Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 417

"Did you capture the six-tailed beasts in half a month? It seems that Akatsuki's progress has also accelerated, what about the others?"

"The fourth generation of Raikage in Yunyin Village knew that the eight-tailed man Zhuli had been captured, and wanted to hold the Five Shadows Conference in our Snow Country, but I haven't answered him yet."

"Five Shadows Conference? Xiaoxue, immediately help me reply to the fourth generation of Raikage, telling him that Snow Country agreed to hold the Five Shadows Conference here."


"What else? Is there any movement from Konoha?"

"Yes, five days ago, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, Payne, broke into Konoha and arrested the nine-tailed man Zhuli Uzumaki Naruto. He has reincarnation eyes like you. He used the super god Luo Tianzheng to almost destroy Konoha, but was finally Five generations of Hokage Jiraiya defeated Uzumaki Naruto."

Qiye picked up the corner of her mouth with disdain, the hapless Uzumaki Nagato, Qiye didn't bother to care about those meaningless people, after the Five Shadows Conference, it should be the fourth Ninja World War.

The war is really exciting...

Chapter 436-Five Shadows Conference!

The weather has entered the winter, and the Snow Country, which was originally located in the extremely cold place, is full of snow. The temperature has almost dropped to minus 20 degrees. Most people in the Snow Country wear thick cotton clothes.

At the gate of the capital of the Snow Country, Qiye and Xiaoxue, as the two masters of the Snow Country, are here to welcome today's guests, the five shadows from the Five Great Ninja Village.

The Five Dynasties Hokage, the Five Dynasties Water Shadow, the Five Dynasties Wind Shadow, the Fourth Generation Leiying and the Third Generation Earth Shadow, plus the two guards of each Ying, a total of fifteen people arrived in the land of Snow Country.

There are certain rules for the number of shadow guards. The maximum is four and the minimum is two. If there are too few, the strength is not enough. If there are too many, then it will lose the face of the village. Think about the shadow of a village, you will have to bring a dozen to go out. This guard, is this telling others that this movie's strength is not very good?

Jiraiya’s shadow guards are Kakashi and Akai, the pair of living treasures. Terumi Haeki’s is naturally Ao and Nagato. The two guards of Gaara are not unexpected, Temari and Kankuro, the fourth generation Raikage. Ai's guards are unmotivated Darui and illusionist Xi, while Liangtianping Ohnogi's guards are his poison-tongue granddaughter Black Earth and his big apprentice Terra.

Qiye's eyes quickly scanned the crowd. There were two people here who were killed by him, and now they see that the living people are really...

"It's a hard journey, everyone, please come with me."

The corner of Xiaoxue's mouth brought a light smile. Although she was facing the leader of the five great Ninja villages in the Ninja world, five people with the title of shadow, but Xiaoxue did not show the slightest panic, showing that she is a country. Queen's demeanor.

Under the leadership of Nanaya and Koyuki, everyone entered the Kingdom of Snow. Except for Terumi Mei, the others, even Gaara, Temari and Kankuro, are the first to come to the Kingdom of Snow. Although everyone On the surface, the clouds are light and windy, but they are secretly looking at the most mysterious country in the Ninja world.

This time there was a business matter, so there was no time to lead them to go shopping or something, and they went straight to the conference room specially arranged for the Five Shadows Conference.

The meeting room is very large, the east wall is a huge floor-to-ceiling glass, you can directly see the snow outside, the meeting table is a horseshoe-shaped, just can accommodate five shadows to sit down, and there are five sides written on the back. A curtain of big characters.In the direction of the notch of the horseshoe-shaped conference table is a smaller table, which is the chair of Qiye.

Everyone was seated one after another, Qiye put his head in his hands, looked at the five shadows, and said: "I am the host here, Liudao Qiye, and then, the Five Shadows Conference will begin."

"Start with me first, listen."

Gaara was about to talk about the subject, but was interrupted by Liangtianping Onoki's words, and said, "The changes in the Five Shadows are so great. It's amazing to be able to become a shadow at this age, Lord Fengying. It seems. Your father's education should be very appropriate, but his politeness is a bit lacking."

"I think so, so I will come here as Fengying."

"Hahaha... What a arrogant guy."

"come out!"

Qiye suddenly yelled and interrupted Ohnoki's words. Suddenly, her figure flashed and she appeared beside the conference table with her hand on the ground. The dark chakra continued to pour into the ground, and a white pitcher plant emerged from the ground. After coming out, Qiye immediately grabbed his neck, snapped Bai Jue's neck with a click.

Everyone was shocked, with their strength, being close to this distance could not be found.

"This is the ultimate in Akatsuki, and the technique he uses is the mayfly technique of the first generation of Hokage, which cannot be seen through even with a blank eye."

Qiye faintly explained that Bai Jue, who was pinched to death by Qiye, turned into a mud-like thing, a clone, and then Qiye cleared away the spores left by Bai Jue from everyone, saying: "Please go on, Feng Master Ying."

