. With a blind eye, which village doesn't want it?

For the woman Terumi Mei, Qiye is still very ambitious, so if not necessary, he will not open a fight with Wuyin Village easily.

For about a week, I went to the underground money exchange office for seven consecutive nights, and took over a dozen S-level missions that were placed at the top of the mission list. Of course, they were all chasing traitors or assassination missions. The cycle was short and the reward was high. It took a week. Qiye received nearly 300 million in rewards.

And Qiye’s act purely to save money also made his name of the demon king in the underground exchange for money completely started. Before, he could only be regarded as more famous in the land of water, but now it’s different. A week, I took it. Fifteen S-level quests were completed unharmed, and the performance of such quests was enough to climb the top of the bounty world pyramid.

Qiye didn’t pay attention to this. It’s easy to do things if you have money. Qiye directly took out 350 million taels and quickly bought a very good villa, and there was a huge open space behind the villa. The four football fields are so big together.

It is said that this place was originally a rich man’s villa, and the land behind was originally intended to build a huge open-air swimming pool, but I don’t know why it was not built and it was cheaper for seven nights.

The furniture in the villa is readily available, and there is no need to purchase anything. In the open space behind, the training equipment is also quickly purchased and will be completed soon.

During this period of time, there was also a good harvest. With the gentle whiteness and careful guidance of Yakumo, although Hinata did not fully integrate into this small group, he was not as afraid of Nanya as before. Should Qiye herself examine herself?

When Qiye returned to the hotel room, Bai and Yakumo immediately greeted him, helped him sit down, and then pressed Qiye on his shoulders and made tea for him, making Qiye so happy.

Hinata still looked timid, but at least when he watched Qiye, he was not as scared as he was a few days ago.

Qiye couldn't help but look at Bai He beside Yakumo, her eyes suddenly fell on Yakumo's hair.

"What's wrong with Qiye-sama? Why do you keep looking at me? Is there something on my face?" Yakumo asked suspiciously, and at the same time raised a small hand to touch his pink face.

"No." Qiye said with a smile, and at the same time took out the two hairpins she had bought for Yakumo from her arms. During this time, she had been busy with the villa and training ground, but Qiye had forgotten this one. Up.

Qiye took down the hairpin from Yakumo's hair, and then personally clipped the maple leaf hairpin to her, and put another petal hairpin into Yakumo's hand, saying, "This is for you. Gift, do you like it?"

"Send... to me?" Yakumo said in surprise. She hadn't received a gift for a long time.

"Otherwise?" Qiye looked at Yakumo amusedly, Bai and Hinata didn't have the habit of wearing hairpins, so who else could they be given to her?

Bai looked at the hairpin in Yakumo's hand, a slight envy flashed in her eyes, but she didn't say anything because of her gentle nature.

Of course Qiye couldn't be wronged by Bai, and took Bai's little hand, and took out the bracelet that she bought for her. As soon as she put it on Bai, the expression on Qiye's face twitched, and she touched her nose in embarrassment.

"A little bit bigger."

Isn't it big? This bracelet is made according to the thickness of an adult woman's wrist, just like her small arms and legs... It doesn't matter if you make an anklet for her. If it is a bracelet, it is really big.

"I... I like it very much." Bai happily held the larger bracelet. Bai is definitely not a girl who admires vanity. What she cares about is that this gift is given by Qiye, which is the key.

Hinata secretly looked at the three of them, the fear in his eyes had completely disappeared, as if something really wanted to blend in here.

In Hinata’s impression, his father was always serious and stern. Although his mother was gentle, it was only when the mother and daughter were alone. Other people in the family, Hinata did not have much impression. Just remember that I don't feel good about them.

A four-year-old girl, who can expect her to remember everyone in such a huge family?

But now, looking at the warm interaction between the three people in front of him, there is a little envy in Hinata's little heart.

I really want to... join them...

Chapter Three Hundred and Seventh—Can I...can learn it?

After a month of turmoil, the training ground was finally built, and Qiye and they formally bid farewell to their hotel life and moved into the villa.

After moving, the four of them quickly entered the practice. Qiye stood on the training ground and looked at the three little Lori standing in front of him, who was just 20 years old, and suddenly thought of a funny thing. Can't help but grin.

"Sir Qiye, what's the matter?" This question was naturally asked by Yakumo. The remaining two were one gentle and restrained, and the other shy and cowardly. In comparison, Yakumo’s personality was the most extroverted among the three girls. Of course, it is only relatively speaking.

"Nothing." Qiye smiled and shook her head.In fact, he suddenly thought that the three girls in front of him, apart from each having a blood successor, also happened to be the second-ranked blood successor.

Bai's ice escape is known as the second escape technique in the ninja world, and a wooden escape that can create life is pressed on top of it.

Yakumo's illusion can control the five senses, kill people in the illusion, and it is powerful, but there is also an eternal kaleidoscope of Uchiha's writing wheel above it.

The soft fist of the Hyuga family is Konoha's first body art, and even Metkai's strong fist is inferior, but there is still a strong fist in the Ninja world, the blood and bones of the Huiye clan.

The combination of three young girls (young girls?) who are the second bloodiest in the Ninja world is quite strange.

Shaking his head, throwing all the messy thoughts into her mind, Qiye began to formulate a training plan for everyone.

For a while, Bai just needs to do some daily training, no need to worry about Qiye, while Yakumo needs to do some physical training. Yakumo’s current body has been completely cured by Qiye, and it is even better than a normal body. Even better, after all, so many precious medicinal materials and vitality are not just casual talk.

With a weight of five kilograms hanging on Yakumo, he began to jog around this huge training ground, while Qiye personally guided Hinata's practice.

"Hinata, have you started to learn your family's soft fist?" Qiye smiled and looked at the cute little Hinata.

"Study... I learned a little..." Hinata said timidly.Hinata is the eldest daughter of Hinata, the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan. If nothing else, he will be the heir of the Hyuga clan. This status is destined to start formal ninja training even if Hinata is only four years old. Up.

"Call me to see."

"Yeah." Hinata nodded, and didn't mind using the soft fist in front of Qiye, because the soft fist of the Hyuga family would not be able to fight without the cooperation of the eyes.

"White eyes, open!" Xiao Chutian pinched the Yin Jue with both hands, and sipped softly. The blue veins around the corners of his eyes swelled up, and the pupils were slightly visible in the pure white eyes.

"Soft fist!" Xiao Hina Tian shouted tenderly and tenderly, and put out a soft fist starting position, playing the Hyuga clan's family technique, soft fist.

Rouquan is actually a simplified version of Tai Chi. Tai Chi is too profound and profound, and it is difficult for ordinary people to practice for a lifetime.

I don’t know much about Tai Chi Qiye. Can you imagine an otaku getting up early every morning and going to the square to do Tai Chi?I can't figure it out anyway.

Qiye of Taijiquan doesn't understand much, but Qiye of Taiji understands, because the Huanglong Beast absorbed by Qiye, his nirvana is Taiji.Although Huanglong Beast's unique skill Tai Chi and Zhang Sanfeng's Tai Chi are two different things, the cosmic principles of Wuji, Taiji, Two Instruments, Four Images and Eight Diagrams contained in it are the same.

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