Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 247

The advantage of Hinata is that her body is very soft and her control over Chakra is very strong, but the disadvantage is that her physical strength and strength are relatively poor.

Qiye’s method of turning the wrist just now to strengthen Chakra’s attack power was simplified based on the fourth-generation Hokage’s Helix Maru. The rotation of the wrist drives the rotation of Chakra, turning the original single attack route into a high-speed rotation The drill bit greatly increases the destructive power.

This is just the first step. According to Qiye’s expectation, he hopes that Hinata will not need to rotate his wrist in the future, he will directly rotate Chakra in his body, and then use a soft fist to punch out directly into the enemy’s body. Go inside.This kind of soft boxing is not just acupuncture, I am afraid it can directly tear the opponent's Chakra meridian into pieces.

This expectation is still far away. For the time being, Hinata may have to practice for the first part of training for a while.

Hinata's body is weak, so there are two problems. First, Chakra Shao.Chakra is less, which means that Hinata has fewer training opportunities per unit time.The most typical example of this is Naruto Uzumaki. Naruto’s chakra control is terribly bad, but because of the exaggerated amount of chakras, hundreds of shadow clones can be trained at the same time. Training for a few days can be compared Having to train for a few years, this is the advantage of Chakrado.

Second, the strength is small. Chakra will produce a very large centrifugal force after high-speed rotation. If the strength of the arm cannot control this centrifugal force, the attack is likely to be distorted.

Hinata's body was too weak, so in the previous blow, Hinata's Chakra was insufficient, and the strength of his arm could not control the stronger centrifugal force, otherwise the power should be much greater.

The move that Hinata played just now was already very powerful to her, but it was also relying on this special attack technique.

Ten people can hardly hug this towering tree. If everyone's arms span is two meters, the circumference of the tree is twenty meters, and the diameter is more than six meters. The twenty centimeters that Hinata penetrated is really nothing.

If a member of the Hyuga clan can master this attack method, he may only need Shinobu, or even the strength of the elite Shinobu, to completely penetrate the entire tree. After all, the destructive power exerted by the scattered and concentrated power It's completely different.

Thinking of this, Qiye couldn't help but fall into contemplation...

I don't know how long it took, a soft voice awakened Qiye in thought.

"Seven... Seven nights... Your lord..."

Qiye woke up, looked at the cowardly little Lori beside her, smiled slightly, and stood up from under the tree.

"Okay, enough rest, Hinata-san, let's practice together!"

Chapter 339-Two years!

As night fell, except for Qiye, the three girls were so tired that they almost crawled back to the villa, especially Hinata.

Hinata is only four years old, but today's training volume has been completely overloaded.After learning the technique of rotating chakras, Qiye and Hinata started strength training again, doing push-ups.

The two stood upside down, compared to push-ups, and Hinata didn't stop for seven nights.Of course, Qiye didn't bully Hinata too much. Hinata did it with two hands, he did it with one finger, and at the same time placed a large tank filled with water on top of his feet.

In Qiye's hard work, Hinata couldn't be lazy. Qiye didn't stop doing push-ups. Hinata gritted his teeth. Even if sweat ran into his eyes, Hinata didn't cry bitterly, and did all afternoon push-ups. , Hinata's body formed a small watery water formed by sweat.

After completing such arduous training, Hinata’s two arms could not be lifted at all.

Even the youngest Hinata was trained to be like this, the older Shiro and Yakumo, even without Qiye's supervision, would definitely not be lazy, and practiced one by one to get off the strength.

Qiye looked at the three girls, and did not stop them, because neither Qiye nor the three girls wanted to be able to quickly become stronger and cultivate, and there was no shortcut.

Qiye walked behind Bai's body, put her hands on Bai's shoulders, and massaged them gently.

"Master Qiye...I..."

"Be good, don't talk." Qiye smiled slightly, hands glowing with crystal green light, Mu Dun Chakra combined with the massage, the effect was doubled, and it relieved the fatigue of the day's practice.

Although Bai's previous practice was very hard, he has never experienced this kind of loss of strength. Perhaps it is because the appearance of Yakumo and Hinata made Bai feel the crisis. Only when there is comparison, there will be competition, and when there is competition, there will be gains. .Although the effect of this kind of little girl hasn't been seen in a relatively short period of time, Qiye still has eight years to go. Eight years is enough to change a lot of things.

Mu Dun Chakra combined with the massage effect was wonderful, quickly relieved Bai's exhaustion, and at the same time removed the hidden injuries in her body.

After a day of strenuous exercise, a normal person will have muscle soreness all over the next day, which will usually disappear within a few days at most. It feels like it is all right, but in fact it will leave a little bit of dark wounds in the body.

This kind of hidden injury is not a big deal, but it accumulates over time. For the ninja who often trains with high intensity and often fights and kills, the accumulation of such hidden injuries is very terrible. Once it breaks out in a battle, it may directly cause a ninja to lose his life. .

Qiye would never allow such things to happen, so he was very serious at this time, without any evil thoughts in his heart, to relieve Bai's fatigue, and at the same time, he also cleared Bai's body from the negligible minor injuries.

