Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 309

"Fire Escape·The Art of Phoenix Fire!"

"Boring, Water Escape·Water Dragon Bomb Art!!"

The huge water dragon that Qiye summoned directly swallowed Sasuke's Phoenix Immortal Fire Art, and slammed into Sasuke in midair.


Sasuke who was hit became a cut-off, a stand-in technique!

Sasuke's body appeared not far behind Qiye, and the cold Ergouyu writing wheel stared at Qiye's back.

"Fire Escape·The Art of Dragon Fire!!!"

"Too weak, Fire Escape·Dragon Fire Art!!!"

The same is the frontal confrontation of Huo Dun. Qiye’s dragon fire technique is obviously a bit bigger than Sasuke’s dragon fire. If Qiye’s dragon is a dragon, then Sasuke’s can only be a dragon head lower than the dragon.

The fire dragon of Nanya directly smashed Sasuke's fire dragon, and rushed towards Uchiha Sasuke.

With a look of horror on Sasuke's face, he suddenly turned his eyes, stretched out his hand and grabbed a figure next to him, blocking him in front of him.

And the one who was caught by Sasuke as a shield...It was Ino!

Because of Qiye’s attack, all nearby trees and grasses were burned out, and the piglet, deer and butterfly trio immediately retreated. They were so immortal that they retreated to the side of Sasuke. In a crisis, Sasuke could not take much care of. Directly caught Ino as a shield.

Ino, who was caught by Sasuke, instantly went from surprise, disbelief to death, the person he always liked, actually used himself as a shield?!Facing the extremely hot huge fire dragon, Ino suddenly felt that his previous act of jealousy with Sakura was so ridiculous.

"Ino!!!" *3!

Shikamaru, Dingji and Sakura exclaimed at the same time, there is only one word that can describe their mood at this time, incredible!

"Damn!!" Shikamaru roared, ignoring whether his strength was Sasuke's opponent, and immediately performed shadow imitation, but the speed of the shadow was still not fast enough!

Seeing that the fire dragon was about to hit Ino's body, the fire dragon's offensive stopped suddenly, and then quickly retreated, and finally all merged into Qiye's palm, and the entire fire dragon was absorbed by Qiye herself.

Nanaya put down her hand, looked at Uchiha Sasuke coldly, and said:

"You scum!"

Chapter 418-Two girls!

Nanaya looked at Sasuke indifferently, and held Ino as her shield. Nanaya couldn't do anything like this, even if Ino wasn't his woman, Nanaya's character was like this.

If it were in the war years, Qiye could only fight for the hegemony of the world by force, but it is absolutely impossible to become a man like Cao Cao who would rather tell me to take the world, and don't let the world take me, because Qiye could not be unfeeling.

Not only Nanaya, but the other people present, except for the three of Otobuki and Naruto who was in a coma, the other people could not find any kindness in their eyes when looking at Sasuke, either contempt or angry. , Or unbelievable.

At this time, Uchiha Sasuke did not notice their gaze at all. Now he is affected by the curse of heaven. The dark emotions of anger, jealousy, and hatred in Sasuke's heart are infinitely amplified. Shame, friendship, etc., have been Throw it aside.

Qiye smiled coldly, and his figure quickly disappeared into the air.

Sasuke's pupils shrank slightly, and Gouyu in his two eyes quickly rotated. His eyes did not see how Qiye moved. Where did the person go?

What kind of play, Qiye uses space ninjutsu, if ordinary writing round eyes can see, the wave of Fengshuimen would not be so powerful.

Nanaya stood behind Sasuke, clasped Sasuke's neck with a cold hand, and said coldly, "Boy, where are you looking?"

Sasuke trembled, Qiye's cold voice and the cold hand on his neck made Sasuke get goose bumps.

Sasuke felt fierce in his heart, and turned an elbow with his right arm and hit Qiye's ribs.

The intercostal space has always been a very painful part of a person's body. A heavy blow on the ribs is enough to make a person lose their combat effectiveness in pain. Of course, it is limited to ordinary people.

Qiye smiled contemptuously, and stretched out her finger to accurately flick Sasuke's elbow joint. With just a click, Sasuke's elbow immediately dislocated.

Nanya's combat experience and physical strength are much stronger than Sasuke's. Even a single flick is enough to kill Sasuke's elbow.

Sasuke's face sank, and he gritted his teeth without screaming, but Nanaya seized the opportunity, pressed one hand on Sasuke's shoulder, twisted, and clicked again. Nanaya gave Sasuke grabbing Ino's left arm. Unloaded.

Sasuke, who had a dislocated shoulder, couldn't use any force. When he loosened his hand, he immediately let go of Ino. Qiya stretched out his hand and hugged Ino, then jumped back and handed Ino to Shikamaru.

"Thanks...thank you."

Nanaya shrugged, teleported behind Sasuke again, kicked him down on Sasuke's calf, then stepped on Sasuke's face without mercy, and said coldly:

"It's so pathetic, Uchiha Sasuke, didn't you just clamor for defeating me? How long has it passed, is it a minute? Huh?"

The joints of both arms of Sasuke were removed by Nanya, and now he couldn't use ninjutsu at all, so he could only let Nanya step on his face.

Qiye took a sip in disdain, provoked Sasuke's body with one kick, and then kicked Sasuke away with a double kick.

"Fragrant phosphorus, let's go."

"Yes, Master Qiye!"


On the way to the Central Tower, Xianglin couldn't help but said: "That Uchiha Sasuke is really shameless, and he actually uses a girl as a shield! It's good if he is dead!"

But Phosphorus personally watched Ino get injured in order to protect Sasuke and Sasuke. Sasuke actually used Ino as a shield. This is a kind of revenge. Phosphorus is now full of contempt and anger towards Sasuke.

Qiye took a look at Xiang Pho with an angry face, and suddenly a mysterious smile appeared on her face.Because Nanaya suddenly remembered that Sasuke was in the original work for revenge, but used a chidori sharp spear to pierce the incense with Sasuke. As a result, incense was still obsessed with Sasuke, but now because of his intervention, the incense actually hates Sasuke. Look like.

In fact, Sasuke's actions were a bit out of Nanya's expectations, but after this incident, Sakura's side is still hard to say, but Ino should have given up on Sasuke, which is good news for Nanya.


When I returned to the central tower, I saw a firework with black long straight hair, with hands on his waist, big white eyes staring at Qiye dissatisfiedly, pouting:

"too slow!"

"I've got a little trouble." Qiye shrugged and said helplessly. He looked for the wild bear for a long time at first, then saved Xianglin, watched another good scene, and finally took Uchiha Sasuke abused him, really wasting a lot of time.

"Huh!" Huahuo snorted softly, and then he glanced at the red-haired girl behind Qiye again, and his eyes suddenly became bad.

"Who is she?"

Qiye looked at the unkind eyes of the fireworks and suddenly the corners of her eyes twitched, and he knew it would be like this...

Qiye handed the four bear paws in her hand to Bai, and then squeezed Huahuo’s small face. Under the gaze that Huahuo was almost eating people, she finally said, “She’s called Xianglin. I saved it on the road Yes, both of her companions are dead, so I took her in."

Huahuo first looked at Xianglin, then looked at Qiye suspiciously, and said, "You didn't kill it, right?"

The corners of Qiye's mouth twitched, how did this tsundere little loli's thinking radiate?

Hinata pulled the fireworks, and said in a somewhat uneasy tone, "Fireworks!"

Hua Huo turned around and looked at his gentle sister, pouting, and said: "Sister, this bad guy is so careless. He brought a girl back as soon as he went out. Why don't you care about him?!"

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