Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 320

With Sandai's current body, of course he didn't want to wrestle with Qiye all the time. After separating from Qiye, Sandai immediately began to seal the seal.

"Fire Escape·The Art of Dragon Fire!"

A Class B fire escape came in the hands of the three generations of Hokage, and the three generations spit out a huge fire dragon nearly thirty meters long and flew towards Qiye.

Qiye smiled coldly, her free left hand turned into a steel Garuru head, aimed at the huge fire dragon, and said: "Galluru's Cannon!"

A strong icy air erupted from Qiye’s hands and collided with the third-generation fire dragon, and immediately made a nice sneer. The collision of fire and ice immediately produced a large amount of water vapor, which changed the entire battlefield. It became a white mist.

"Earth Escape·Earth Flow River!"

With a low drink from the three generations, the land under Qiye's feet immediately turned into a mudslide, and it would be a troublesome thing to get involved.

Qiye leaped and jumped into the air, and then locked the figure of the third generation of Hokage, and his hands became the Green Cannon.

"Blast bombardment!!!"

Click and click!!!!!!!

Qiye's two-handed Green machine gun was spinning at high speed, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of shells were launched toward the third generation of Naruto, densely packed with shells covering the sky.

Although the three generations have not seen this kind of thing, it is certain that it is definitely not a good thing.


An extremely simple defensive type of ninjutsu is performed in the hands of three generations. The three generations of ninjutsu doctors have a very deep understanding of each ninjutsu. The earth flow wall erected by the three generations is not particularly tall, but very The generosity.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!!!!!!

Countless shells exploded on the earth flow wall, and the power of each shell was comparable to that of an ordinary detonating talisman. The power of thousands of shells was unexpected for three generations. At this time, he had no space to escape. , Can only continuously export their own chakras to strengthen and thicken the earth flow wall.

Qiye couldn't remember how many cannons he fired. Anyway, when he stopped, the earth flow wall of the third generation and the nearby land were already riddled with holes, and there was no grass.

Qiye smiled coldly, the consumption just now was nothing to him, and his two hands became two huge muzzles again.

"Giant Missile! FIRE!!!"

Four hundred and thirtieth chapter-defeat three generations!

Two huge shells with cute smiles flew towards the third generation.

The power of each burst bombardment shell is only about one detonation talisman, but the power of each giant missile is comparable to that of Daiyu Helix Maru.

The two giant missiles are equivalent to two S-class Dayu spiral pills, and it is impossible for the third generation to carry it with the body. After all, he is the third generation of Hokage, not the third generation of Raikage.

"Tu Dun·Tulong Bomb!"

Three generations of hands flew, and two huge earth dragons roared and bit at the two huge giant missiles.


The two earth dragons roared and directly opened their mouths to swallow the two giant missiles. With a bang, the two earth dragons were directly blown to pieces, but they also consumed most of the power of the explosion.

"Hahahaha, demon blood whip!!!"

Qiye smiled wildly, holding two long whips made of blood in both hands, and drew it towards the third generation. The blood whip exuded a strong smell of blood, which made people shudder.

"Water Escape·Water Flow Whip!"

The third generation of Hokage also used whips to deal with Qiye's whip. The two blue water whips condensed in the hands of the third generation and drew towards the two blood whips of Qiye.

Qiye's strength is stronger than that of the third generation, but the third generation has more combat experience than Qiye. After all, the third generation is already nearly 70 years old, and he must be older than Qiye, and must have experienced more battles in his lifetime.

The two water whips are extremely flexible in the hands of the third generation, as if they have self-consciousness. Instead of contacting Qiye’s powerful demon blood whip head-on, they evade the devil’s blood whip flexibly like a poisonous snake, and then spin around. The demon blood whip of Qiye.

"Lei Dun·Go!"

The powerful thunder and lightning followed the current whip, quickly climbed up the demon blood whip, and then quickly attacked Qiye.

Qiye's gaze dazzled, and immediately cut off the two demon blood whips, then pushed forward with both hands, and sneered: "Night Demon Flying!"

Countless bats flew out of Qiye's hands, flying towards the third generation with a cloud of gray dark energy.

"Huo Dun·Fire Dragon Ball!"

Fire dragons and bats collided in the air, and countless bats were burned by the fire dragon and turned into ashes, but the bats are like endless. As long as the power of the seven nights is not exhausted, the bats will continuously generate energy.

When Qiye and the third generation's tricks were constantly colliding, the third generation gold steel rod suddenly changed back to the monkey demon, and rushed towards Qiye.

Qiye sneered coldly, maintaining the posture of the night demon flying, the chakra on her body suddenly materialized and turned into two chakra hands, grabbing the demon halberd Satan, and slashing towards the demon.


The monkey demon was shocked, and he did not expect Qiye could actually materialize Chakra into Chakra hands, and he had to stop.

The two Chakras grabbed the huge one and slashed at the monkey demon.

The Primordial Demon knew how powerful the weird weapon was. Even after he turned into a gold steel rod, he was severely hit by this weird weapon. Moreover, the weapon was so heavy that it could not be stopped by the power of the Ape Demon alone.

The ape demon with rich combat experience immediately avoided Satan's attack, and Satan smashed to the ground at once.


The sharp air blade slashed the ground, and the heavy Satan shook the entire Konoha. With this blow, Konoha was as if experiencing a magnitude 7 earthquake, and the whole Konoha was shaken three times.

The three generations were shocked, and he did not expect Qiye to have such a trick. His original plan was to drag Qiye from the front, and then cooperate with the monkey demon to defeat Qiye in one fell swoop, but Qiye’s Chakra hands were completely disrupted. Three-generation plan.

The Chakra of Qiye holds the Demon Halberd Satan in his hand, so that the Ape Demon can only parry, and has no power to fight back.

Although Qiye has one mind and two purposes, but at the same time fighting against the three generations and the Ape Demon Silk did not let the wind fall, the demon halberd Satan opened and closed, so that the Ape Demon could not get close to his body. At the same time, the Night Demon in his hand continued to strengthen its flying attack power, gradually The three generations were suppressed.

"Three generations of Hokage, a good plan, only you can use it on me! Drink it!!"

Qiye shouted violently, and the power in his hand suddenly doubled, and instantly swallowed the three generations of fire dragons. At the same time, the two Chakra hands gave up the attack on the ape demon, and delivered Satan to Qiye's hands. , Qiye took advantage of the demon halberd Satan, and then rushed towards the third generation.


The monkey demon roared and turned into a golden steel wand again, and immediately flew into the hands of the third generation.

Three generations were attacked and injured by the Night Demon of Qiye, holding a gold steel rod in his hand to resist, but because of the injury, his reaction was still slow. When he just lifted the gold steel rod, he felt a cold in his neck. It was so fierce. The exaggerated Devil Halberd Satan has been put on his neck.

"You lost, three generations of Hokage."

Qiye smiled coldly, but suddenly felt a cold thing hit the back of his head.

"you lose."

Three generations stood behind Qiye, the golden steel rod was on the back of Qiye's head, and at the same time, the third generation who was caught by Qiye banged and turned into a cloud of white smoke, Ying's clone.

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