Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 293

Because Yakumo’s mental power is too strong, he can do many surreal things. For example, Yakumo can use his own mental power to speak directly to the hearts of others, which is telepathy, but Yakumo has not learned superpowers. Therefore, this crude method consumes mental energy, and there is a danger of backlash.

Of course, Hakumo and Hinata will not fight against Yakumo’s mental power, so Yakumo can also connect with Shiro and Hinata with confidence and make calls. This ability is like a dedicated line phone between the three of them. Others think I can't hear it, and I can't check it if I want to.

"This exam is so boring."

Yakumo’s boring complaints sounded in Shirato Hinata’s mind. Shirato Hinata was not surprised at all. For Yakumo’s character, it is normal to have such complaints. At the moment, the three girls are living in Yakumo’s spiritual world. There were three small meetings.

"Hinata, do you think we should tell Huahuo the real purpose of this exam?" Yakumo asked in spirit.

Hinata groaned slightly, and then said: "No, I can't protect Huahuo all the time. She still needs to grow by herself, and this exam will be done by herself."

"Hinata is really a good sister." Bai praised.

The three girls chatted for a while, and Yakumo cut off the spiritual connection, closed his eyes, and began to rejuvenate. Although Yakumo’s mental energy was not consumed during that period of time, I don’t know what will happen next. For the exam, it is better to adjust your state to the best.

Bai and Hinata were also not interested in answering these boring questions. The middle-level test questions were too easy for them. They directly focused on the last tenth question, and they had confidence in themselves.

Not everyone has their strength and self-confidence. Many candidates have already understood the true meaning of this exam, and there are really endless ways to cheat.

Huahuo and Hyuga Ningji directly opened the Hyuga family's bloody eyes, saw through the human body, and quickly copied the test papers that they saw directly. The Hyuga family's bloody is really a treasure that my wolf-friends dream of...

Sasuke Uchiha also opened his writing wheel eyes. The writing wheel eyes of a two-gou jade and a single-gou jade have the ability to replicate. It is easy to replicate this simple movement.

But will the order be wrong?For example, if the first question is copied to the second question, then all the subsequent copies are wrong...

Akamaru lay on Ya’s head, peering at other people’s answers, and then told Ya. Ya told you with facts how important it is to master a foreign language.

Tian Tian controlled the reflection of the mirror on the ceiling with a pen, and then reflected the answer to Xiao Li.

A few worms crawled out of the holes in Shino's body, and secretly collected the answers and gave them to Shino.

Ino’s heart-turning technique, Gaara’s third eye, Kankuro’s puppet technique, there are so many ways to cheat. Of course, there are also some inferior methods. The cheating was found five times, and the Ninja examiner who was proctored asked for it. The examination room.

In the entire examination room, there are only four candidates who have not written a single word so far, Hinata, Yakumo, Bai, and Naruto.

"The three girls have already seen the true meaning of this exam." Terumi Ming looked at Hinata Sannv with some envy. Even today, she still hopes that they can join Wuyin Village.

Qiye tapped her side face with her fingers, and said, "Actually, as of now, most of the candidates have understood the meaning of the previous nine questions...Uhh...except Naruto Uzumaki..."

Naruto is still scratching his head, because he still only wrote one name...

The exam time passed very quickly. Forty-five minutes has passed. Ibis scanned the already empty exam room, a sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said in his heart: The waste is roughly eliminated, and the time has passed. 45 minutes, you can start.

"Good!" Ibizi's voice broke the depression and silence in the examination room, "Now I have to ask the tenth question!"

Yakumo opened her phoenix eyes, and a sharp light flashed quickly in her eyes. In the time just now, her mental power had completely recovered.

"I'm going to explain the rules. This is... a desperate rule. First of all, I want you to choose whether you want to take the tenth question or not."

"Choose? What if you choose not to take the tenth question?!"

"If you choose not to take the test, the person's score will immediately become 0, which means that you will lose the right to take the test. Of course, two people in the same group will also lose the right to take the test."

