Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 311

Hinata smiled softly, pulled her younger sister to his side, and whispered, "Hanahuo, be here, it's okay."

Big family affection is weak. This rule is exactly the same in which world and family. In the ancient wealthy family like the Hyuga family, it is too extravagant to talk about family affection. The original Qianju and Uchiha were not like this. These three Family affection is really an extremely extravagant item in the most powerful family in the ninja world.

In comparison, some relatively small families have better relationships, such as the three families of Yamanaka, Nara and Akimi.

These three families are naturally much smaller than the Hyuga clan, and even if the three add up, they are not as good as one Hyuga clan, but the three families have good feelings that are well-known in the entire ninja world.

The Golden Triangle of Pig Deer Butterfly does not only refer to the generation of Shikamaru and their parents. In fact, Pig Deer Butterfly is a very ancient combination. It has existed since Konoha was founded, and it has been around for so many years. The clan relationship is still so close, there is no trace of flaws, the three clans are united, even the Hyuga clan cannot be too presumptuous.

Huahuo was in the family of Hyuga. Whether it was facing the family elders or his biological father, Hinata Hizuka, he did not enjoy the joy of family love. Only with this sister who had been away for many years, could Huahuo feel the warmth of being cared for. Although the time to get along is short, Hua Huo prefers to stay with her sister instead of her father.

"Sister..." Hua Huo held Hinata's arm affectionately, clingingly cute.

Hinata looked at the fireworks and smiled helplessly. The three generations looked at the fireworks and the fireworks, but did not speak, which made Hinata so angry that he couldn't send it out.

What a joke, Shui Ying and Hokage didn't speak here. He was just the leader of a family. In front of the two shadows, he had no right to speak. Doesn't he even have the identity to sit now?

After the pharmacist abstained, the pre-selection examination officially began...

The name on the electronic screen was beating quickly, and finally stayed on the names of Uchiha Sasuke and Akasai.

Seeing the name of Uchiha Sasuke, the faces of the girls next to Nanya became gloomy in an instant. The women are very vengeful, and they have not forgotten what Sasuke did.

Xiaoxue looked at them suspiciously, and even Bai showed a look of disgust and anger. She couldn't help but looked at Qiye who was holding her arm, and asked, "What happened?"

Before Qiye spoke, Huahuo immediately jumped out angrily. Wanting to tell the story, Qiye immediately glared at him and said, "Huahuo!"

After being drunk by Qiye, Huahuo immediately closed her mouth, gave Qiye a fierce look, and returned to Hinata's side and stopped talking.

Xiaoxue was even more confused now, Qiye tightened Xiaoxue's waist and said, "It's nothing, it's just a small matter."

Although Xiaoxue was puzzled, she didn't ask any more questions.

Of course, besides them, there are several others who hate Uchiha Sasuke. Shikamaru and Dingji's eyes flashed with anger. Although they have no special feelings for Ino, the three of them are old friends, and so are they. Very good partners, but their partners were actually caught by the people in the same village as a shield. Even Shikamaru and the timid Dinci, who had never been motivated, were really upset.

After getting angry, Shikamaru gave Ino a vague look. In this case, Ino was the most injured and her condition was the most worrying.

Ino’s eyes looked at Sasuke no longer the original obsession and admiration, only indifference and disgust, Sasuke’s behavior has completely broken Ino’s heart, she has given up on Sasuke, and even the friendship between her classmates for many years has disappeared. Up.

Kamaru's reaction made Shikamaru not knowing whether he was happy or worried. He was happy that Ino no longer liked Sasuke and would not be harmed anymore, but he was afraid that Ino would be horny.

Asma also noticed that her three students were a little weird, took a cigarette, and said, "Shikamaru, what's wrong?"

Kamaru glanced at Ino, then lazily held his head and said, "It's okay."

Asma's eyes narrowed slightly. He was not an idiot. He obviously knew that something was going on in it, and it was related to Ino, but he couldn't tell it face-to-face. It seemed that he could only ask Shikamaru after the exam.

"The third pre-selection exam for Ninja Exam, the first one, Sasuke Uchiha VS Akaboji, start!"

Chapter 420-Fight!

"bring it on!"

Moonlight Hayate just announced the start of the first game, the red bronze armor immediately knotted, and a group of chakras condensed on the right hand, while the left hand touched the ninja bag behind the waist, and Sasuke also touched the one on his left leg. Ninja bag.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!!!

The red bronze armor threw a few shurikens at the same time and flew towards Sasuke. Sasuke quickly drew out a kunai, and instantly blocked all those shurikens. The strength of the red bronze armor was very bad. The teenagers were just a forbearance, and the throwing level of the shuriken was average, and Sasuke easily blocked them.

