Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 259

Qiye personally served everyone present a night of steaming fish porridge, even Fenghua Xiaoxue did not ignore it.

Fenghua Xiaoxue drank the delicious fish porridge. Although she was extremely reluctant, she had to admit that the things this guy made were really delicious.

The passenger ship continued unhurriedly to the Snow Country, and Xiaoxue seemed to be quiet suddenly, without saying that she would not go to the Snow Country at all. Could it be that her heart knot was so easy to untie?

Qiye wouldn’t believe it, now it’s still on the sea, and no one on this ship can be beaten by Fenghuaxiaoxue. Even if she wants to run, she can’t escape, but after arriving on land, this restless girl will definitely find a chance to escape .

The fact is just like Qiye's guess. On the first morning in the Snow Country, Inoue Ling came to tell him that Fenghua Xiaoxue had escaped.

Qiye didn't feel anxious at all, she just slowly dressed under the service of the three little loli, then walked out of the room, and said to Inoue: "Don't worry, I have carved the space coordinates on the hexagonal crystal, she Can't run away."

"Huh~~" After hearing this, Inoue Ling sighed greatly. Fenghua Xiaoxue was the key to their control of the Snow Country. If she was allowed to run away, it would be very unfavorable to their plan. Inoue Ling and Qiye completely It is a grasshopper on a line, and her ideas are also considered by everyone.

Qiye was about to move for a moment to find Fenghua Xiaoxue, her footsteps suddenly stopped, and she quickly moved to Inoue Ling's ear, and whispered: "I didn't find it before. Your breasts are quite big."

Inoue Ling was taken aback by Qiye's words. Before he could react, the two lump of soft flesh on his chest were grabbed by two big hands and squeezed twice.

Next, a black light flashed, and disappeared in place before Inoue Ling violently left, leaving only a crimson-looking woman.

Snow country is covered with snow all year round. Even in the hottest summer, the snow will not melt. It will always be a white country.

Fenghua Xiaoxue ran on a piece of white snow. Before dawn, she sneaked out and kept running away.

"What snow country... I don't want to come back to this kind of place... Never come back... Huh... I'm going to a place where no one knows me... Then I never have to come back here..."

Fenghua Xiaoxue said breathlessly as she ran, her small face and hands were already red from cold, and her lips were dry.

Suddenly, Fenghua Xiaoxue stopped, and his eyes fell on the tall man ten meters in front of him, how did he catch him?

"Don't run away?" Qiye looked at Fenghua Xiaoxue playfully.

"What are you doing here?" Fenghua Xiaoxue looked at Qiye tiredly. After running for so long in the snow, she was indeed tired.

"What are you doing? Of course it's to take you back."

"No!! I will never return to that place!!!" Fenghua Xiaoxue shouted towards Qiye with crimson eyes.

Qiye looked indifferent and said: "You have no choice, you can only go back with me, even if you want to die, you can't die as long as I'm here."

"Damn!! You bastard!! Why are you forcing me!!" Fenghua Xiaoxue cried loudly, tears gliding over her beautiful face, looking so poignant.

"I will never go back, if you have the ability you will kill me now!!!"

Qiye's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a hint of danger in his eyes. He was slightly angry now, and Fenghua Xiaoxue repeatedly challenged his endurance limit.

Before Fenghua Xiaoxue understood Qiye's dangerous eyes, she saw Qiye rushing towards her.

The next moment, Fenghua Xiaoxue was thrown to the ground.

Qiye looked down at Fenghua Xiaoxue's beautiful panicked face, and sneered:

"Such a beautiful body, since you want to die, let me enjoy it before you die!"

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Four-Snow Passion!

Qiye’s sneer and obscene words made Fenghua Xiaoxue’s pretty face pale, just as Qiye said on the boat a few days ago, Fenghua Xiaoxue’s will to die is not strong enough, and it’s the same now, otherwise she would not be called. Qiye killed her, but had committed suicide long ago, but if Qiye was strong enough to kill her, Fenghua Xiaoxue would have committed suicide.

"Don't!!! Don't!!! Let go of me!!!!"

In order to protect her chastity, Fenghua Xiaoxue screamed in surprise, while two slender legs kept kicking, kicking the snow on the ground into the sky.

Fenghua Xiaoxue can become a big star, and her body and appearance are naturally excellent. A pair of slender and straight legs is definitely of the level of an international supermodel.

Fenghua Xiaoxue’s beautiful legs kicked the snow on the ground so that it would be very beautiful if not in this scene. The snow in Snow Country is similar to the snow in northern my country, which is dry and cold and easy to rise. If it is the cold and damp snow in the south, it will not rise at all, and it is very easy to freeze and slip.

Qiye grabbed Fenghua Xiaoxue's constantly waving little hands with both hands, and pressed her handsome face towards Fenghua Xiaoxue's pretty face, and wanted to kiss her.

Fenghua Xiaoxue turned her head away, preventing Qiye from succeeding, and shouted: "No!! Come on here!! Help!!!"

