Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 411

"I give each of you three chances to avenge me, as long as you..." Qiye thought for a while, fluffed up her hair, and said: "For your strength, as long as you can cut my one. Even if your hair is successful, if you succeed, I can not only let you go, but I can also bring back all the dead Konoha and Loulan."


Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Nine—The Conditions of Seven Nights!

"Isn't what I said clearly enough? I just said that if you can cut one of my hair, I will help you resurrect the dead Konoha and Loulan. Did you understand, two old ladies."

Kushina, Mikoto, and Sara listened to Qiye's words in a daze, and the immediate reaction was to disbelieve it. After all, it is unbelievable that people will be resurrected after death, and Kushina thinks a little more. Kushina stayed with Uzumaki Mito for a very long time, and he also knew a lot of secrets. Forbidden arts in life, especially the resurrection of the dead, definitely have to pay a considerable price. Resurrecting so many people , I don’t know how many sacrifices are needed, this kind of thing Kushina can’t do.

"It seems that you don't really believe it." Qiye patted his head, and brought everyone out of the space of supernatural power, and appeared beside the bodies of three generations of Raikage and Ai. At this time, a large number of Yun Ren rushed towards this side. Come.

"Oh, Yun Ren, I'm so sorry to you, I have to ask you to die."

Qiye said with a smile, then raised his right hand, the wind-attributed Chakra continued to spin and compress in his hand.

"Wind Escape Profound Meaning·Super Jade Spiral Shuriken!"


The super-large jade spiral shuriken in Qiye's hand flew out, aiming at a kind of Yun Ren who came here. The huge Chakra brought an extremely powerful wind pressure, so that Kushina and the others felt a short breath.

The fastest running Yun Ren suddenly saw the high-density Chakra ball visible to the naked eye, and was shocked, and immediately shouted: "Hurry up and get away!!"

There were hundreds of people in the team that Yun Ren rushed out. Because he was worried about the three generations of Raikage, the speed was mentioned as the fastest. Where it is so simple, you can dodge. The people behind don’t know what happened, so they continue to rush forward. , Immediately collided with Yun Ren in front, chaos, and Qiye's super large jade spiral shuriken arrived at this time.

Qiye moved his five fingers, with a faint smile on his face, and said, "Explode."


The super-large jade spiral shuriken exploded, making a sharp and super high pitch. The range of an ordinary spiral shuriken was 100 meters after the explosion, and the explosion range of the super-large jade spiral shuriken was close to one kilometer. No Yun Ren could Escape.

The sharp wind attribute chakras, after the ultimate chakra shape changes, become countless chakra knives that are invisible to the naked eye. All the meridians and nerves in the human body are chopped up, even if there is a probability of less than 1% Fortunately not to die, but also destined to become disabled.

When the wind disappeared, a super huge crater appeared on the ground, and in the crater, hundreds of corpses were lying all around, like a large tomb, but this is not the point.

Qiye smiled slightly, all three eyes turned into light purple reincarnation eyes, and her hands were knotted with complicated handprints that Uzumaki Mito and others had never seen before.

"Wai Dao·The Art of Reincarnation!"

The Golem of Yama was summoned by Qiye. This time it was not just a head, but the body of the Golem of Yama, which was summoned by Qiye.

Yan Luo's body split, emitting countless crystal clear green rays. Although they were all green, they were not the rays of vitality, but the power of soul.

The power of the green soul flew into the big pit. A hundred people died. Yun Ren's vitality began to recover. In the eyes of everyone's surprise, those who had been hit by the super-large jade spiral shuriken could not die anymore. Yun Ren, one by one, actually came back to life.

Before those Yun Ren could react, Qiye returned to the divine power space, looked at the three women, and said, "This is my letter."

Can you not believe it?Qiye killed Yunren in front of them, and then resurrected those people in front of them. Can you still believe it?

Qiye sat cross-legged in the air and said, "Don’t be happy too early. If you fail, there will be punishment. If you fail the first time, you will give me a bite. If you fail the second time, I will take it. Take your chrysanthemum, if you fail three times, your chastity will be mine."


As soon as Qiye said this, Kusina, Mikoto, and Sara looked at Qiye angrily. They really didn't know how Qiye had the face to say such words.And Tayuya, Xia Xing and Mito raised their foreheads at the same time, an expression that I knew.

Qiye spread out her hands and said, "If there is a reward, there will be punishment. It doesn't matter if you don't agree. The three opportunities will be cancelled, but I won't resurrect the dead Konoha and Loulan." This is the death of the three women. Qiye firmly grasped.

The three women fell silent, and stopped talking, but they all looked at Qiye with hatred.

Qiye hugged Kushina from behind, held her full chest in both hands, and kneaded it, Kushina screamed, and hit her back with an elbow.

