Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 427

The second company was a melee unit led by Huang Tu, son of Liang Tianping Onoki. With the shadow master Hinata playing here, the second company did not encounter any difficulties.

The third company is a close mid-range unit led by Kakashi. Here, it encountered the seven-man group of the first generation of Wuyin Ninja swords, but under Bai's powerful strength, they have now been sealed.

The fourth company is the long-distance unit led by Gaara. The morale was greatly boosted by sealing the Four Shadows of the past and easily wiped out the white extinction.

The leader of the fifth company is the samurai Mifune of the Iron Kingdom. Here they met the legendary demigod, Sansho Hanzo. Finally, inspired by Yakumo’s illusion and Mifune’s faith, Sansho Hanzo cut his belly and was sealed. .

At present, in each battlefield, the Ninja Allied Forces have achieved obvious advantages. Bai Jue obviously cannot bring any effective offensive to the Ninja Allied Forces. The medicine master sent out to regain the sealed reincarnated powerhouse. All of the abandoned troops also declared defeat.

Nanya knew that this battle hadn't really started yet, and the high-end combat results were destined to which side the final victory of this war belonged to. Uchiha and Tokuo hadn't come out yet.

Speaking of ten tails, Qiye would like to know how Uchiha brought the soil to get ten tails. In the original work, he used the seven-tailed beasts he collected, plus one of the eight-tailed tentacles and the golden horned nine-tailed chakra , Resurrected a ten-tailed incomplete body, and now it’s easy to say from the second to the eight-tailed, where did Uchiha take the soil to get a chakra of Morizuru?Even the incomplete ten-tailed chakras must have all nine-tailed beasts.

Ninja World Coalition Headquarters...

"Master Raikage, a new enemy has been discovered!"

Qing who was in charge of the perception task shouted.

"What's the matter, is there a new rebirth of the dirty soil?" Lei Ying asked loudly. Akatsuki's offensive has calmed down these days, so calm that Lei Ying feels uneasy.

"No, it's not the rebirth of the dirty soil this time, it's Uchiha taking the soil, Uchiha Sasuke, and the pharmacist pocket."


Everyone felt weird. Why did these three guys all run out all at once? Is there any conspiracy?

"I'll take a look."

Qiye came over, stretched out her hand and pressed Qing's back, connected her mental power with Qing's, and probed the situation on the battlefield.

"Yes, the three people are all beings, not clones. Although they don't know what they are going to do, but since they have all come out, now is the best opportunity to get rid of them. We should also be dispatched, four generations of Lei shadow."

The four generations of Raikage pondered for a while, and finally decided to go out with high-end combat power and wipe out Akatsuki in one breath. Although this war lasted less than half a month, the severity of the war has exceeded any previous time. It is ended as soon as possible. A war is everyone's wish, and now that the other leaders have come out, Raikage can't sit still.


On a boundless desert, gusts of wind roared, this will be the final battlefield, and the war between the Ninja Allied Forces and the group of lunatics will end here.

On Akatsuki's side, most of the powerhouses who reincarnated from the filthy soil have been sealed, and the Baijue army has also been defeated by the Ninja Allied Forces. Now only Uchiha takes the soil, Uchiha Sasuke and the pharmacist pocket, or even the pharmacist pocket That coffin

As for the Ninja Allied Forces, the high-end combat power includes Nanaya, Gokage, Tsunade, Shiro, Hinata, Yakumo, Junmaro, Uzumaki Naruto, Kirabi, and a large area of ​​Shinobi behind. It seems that the battle situation has completely fallen to the side of the Ninja Alliance.

"Why, the three idiots are finally willing to come out. Are they tired of life and come out to find death?"

Qiye stood on the battlefield with one hand on his hips, coldly looking at the three people not far away, his tone was still so indifferent and casual, his faint voice spread throughout the Ninja World in the wind.

"Hehehehe... I don't know if you will be able to say this later, Liudaoqiye." The pharmacist who has turned into a snake monster pushed his glasses around and said in a gloomy manner.

Qiye stared at Yakushi's pocket faintly, and didn't feel angry at all because of the provocation of Yakushi's pocket. For Qiye, who could completely control her evil thoughts and emotions, it was completely useless for Qiya to use the method of violent action.