In order to prevent Qiye and the others from finding her, Fenghua Xiaoxue specially finds a secluded road. There is a dark forest near this snowy area. It is said that every night, there will be gloomy ghost sounds in the forest. No one will come here. Fenghua Xiaoxue is really saying that every day he should not, and that the ground is not working, and all of this is because she has lifted a rock and hit her own foot, which is really her own crime.

Qiye sneered at Fenghua Xiaoxue and said, "Don't you want to live? You are dying, so why care about that layer of membrane? I can still make you feel the joy of being a woman before I die, thank me. "

" are shameless!" Fenghua Xiaoxue turned her head angrily to look at this handsome but shameless man, who wanted to forcibly seize a girl's virginity, yet she could still speak so grandly.

What Qiye waited for was the moment Fenghua Xiaoxue turned her head around, lowered her head quickly, and kissed Fenghua Xiaoxue's lips.


Fenghua Xiaoxue kept swinging her head, trying to break away from Qiye's kiss, but her struggle was completely useless, and Qiye's lips were still tightly pressed against her lips.

The first kiss, in such a place, was lost in this case.

Fenghua Xiaoxue was sad and angry in her heart, but she couldn't resist this powerful man.

Relying on her powerful body, Qiye was not afraid of being bitten by Fenghua Xiaoxue's tongue, and directly plunged her big tongue into Fenghua Xiaoxue's small mouth.

Fenghua Xiaoxue felt grief and anger in her heart. Suddenly a soft thing got into her mouth, and her heart beat fiercely inexplicably. She immediately understood that it was Qiye's tongue, her face flushed quickly, with anger and shame.

Fenghua Xiaoxue stared at Qiye angrily, but it had no effect on Qiye.Fenghua Xiaoxue was ruthless in her heart, she suddenly bit her teeth, biting Qiye's tongue forcefully, so powerful that she seemed to be about to bite Qiye's tongue off.

Qiye's tongue has the physical characteristics of the emperor demon's competent clone. It has toughness and will not be bitten by any violent attacks. It is only happily chasing Fenghua Xiaoxue's cloves.

Fenghua Xiaoxue bitten hard several times, and finally realized that she couldn't bite this guy's tongue at all. This bastard's tongue was like cowhide.Can anyone bite off the cowhide?Of course it is impossible.

Fenghua Xiaoxue gave up, and Qiye was happy. Big tongue tried his best to tease Fenghua Xiaoxue's lilac small tongue. Little tongue tried to push Qiye's big tongue out several times, but the strength and skill were not the same level at all. Finally, Can only be entangled with Qiye's big tongue.

With the deepening of the kiss, Fenghua Xiaoxue’s expression on her face became softer and softer, and her already exhausted body is now even more sour and weak. The fatigue after a long run and the sourness caused by the hot kiss suddenly Captured all the power of Fenghua Xiaoxue.

Fenghua Xiaoxue's two beautiful legs that were originally kicking also lost strength and rubbed unconsciously, because the roots of her thighs really itchy.

Qiye didn't hold Fenghua Xiaoxue's hand any more, keeping the kiss on her mouth, and then walked with her hands to the rest of Fenghua Xiaoxue's body.

Fenghua Xiaoxue didn't use Chakra's ability to keep out the cold, let alone a body that is not immersed in cold or heat, so she was wearing a thick coat, but her chest was still supported by two high mountains.

Fenghua Xiaoxue is just eighteen years old this year, and her physical development is naturally much better than that of Bai, Yakumo and Hinata's three little loli. And because of the good talents, Fenghua Xiaoxue is better than the twenty-four-year-old Inoue. Ling is just a little bit close. If the two are the same age, Fenghua Xiaoxue must be a little older.

When Qiye’s hands climbed to the Saintess Peak, Fenghua Xiaoxue trembled all over, raising her hands, as if to hit him, but Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was already weak, just hit Qiye’s body. , She didn't have the strength to lift her hands anymore, it didn't look like she was playing Qiye at all, but rather like Qiye's tiger back gently hugging her.

The buttons of the coat are also relatively large, so it is very convenient to untie. The seven nights and threes of the benevolent clothes unbuttoned Fenghua Xiaoxue's coat, and then gently cut the black cotton coat to reveal it and wrap it under the cover. Full mountain peaks.

Fenghua Xiaoxue's corset is the style with the buttons in front. Qiye left Xiaoxue's mouth, hooked her fingers, and unfastened the buttons of the corset. Without the restraints, the two snow-white meat balls immediately It was ejected.

On the one hand, it feels that it has come under the kiss of Qiye, on the other hand, it is the cold weather, a ruby ​​on the snow peak immediately shines, standing upright in the cold wind like a winter plum and proud snow.

The icy cold wind also made Fenghua Xiaoxue sober, and found that her upper body had been blocked, she felt ashamed, and subconsciously blocked the spring light in front of her chest with her hands. She turned her head and didn't dare to watch Qiye wantonly. Gaze.

Qiye's hands were slightly hard, and Fenghua Xiaoxue's little hand was pulled to both sides.Lushan's claw caught the snow-white and full hill, and immediately left pink handprints on his fair skin.

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