Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 414


Astonishing results, Qiye was unscathed, but the five-tailed man Chuli was knocked out. Qiye won the power and did not forgive, and his speed broke completely. Before the five-tailed man Chuli hit the ground, he rushed behind him and his legs became long. As a heavy hammer, a heavy kick kicked behind the five-tailed man Zhuli.

Qiye's kick was so powerful that he kicked the beast's clothing on the five-tailed man Zhuli's body to pieces, and the red chakra floated in the air.

After being hit hard by Qiye in the back, Wuwei Ren Zhuli’s body had no time to fly forward. Qiye was like a ghost again, and she drew up in front of Wuwei Ren Zhuli, his arms bent, and a heavy elbow hit Wu. Wei Ren Zhuli's chest.


Five-tailed person Zhuli screamed, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out, all sprayed on Qiye's body.

Qiye smiled coldly, rolled the blood on his lips into his mouth, and said evilly: "You will ascend me to heaven!"


Qiye’s uppercut accurately hit Wuwei Ren Zhuli’s chin, and gave his bones a few years old. From Wuwei Ren Zhuli’s mouth, he spit out a few white fragments. Broken teeth.

The five-tailed man Zhuli was knocked into the air, and even the five-tailed Mu King's Chakra could not keep up with the defense. Chakra had not regrouped to form a tailed beast clothing on his body, and Qiye attacked like a thunderbolt again.

"Dark Claw!"

Qiye stretched out two purple-black claws, pierced Wuwei Ren Zhuli's body, and dug out his two kneecaps.Although the recovery of the strength of the human column was strong, the bones were dug out and there was no way to recover from the injury, let alone during the battle.

Click it!

Qiye grabbed Wuwei Ren Zhuli's hands from behind, twisted to the sides, and immediately broke his two arms completely.


Qiye stepped on Wuwei Ren Zhuli's back with one foot, with indifferent eyes, and said: "Fall for me!!!"

Qiye stepped on the body of Wuwei Ren Zhuli and fell abruptly, hitting the ground at an overspeed.


The earth is shaking!!!!!

Chapter 533-Kill Three Generations of Earth Shadows!

Five-tailed person Zhuli was stepped on the ground by Qiye. At this time, his eyes turned white, and blood was constantly flowing from his knees. Even if he didn't die, he would never stand up.

Qiye leaned down, grabbed the head of the five-tailed man Zhuli, and lifted the five-tailed man Zhuli, who had lost his mind, and said: "Five-tailed King Mu, I will accept it unceremoniously."

"Stop it! Dust Escape: The Technique of Stripping the Original Realm!"

Two days ago, Ohnoki roared, and the original world was stripped and fought towards Qiye. If it were before, Ohyeki would definitely not dare to hit like this, because if one is not careful, it will hit the five-tailed man. Tricks.

However, under the current situation, if you don't shoot Wuwei, you will fall into Qiye's hands. Even if you kill Wuwei, you don't want him to fall into the hands of others.

Facing Ohnoki’s strongest killer move, Qiye smiled coldly, raised a hand, reincarnation eyes opened, and the Hungry Ghost Dao ability was activated. The dust escape and the original world stripping technique that would kill Qiye touched Qiye’s The palm of the hand was unable to explode, and the entire cone continued to shrink and became sharper, and then all was absorbed into Qiye's body.


Oh Yemu stared at Qiye with wide eyes. His dust was actually absorbed, and all of it was absorbed easily?!

Qiye shook his hand, and then threw the half-dead five-tailed man Zhuli into the divine power space, then smiled and looked at Onoki, and said: "In front of me, whether it is the blood inheritance boundary or the blood inheritance elimination, any ninjutsu It's all useless, haha, I haven't fought like this for a long time. For your strength, I will use physical skills to kill you!"

Oh Yemu snorted coldly, already considering Qiye as a mortal.

Qiye Xiexie smiled, and immediately rushed towards the four-tailed man Zhuli Lao Zi. Although Lao Tzu was a man Zhuli, Ohyemu was stronger than Lao Zi, so Qiye planned to clean up Laozi first and then deal with Ohyemu.

