Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 326

A huge spiral pill with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared in Qiye's hands, and the high-speed rotating Chakra rolled up a whirlwind, and the powerful force suppressed the firework for a while.

"Okay... what a terrifying Chakra!" Huahuo was shocked. For Huahuo, who is only 12 years old, this super-large jade spiral pill with more power than S grade is a bit too scary.

Qiye clenched her right hand tightly, and the huge Chakra disappeared in her hand silently without any trace.

"How about, Xiaohuahuo?"

"Very strong technique!" Huahuo said simply, this time she didn't have a hard mouth, and then, Huahuo's big eyes suddenly turned and asked: "Brother-in-law, you said before that Helix Maru is the ultimate tolerant of form changes. Surgery, what happens if the nature of chakra is added to the spiral pill?"

The question of fireworks made Qiye stunned for a while, and had to admire this girl again for her cleverness, but she thought of this.

"You are right, this is also the unfinished part of the fourth generation of Hokage. Huahuo, cover your ears."

"Oh." Huahuo didn't know what Qiye was going to do, but he covered her ears obediently.

Qiye walked a few steps forward, about a dozen meters away from the fireworks, his right hand became claws, and the huge wind-attributed chakra condensed and rotated in his hand, and a shuriken-shaped chakra ball was formed in Qiye's hand.

"Wind Escape·Spiral Shuriken!!"


The spiral shuriken uttered an extremely harsh high pitch. If you get too close, you may be killed by piercing the eardrum.

"What a harsh high pitch! What a terrifying Chakra!!" Hua Huo shouted in shock, but her voice was drowned in the powerful chakra whirlwind.

"Huahuo!" Qiye's voice resounded in Huahuo's mind, telepathically, "This is the super S-level uprising developed by Helix Maru and the wind attribute Chakra, Wind Dun·Spiral Shuriken, look carefully!! "

Huahuo didn't know why she suddenly heard Qiye's voice, but her eyes were completely focused on the spiral shuriken in Qiye's hand.

Qiye aimed at a towering giant tree not far away, turned his wrist, and threw the terrifying spiral shuriken in his hand.

"Throw it, throw it out?!!! Impossible!!!" Huahuo was shocked again, she couldn't understand that this kind of chakra's change in nature and form had reached the heaven-defying level of ninjutsu, how could it still attack from a distance?!

The problem is that the spiral shuriken just flew out, and the extremely sharp blade shredded all the blocking trees.


The chakra erupted, and the spiral shuriken turned into a huge chakra whirlwind with a diameter of more than 100 meters. There was a super-strength cyclone blowing inside, and even the outside was greatly devastated. The spiral shuriken blew out with a wind speed of over 12 A super hurricane with a magnitude of violent hurricane destroys all the forests.

For a long time, when the terrifying whirlwind gradually disappeared, Hua Huo only saw the situation at this time, and immediately froze on the spot.

Within 150 meters of the diameter of the spiral shuriken damage center, it has completely turned into a desert. The lush trees are all crushed into powder, there is no vitality, and the surrounding trees with a diameter of 1 km are also Basically, they were all blown down by the wind blowing from the spiral shuriken, as if they had just experienced some catastrophe. If this kind of trick is suddenly thrown out in a crowded place...

Hua Huo dare not continue to imagine it, it is too scary...

Looking at the fireworks, Qiye showed a slight smile on her face.

Chapter 436-Ino Moved!


After completing Helix Maru's training, Qiye returned to Konoha with Huahuo three days in advance.

Qiye, who was boring all by himself, simply wandered on Konoha's street, and walked, his eyes fell on a flower shop on the street, and he walked into the flower shop with a heart move.


As soon as Qiye walked into the flower shop, he heard a crisp female voice. Ino Yamanaka, a blonde with a single ponytail, walked out wearing a pink and purple apron. When she saw Qiye, Ino was stunned.

