Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 303

Suddenly, Qiye heard a girl's scream. The scream was very weak. It seemed that the distance should not be too close. If it was a man's scream, Qiye would definitely ignore it, but it was a girl... Look better.

Qiye teleported for several short distances in a row, and hurried to the place where the scream was made. Soon, Qiye saw such a scene.

A giant bear, nearly five meters high, stood up straight and rushed at a little girl.

The girl looks about the same size as Hinata and the fireworks, but her strength is a thousand miles away, and she is probably at the same level as the current Sakura.A head of fiery red hair and the same fiery red eyes were so eye-catching. The red eyes looked at the giant bear pounced on him in horror, but the focus of the eyes seemed a bit inaccurate.

Qiye saw the red-haired girl slightly stunned. The red hair is a sign in the Naruto world. There are only four people with red hair, Uzumaki Mito, Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki Nagato and this girl. Whirlpool incense phosphorus.

The people of the vortex clan have several iconic characteristics. The natural chakra and vitality are exceptionally strong, so they can suppress the tail beast, and the vortex Nagato can use six clones at the same time. These six are equivalent to the shadow level or even the super shadow level. Doppelganger, there is also a head of fiery red hair, as for Naruto, it is because his father Bo Feng Shuimen is blond.

Fragrant Phosphorus did not appear in the first part, but it has some influence on the Fourth Ninja World War. Fragrant Phosphorus's perception ability is very strong, and its head is calm. Although its strength is not very good, it can become a considerable Excellent secretary.

Fragrant phosphorus was also unlucky. She came to take the Zhongren exam. Feeling the danger, she kindly reminded her two teammates, but they didn't believe in Fragrant phosphorus at all and said that she was dragging her feet. As a result, they were all killed. But the fragrant phosphorus ran out.

The inferior Fragrant Phosphorus fled in the death forest all night with difficulty, using his perception ability to escape one danger after another. By this morning, Fragrant Phosphorus planned to take a rest, but was suddenly caught by this giant bear. Stared at it, even the glasses were taken off.

Fragrant Phosphorus is a nearsighted eye, and everything she sees in front of her eyes is blurry after she leaves her eyes, so even though she was terrified when she saw the giant bear, the focus of her eyes was a bit vacant.

Ruined!I... Am I going to die?Xianglin thought desperately in her heart, but there was still a glimmer of hope in the depths of despair. It could even be said to be a delusion. She hoped that a prince would come from the sky to save her.

Suddenly, I felt that Phosphorus was a bit like Luna Lovegood in "Harry Potter", both very smart and calm girls, able to see through people's hearts, and a little nervous and fanciful.

Xianglin has always had a dream of a princess, looking forward to the arrival of the prince, but I can only say that Xianglin, your prince will not come, only the devil will come.

"Dark Claw!"

Qiye crushed the heart of the giant bear, and the tall figure descended in front of Xianglin.

Chapter 412-Sound Shinobi!

Qiye naturally could not allow the red-haired beauty of Xianglin to die in the hands of a wild bear. At the critical moment, a dark claw grabbed it, and the sharp claws directly pierced the wild bear’s body, holding the huge heart. In his hand, he smashed it.

Qiye chopped off the giant bear's four bear paws. The fat bear paws kept flowing out of fat and blood, and then Qiye looked at the fragrant phosphorus who was still kneeling on the ground.

"How about it, are you okay?" Qiye asked lightly.

Xianglin raised her head and looked at Qiye. She knew that this person saved her. She wanted to see what this person looked like. But without glasses, Xianglin looked like frosted everything, and couldn't see Qiye. Look like.

"Sorry, my glasses have fallen out, can you help me find them?" Aroma Phosphorus said embarrassedly.

"Glasses?" Qiyexiang looked around. Not far to his left, there was a reflection on the ground. Qiye walked over and it was the glasses of fragrant phosphorus.

Qiye picked up her eyes, wiped off the dirt on the lens, and handed it to the fragrant phosphorus, saying:


"Thank you." Xianglin thanked him gratefully, put his eyes on, looked at Qiye, and immediately became a nympho.