Gaara took a look at Qiye, and then said: "I am Zhuli, a guardian crane. Akatsuki once attacked Shayin Village twice to snatch the guard crane from my body, but was beaten back. I have also sent letters to various villages to explain Akatsuki's affairs. It seems that it hasn't caught your attention."

Gaara’s words made Tuying and Raikage’s faces a little unsightly. They did receive a letter from Gaara at the time, and they did not take it seriously. This kind of inattention also caused the people in their village. Li was taken away by Xiao.

Terumi Ming smiled and watched the good show. Before Gaara sent that letter, the six-tailed man Juli Yugo defected, and Sanwei Isofu also fled into the sea, missing her, and her shame would not count for her. On the head.

The grumpy fourth-generation Lei Ying snorted heavily, and said, "I am not here to listen to you talking nonsense, now I want to discuss how to deal with Xiao!"

"The fourth generation of Raikage is right, the fifth generation of Fengying, the fifth generation of Naruto, you all fought directly with the people of Akatsuki, the fifth generation of Naruto, I know you have been collecting information about Akatsuki, and share your information with you. Right."

Qiye said at this time that the host of his meeting wanted to control the direction of the meeting at this time, so as not to let them fight, after all, there was a fourth-generation Raiking with a super temper.

Gaara and Jilai also looked at each other, nodded, and Jilai also said, "Akatsuki’s core members are ten people, all of whom are S-rank rebels in each village. Now Oshamaru has left Akatsuki, Uchiha. Itachi and Deidara were killed by Uchiha Sasuke, the red sand scorpion was killed in the Sagakura village, both Kakuto and Payne were killed by Uzumaki Naruto, and Hida was defeated by Nara Shikamaru, and Akatsuki was left. Among the members are the dried persimmon ghosts from Wuyin Village, the yin and yang face Jue, and a mysterious person who wears a whirlpool mask and calls himself Afei."

"At present, Akatsuki's purpose is for the tail beast, and now the two to eight tails have fallen into Akatsuki's hands, and only my one tail and Konoha's nine tails are left."

"Now, guys, I wonder if you can listen to my opinion as a neutral country?"

"Please speak."

"Akatsuki has collected seven-tailed beasts. One and nine tails are definitely their targets. I think I can definitely think that Akatsuki collected these ultimate weapons to start a huge war. If things really go to the limit. At the point of tidying up, is it possible to establish the world's first joint army of the five great ninja villages and ninja world?"

In the original book, this proposal should have been proposed by Mifune, the leader of the Iron Country, but since the meeting is now held in the Snow Country, this proposal was naturally proposed by Nanya.

"Huh!" The fourth generation Lei Ying snorted coldly and said, "I don't believe you! The rebels of your village formed Akatsuki, and the fifth generation Fengying's sister is your fiancee!"

Qiye was not annoyed by the four-generation Raikage’s violent temper, and smiled slightly, and said, “Since the fourth-generation Raikage doesn’t believe me, why hold the Five Shadows Conference in my Snow Country? Huh?” The voice just fell, Qiye Suddenly frowned slightly.

"what happened?"

"Hehe, there are a lot of distinguished guests in Snow Country today, and another one came. I think this distinguished guest, Master Raikage, really wants to see him."

Under everyone's gaze, Qiye slowly uttered a name.

"Sasuke Uchiha!"

"Nani?!" The irritable fourth-generation Raikage suddenly roared, stood up and punched the table with a punch, punched the precious mahogany table out of the big hole, and felt distressed after seeing it.

"West! Darui! Let's go!!"

The fourth generation Raikage, who was eager to find Sasuke for revenge, ignored the current situation and called his two shadow guards to deal with Uchiha Sasuke.

"Hey, the fourth generation of Raikage, I have no objection to you if you want to fight, but please constrain you when you fight, don't demolish my house."

The fourth generation Raikage obviously didn't hear Qiye's words, and blasted the wall directly out.

Qiye held his forehead with one hand, and said helplessly: "I'd better go take a look, otherwise I won't even have a place to sleep tonight."

Qiye vomited a bit and drove out with the fourth generation of Raikage. Soon, he found the guy who hadn't seen him for a long time. Of course, Qiye really didn't want to see this guy unless it was a funeral.

"It's been a long time since I saw you, the idiot kid of the Uchiha clan."

Chapter Four Hundred and Seventh-Kill Zhongwu, Shuiyue!

Sasuke Uchiha looked at him coldly, but there was still a trace of hatred in his eyes, an idiot who was completely eroded by darkness.

"Hey, Sasuke kid, what are you doing in my snow country? Are you okay?" Qiye looked at Sasuke with contempt as before. Even after opening the kaleidoscope, Sasuke Uchiha was still the same in Nanya's eyes, a weak and dirty Only dirty ants.

However, Nanya was quite curious about why Sasuke Uchiha had to travel all the way to the country of Snow. In the original book, Sasuke went to the Five Shadows Conference to kill Danzo and get revenge. Danzo is not here this time. This idiot is here to do it. Well?

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