Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 368

"Bagua Palm·Return to Heaven!"

Qiye released Chakra all over her body, spinning at a high speed, and the absolute defense Huitian passed down by the Hyuga family from generation to generation easily bounced the red kunai thrown away and landed on the ground.

"Grow your eyes!"

Everyone looked in shock at Qiye's white eyes belonging to the Hyuga clan. Red was already out of anger at this time, and his ruby-like beautiful eyes were burning with angry flames.

"Six roads and seven nights! What did you do to fireworks?!"

Qiye reluctantly looked at the angry beauty and said, "What can I do, please, calm down, okay? If I want to transplant white eyes, I dug out Hinata’s eyes nine years ago. I still have to wait until now. It's really a truth to have no brains."


Shikamaru hurriedly grabbed Hong and said in a low voice, "Master Hong, calm down, it's better not to conflict with him now."

Since the last time Sasuke recovered from the mission, Shikamaru probably understood Nanya’s character, was playful, and liked to watch theater. As long as his interests were not involved, he would not take action, but he would definitely get what he wanted. If they don't anger Qiye, there should be no danger, after all, there is still Ino.

"Teacher Hong, I think we should give up this mission."

Shikamaru persuaded in a low voice, since Nanya said that he wanted to get the stars of Hoshinin Village, they would definitely not be able to complete their mission this time, so it would be better to just give up. This is the best way to meet the current situation.

Hong frowned slightly after hearing what Shikamaru said. She was not an idiot, but she was so angry that Qiye lost her mind for a while. After being held by Shikamaru, she has calmed down. She also knows that even if she has her own elite Shangrenzai is useless in front of Qiye. When facing his own irresistible enemies, of course, giving up the mission is the best way.

At this moment, a crossbow arrow tied with a rope suddenly shot into a big tree beside everyone, and then a man with a gas mask stepped on the rope and ran over and fell in front of everyone.

"I am a ninja from Star Ninja Village, who are you?" The tone was quite bad, which made people very uncomfortable.

"Are you a ninja from Star Ninja Village?" Qiye looked at the masked guy and said, "I'm here to get your stars. Please hand them over, otherwise you will get hurt."

"The stars are absolutely impossible to give to you! The peacock magic!"

The star bears a seal, and the chakra on his body materializes, forming behind him a beautiful purple chakra like a peacock on the screen.

Qiye blew a whistle easily, and said, "Is the peacock magic trick? It seems strange, but... so weak..." This kind of trick can also hit the enemy by surprise. Wait until the enemy gets used to the peacock trick. After the attack, this kind of ninjutsu is just a little special, it's no big deal, the strength is really weak.

"You are not allowed to insult Star Ninja Village! Cut!"

The purple chakras turned into sharp chakra blades and slashed towards Qiye.

Qiye jumped back several times in a row, easily avoided the attack of the peacock magic method, and said: "I'll just say your strength is very weak."

"Huh! Are you hiding?!"

"Hey, what a terrible radical technique, forget it, for your weakness, let you fight well, I can defeat you without using my hands or feet."

Qiye smiled disdainfully, and stood there with her arms folded, seemingly really planning to stand there still.

Without hands and feet?How to make a seal without hands, without feet?How to attack, hit with your head, or bite with your teeth?

"Huh! Cut!"

The Xingren snorted coldly, and the Peacock Magic Technique attacked Qiye again.

Qiye smiled coldly, the chakra on his body was surging, and he did not see Qiye Jie Yin. The dark chakra on his body suddenly materialized, and two black chakra dragons flew out of Qiye, biting at the peacock. Magic.

Qiye Chakrasaurus was extremely fierce, biting with big mouth, and directly swallowed all the peacock magic methods, but within a few seconds, the two chakras vomited out all the chakras they swallowed.

"Bah! What a weird chakra, it tastes disgusting!"

Qi Yeyi's face was nauseous, and the mutated Chakra smell affected by the radiation from the stars was too bad.

"The peacock trick! Wings!"

The Shinnin also knew that he was not Qiye's opponent, and Chakra became a pair of wings, flew over the miasma around the village of Shinnin, and fled into the village of Shinnin.

"Damn, do you think you can fly?"

Qiye despised, and the four wings of the Demon King spread out and flew in towards Xingnin Village. Are the stars of Xingnin Village?I'm here!