Qiye was stunned when he saw Ino. In fact, he came into the flower shop to buy a bunch of flowers for Bai, but he didn't expect that he walked into a flower shop and opened it at Ino's house.

"Are you here to buy flowers?" Ino, who didn't know what he was thinking, asked a very different question.

"Otherwise?" Qiye looked at Ino amusedly. Isn't he coming to the flower shop to buy flowers but to eat?

Ino also realized how idiotic his problem was, and his pretty face blushed slightly.

Qiye didn't tease Ino either, she stepped aside and looked at the flowers in the flower shop.In addition to the family ninjas doing tasks to make money, the mountain people also have other industries, mainly flower shops. Konoha's flower shop business is basically done by the mountain people, so the types and quality of the flowers in the mountain flower shop It is also quite good.

"What kind of flowers do you want to pick? Is it for girls, visits to patients, or for other purposes?" Ino walked over and asked. She who runs the flower shop knows all kinds of flower language very well.

"It's for a girl."

"Hey, confession? Then it's better to send seven red roses. Seven roses represent'I secretly love you.' Oh, it's the most suitable for a crush."

"Hehe, you guessed wrong, she is already my girlfriend, and..." Qiye recalled Bai's gentle smile in her mind, and said: "Red roses are not for her." Bai's kind of elegant and fair girl , And the passionate red rose, the temperament does not match.

"Hey, I'm sorry." Ino said embarrassedly.

"It's okay." Qiye smiled, didn't care at all, and continued to choose.


"What happened last time, thank you."

More than a minute later, Ino said suddenly, with a low tone of voice.

Qiye turned her head, looked at Ino pretendingly, and asked, "What happened last time?"

"It was in the dead forest, when I was held hostage by Sasuke Uchiha, thank you for saving me." When it came to the last time, Ino was obviously a little uninterested, and he also appeared when speaking of the name of Sasuke Uchiha. Very indifferent, it seems that she is completely a stranger, which is definitely good news for Qiye.

"Oh, what you said about that time, Sasuke Uchiha was here to trouble me, but later he held you down because of my attack. After all, I have a part of the reason." Nanya didn't say anything. Serious, but it also makes people unable to see any traces of lying.

Ino shook his head and said: "Anyway, you are always my savior. By the way, I haven't asked your name yet. My name is Yamanaka Ino. My hobby is floral art and shopping. My favorite flower is Cosmos." Although Ino is still very immature and a bit nympho, she is definitely not a girl who can't tell the difference between the seriousness and the seriousness. Qiye rescued her. This is a fact.

Qiye smiled slightly and said, "My name is Liudaoqiye, now, since I am your savior, can you give me a discount?"

Ino chuckled and said, "Of course, I will give you a 50% discount no matter what flowers you buy, but only for today."

"Oh, it's a pity, I thought I would be able to buy flowers at a discount in the future." Qiye deliberately made a sigh of shaking his head.

Ino giggled, and the sadness in his heart disappeared a lot.

Qiye chose for a while, and chose pure white tulips.

"Ino, help me wrap a bunch of tulips."

"Okay." Ino said refreshingly, while wrapping flowers, said: "The white tulip language is innocent and pure. The girl you want to give her flowers must be a very pure girl."

"Yes, she is a girl purer than Xue." Qiye said with an extremely gentle expression on her face, smiling slightly.

Seeing the gentle look on Qiye's face, Ino was stunned for a moment. He was a little envious of that girl, how happy it is to be loved and considerate by such a good man.

When Ino was packing flowers, Qiye looked around again, and suddenly fell on the cosmos. After looking at Ino, her heart moved and said, "Ino, help me pack a bunch of cosmos."

"Hey?" Ino looked at Qiye strangely, then laughed, and said, "You don't want me to give you a discount today and just buy more to save some money, right?"

Although she knew that Ino was joking, Qiye followed Ino's words and laughed: "You found all of this. Why don't you give me a discount."

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