Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 441

Chapter 461-Enthusiastic mother-in-law!

Sato, who was upset while sitting in the car, suddenly received a call from Qiye. After listening to his words, Sato really wanted to drive over and kill Qiye.

This bastard!I already knew it!

However, Mikako Sato did not forget that he was a policeman, not a madman. He parked the car, got out of the car and walked in front of Qiye. In an uncomfortable tone that can be heard by everyone, he said: "I don’t accompany your little girl. Friends?"

Qiye lazily leaned on the street lamp on the side of the road, wrapped his hands around his chest, and said, "Hey, Sato, I haven't asked you yet. From the Metropolitan Police Department to Didan High School, from Didan to the beach, from The beach is following here again. Did I kill someone or rob the bank?"


Sato has nothing to say. After all, it is a fact that she followed Qiye, and Qiye did nothing illegal. Even if she is a policeman, there is no reason to follow him.

"Now, let's go, find a place to have a good chat."


"This is where you are looking?"

Sato Miwako's forehead was beating constantly, and she resisted her anger and said, no wonder that Sato would be angry. Is there a man who will meet with a woman in a ramen restaurant?


Qiye ate the delicious char siu ramen, finally swallowed a bite of the delicious and fragrant noodle soup and smooth noodles, looked at Sato, and said, "Otherwise, I haven't eaten anything until I get off work, so I'm so hungry. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Qiye said and ate a thick slice of char siu. Although the noodles in this store were expensive, the amount was still quite sufficient.

"Huh! Go and ask a girl after work, deserve it!"

"It's better than you follow me after work. After all, why are you following me? Do you want to follow me? Sato, I didn't see that you are still a pervert."


"Hey, hurry up and eat, the noodles won't taste good when they are cold. The ramen in this store is really expensive, but it's really delicious!"


Sato snorted, picked up the chopsticks and ate. Her stomach was also hungry. All of a sudden, she ran to follow Qiye with a convulsion. She also hadn't eaten anything. When Qiye said that, she didn't lose her mouth. I ate ramen without the image of a lady.

Humph!Bastard!See how this lady is poor for you!



An hour later, Qiye helped Sato out of the ramen restaurant, looked at Sato who was half leaning on her, and cursed badly.

In order to get angry with Nanaya and turn his anger into appetite, the guy Sato Miwako ate three bowls of ramen all at once. Nanaya didn't know how to complain about her.In the end, Sato couldn't walk because he ate too much, so he could only let Qiye support him.

"You! What did you say about you! You let me go, don't need your help!" The stubborn and strong character Mikako Sato really couldn't stand his weak appearance, and struggled loudly.

"Okay, be quiet!"

Qiye's eyes widened, her tone of anger and seriousness a little bit more, her arms around Mikako Sato's waist tightened a little, exuding an aura that a woman absolutely cannot resist.

When Mikako Sato saw Nanya’s scarlet eyes now, she didn’t know why she was a little scared, and she lowered her head weakly. She dared not look at Nanya’s charming eyes. The magnanimity and scorching heat of Nanya’s hands came from her waist. Her pretty face flushed, and she suddenly changed from an angry female Tyrannosaurus to a cowardly cute little rabbit.

Nanaya helped Sato to the back seat of Behemoth. Just as he was about to leave, he heard Miwako's weak voice: "My car."

The corners of Qiye’s mouth twitched. Miwako also drove over by herself. Now she can’t even walk, let alone driving. Miwako’s car is a Mazda RX7 FD, which is the initial D. It’s just that it doesn’t have that kind of racing configuration. Obviously, it’s impossible to put this huge Behemoth in the trunk of this sports car.

"Troublesome woman." Qiye complained, pressing a button on the Behemoth's display, and immediately ejected a steel cable from the back of the car. One end was connected to Behemoth and the other end was connected. On the bumper of Sato's car.

"Does this move?"

Mikako Sato couldn't help asking, "Motorcycles pull cars?"Does this move?

"Look at you." Qiye said casually, gently kicking the accelerator. When Behemothon pulled Sato's car, he started moving easily.

In terms of the horsepower of Behemoth, there is really nothing in the world that he can't pull. If the horsepower is fully used and the power of the propeller is added, even a Himalaya can be pulled. After all, Behemoth’s source of energy is the power of Seven Nights, which is endless.

"Hey, your motorcycle is good, when will you give me one?"

"Let's come, this car is the only one in the world, and I have to send it."

"Then send me your car."

"You are stupid. No, you are stupid."

"Asshole! You shut up!"

It was so noisy and noisy all the way, Qiye rode Behemoth, took Sato, and dragged a Mazda behind...Although this scene was very strange, it finally reached the community where Sato's house was safely.

Qiye first went to park Sato's car, and then helped her upstairs.

Ding Dong!

"Miwako, didn't you bring the key?" A gentle and pleasant voice immediately sounded in the room. The next moment, the door was opened. A woman who looked like Sato, with traces of wind and time on her face Appeared in front of Qiye.

"Hey, Miwako, what's wrong with you?"

Sato Miwako's mother, Shinobu Sato, didn't expect to open the door to see that her daughter was actually backed by a man, and she said with some worry.

Sato Mikako just wanted to make up a lie to cover up, so Qiye said, "She ate too much to support her."

"Fuck! Chuck cluck..."

Sato Shinobu looked at this handsome young man who was talking, and then at his baby girl who blushed immediately. He burst out laughing and ate too much. When did his daughter play such a trick?


Being laughed at by her mother, Miwako was ashamed and embarrassed, but couldn't get angry, so she screamed coquettishly.

Sato Shinobu could only hold back his smile, and led the two little guys into the room.

"Okay, I'm home, you can get out of here." After returning home, Mikako Sato immediately glared at Qiye, and said without any kind of politeness.

"Miwako, don't be so rude." Shinobu Sato glared at Miwako slightly, and then enthusiastically took Nanya's hand and sat on the sofa, and said with a kick, even took out Miwako Sato. When I was young, the albums and some shameful photos of Mei and Zi were all shown to Qiye without evasiveness. It is true that the mother-in-law sees her son-in-law, the more she likes it.

Tonight, Miwako was so angry that she wanted to go crazy, she wanted to get angry, but the two of them were cheeky and wanted to die, and the other was her favorite mother. She really couldn't get angry, especially when she saw Nanya and her mother. After chatting so happily, Sato couldn't tell what it was like.

The overly enthusiastic future mother-in-law dragged Qiye and talked from seven o’clock to eleven o’clock. She almost stayed at Qiye for the night. In the end, she was kicked out by Mikako Sato, who was ashamed and broke. At that time, Shinobu Sato secretly gave Nanya a key.

Sato's downstairs...

Looking at the key in her hand, Qiye thought amusedly: How much does this over-enthusiastic mother-in-law want to marry her daughter?

Chapter 462-The First Kiss of Poison Island!

Tokyo Narita International Airport...

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