Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 379


"Haha! Red, I'm going back, don't you give me a goodnight kiss?"

Hong Weiwei gave Qiye a glance, but still obediently closed a pair of eyes, her small mouth pouted slightly, waiting for Qiye's kiss.

After a kiss that made Hong feel the sky spinning, Hong panted violently, and at this moment, he heard an incredible voice.

"Red, you guys..."

"Asma, why are you here?"

"Sarutobi Asma."

Chapter 495-You lose!

Red is a famous beauty in Konoha, and it's not like the head of red in Konoha, there are long lines of admirers, and Sarutobi Asma is one of them.

Asma has been pursuing Red for two months, but Red has no feeling for Asma. Although Asma is very enthusiastic and considerate, it doesn’t feel like I don’t feel it, no matter what Asma does. Use, and Hong doesn't like big beards, and even less the smell of smoke.

After Asma’s original tenth class and Red’s eighth class were combined into one class, Asma lost the position of teacher, which could save a lot of time.

For ninjas, the biggest source of income is naturally receiving tasks. During the time when Shangren became the leader of the team, the chances and time for receiving tasks were naturally reduced a lot. In addition, there was originally a Ding Ci With the existence of the stomach king, Asma was basically struggling to make ends meet when she was a leading teacher.

After dismissing the post of leading teacher, Asma has more time to pick up the task, plus there is no more time to consume his wallet, Asma also recently saved a small amount of money. A sum of money, of course, is the funds used to pursue red.

And after the two classes are combined into one, there is also an advantage. Asma can also use the excuse to look at his previous students and find opportunities to approach Hong. Although Hong is not lukewarm to Asma at present, Asma is still very enthusiastic.

Today Asma just came back from the mission, took a shower, put on clean clothes and came to find Hong. He knew Hong liked to drink. Asma planned to invite Hong to drink today, but it was too late, Hong had already It's impossible to belong to him at all.

Asma did not expect that he came to invite Hong to drink, and he saw such a scene when he first came to Hong’s door. The goddess in his heart kissed a man with emotion, and Asma’s heart was broken. Up.

Qiye hugged the red soft and slender waist, let the woman lean against him, with a cold smile on her mouth, looking at Asma, a slight killing intent flashed in her eyes, but she managed to endure it. .

Of course Qiye really wanted to kill Asma, nothing else, because in the original book, this short-lived beard actually made Hong carry his child. Just about that, Qiye will kill Asma, but now Not yet. If Qiye kills Asma directly here, it doesn’t matter what Konoha will react. However, the seven nights in Ino will not be so good. For the sake of an Asma, if you get between yourself and Ino It's not worth it.

To kill Asma, the best way is to let Hiduan kill Asma as in the original book. In that case, it is Konoha and Akatsuki's business, and it has nothing to do with Qiye.

"Red, you and him..."

Asma looked at her face flushed in shock, and did not notice when the cigarette in her mouth dropped.

Qiye's gaze turned into a blade, and she looked at Asma coldly. The evil and magical nature that had been suppressed in her body spewed out in an instant, and said without emotion: "Sarutobi Asma, pay attention to your name, red Now it’s my girlfriend. If you don’t want to die, just get out of here!"

Asma didn’t speak, because he couldn’t speak at all. Qiye’s momentum was really terrifying. Originally, Qiye’s strength was the level that completely crushed Asma. In addition, the previous move destroyed the bear country. But killing a lot of people, that murderous aura is also quite terrifying.

Hong Wei sighed slightly, leaned her head on Qiye’s shoulder, looked at Asma indifferently, and said: "Qiyae is right, I have already dated him, Asma, you Let's go."

Hong doesn't want Asma to stay here, otherwise Qiye, a moody, brutal and violent guy, might slaughter Asma with a single knife. It would be good to slaughter Asma with a single knife. If it was tortured the Red Star like the Star Ninja Village. That way, it can only be regarded as unlucky for Asma, after all, although Red has no feelings for Asma, in the end they are all Konoha's ninjas.