"So handsome..." Xianglin made a heart shape with his hands, and his two red eyes had turned into the shape of a love heart in an anime.

So handsome, he is so handsome!And his Chakra...It feels dangerous, but it makes people want to get close to him. It's really a charming Chakra...

The corners of Qiye's eyes twitched. He is not a girl who has never met nympho, but he has no interest in those nympho, but Xianglin just...

"Why are you here alone, your teammate?" Qiye asked knowingly.

Xianglin's face darkened, no longer the nymphomaniac, and he whispered: "They are all dead." Although the two teammates of Xianglin have always looked down on Xianglin, and they did not listen to Xianglin's advice. She went to die, but she was also her teammate after all. The kind-hearted Phosphorus was still very sad.

"Oh." Qiye replied indifferently, picking up the four bear paws on the ground and about to turn and leave.

"Please... please wait a minute!" Xianglin suddenly cried out anxiously.

The corners of Qiye's mouth curled up slightly, and when she turned around, her face returned to the indifferent look when she looked at Xianglin.

"what's up?"

"Can...can you...please...please take me in...I don't have a place to go..." Xianglin lowered his head and said very embarrassedly. You said that a stranger saved you, but you haven't repaid. , So I made another request, and this face is a bit thicker.

However, there is really no way for Phosphorus. With her strength, sooner or later, she will still encounter danger. This time she was rescued by Qiye. Next time, she will not be so lucky. In this case, Phosphorus can only ask brazenly. Seven nights.

Qiye looked at Xianglin quietly, and his deep eyes made Xianglin uncomfortable.

"I...I won't drag you down...I have strong perception ability and can help you!" Xianglin said loudly, she knew that her strength was really scum, and only perception ability could be used.

Qiye smiled slightly, turned around, and said, "If you can keep up with me, please try it." After speaking, she ran forward.

Xianglin's heart was excited, and he quickly pulled out his legs to keep up. Qiye's meaning is that if you can keep up with me, I will take you in.

Qiye's speed is very slow for him, but for Xianglin, this is just her limit speed. In order to keep up with Qiye, she can only do her best to catch up. After a while, there are not many Chakras in her body. Just consumed.

Xianglin ran with Qiye for more than ten minutes with all his strength. Both his physical strength and Chakra were exhausted violently, and his feet were empty and his eyes were dark, and he fell directly from the tree.


Xianglin screamed, but fell into a strong embrace the next moment.

"Perseverance is good, girl." Qiye smiled slightly.

Xianglin raised his head, looked at Qiye tiredly, and said, "A girl's faith can penetrate the rock!"

"This sentence is not bad, you will follow me in the future, what is your name?"

"My name is fragrant phosphorus."

"Fragrant phosphorus? Remember, my name is Liudaoqiye."

"Qiya...Qiya...Qiya..." Xianglin, who has excellent memory, said the name of Qiye several times in succession, as if he wanted to remember Qiye's name deeply in his own mind.


In a tree hole in the dead forest...

Sakura knelt on the ground, Sasuke and Naruto lay on one side, and there was no sign of awakening in a short time.

Naruto surpassed the limit of his body and exploded the power of Nine Tails, but in the end he was not the opponent of Oshe Maru. She was sealed by the Five Elements to cut off the power of Naruto and Nine Tails, and Naruto fell into a coma.

Sasuke was imprinted with the curse of the heavens by Osake Maru, and is now being attacked by the dark power of the curse of the heavens. Unless Sasuke can overcome the power of the curse by himself, he will never wake up again, even such a coma. It is impossible to go down, he will die!

Because of the curse seal, Sasuke has been suffering from a high fever. Sakura can only use an ice towel to cool Sasuke, but it has no effect.

Sakura's abilities are too weak, and she has been very tired after taking care of Naruto and Sasuke all night.Sakura has always been hiding behind Naruto and Sasuke, and now she is the worst of the twelve small strong in strength and will.

Kozakura looked up at the sky. The dense branches blocked most of the light. Only a little stream of light between the trees could tell that it was morning.


Suddenly, such a noise came from a small bush behind Sakura.

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