"What? Of course you have to choose the exam!"

"It's so messy!"

Ibizi's words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the candidates.

Ibis didn’t pay attention to the examinee’s curse at all. He closed his eyes and said calmly: “There is another rule. If he chooses the exam but fails to answer the question correctly, he will always lose his chance of taking the Zhongnin exam for that candidate. Qualifications!"

This sentence immediately caused an uproar in the examination room, and Ya immediately stood up and said loudly.

"Why is there such a bastard rule?! There are people here who have taken the Zhongnin exam more than once!"

Facing Ya’s questioning, Ibis just said coldly: "Hmph... you are not lucky. I set the rules for this year, but didn’t I also give you a chance to turn back?"

Hearing what Ibixi said, Ya was choked back.

"People without self-confidence can choose not to accept it, and wait for the next year or the next year to take the exam, hehehehe..."

The playful smile on Yakumo’s face, the one who is the best at grasping people’s hearts, naturally understands the meaning of Ibizi’s words, and also understands what the last question is. In just a few words, she will be almost there. Candidates’ heart activities are completely in their hands, squeezing rounds arbitrarily, Konoha Anbe tortures the leader of the army, Morino Ibiki, really is not a simple character.

However, this little trick is of no use to us, so I will make this game a little more fun.

Yakumo was thinking about a bad idea, his fingers moved a few times, and his powerful mental power radiated silently.

With Yakumo's strength, apart from Hinata and Shiro who were present, there were three strongest ones in Nanya, Sandai and Terumi Mei in the office of Naruto.

"Yakumo has completely seen through Morino Ibiki's meaning, I am afraid that fewer people will pass the first exam." Qiya said with some glee.

Three generations took a mouthful, and did not mean to refute Qiye, nor did he ask anyone to stop Yakumo's illusion. He also wanted to know how many people Konoha could pass the first test under this situation.

"I...I, I give up and can't accept it."

After the first candidate was struggling to raise his hand, under the influence of the first person, some people began to raise their hands and give up. With the negative influence of Yakumo's illusion, all of a sudden the remaining candidates walked nearly half again. It is absolutely fatal to these people whose inner will is not strong enough.

At this moment, Naruto Uzumaki also raised his hand trembling, and when everyone thought he was going to give up answering the tenth question, Naruto suddenly slapped his palm on the table.

"Don't underestimate me!! I won't escape! I want to take the tenth question! Even if I can only bear it for the rest of my life! I want to be Hokage for you to see!!! Nothing great, I won't Afraid of you!!!"

Chapter 397—The end of the first exam, don’t read this chapter!

Naruto's idiot-like declaration has a peculiar power, instantly dispelling the pressure in the examination room, like sunshine, giving the candidates a kind of confidence.


"Although a little stupid, this will is worthy of recognition." Terumi said with a smile. As she said, Naruto is a stupid, but his will is extremely firm, a fool who hits the south wall and never looks back.

Now, Naruto's mouth escape started from here.Qiye thought spoofly in her heart.


After Naruto sat down, the examination room fell into silence, but it was not the repressive loneliness of the previous one. Except for a few weird people like Gaara, everyone had a confident smile on their faces.

Interesting little devil... The anxiety of these guys was eliminated in an instant, 78 people?It's more than expected, even if it continues to consume... it's the same.

Ibizi looked around the entire examination room and said loudly, "Your determination is good! Then... all those who choose to stay... the first exam... have passed the exam!!"

This result obviously surpassed most people's expectations, but Yakumo, Shiro and Hinata smiled, as expected!

"Wait!" Kozakura, who apparently didn't understand the result, stood up with a slap on the table, "What's going on, why did you suddenly pass?! What about the tenth question?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." Ibis smiled, but it seemed a bit scary to match his rough face with a scar on his face. "There is no such thing from the beginning. If you really want to say it, the choice just now is The tenth question."


"Wait a minute! What do you think of the nine questions I just tested? It's just a vain test!" Blonde Temari said uncomfortably.

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