Asma took a few deep breaths, then looked at Qiye, and said, "I want to fight you."

Hong Xin was surprised, and was about to open her mouth to stop, but Qiye had already agreed.

"No problem, I would also like to see what the sons of the three generations of Hokage are capable of. Could it be the tiger father who gave birth to the dog?"

Qiye smiled coldly, you have a big beard, less proud!

Asma snorted and said, "Exercise Field No. 7!" After speaking, she dashed away.


Hong held Qiye and said, "Don't be like this, it's unnecessary."

"What's wrong, are you worried?"

Hong seemed to be afraid that Qiye would misunderstand him, and said anxiously: "You believe me, Qiye, I don't like Asma, but he and I are Konoha's ninjas. I don't want you to kill him."

Qiye kissed Hong's little mouth and said, "Don't worry, I won't kill him, but this is a men's war. You can't escape it, Hong, you must trust your man."

Hearing that Qiye didn't misunderstand herself, Hong Xin breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing Qiye's words, her cheeks were flying and she gave him a white look, and said, "Asshole, you are not my man!"

"Anyway, isn't it a matter of time? Hong, are you suggesting something to me?"


Hong was speechless again, she really doubted when she would be pissed off by this bastard.


Exercise Field No. 7...

Hong stood on the sidelines, and Qiye and Asma stood on the court. This kind of scene has appeared in any novels, TV series, and movies. It is a very old-fashioned but classic scene.It's just that the ending this time has been doomed from the beginning, whether the two sides are really at the same level of strength.

"Now, let you take action first, Sarutobi Asma, it's my sympathy for the weak." Qiye said casually, with one hand in her waist, without taking Asma to her heart.

Asma's heart burned with jealousy and anger, and took out her own weapons, Chakra Knife, Feiyan!

Asma’s Chakra Knife is considered to be a pretty good endurance tool in the Naruto World. Although the Chakra Knife is not as famous as the Seven Swords in the Fog, nor is it as mysterious as the six magical weapons of the Gold and Silver Brothers, it is even more impossible to interact with The Kusanaru sword is comparable to the artifact, but the Chakra sword is quite powerful.

Chakra knives are made of very rare metal, which can be attached to chakras almost perfectly. Compared with other weapons, there is almost no loss of chakras, and it can strengthen the power of chakras, and the metal itself It is also quite hard, with low density and good mechanical density. It is a perfect material for making weapons, but because it is too scarce, ordinary ninjas simply cannot use it.

"Spike-toothed cone!"

Asma roared, the chakra blade formed an extremely sharp and thin chakra wind blade, and slashed towards Qiye.

Fengyun Chakra is attached to Feiyan, forming a sharp wind blade that can easily cut through rocks, not to mention the human body.

Qiye smiled coldly, the eternal kaleidoscope writing round eyes opened, Asma's speed under these eyes was completely a child's trick, Qiye stepped a few times, just a few small movements, and then avoided. Sma's series of powerful attacks.

Asma is a comprehensive upper ninja who is good at physique and ninjutsu. His strength is quite good. After discovering that her physique is completely ineffective, she immediately stepped back a few meters and threw the Chakra knife upwards, making her hands seal.

"Fire escape · Ashes burn!"

Asma caught the Chakra knife that had fallen from the air, and at the same time, thick gray smoke came out of her mouth, covering Qiye's body.

The soot that Asma bit off with a bang, the soot immediately erupted into a high-temperature flame, burning Qiye's body.

"Oh, it's so boring ninjutsu."

The faint voice of Qiye pierced through the flames, and Hong who was on the side was relieved. Then, Qiye's voice came from the flame again.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The incomparable repulsive force erupted from Qiye's body, and the huge force destroyed it. All the flames and air were immediately repelled to the surrounding area, and the place where Qiye was located suddenly became a vacuum.

Qiye had no interest in playing games with the bearded dead smoker. The speed exploded in an instant, and a white mark appeared in the air, like a white mark left after a supersonic plane flew over.


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