"Yakashi, you guy who is more perverted than Dashewan shut up to me, to be honest, I don't want to kill you very much, because you...are too weak."

Qiye said lightly, without anger, without contempt, as if she was talking about an insignificant thing.

A trace of anger and haze flashed in Yao Shidou's eyes. Obviously, not everyone can do Qiye.

Qiye raised a hand and said, "Since you don't do anything, let me do it first. This is a meeting gift for you! Feng Dun·Super Jade Spiral Shuriken!"

Nanya's attack ignited the battle. Nanya confronted Yakushi's pocket, and Sasuke got together with Naruto, a good friend, and everyone else rushed to the Uchiha belt. Everyone knows that it is here. Among the three, the strongest is Uchiha.

"The Art of Psychic: Ten Thousand Snakes!"

"Psychic · Outer Golem!"


Chapter 447-Uchiha Madara!

Uchiha takes the soil, Uchiha Sasuke and Yakushido simultaneously use their own ninjutsu, outgoing golem, Susanoo and Mansake.

The first generation of Mansake was killed by Dedala's last self-explosion when Sasuke was fighting with Deidara, but the second generation Mansake created by the second generation of Mansake by using drugs to activate all of Mans’ cells. , The combat power far exceeds a generation of ten thousand snakes, and there is no fear in the face of Turtle Island.

The second generation of Wan Snake has grown scales like small wings and claws. In the case of dragons, they are still far away, but they are a bit like a dragon. The dragon is a branch of the dragon, one lower than the dragon. The one with horns on the head is a dragon, and the one without horns is a dragon.

The power of the second generation of Ten Thousand Snakes is much stronger than that of the first generation, and the strength is already one level stronger than that of the psychic beasts of Toad Wentai's level.

"Go on, Wan Snake."

The snake monster pharmacist said in a strange way, now he is almost more perverted than the big snake pill.

The Second Generation Wan Snake was completely under the control of the Medicine Master's Pouch, and there would not be a situation of asking the psychic for sacrifices like the First Generation Wan Snake, and roared towards Qiye.The huge second-generation Wan snake destroys the ground like a giant chariot, rushing towards Qiye.

"Cut! Part huge!"

Qiye held his right shoulder with his left hand, and the entire right arm became unreasonably huge, and accurately patted Wanshe, his huge hand grasping Wanshe's head.

"Die to me!"

With a roar of Qiye, huge power burst out, directly crushing Wan Snake's snake head, Wan Snake immediately took it off the scene as soon as he debuted.

"The hidden shadow has more snake hands!"

The pharmacist jumped up high, with a smile on his face, and flicked his sleeves, dozens of poisonous snakes with faint rays on their teeth flew towards Qiye.

Qiye opened the kaleidoscope to write round eyes, and his eyes locked those poisonous snakes.


The jet black immortal sacred fire ignited directly on the poisonous snakes. These highly venomous snakes were just ordinary snakes. Of course they could not resist the power of Amaterasu, and even their pockets were stained with the flames of Amaterasu.

Is the pocket solved like this?Of course impossible.

The pockets that had been touched by the sky fell to the ground, and behind Qiye's back, a kunai gleaming with blue-purple rays pierced towards Qiye's back heart.


Kuwu didn’t break, even Qiye’s leather jacket didn’t pierce. Qiye turned around and swung a ten-fist sword. The sharp blade cut the pocket’s neck directly, but after the pocket’s neck broke, it was not blood but water that came out. , The head and body are quickly connected together without any damage.

"Oshe Maruyu's substitution technique and hydration technique?"

Oshe Maruyu's substitute technique is the most perfect substitute technique. Even if the body is stained by Amaterasu, you can use this technique to escape. The technique of hydration is the secret technique of the ghost lamp clan. It seems that a lot of messy things have been transplanted. what.

"Unexpectedly, your body is so hard that you really miscalculated."

He threw away the broken half of his hand, smiled evilly, and didn't care about the failure of the sneak attack.

Qiye turned around, looked at the pharmacist's pocket lightly, and said something maddeningly unpaid, and said, "If you can think of your stupid head, I would be very surprised."

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