Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 318

Toss naturally couldn't give up. In Otoninari, except for Yakushi's pocket, all the other Otonin's worship of Otomanu went crazy, even if Otomanu asked them to die, they would join together one by one. Going up, they don’t know that they are only Oshemaru's pawns or even discarded ones. Even the masters like the Otonin four are just Oshemaru’s discarded children. Only when Junmaro died, Oshemaru had Some regrets.

For the sake of Lord Oshemaru, I must not lose!

"Ah!!" Toss revealed the loudspeaker device on his right arm and screamed and rushed towards Bai.

Bai always had that beautiful and peaceful smile, and he didn't care about Toss at all. When Toss' attack was in front of him, Bai turned his head slightly and avoided Toss's attack.


Just as Toss was excited about the success of his attack, suddenly a huge force came from his abdomen.


Bai raised his foot and kicked Toss away.

Toss landed on the ground, with cold sweat on his forehead, and one hand covering his painful abdomen. He looked at Bai in shock, and said, "Why is my attack invalid to you?!"

Bai smiled slightly and spread out his palm. There was a small water ball in the palm. The white jade fingers moved. With the movements of her fingers, the small water ball changed shape continuously, turning into a delicate bird for a while, and changing again. It turned into a beautiful butterfly, and then turned into a fresh and beautiful lotus, showing an extremely advanced control technique of Chakra.

"I am a descendant of the Shui Wuyue clan. I can freely control the changes in the water in my body. The sound waves you emit have been absorbed by the water in my body. Your attack is invalid for me. Give up."

Tos gritted his teeth, and eager to prove his worth to Da She Wan, Tos would never give up, enduring the pain in his abdomen and rushed towards Bai again.

Bai didn't want to kill, so she just avoided, occasionally hitting back with one or two moves.

"It's weird, why didn't Sister Bai do her best?" Hua Huo asked suspiciously. It is impossible for her to fail to see it, and Bai didn't mean to really make a move.

"Although Bai is the strongest of the three of us, it is also the most kind-hearted one. Even if it is an enemy, Bai can hardly move a real killing intent, unless it is..."

"Unless it is what? Sister Yakumo, you say!"

"Unless it's my order!" Qiye interrupted suddenly, "White, kill him!"

Bai's eyes flickered, and his aura changed in an instant. The Bai just now was as gentle as water, but now Bai is as cold as ice.


Bai has never doubted or shy away from Qiye's orders. In Bai's eyes, Toss had become a dead person.

The white speed of the real shot exploded, and appeared behind Toss in an instant. The speed of the shadow-level powerhouse was not comparable to that of a forbearance, and Bai's cold little hand easily grabbed Toss's neck.

"Since it's Master Qiye's order, I can only ask you to die, I'm sorry." Bai said coldly to Tos, and then began to seal with one hand.

"Secret Art·The Art of Eclosion!!"

The technique of eclosion, one of the profound meanings of Bing Dun's development to the potential stage, is to evaporate all or part of the water in its body (as needed) by touching the body of another person. If all evaporates, it is a one-shot trick.

Corresponding to the technique of emergence is the technique of crystal formation. The technique of emergence is evaporation, while the technique of crystal formation is condensation. All or part of the water in the body (as required) is instantly frozen by touching the body of another person. The technique combined with the ice coffin made by Lingyue Shuanghua can preserve the corpse for a long time. At the same time, the technique of crystal formation can temporarily freeze a person's life, which can be regarded as a means of preserving life.


Toss scream lasted only for a moment, because just this moment, the water in Toss body had been completely evaporated by Bai's Secret Art. Without water, any life could not be sustained.

Toss's body with a normal skin color has now become dark brown, dry and shriveled, it is almost shriveled than a corpse that has been air-dried for thousands of years, without any vitality.

Bai released his hand, and Tos’s body fell to the ground. His dry body did not have any toughness. With such a light shake, it shattered into four or five large pieces. There are countless small pieces, and there is someone who does it casually. Step on two feet and Toss will completely turn into loess.

"Okay... terrible technique... It turned people into corpses in an instant, and it did that way!" Kakashi looked at the pure angel-like girl in shock. Who would have thought that she The technique would be so terrifying.

