Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 343

You Konoha don't care about Konoha's life or death. Why do we outsiders get involved?Just this sentence can suppress all the words that blame Nanya and Terumi Mei.

Second, this incident is bound to greatly reduce the prestige of the elders, which means that Konoha will have a turmoil in the near future, large or small. The more chaotic Konoha, the more degenerate it is. Implicitly, the benefits are greater.

Third, if Terumi Ming and the others do not take action, the turmoil will last longer, and the losses to both Konoha and Sain will be greater. Now Konoha can’t make a move. The benefits of Terumi Mei and Nanya Taixin come, so it’s strange that Terumi Mei will help if nothing is wrong.

Regardless of the Konoha collapse plan, the only ones that were damaged were Konoha, Shayin, and Otoyin. Wuyin and Xueren shuttled among them. It was so cool to completely protect themselves and profit from this turmoil.


"How about it, are you all right."

Qiye instantaneously appeared beside the girls and asked aloud.

"We are fine, but we are afraid that something will happen to some blonde girl."

Terumi Mei looked at Qiye jokingly, the meaning of the words was self-evident.

Qiye directly chose to ignore Terumi Ming's words gorgeously, this kind of thing Qiye has always been Tai Chi, and it can be delayed for as long as possible.


Within the Four Purple Flame Array...

The Four Purple Flame Array, the enchantment technique developed by the Dashe Maru for the wood industry collapse plan, is jointly performed by the four people of Otonin, and the four powerful four people of Shangnin will jointly display the Four Purple Flame Array, even if it is The shadow-level powerhouse can't break it for a while, it's a very troublesome ninjutsu.

"It seems that going out is not easy."

The third generation of Hokage lowered his head and said in a low tone. Although he has not tried the seal of this enchantment, since it was the Oshe Maru to deal with him, the power is very powerful when you think about it.

"Don't say that, for you, letting them in will divide your god."

Oshemaru said with a smile. For him, even if Konoha’s Shangnin broke in, he has absolute certainty that he can escape and his life is not threatened, but in that case he wants to kill three generations, but he doesn’t. It's possible.

It seemed that there was a tacit understanding between the master and the disciple. Oshemaru and the third generation attacked at the same time, stepping on the tiles and smashing the cracks, and then rushed towards the opponent.

"Ninfa·Tile shuriken technique!"

The three generations quickly formed seals, and the tiles on the roof turned into sharp shurikens and flew towards the Oshemaru.

"too naive!"

Da She Maru said disdainfully, then jumped up and escaped the attack of three generations.

"Shulking Snake Hand!"

Dashewan's tongue turned into a thick viper. The viper was very fast, biting the neck of the third generation with one bite, and the poison was continuously injected into the body of the third generation.

"An attack of this are old, Teacher Sarutobi." Dashemaru said disdainfully, but in his heart he felt sad for the aging of the original Shino.

Of course, a hidden shadow snake hand can't kill three generations of this kind of power in seconds, and the three generations caught by the big snake pill become a pile of mud, soil substitute.

The third generation is known as the Doctor of Ninjutsu, and his best escape techniques are Huo Dun and Tu Dun. The soil clones and soil substitutes of Oshe Maru were taught by the three generations.

Da She Maru retracted his huge tongue and looked at the three generations that had come behind him.

"Earth Escape·Earth Flow River!"

In the third generation of a knot, the roof at the foot of the Oshe Maru immediately turned into earthy mud, and the huge impact rushed the Oshe Maru out.

But Oshemaru is still Oshemaru after all, and the level of ninjutsu is not much worse than at the peak of the three generations. He quickly stabilized his figure on the muddy river, knotted his hands and said: "Is it just these two?"

When the three generations saw the seal of Dashewan, they immediately shouted: "Don't want to succeed! Tudun·Tulong bullet!"

The three generations showed his strength as a doctor of ninjutsu. The speed of Jie Yin was faster than that of Oshemaru, and the first Oshemaru completed the ninjutsu in one step. An earth dragon emerged from the roof, and then continued to spray at the third generation. Mud bomb.

"Fire Dragon Bomb!"

The three generations of handprints changed, and the Earth Dunyin became Huo Dun, spit out a high-temperature fire dragon, mixed with the Earth Dragon bullets, forming a combined ninjutsu, greatly increased in power, and quickly swallowed the body of Oshemaru.

After the attack was successful, the third generation did not have the slightest expression of joy on his face, but said: "Don't do such boring tricks, Oshemaru."

If Dashemaru were so easy to solve, then he wouldn't be the proudest disciple of the three generations.

"It's really amazing." Oshemaru's figure slowly appeared from the roof, "but I was underestimated by you, do you think this level of moves can take my life?"

"You're the same, not likable at all."

"Don't say that. As the saying goes, the more troublesome the student is, the more cute it is, Mr. Sarutobi. The game between us should also end. This is not a class in the ninja school."

"Huh, that's what I said."

Three generations smiled lightly, took off the Hokage Royal robe on his body, revealing the combat attire.

"Have you predicted your death date?"

Da She Maru also tore off the Fengying Imperial God Robe from her body, and confronted the three generations.The powerful aura of the two shadow level powerhouses collided in the air, and the roof couldn't bear it and began to crack like a spider web.

"I won't be merciful because of your old age." Oshemaru smiled coldly.

"It's just what I want. If your ninjutsu is not good, I will send you back to school for a new repair."

"Don't let me down too much!"


At the same time, Sandai and Dashemaru attacked at the same time again.

"The Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!"

Three generations threw out a shuriken, and then quickly turned into a shuriken all over the sky, and flew towards the Oshemaru.

"Psychic Techniques: Reincarnating from the Dirty Earth!"

In order to kill the three generations, Dashemaru finally took out this trump card, and raised two coffins from the ground, and the two coffins were written with the characters "Chapter" and "" respectively, but the third coffin had the same meaning. The spirit failed.

The third coffin should be the fourth generation of Hokage Wave Fengshui Gate, and the soul of Wave Fengshui Gate was swallowed by death because of the ghouls, so the reincarnation of the dirty soil cannot be summoned.

The third one doesn't seem to be called out, forget it...Oshemaru grinned gloomily.

The two coffins slowly opened, and what came out of it were Konoha's first-generation Naruto Senjuma and second-generation Naruto Senjuma.

"Oh, it seems that I came here just right, fortunately I didn't miss the exciting part."

At this time, a playful voice suddenly sounded in the Four Ziyan Array.

Chapter 455-Battle of Naruto!

Qiye led the girls through the Four Purple Flame Array using space ninjutsu. The Battle of Three Naruto can be classified as one of the classic battles of Naruto. How could Qiye miss it? Fortunately, there is no flower too much to solve Shouhe A lot of time, so after the other end was solved, Qiye returned to Konoha just in time to watch the Naruto battle.

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