Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 386

Gaara changed his face and said, "Be careful, that is the strongest technique of the three generations of Fengying! Sand iron!"

"Big husband~Big husband~~" Qiye said with a smile, eyes full of interest and playfulness, and said: "This is what I'm waiting for!"

What Qiye is waiting for is the strongest ninjutsu of the third generation Fengying, known as the strongest Fengying, Sand Iron.Sand Iron is the third generation of Fengying based on the previous one-tailed force of sand ninjutsu, plus its own special magnetic chakra, and then developed the ultimate ninjutsu.

Sand iron can be arbitrarily changed into various forms to attack or defend, and it is called the most terrifying weapon of sand hidden.Sand iron can also invade the puppets, no matter how strong the puppet is, if it is invaded by sand iron, it will be paralyzed instantly. It is like writing a wheel eye is a nightmare for the phantom ninja, sand iron is the nightmare of the puppet master, except There are almost no puppet masters in other villages except Shayin Village. Three generations of Fengying is one of the reasons.

The three generations of Fengying’s Chaklali contained magnetism, which could ignore most of the weapons in the Ninja world, and the red sand scorpion mixed its own poison in the sand iron, making the sand iron deadly even if it was just rubbed.

"Sand iron when it rains!"

The red sand scorpion uttered a low drink, and the sand iron condensed into sand iron bullets the size of raindrops, and then flew towards Qiye at super high speed like rain.

Sand iron is more destructive and defensive than Gaara's sand, but because the density of sand iron is higher than sand, it takes more chakras to maintain this attack.

Qiye pushed her hands in front of her, a simple and heavy luster appeared in her hands.

"Yellow Dragon Shield!"

A shield about two meters high appeared in front of Qiye. The shield was as thin as paper and completely blocked the attack of Shayin’s strongest weapon. The sand iron Shiyu left no trace on the shield made by Huanglong Mine. .

"It's surprisingly hard. If it can be lighter, it's a good material for making puppets." The Scorpion of Red Sand looked at the almost transparent shield in front of Qiye and said in admiration.

The main materials for making puppets are wood and bamboo. Because they are relatively light, they are all controlled with chakra threads. If the puppets are too heavy, they cannot be lifted by a few chakra threads.

Although Huanglong Mine has the density of an artifact level, even the S-level Profound meaning can't hurt the slightest, but the density is really exaggerated. Even with the strength of Qiye, there is no way to use Huanglong Mine at will. Even if it is a shadow-level powerhouse, take it. In the Huanglong Mine, the speed will be extremely low. If it is used to make a puppet, it should be a defensive puppet, but if it is attacked, it is completely self-defeating. It is necessary to rely on the Chakra line to lift the yellow dragon. Mine is simply impossible.

In a puppet, most of the metal is only used for weapons, and the main body of the puppet is still wood, because the density of the metal is too high.

In comparison, the most suitable material for this ninja world to build puppets should be Junmaro's bones. The hardness is far beyond ordinary stainless steel, which is comparable to Gaara's hardest absolute defense guard crane shield, and The density is also very small, even smaller than wood. If used to make puppets, the puppet division team in Shayin Village might be able to sweep the Ninja World.

"So how about this? Sand and iron knot attack!"

The sand iron formed a sharp tetrahedron and a rectangular parallelepiped under the control of the scorpion, and at the same time fell down towards Qiye from above.

"Stop kidding! Beastmaster Fist!!"

Qiye's hands emitted a powerful lion-shaped energy wave, and the huge power blasted the two sand-iron knots all at once, and then her hands were sealed.

"Fire escape, extinguish the fire!!"

Qiye’s chest was bulging. This time, the fire-attribute chakras gathered were extremely large. With one mouth, a huge fireball with a diameter of nearly fifty meters flew towards the scorpion, and Qiye hadn’t yet, with five fingers forming claws, cyan. The Chakra Typhoon is condensed in his hands.

"Wind Escape·Spiral Shuriken!"

The super S-class wind escape was poured with a large bucket of gasoline during the extinguishing of the fire. The red flame became bright white due to the super high temperature, and the air was distorted. Sand and sand iron were all melted by the high temperature. In the liquid state, the scorching temperature caused everyone except Qiye to step back a few steps.

When the flame disappeared, Dedara and the Scorpion were no longer visible.


"No, let them run away."

Qiye shook his head and said, Scorpion and Dedala were running fast enough.

At this time, Deidara's voice came from a distance: "Damn it! I left you a gift this time! Art is an explosion! Drink!!!"