"Victory...the victor is...water...water without moon white!"


Bai also won the victory easily, and there are three candidates who have not yet taken the qualifier exam, Huahuo, Ding Ci, and... Gaara!

The current situation is that two of the three are going to have a duel, and the remaining one goes directly to the third exam. The key is, who are the two in this duel, if it is Gaara and Dingci, or Huahuo With Dingci, Nanya doesn't matter. If it is Huahuo and Gaara, Nanya will forcibly stop the test. Even if he throws Konoha's face, he doesn't care. Huahuo cannot be Gaara's opponent.

However, Qiye breathed a sigh of relief in the end, Huahuo VS Dingji.

At first, Dingci’s doubling technique made Huahuo very troublesome, because the body became so huge that the soft fist couldn’t hit Ding’s acupuncture points, but Dingci rolled around and finally hit the wall, and Huahuo took advantage of it. Solved Ding Ci with soft fist.

At this point, the selection examinations before the third exam of Nakanin exams are all over. The candidates who are allowed to take the third exam are Kurama Yakumo from Xuenin Village, Mizuno Tsukishiro and Hinata Hinata, and Sand Waterfall in Shayin Village. Gaara, Temari and Kankuro, Uzumaki Naruto from Konoha Village, Sasuke Uchiha, Shino Yoshino, Shikamaru Nara, and Hinaga Fireworks, a total of 11 people.

The pre-selection exam is over!

Chapter 428-Fight!

"Oh, it's finally over."

After the three generations of nonsense finished, Huahuo stretched out a big lazy waist. With her lively temperament, it is really difficult for her to listen to the three generations of nonsense. After the three generations finished, Huahuo immediately jumped to Qiye. By your side.

"Brother-in-law, celebration dinner."

Qiye rubbed Hua Huo's hair and said with a smile: "You girl really doesn't know how to be polite to me."

"Huh, I'm not being polite to you, how about it?!" Huahuo said with a small mouth, her cute and lovely look really made Qiyeai stun her.

"Well, I'm afraid of you, let's go, Huahuo." Qiye smiled helplessly, and took Huahuo's soft little hand.

Being held by Qiye’s powerful big hand, Huahuo’s small face turned red, and her heart was ashamed and happy. In order to conceal her shame, Hua Huo snorted pretendingly, but did not pull her hand out. .


Huahuo just turned around to leave for the celebration with Qiye, and heard a calm male voice behind him. After hearing this voice, Huahuo's face sank slightly and turned around stiffly, looking at the middle-aged man. the man.


Hyuga Nizu looked at the fireworks and said, "Fireworks, come home with me."

"I..." Huahuo opened her mouth. To tell the truth, she really didn't want to go back. Going back to that huge family, Huahuo was not happy at all. She was bound by so many cumbersome rules. It was boring to see her elders bowing. Boring, endless practice, Hua Huo didn't want to go back to the hell that was dubbed "home" this beautiful title.

Qiye smiled slightly, squeezed Huahuo's little hand, and at the same time, put a little Chakra into Huahuo's body to relieve her tension.

Huahuo turned his head and glanced at Qiye. Qiye’s gentle smile made Huahuo’s little face blush, but a heart settled inexplicably, a pair of big white eyes staring stubbornly at Hyuga Sunfoot, and said:

"I do not want!"

Hyuga Hizu was taken aback. Although he knew that Huahuo had always had a stubborn character, and once he made up his mind, no one could change it, but he never thought that Huahuo would oppose him in front of so many people.

"Hua Huo, come back with me!"

Hyuga Nizu said again, anger already in his tone.

"I don't want it!" Huahuo shook the face of Hyuga Hizuka again, "I don't want to go back! I don't want to go back to that kind of place! Every day there is only practice, and only the benefits and face of the Hyuga family. When are you true? Concerned about me!! I am your daughter, not your tool, Hyuga Nissu!!!"

Qiyeyi looked at the fireworks with a little emotion, took the hand of the fireworks, handed her to Hinata, and then sneered at Hyuga Hizu.

Hinata and Nizu have no affection, so don't worry about this. It seems that the relationship between Huahuo and Hyuga Nizu is not very good, which saves Qiye a lot.

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