Chapter 485-Whoops, the sound is good!

If the level of Ninja Village is divided into levels, the five major Ninja Villages are in the third-rate, Yukinin Village and Kakuto’s original village, Takigakura, and Oto-Maru’s Otonin Village are in the third-rate, and Star Ninja Village, Cao Ren Village can only be regarded as inferior.

The scale of Xingnin Village is much smaller than Xuenin Village, and because of its small size, news spread quickly. After Xingninang who was easily defeated by Nanya flew back to Xingnin Village, there would be an enemy attack immediately. , The news of stealing the stars of the Star Ninja Secret Treasure came out, and in a short time, almost the entire Star Ninja village moved.

Qiye flapped the wings of the Demon King, his body completely ignored the poison of the miasma, and soon flew into the Star Ninja Village, watching Star Ninja gradually gathering, his eyes turned into a form of white eyes, the strongest perspective eye will be there. Every Xingren situation is in sight.

All star ninjutsu only uses one kind of ninjutsu, the peacock magic method, just like the people of the Hyuga clan can only use soft fist, the attainments in the peacock magic method determine the full strength of a star ninja.

Of course, the stronger the peacock magic method, the shorter the life span.

The stronger the peacock magic method, the longer the cultivation time, the more the meteorite radiation is received, the more exaggerated the body's mutation, and most of these mutations are unfavorable mutations.

Although you may often see reports of deformities in newspapers, what if you divide this number by the global population of seven billion?This probability is quite low, and the probability of favorable mutation is much lower than that.

Natural selection is a very long stage. The most basic unit is 10,000 years, hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years, or even tens of millions of years. In just a few decades, the radiation of meteorites will produce beneficial effects. Genetic mutation, this probability is lower than the probability of winning the first prize in a lottery ticket.

Under Qiye’s white eyes, all Xingren’s physical conditions were invisible in front of him, and each Xingren’s body was more or less mutated, and all of them were detrimental to the body. Shorten life.

The average human cell division cycle is 2.4 years. Cells can divide 50 times and then decay. According to this figure, the limit life span of human beings is about 120 years old. Therefore, there are many reports of long-lived elderly people who live around 120 years old. Because of genetic mutations, people in Ninja Village cannot live longer than 60 years old no matter what, most of them will die in their 40s, purely short-lived ghosts.

Qiye gently fanned the purple-black Demon King's wings and floated in mid-air, staring at the stars below with a slight smile, but the eyes were still as flat as water, without any meaning of smiling, it was purely a smile. .

"Everyone in Star Ninja Village, my purpose this time is for your stars. If you are willing to take the initiative to hand it over, you don't need to die."

For Qiye, the Star Shinobi would certainly not agree. For them, the stars are the treasure of the Star Shinobi Village and the source of their power. How could it be given to outsiders.

"You go and notify the agent Xingying, we are here to block the enemy!" Xing Renang shouted at one of his companions, and then faced Qiye and assumed a fighting posture.

The Konoha people who followed Qiye into Xingren Village, heard Ang's words and suddenly showed a puzzled expression, Xingying?

"Teacher Hong, isn't the name that only the leader of the five ninja villages can have? What's the matter with that acting star shadow?" Ino asked Hong suspiciously. After all, Hong is the leader of the team and has the most experience here.

"This...I don't know." Hong's face is also very puzzled. Although she is quite knowledgeable, Xingnin Village is too small after all. For such a small village, Hong has only heard the name before. I came to perform the mission this time. If there is no map, Hong might not be able to find it here. Hong has never heard of any star shadow.

After hearing Ino’s words, Ang, a passionate young man from Star Ninja Village, suddenly said loudly, “That’s not the case! We didn’t lose to you. Although we are still very young, sooner or later the five major Ninja villages will go hand in hand and become a real star!”


After Qiye heard Ang's words, he sneered with disdain. Ang heard Qiye's laughter and felt angry in his heart. Before he could say anything, he felt a cold and biting chill on his neck.

"Hey~~ I dare to be distracted when fighting. The quality of the ninjas in Star Ninja Village is really terrible. At this level, dare you say anything about keeping up with the five major Ninja villages, little guy, you should look at your brain ."

Qiye's Kuwu stood on Ang's neck, sarcastically.


The surrounding Xing Ren was shocked, when did this person come here.

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