Lao Zi didn't dare to be careless again when he saw that he was rushing towards him. Just now the five-tailed man Zhuli was beaten so tragically that Lao Zi had seen it with his own eyes. The five-tailed man Zhuli was stronger than Lao Zi. Strong or weak, with no strength to fight back under Qiye's super-speed physical arts, Lao Zi was frightened when he thought about it.


With a loud roar, Lao Zisi didn't dare to neglect, she turned into a beast with her tail, and turned into the form of a four-tailed Monkey King.

After becoming a tail beast, although the power, defense, and chakra have increased a lot, the speed has also become faster compared to the human body, but the flexibility of such a huge body is too poor.

Qiye sneered coldly and mobilized the strength in his body. The body began to transform into an infinitely huge form, his figure continued to grow, and his strength increased rapidly. In a blink of an eye, he became a giant who was a little taller than the four-tailed Monkey King.

In fact, Qiye has long been able to become huge. Since absorbing the giant monster of the sea, but after becoming huge, the strength and defense will increase, but the flexibility will decrease. Just like the tail beastization, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. It's hard to say, so Qiye has never used it, but today he took it out to play with Siwei.

Qiye squeezed a fist. It was the first time that he had grown so big. Although he was still his body, he was still a little uncomfortable.

Qiye sneered and looked at the four tails not far in front of him, and rushed towards the four tails a little bit under her feet.Qiye's current size of the giant is more than ten meters away, and the distance between him and Siwei is not a big deal.

After Qiye became huge, his strength greatly increased. This sprint immediately stepped on a crater on the ground. If Qiye went to Yanyin Village to roll twice, it is estimated that Yanyin would be demolished.

Seeing Qiye rushing towards him, Siwei didn't dare to let him get close, and suddenly opened a mouth. A dozen high-temperature red and black magma bombs that looked like meteorites flew towards Qiye.

Qiye swung his hand knife without using Chakra, and only relied on her own strength and speed to shred all the magma bombs spit out by the four tails, and then an elbow hit the four tails directly in the face.

Qiye had no idea of ​​hitting people or not in the face. Anyway, the four tails are not humans either. An elbow hit directly twisted the four tails' facial features together, and the huge power hit the heavy body of the four tails. It flew out.

Qiye grabbed the four red tails behind Siwei in her hands with a single grasp, and then pulled it hard, and the body of Siwei that had flown out immediately flew back.

Qiye released her hand, twisted, her body began to rotate, and then a round kick accurately hit Siwei's face.Shiwei was kicked by Qiye, and he didn't know how many times he turned in the air, and then landed miserably on the ground.

Qiye was about to continue his attack when she felt a powerful force over her head weigh down.

"Soil Escape·Super Aggravated Rock Art!"

Onoki held a huge rock the size of Qiye's head in his hands, and threw it toward Qiye's head, and then used the super-aggravated rock technique.


The boulder smashed into Qiye's head accurately, and the rock shattered and scattered around, but it was originally attacked by non-Onoki.

"Dust Escape·The Technique of Boundary Stripping!"

The enhanced version of the original world stripping, the limit stripping, in the comics, wiped out the twenty-five Mudan clones of Madara who used Susanoo in one breath, and the power is not exaggerated to say that it can kill the tail beast.

The boundary stripping completely sealed Qiye's huge body in the barrier, and the white light flashed, and everything in the barrier had been wiped out.

"Huh~hu~ solved..."

Ohnogi took a few breaths. Although the original world peeling power is powerful, it consumes a lot of money. Not to mention the greater power and range of the boundary stripping. Even Ohyeki, who is now at its peak, cannot be used continuously.

Onoki just wanted to land, looking at Lao Zi’s situation, suddenly he was taken aback, paused in the air, turned his head, and looked at the air incredibly.

If you look closely, you will find that there are a lot of small spots in the air, the size of sand, and these black spots keep gathering together, gradually becoming the size of a stone, and finally all gathered together and recovered. Qiye's appearance.

Qiye looked at Ohnogi with her arms in her arms, and said, "It's true that I am the third generation of Mu Ying of Yanyin, who can kill me once, but I seem to forget that I am immortal, Lord Ohnoki for two days."

As soon as Qiye's voice fell, he suddenly waved a palm, and slapped Liangtianpian Ohnoki out like a fly.

After flying Ohnoki, Qiye rushed to the four tails again, pulled the four tails lying on the ground up, then grabbed the four tails and threw the four tails high in the air.

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