Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 257

Langfang Avalanche is a little older than Kakashi, and is now almost thirty years old, and Qiye looks like he is in his early twenties, and is naturally older than Qiye.

The Snow Country is far away from the mainland, even if it is very far away from the Water Country, and there are no other countries nearby, so Xue Ren is completely dominating here, so Xue Ren is also more arrogant and not very strong, but one by one It's like two to five or eighty thousand.

"I wanted you to kneel down and learn two dog barkings and I would let you go. Now it seems to be forgotten." Qiye spread out her hands and said helplessly, but her eyes instantly turned into endless killings. Meaning, the dignity of the devil, how can such waste be offended.

"Fire Escape·The Art of Dragon Fire!!!"

Qiye's hands flew up and down, and instantly completed the seal of the Dragon Fire Art, spit out a huge crimson fireball from his mouth. The fireball split in the air and turned into three huge high temperature fire dragons nearly 20 meters in length. , Flew towards the three Xueren in the sky.

Although the Dragon Fire Art is only a B-level fire escape ninjutsu, it is extremely powerful in Qiye's hands, even in this cold sea.

The three Xueren felt a scorching heat wave on their faces, and immediately fluttered Chakra's wings towards both sides.

Although the IQ of the three Xueren is worrying, but the strength is still good, coupled with the air-to-ground advantage, avoiding Qiye's Dragon Fire Art.

Although the Chakra armor can absorb the Chakra of Ninjutsu, it is also quite defensive, but if you eat such a big dragon fire technique head-on, I am afraid you will also be injured.

Qiye smiled coldly, waved his big hand, and said coldly: "Want to run?!"


The three fire dragons uttered a dragon chant at the same time, turned around in the air, and rushed towards the three Xueren.

"Damn!" Langya Xuebeng watched the fire dragon buckle and rushed towards him, suddenly cursed in a low voice, and while backing away, his hands flew away.

"Ice Escape·A Beluga!"

Hearing the name of this trick, Bai, Yakumo, Hinata, and Inoue Ling were stunned at the same time, Bing Dun?


The sea water quickly condensed into a huge white narwhal more than 20 meters long and pressed it down towards the fire dragon.

The collision of fire and ice made a sneer, which sounded particularly refreshing.

"Bai, is that your Bing Dun?" Yakumo Weiwei asked Bai who was beside her in surprise.

Bai Dai's eyebrows frowned, but she stretched out quickly, shook her head, and said, "No, this is not the same as my Bing Dun. This is not the blood inheritance limit of the Shui Wuyue family. It just depends on the extreme cold weather here to remove the water. Condensed into ice, essentially still water escape."

Since Bai has real ice escape, she is also extremely sensitive to ice chakras. She didn't feel any ice chakra fluctuations just now. Combining with the environment here, she will understand after a careful thought.

"What? It turned out to be just like this." Yakumo pursed his small mouth slightly, and said somewhat boredly.To be honest, she was a little surprised when she first saw Bing Dun, but listening to Bai's explanation, it turned out that it was just like this, it was really boring.

It's like magic. It's shocking when you don't know the principle, but once the magic is revealed, it's particularly boring.

At this time, Hail Dongxiong and Feiyan Chuuxue, who were weaker than Spike Avalanche, also used their own copycat version of Ice Escape to offset the Seven Nights Dragon Fire Art.

Qiye coldly looked at Xue Ren who was like three flies in the sky, and sneered: "Do you think you can fly?!"

Qiye's hands opened, like a big eagle, flying into the air, rushing towards the slowest response hail winter bear.

"Die to me!! Lost Paradise!!!"

Qiye used the six-winged beast's degenerate trick to Lost Paradise in the Naruto World. There is no such majestic power as the Beastmaster Fist, but the power is far superior.

The Chakra armor on Hail Winter Bear can almost withstand most of the ninjutsu below the A level, but it is not good for the A level, such as Chidori and Helix Maru.

Qiye’s powerful fists, each punch, is more powerful than A-level ninjutsu. Before he hits twenty punches, the chakra armor on Hail Winter Bear’s body has been shattered, and it has all turned into pieces under Qiye’s continuous high-speed punches. The powder was scattered in the air.

Just smashing the Chakra armor is not the purpose of Qiye. Numerous fists are constantly falling on the fat body of Hail Winter Bear. The muscle fibers, bones, internal organs, blood vessels and meridians of the whole body are all shattered by Qiye’s heavy punches. Even if Qiye stopped the attack at this time, Hail Dongxiong would not survive.

