Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 328

Bai's eyes gazed at Qiye softly, and said, "As long as Qiye-sama likes it, you can do anything about Bai." Then, Bai put down the flowers in his hand and reached out to untie her clothes. The collar was originally looser. It was half loosened, revealing Bai's swollen chest and the white cover.


Qiye swallowed fiercely. It was not the first time he looked at Bai's body, but every time he was so excited. The pure whiteness really made Qiye love and pity, this pure girl made Qiye extremely incomparable. Love, for fear that the darkness will defile her, but it is full of desire to destroy her.

"It's okay, Bai!" Qiye grabbed Bai's little hand and said, "Don't worry, wait till night, I won't let you wear clothes if you want to, I will definitely give you a very wonderful night. "

"Hmm." Bai nodded lightly, expecting infinitely in his heart.


"What's wrong with Sister Bai today, she seems to be very happy?" Hua Huo looked at Bai who was busy in the kitchen while humming a little song in a puzzled manner.

"I don't know either." Hinata shook her head, why not the same doubt in her heart.

The two of them didn't know, but Xiaoxue, Ling and Bayun, who had already been in a relationship with Qiye, saw something from the happy expression on the white face, looked at each other, and then they both ruthlessly Qiye gave Qiye a glance.

Hinata and Hanahuo were even more puzzled.



Bai finished the shower, still carrying moisture on her body. After drying her body, she put on a white bathrobe and returned to her room. Just opened the door, she saw Qiye already sitting on her bed. Waiting for her.

Bai smiled softly, with a moving blush on his face, and gently sat beside Qiye, leaning his soft body against Qiye's broad chest.

Qiye reached out and hugged Bai's body. Bai's body was very soft, as if it had no bones. No matter how hard Qiye tried, Bai's body could dissolve all his strength, and Qiye's heart was moved by the soft body.

"Master Qiye, I will serve you."

Bai said softly, the deep affection in his tone could not be concealed.

Qiye kissed Bai's profile and said, "Bai is my bride today. I should be here to serve you. Bai, you just have to enjoy it."

Qiye supported Bai's shoulders, gently placed her on the soft bed, and reached out to untie the belt of the bathrobe.

The bathrobe itself is very loose, Qiye pulled the belt, and the bathrobe slipped down Bai's soft and slippery body, and Bai's perfect body was fully displayed in front of Qiye.

Bai's body can't find the slightest flaw. Although she has experienced countless battles and suffered injuries, Bai meticulously treats her wounds every time, so as not to leave any scars on her body. Her heart, Her body, everything was destined to belong to Qiye, how could the defective product be given to Master Qiye?

Qiye lowered her head and kissed Bai's little mouth. At the same time, one hand grasped an elastic snow peak.

Although Bai's breasts are no better than Yakumo and the others, they are delicate and cute. Qiye likes it very much and can hardly put it down.

When Qiye's big hand touched Shang Bai's body, Bai's body trembled, and the eyes of Qiu Shui closed tensely. The strength of the whole body was drained all of a sudden, and the whole body was soft and involuntarily conforming to it. Qiye's touch.

Qiye’s tongue gradually deepened and hooked with Bai Lilac. Although Bai was nervous, he still gently responded to Qiye’s kiss. This kiss and the kiss on weekdays clearly felt different, because today, Bai will be Everything is taught to Qiye.

Qiye stroked Bai's smooth jade body with excitement, and greedily enjoyed the softness and tenderness of Bai's body with her big hands. Soon, Qiye's hands had arrived at Bai Mai's Holy Land.

Qiye's fingers tried several times at the entrance of the Holy Land. The fingers were already covered with water. Experience tells Qiye that it was definitely not the water that hadn't been dried after taking a bath, but that Bai had flowed out by herself. Bai was already wet.

"Bai, you are already wet." Qiye smiled badly.

Bai Qiao’s face is a rose red, this fairy-like girl is so glamorous, her two little hands wrapped her arms around Qiye’s neck, she looked at the man pressing on her with blurred eyes, and took the initiative to separate herself. A pair of slender legs exposed his holy place in front of Qiye, Zhu's lips lightly opened, as if dreaming, and said:

"Master Qiye, I want to..."

Bai took the initiative to send out the invitation, how could Qiye refuse, the giant dragon slowly opened up Bai's tender Holy Land.


The body was invaded by a foreign body, Bai's breathing suddenly became heavy and hurried, and a pair of small hands also tightly grasped Qiye's arms.


With a beautiful cry, Bai also bid farewell to her virgin body forever, and red blood dripped on the white sheets.

Bai's eyes were wet, and he looked at Qiye with a blurred look. Although it hurts underneath, he showed an extremely happy smile and murmured, "Master Qiye, Bai has finally given himself completely to you..."

"Bai, I'm sorry, I kept you waiting for so many years."

"It's okay." Bai shook his head and said: "Bai is willing to wait for Master Qiye for the rest of his life, Master Qiye, please move, Bai can."

"Bai, I said, today you are my bride, I must give you a perfect first night."

For Bai, Qiye would never be impatient, lowered her head and kissed Bai's little mouth, and kneaded Bai's elastic chest with her hands, teasing Bai's lust little by little.

Bai's body fluid secretion was very rich, and soon, under Qiye's teasing, Bai's pain was gradually suppressed, and a lot of slippery fluid flowed out of his body.

"Master Qiye...White...White is itchy..."

Qiye heard this with excitement in her heart, and started to sprint with her arms around her slender waist. The fierce dragon dashed at her soft and delicate body, but her body was like a soft and elastic water bed, no matter how hard Qiye tried. With any strange posture, Bai could perfectly match Qiye's sprint, giving both parties a great pleasure.

At this moment, two pairs of big pure white eyes were outside the door, watching this unfavorable scene in the room...

The owners of these two pairs of eyes are naturally the sisters Hinata and Huahuo. Huahuo has always been weird about what happened today, and it has always been weird, so he pulled his sister over to peep at night.

Hinata couldn't hold back his sister, and she was also very curious, so she came together, but they didn't expect that they saw this scene just when they came to the door of Bai's room.

The twelve-year-old girl also reacted to the relationship between men and women. Seeing the scene of Nanya and Shiro ML, Hinata and Huahuo's body immediately softened and sat slumped at the door of the room, but their eyes seemed to be greatly attracted. Focused on Qiye and Bai's body.

As Qiye and Shiro's movements became more and more fierce, Hinata and Hanahuo's body became hotter and softer, and their little hands couldn't help passing through the already wet Chuanji, stroking that. Shameful place.

After more than an hour...With four whispers, Qiye, Shiro, Hinata, and the fireworks reached their apex at the same time. Qiye shot her own essence into Shiro's body, and Shiro hugged Qiye tightly, enjoying the peak. Yu Yun, Hinata and Huahuo were limp all over, sitting slumped on the ground, eyes dizzy, looking dizzy.

What a lewd night...

Chapter 438-Untitled!

The next day, Qiye and Bai woke up one after another. They looked at each other, and there was a trace of tenderness in their eyes that could melt each other.

Qi Yeqing held Bai's beautiful little face and said obsessively, "Bai, you are so beautiful."

There was a hint of shyness on the little white face, and it was more happiness. He gently pressed his little face to Qiye’s strong chest, and said:

"Master Qiye, Bai loves you so much."

Qiye stretched out his hand and gently squeezed Bai's little butt, and said, "Bai, we have all come to this point. You still call me Qiye-sama? Remember, you will call my husband later."

"Master Qiye, I..."

Qiye interrupted Bai's words and said, "Bai, you never defy my orders."



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