Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 402

There was a loud roar above his head. As soon as he raised his head, he saw the three generations wielding the heavy diamond rod and smashed it against Qiye's head, obviously intending to capture the thief first.

Qiye raised the Uchiha group fan and took a heavy blow from the third generation. The fan in Qiye's hand was actually a ten-fist sword. Of course, the diamond rod that blocked the third generation was not a problem.

"Little monkey, you are really far behind the pillars."

"Huh! Maybe I am indeed inferior to the original Mehokage-sama, but I swear in the name of the third generation Mehukage that I will kill you here today!"

"Speaking big is a skill." Qiye said lightly, and then began to Jieyin, "Huo Dun·Longyan Singing Art!"

Several huge fire dragons flew out from behind Qiye at the same time, aiming directly at the third generation of Hokage.

"One-handed seal! Oops!"

The three generations retreated immediately and waved the diamond stick to smash the fire dragon, but they were still swept by a fire dragon, and only half of their hair was swept away.

"Little monkey, are you okay."

"It's okay, Mito-sama."

Although the appearance of the three generations of Hokage being burned by half of their hair is ridiculous, no one can laugh, it is really a powerful fire escape.

"Little monkey, you try to consume the power of the nine tails, I will find a chance to seal it." Uzumaki Mito said aloud, the power of the tail beast is too strong, and if you want to seal it, you must first weaken the power of the tail beast. This is especially true for the strong-tailed beast Nine Tails.

"Understood, Mito-sama."

Three generations of Naruto said, he also knows the troubles of Kyuubi, there are Kyuubi, and ordinary ninjas can't get close at all. Ordinary ninjutsu attacks are gone when Kyuubi roars, and "Uchiha Madara" sits on the head of Kyuubi. Above, at such a high place, there is no way to take advantage of it in the air. Konoha can fly.

"Secret Technique·Blast Bomb!"

Several ninjas from the Yugirl clan gathered into a small group, and at the same time they used family secret techniques, and one of them was Yugirlzhiwei.

The densely packed insects formed a black shadow, pressing towards the nine tails. The nine tailed chakras kept burning, burning countless insects to death, but the number was too much, and some of the insects flew to the nine tails. Body, and then...


Those bugs all blew themselves up. Although they weren't very powerful, they were surprisingly large in number. The series of explosions made Kyuubi feel confused.

"A bug? It's really troublesome."

Qiye smiled coldly, the kaleidoscope writing wheel in his eyes turned, and the black Suzano was summoned by Qiye. The black Suzano was turned into an extremely strong armor, which was worn on Kyuubi's body, making Jiu The tail became more hideous and terrifying.


The strength of Nine Tails in the armor of Susano’s man on the ship also rose straight, and roared wildly, rushing towards Konoha. Every step of the nine tails, it seemed to cause a huge earthquake, and a huge monster attacked Konoha. .

Nine Tails!!!

Chapter 521-You are really interested too!

"Suzano turned into an armor to wear on Kyuubi?!"

Uzumaki Mito exclaimed in surprise, how could she not recognize Uchiha Madara’s powerful ninjutsu as the wife of Senjujuma, Susano, who can cut everything with a single knife, and is powerful enough to rival the tail beast. The hand post has once commented on Madara's Susano.

"In the past, even the armor of my Susano was shattered, and Kyuubi was out of my control. I don't know what you should do, Mito?"

"Little monkey, that is the unique pupil technique of kaleidoscope writing round eyes, Susano, even S-rank ninjutsu has no effect!"

"So strong!"

Ninjutsu, wearing Susano's male armor, ordinary S-rank ninjutsu is useless, illusion, using illusion in front of the eternal kaleidoscope, brain damage?It seems that it can only be hit with physical skills.

"Three generations of adults, let me come."

From behind three generations came out a man wearing blue tight-fitting exercise clothes, his muscles seemed to explode at any time, with two eyebrows thicker than a caterpillar.

Three generations nodded and said, "Be careful, Lan."

This man with thick eyebrows is one of the blue beasts of Konoha's eight colors, iron-blood blue, Konoha's number one physique master, and the entire Hyuga clan's respected super master physique can be opened at will. Eight gate Dunjia's first seven gates, open the eighth dead gate in a short time, and will not die. The lunatic who once fought against the third-generation Raikage, known as the strongest in history, regardless of victory or defeat.

In this situation, ninjutsu has no effect, illusion can not be used, can only rely on the super physical ninja like iron blood blue.

"Ah!!! The Eight Doors Dunjia!!! Open the door, close the door, live the door, hurt the door, the door, and the king door!! Six doors open together!!!"

The iron blood blue rushed through the first six doors of the eight-door Dunjia in an instant. The iron blood blue itself has quasi-shadow strength, and the chakra volume is huge. When he rushes through the six doors, the iron blood blue chakra volume suddenly soars to the end. The level of the beast.


With a roar of Iron Blood Blue, he once again increased his strength, and turned into a streamer to rush towards "Uchiha Madara", faster than Raikage's Thunder God Armor and Hafeng Mizuno's Thunder God's art. .

The physique ninja is mainly divided into two types: soft fist and hard fist, and the fist ninja can also be divided into two types. Tsunade is the power type, and the iron blood blue is the speed type.

The speed of the iron blood blue was like an explosion, and it rushed to Qiye in an instant, and a casserole-sized fist slammed into the "Uchiha Madara".


Iron and blood blue hit Kyuubi's head with a punch, and Kyuubi couldn't help but bow his head because of the tremendous power, but with the protection of Susano's male armor, there was no injury.

"Quite decent speed, but it's useless under my eyes." Qiye's indifferent voice sounded behind the iron blood blue, and a punch to the iron blood blue heart.

"Ah!! Konoha Gangli Whirlwind!!!"

The iron-blooded blue monster screamed, his body rotated, and a powerful whirling kick hit Qiye's head.

Qiye raised his arm to block Iron Blood Blue's round kick, and at the same time carved his own space coordinates onto Iron Blood Blue's body. With a bang, the strength of Iron Blood Blue kicked Qiye away, but soon stabilized. Shaped, shook his hand, and said:

"Yes, I can kick my arm numb with a kick. You are the first one besides the pillar."

In fact, Jagged Blue was also very surprised. His physical strength was almost abnormal. It was easy to kick and break someone's arm when he opened six doors, but "Uchiha Madara" was just his arm numb.

"Wind Escape·Big Breakthrough!"

The gusty wind howled, and the huge storm blew towards the iron blood blue.

The iron blood blue flew past, and instantly rushed to Qiye to swing his fist at super high speed.

"Towards the Peacock!!!"

The iron-blood blue speeding boxing rubs against the air, creating a fiery flame. The flame and the shock wave of the fist form a powerful flame bomb. Countless flame bombs are scattered, as beautiful as a peacock, but with great power.

"Cut, Yan Dun·Add life!"

Qiye snorted coldly, and the black flame burned in front of him. Under the control of the kaleidoscope writing wheel, it turned into an extremely powerful shield, blocking the front of Qiye, and the iron and blood blue moves hit the Amaterasu shield, the flame All were swallowed by the strong flame Amaterasu, but the explosion wave caused Qiye's body to fall continuously.


Qiye's body fell to the ground fiercely, and countless flame bombs swallowed his body and exploded with power as powerful as a volcanic eruption.


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