Qiye's punching speed is extremely fast. There is no pair of eyes on the scene that can clearly see Qiye's movements. In their eyes, Qiye's punching speed is extremely slow, but Hail Dongxiong just can't hide.

This is an optical illusion. For example, the fan blades of electric fans or the wheels of cars have the illusion that they look slow when rotating at high speeds. This is the current situation.

The human body cannot be compared with Digimon’s. Under Qiye’s countless punches, Hail Dongxiong’s whole body tissue began to decompose. A fat man weighing more than two hundred catties was beaten into a shape by Qiye’s fist. It is like dumpling stuffing, scattered in the sea, dyeing the icy blue water red.

There are so many, but at the speed of Qiye, the whole process is less than three seconds, which is not enough to bring anyone present to recover. In fact, in less than 0.2 seconds, the Hail Winter Bear is already dead. Up.

Standing in the air, Qiye looked at her face of horror with contempt and looked at her wolfyaxuevalan and Feiyan Bixue, and said: "It's really vulnerable. Even with such a little strength, I dare to be arrogant. The people of the Snow Country really have a brain Not great."

Langya Xuebeng watched Qiye slowly flying towards him, and a proud heart trembled at this moment.

There are two types of arrogance, one is self-confident arrogance, the other is brain-dead arrogance, Qiye is the former, and Langya Xuebao is naturally the latter.

" can't kill me! Master Fenghua and Rage will not let you go!!" Langya Xuebang yelled in horror, but the cold sweat of fear still struck his still handsome face.

"Don't worry, after sending you down, Fenghua and Rage will come to accompany you soon, and go to hell to build a snow country!"

Qiye's figure turned into an afterimage, rushing towards Langfang Xuebao.

Langya Xuebang was shocked, and he was about to seal up, using his secret technique Langya Xuebao, and he felt a pain in his chest as soon as he lifted his head.

Fang Xuebang lowered his head inconceivably, and looked at the long sword that easily pierced the Chakra's armor and heart in horror.

Spike Avalanche's own strength is above the upper endurance, and the elite upper endurance is much worse than Kakashi. If it can be tied with Kakashi, most of it has tested the power of Chakra armor.

His own strength was insufficient, so that Langya Xue Beng had no strength to fight back in front of Qiye, and his heart was directly pierced by the ten punch sword.

Qiye picked up the corner of her mouth disdainfully, and said, "Go with peace of mind! Rubbish!"


With a heavy kick on the chest of Langya Avalanche, Langya Avalanche immediately drew a perfect parabola and fell into the sea.

Qiye turned his indifferent gaze to the last Xue Ren, Feiyan blowing snow.

Chapter 352-Shark!Excessive, ease the atmosphere of the battle!

Seeing Qiye’s cold gaze, Feiyan Chuuxue’s legs were trembling long ago. Her strength is not as good as Langya Avalanche, but even Langya Avalanche was killed by Qiyeyijian. She doesn’t think she can beat her. The terrifying and powerful man in front of him, if she hadn't been flying in mid-air, would have already knelt down.

"My lord please! Please don't kill me!" Feiyan Chuuxue pleaded bitterly towards Qiye.

Qiye raised her mouth coldly and said, "Give me a reason not to kill you."

Feiyan Chuuxue seemed to have grasped the last straw, and said: "I...I will help the adults and kill the wind and flowers!"

Qiye smiled disdainfully, and said: "I only need to kill Fenghua and Rage. If you are of no use value, there is no need to live. Go and die!"

"No... uh..."

Before Feiyan Chuuxue had finished speaking, there was a slight tingling in her throat. The next moment, before Feiyan Chuuxue's eyes turned into darkness, she saw her headless body.

Qiye pulled a sword flower, and the blood of Feiyan Blowing Snow and Spike Avalanche instantly slipped from the sword body of the Ten Fist Sword. Naturally, human blood could not contaminate this Excalibur, and would be washed by the Ten Fist Sword's own supernatural power and sword aura.

Qiye landed on the boat with a ten-fist sword in his hands, and said, "What do you want for breakfast?"

Although he said so many things and killed three more Xueren, it was less than an hour since Fenghua Xiaoxue woke up, so it was naturally morning.

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