Suddenly, the curse mark on Sasuke's neck flashed a red light, and the severe pain caused by the curse mark caused Sasuke to fall to the ground.

The red bronze armor evaded the shuriken that was blocked by Sasuke, and then rushed to Sasuke's side in an instant, hitting it with a punch.

Sasuke dodged immediately, then stuck Kumo on the ground to stabilize his figure, and then tripped him over the calf of the red bronze armor with his legs, and then, Sasuke firmly grasped the arm of the red bronze armor. The legs also cut the red bronze armor's neck like scissors, and with just a hard effort, the red bronze armor's neck can be twisted.

The red bronze armor that was restrained did not rush, grabbed Sasuke's neckline with his hand, a light blue chakra appeared in his hand, and quickly absorbed Sasuke's chakra.

Qiye raised her eyebrows and said, "Can you absorb Chakra... so boring ability."

The ability of the red copper armor is to absorb the chakra of the opponent through physical contact. This ability seems to be powerful, but in fact it is very tasteless.

On the surface, this ability of the red bronze armor can absorb the opponent's chakras and turn it into its own use. It seems to be very powerful, but the strength of the red bronze armor itself is too weak. It is okay to meet some weaker ones, and meet the strong ones. It is possible that he was slaughtered before he activated this ability, and his ability must touch the opponent. What if he encounters a long-range ninja and prevents him from getting close?

The Hungry Ghost Dao in the six abilities of the reincarnation eye of Qiye also has the ability to absorb chakras, but it is completely different from that of the bronze armor. In addition to absorbing chakras through physical contact, the suction seal of the Hungry Ghost Dao can also directly absorb Ninja And no matter how big the chakras are, they can’t swallow them. Even Jiraiya’s super-large Tamamarumaru and Goemon are eaten cleanly. Nanaya doesn’t believe that the red bronze armor can eat such big chakras. the amount.

Yakumo lay on the railing, resting his cheek with one hand, and said boringly, "It's really a boring ability. Wouldn't this kind of guy just kill him with a single move?"

Kahuo also lay lazily on the railing, apparently bored with the weak strength of the red bronze armor, and said: "That's what I said, but I hope that the red bronze armor will kill the scumbag Sasuke Uchiha."

"Gluck... Sister Huahuo, don't you always tell the truth?"

"Hey, Sister Bai, you have a black belly."



Sasuke, who had been absorbed by the chakra, could hardly even move, and the red copper armor took the opportunity to hit Sasuke's stomach with a backhand and broke free.

What's going on... My power suddenly...

After breaking free of Sasuke's restraint, the red bronze armor rushed towards Sasuke again. Sasuke was shocked and immediately sat up, but immediately caught his head by the red bronze armor, and Chakra kept pouring towards the red bronze armor's hands. go with.

"You give my chakra to..."

"Hehehe..." The red copper armor made a very unpleasant laugh, and said: "I only found out now?"

The red bronze armor continued to absorb Sasuke's Chakra. Seeing that Sasuke's power was about to be absorbed, he suddenly gathered his strength and kicked the red bronze armor away.

The kicked red bronze armor stood up, holding Chakra in his hands again, and grabbed Sasuke.

Sasuke didn't dare to be caught by the hands of the red copper armor, and evaded several times, but because of the large amount of chakra he had absorbed, he was weak and his body was shaking.

Naruto really couldn't stand it anymore, and grabbed the railing with both hands and shouted: "Sasuke! Are you Uchiha Sasuke like this?! Don't let me see such a bad appearance! Hurry up and cheer up!!"

Hearing Naruto's yelling, Sasuke turned around and saw Naruto. At the same time, he also saw Xiao Li next to Naruto. He was taken aback and suddenly seemed to understand something.

"You still have time to pay attention to other places?!" The red bronze armor used his abilities again and charged towards Sasuke. "This is the last blow!!"

Sasuke evaded the attack of the red copper armor continuously, and looked like he was at the end of the crossbow, but Sasuke's face suddenly showed a strange smile.


Sasuke suddenly accelerated and rushed to the bottom of the red bronze armor, supporting the ground with one hand, and kicking directly on the chin of the red bronze armor with one foot, kicking the red bronze armor into the air, and Sasuke also jumped into the air, and The tricks Xiao Li used to him were exactly the same!

Sasuke flew behind the red bronze armor and said coldly: "Next, it is my own move!"

"It's actually Shadow Dance Leaf!"

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