Qiye took it casually and said, "Is this your first chance? If you lose, you have to "bite" me."

"You!" Jiu Xinnai was ashamed and angry, and roared: "Take your hand away!"

"Don't think about it." Qiye opened Jiu Xinnai's clothes, playing with the smoothness and elasticity, and said: "Sooner or later, your three bodies will belong to me. Now let me enjoy it in advance."

When Mikoto and Sarah heard Qiye's words, they immediately wanted to escape, but they were caught by Qiye's big hand. In spite of the struggle of the three girls, Qiye took off their clothes and raised their hands.

after an hour……

Kushina, Mikoto, and Sara were holding their naked bodies, their faces flushed. Although they kept their chastity, Qiye had touched all over their bodies, and a man came from a small room not far away. Their gasps and women's groans, they have a feeling that sooner or later, they will also join in.

Is revenge really possible?

Chapter 530-Transition!

After a battle with the three girls, Qiye walked out of the wooden house comfortably and began to prepare dinner. The breakfast, lunch and dinner in these days are all seven nights. Although Jiu Xinnai and others can do it, but these days Not in that mood, and it’s better not to try Sara’s cooking skills.

Qiye has also caught a lot of animals in the past few days, and kept them in the divine space, which made the place more angry.

Not far from the wooden house, there are two small stone stoves. This is the kitchen. Qiye took out an iron pot, and some dishes and chopsticks (all brought by hand), while whistling, Prepare today's dinner.

Qiye picked up a few fatty fish from the small lake next to him, killed the fish, squatted by the lake, and skillfully cleaned the scales and the viscera of the inedible fish.


The thick soup in the big pot is tumbling and exudes an attractive fragrance. The dishes in this pot are also simple. Fish and sheep are fresh and fish stewed with mutton. However, the fish has a fishy smell and the mutton has a stinky smell. Disgusting.

Qiye lifted the lid of the pot, and suddenly a strong fragrance floated out of the pot. The two characters "Yuyang" combined into a fresh word. If Yuyang Xian was done well, it would of course be extremely delicious.

Qiye’s craftsmanship is getting better and better. A pot of fresh soup makes all the girls feast on. Even the three of them can’t help but marvel at Qiye’s cooking skills. They don’t understand why this one can laugh so happily when killing people. The guy actually has such good cooking skills.

After eating a large pot of fish and sheep, the girls' stomachs are slightly bulging, and those who don't know think they have it.

After Qiye was full, he lay on the ground with no image and said, "Eat and drink, and sleep."

Tayuya and Uzumaki Mito gave Qiye a blank look at the same time, and the gentle Xia Xing reminded him softly, "Master Qiye, there are also Nishio and Yaorenzhuli."

After Xia Xing Xing reminded me, Qi Ye remembered that there were still two people Zhu Li in Shenwei Space. Xia Xing didn’t know the current situation of these two people Zhu Li, and I don’t know when they would wake up. If they sleep till midnight, two people Zhu Li. What to do if you suddenly go crazy.

Qiye wouldn’t worry about this situation. Nitaili Brigade was burned by the flames of Amaterasu, and suffered a super heavy blow from him. He was seriously injured. Even the tail beast could not recover in a short time. He didn't suffer any injuries, but he went to Qiye's monthly reading with Yao. If you want to wake up, wait until Yao's Chakra is fully recovered.

After Xia Xing Xing said, Qiye also planned to seal the two tail beasts first, and immediately pulled the two humans to Zhuli, and then sat cross-legged on the ground with his hands folded.

"Seal Technique·Eternal Dragon Nine Seals!"

A huge chakra emerged from Qiye's body, forming eighteen chakra dragons, which were divided into two strands, one strand and nine strands, respectively biting the human pillars of the second and eight tails.

The tail beast is originally an aggregate of chakras. The amount of chakras is extremely large. The easiest and most direct way to seal the tail beast is to suppress and seal the tail beast with a chakra that is larger than the tail beast. Surgery.

After all the members of the Nine Akatsuki were gathered, it took three days and three nights to seal the tail beast, which shows how huge the chakra was consumed. In other words, the larger the chakra, the shorter the sealing time.

Qiye has nine-tailed chakras, one-tailed chakras, dragon-veined chakras, and his own immense dark and light powers. Even with ten tails, there is no way to compare with Qiye, which is huge. Chakra exported a lot, even if it was divided into two parts, at the same time sealing Yao and Erwei did not feel any difficulty.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!"

Although the magic dragon nine seals the tail beast's method is very safe and stable, for Ren Zhuli, the process is also very painful. The two Ren Zhuli's mouth let out a dull beast-like growl. The body was peeled off, and the seal entered Qiye's body.

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