Bai Xin was moved and a little shy. Although her reason told her that she was not qualified to enjoy Qiye-sama's massage, she did not subconsciously mean to refuse Qiye.

After Shiro massage, Qiye also massages Yakumo and Hinata naturally to eliminate fatigue and dark injuries in the body.Yakumo’s action towards Nanaya is only a slight flushing of her face, but Hinata can’t do it anymore. Even if she doesn’t understand the relationship between men and women, Hinata’s face is burning because of such close contact with the opposite sex, so red that it can be squeezed by a pinch. Bleeding.

After the massage was completed, Qiye turned around and went into the kitchen to prepare today's dinner.The identities of the three girls cannot be revealed yet, so Qiye did not hire any servants.

The dinner atmosphere was quite warm. Thanks to Qiye’s help, the three girls did not lose their appetite after extreme fatigue. After a whole day of tiredness, the three girls had a great appetite, and even Hina also ate them. A lot.


When the spring breeze once again blew the soil of the Water Country, two years have passed. Under the guidance of Qiye, the three girls, Bai, Yakumo and Hinata, have made great progress in their strengths.

Bai is the strongest of the three girls. After all, she was the first to follow Qiye, and the blood inheritance of the Shui Wuyue clan must not be underestimated. Bai Xiujie has evolved to the second stage, awakening the secret magic mirror ice crystal, and learned at the same time A large number of C-level wind escape and water escape techniques, as well as some B-level escape techniques.

Bai's comprehensive strength is the pinnacle of Ninja among the elites, coupled with the powerful Bing Dun, can fight Shang Ninja.

And the second one is Yakumo. After two years of training, although Yakumo’s physical skills are the worst of the three women, his body is far beyond the past. In addition, Yakumo has often been doing mental powers with Nanaya in the past two years. Cultivation has made Yakumo’s already infinitely strong mental power rise again. The 11-year-old Yakumo has a chakra volume close to that of elite Shangnin, even higher than Hagi Kakashi. After all, Kakashi Chakra Shao is an accepted fact.

With Yakumo's current illusion skills, Yurihong might not be able to hold on to Yakumo for five minutes before he would have to defeat.However, in the usual discussions, in the battle between Yakumo and Shiro, Bai's winning rate was relatively high. That was also because Yakumo couldn't make a dead hand, and the illusion had a flaw. Otherwise, if it was a deadlock, Yakumo would be better.

After all, Hina Tian is too young and is only six years old now. Although he is very talented and has Qiye's diligent guidance, he is now the strength of Zhongren. At the age of six, the strength of Zhongren is exaggerated, OK?

Kakashi was in the war years, the era when he only relied on strength to speak, but he was upgraded to Zhong Ren at the age of six. It can be said that the current Hinata is no worse than the Kakashi in the past, except for the killing and blood How many.

Qiye has already taught Hinata the artistic conception of Tai Chi. According to his own insight, Hinata combines the few tricks of soft fist that he has learned, and the past two years are considered small achievements. If it is a physique-type Zhongren If it is, it is generally difficult to be Hinata's opponent.

On the training ground, Qiye faced the attack of three girls at the same time.

"Soft fist!" Hina yelled softly, waved her small hand, and attacked Qiye. During the battle, Hina did not have the usual cowardice, and the small and exquisite baby's face was full of seriousness and seriousness.

With a smile on Qiye's face, there is no need to open the writing wheel eyes. The bottom of Qiye's feet flashed again and again, and every fist and every palm of Hinata was rubbed against Qiye's body.

Hinata’s soft boxing is no longer the original soft boxing. It combines the fist of Tai Chi. Hinata’s soft boxing has surpassed the method of the Hyuga family. Qiye watched Hinata practice soft boxing for two years, and Hinata His fist is still from him, it's weird if you can get it.

Hinata's soft fist stopped, and Yakumo's crisp voice immediately sounded behind Qiye.

"Illusory Skill·Fox Heart Spells!"

The scene in front of Qiye flickered, and she had fallen into Yakumo's mental maze.Qiye immediately opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, the writing wheel eyes turned, and Yakumo's illusion was immediately cracked by Qiye.

"Water Escape·The Art of Water Dragon Ball!"

A fierce and huge water dragon condensed behind Bai's back, roaring and flew towards Qiye who had just solved the illusion. The power of the water dragon was no worse than the water dragon bullet that had not been used before.

"Water Escape·The Art of Water Dragon Ball!"

Facing the white water dragon, Qiye also used the technique of water dragon bombs. A water dragon that was larger than the white water dragon instantly condensed in the air, and rushed to the white water dragon with great momentum.

The white water dragon was torn to pieces by the water dragon of Qiye, and the water splashed all over the sky, blocking the view. The next moment, the air suddenly became cold.

"Secret Technique·Mirror Ice Crystal!"

The water splashes scattered in the air condensed together under Bai's control, forming a smooth and firm ice mirror, and Bai's body was attached to one of the ice mirrors.

Bai can move at super-high speed in the ice mirror, which is hard to see with ordinary naked eyes. In an instant, Bai's figure appeared on the nine ice mirrors surrounding Qiye.


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