The sound of the explosion sounded from Shayin Village. The four people were shocked at the same time, and immediately turned around and saw thick smoke rising from Shayin Village. The scope of the explosion was not large, but the thick smoke was purple and poisonous. !


Sain Hospital...

The bombs that Deidara planted were not many, only more than 20 people were injured, but they contained the poisonous smoke bombs of the Red Sand Scorpion. In total, nearly 100 people were poisoned. The medical ninja in the hidden village is completely helpless.

Qiye leaned against the wall, frowning, to be honest, he had a certain responsibility for this matter, if he hadn't just been playing around and hadn't noticed the bombs planted by Dedara and Scorpion.

That said, but Gaara and the others didn't mean to blame Qiye. After all, it was an invasion of two shadow ranks. Anyone's attention would be attracted by them, and who would notice that a bomb was actually planted underground.

"Tell the medical ninja to hold on first, and I will find someone to help."

Qiye said something, and immediately walked away and left Shayin Hospital. He said to find someone for help. As for who to find, it's very simple.

Chapter 504-Dawn!

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind about saving lives is Tsunade. Tsunade is the number one medical master in the ninja world. It's okay to find her for saving lives.

The poison of the Red Sand Scorpion is very troublesome, and ordinary medical ninjas can't solve it at all. There is no doubt that they will die after three days. In the entire Ninja World, except for the Red Sand Scorpion, there are very few people who can solve this poison.

When Nanaya appeared, Tsunade was drinking in the tavern, and she was taken aback when she saw the sudden appearance of Nanaya. Before Tsunade could say anything, Nanaya immediately grabbed Tsunade and Silent's hands and said:

"Don't ask! I'm looking for you to save people!"

After finishing speaking, a Flying Thunder God rushed back to Shayin Village immediately. Before Tsunade could ask a question, another Flying Thunder God flashed, and he went to the Snow Country to pick up Shiro.

"Hey, kid, what the hell did you get me here suddenly?"

"Wait a minute, I'll be right back!"

Nanaya didn't answer Tsunade's question, and a god of thunder flashed again. This time he appeared in the Hokage office. In the office, Kosakura and Jirai were also taken aback when they saw the sudden appearance of Nanaya.

"What's wrong, what happened?"

Jilai asked seriously, but he knew this guy. If it wasn't for something serious, he would definitely not know which beauty he was sleeping with.

"Well, Akatsuki started to act."

"What? Is Akatsuki already acting?"

"Yes, Iwain Rebellion Ninja Deidara and Shain Rebellion Ninja Red Sand Scorpion went to Sarin to capture a man Zhu Li Gaara, but I was beaten away by Gaara, but many villagers were caught After the poison of the red sand scorpion, Sakura I will take it away first."

After speaking, she took Sakura and returned to Shayin Village.

Senju Tsunade, Mizuki Shiro, Haruno Sakura, and Kato Silent, these four are probably the greatest medical ninjas in the ninja world, and of course Tsunade is the strongest. Even today, she is still sitting still. The first medical ninja in the ninja world, Bai second, with Bing Dun, she has a unique talent as a medical ninja. Sakura is similar to Silent. In comparison, Sakura is more talented and has been mastered at a young age. After Tsunade’s secret technique Yin Seal, Silent is more experienced. Following Tsunade for so many years, Silent has taught him a lot of experience and heard many weird cases. This is not something talent can make up for.

Faced with nearly a hundred villagers who were poisoned, Tsunade couldn't help becoming serious. The original two braids were tied into one, which looked even more heroic, and the sleeves were rolled up, revealing that two were not her at all. Older people should have white tender arms.

"White! Use your ice escape to seal everyone's toxicity, Sakura, Mute, you go to help the poisoned people perform operations to strip out the toxicity from their bodies, you two! Give me the analysis of the poison's ingredients , And also, give me a list of medicinal materials in Shayin Village! Go now!"

"Yes!" *N

Princess Tsunade's aura is full, and the demeanor of one of the three ninjas is fully revealed. Even Gaara, the wind shadow, can't help but be captured by Tsunade's powerful aura.

"Bing Dun·Ningxue Secret Realm!"

With a pinch of Bai Yu's hand, for an instant, Bai's body seemed to be surrounded by shallow white icy air. Bai's whole body seemed to have become a queen of ice and snow. The white icy air quickly spread out, and all the poisoned people Are shrouded in it.Bai's control of the ice has almost reached the peak of the surname Shui Wuyue. The temperature is controlled very well, which can effectively suppress the onset of toxicity without frostbiting or freezing those people.

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