Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 462

The six girls also wear six yukatas of different styles according to their different personalities. The most lively Yumi Miyamoto doesn’t know where to buy a big red yukata. It’s a very bright red, no matter how it is thrown. It is a type that can be seen at a glance. The pattern on the yukata is the same as that of Nanaya, but it is not as coquettish as Nanaya's. It is just a pink butterfly, which fully reflects Miyamoto's lively personality.

The opposite of Yumi Miyamoto is Chengji, who wears the more traditional yukata. The white yukata is embroidered with pink cherry blossoms. It is the most common kind of yukata. It conveys a kind of gentleness and knowledge on Chengji. a feeling of.

Rei Miyamoto is the youngest here, wearing a short light green yukata, very fresh and elegant color, showing the white and crystal calf underneath, very cute.

Asami Nakaoka wears the most flowers in the yukata. The black short yukata is covered with various flowers and butterflies, but it does not feel messy. With her short and playful hair, it looks very playful. Smart.

And Miwako Sato’s yukata is the most unrestrained of the girls, embroidered with a few huge peony flowers on the big red bottom, passion and unrestrained, this girl is really bold enough.

Among the six girls, the natural one who can show the beauty of women the most is Toshishima Suiko. Toshishima Suiko is wearing a white plain yukata with no patterns on it, and her slender waist is wrapped in violets that are the same as her beautiful hair. The colored waistband, the waistband that is gripped in full, gives men endless fantasy.The waterfall-like hair is draped on the fragrant shoulders and the beautiful back. Among the six girls, the tallest of the six girls, Toshishima Mitsuko, can show her perfect figure in a yukata. This is how other girls can't envy it.She still held the Muramaru treasure sword that she could not leave her body in her hand, which added a heroic touch to this simple and elegant dress.

Just when Qiye was marveling at the beauty of the six girls, a group of guests who had just showered came over, and after the two groups met.


"Sergeant Qiye?"

How can I see you everywhere?

Chapter 479-Hot Spring Hotel Murder Case (Part 2)

After Xiaolan's explanation, Qiye and the others knew that Xiaolan and the others followed Moori Kogoro to attend his class reunion, and the uncles and aunts behind were Moori Kogoro's college classmates.

They obviously didn't bring their own yukatas. They all wore the standard yukatas provided by the hot spring hotel. Comparing the two sides, while they were middle-aged and frustrated, while the spring blossoms, the gap was huge.

"Damn boy, why do you have so many beauties with you?" Mouri Kogoro said sourly. After all, Qiye is surrounded by beauties, which man would envy.

But Qiye was not enough, waved his hand, and said: "Accurately speaking, it was not that they accompanied me, but that I was held hostage by them."

"Why, don't you want it?" The lively policewoman Yumi Miyamoto sneered, holding her small fist and looking at Qiye. If Qiye dared to say a word, Miyamoto Yumi would immediately give him a "fan". Punishment of boxing".

"How dare I." Qiye looked at Yumi Miyamoto, and smiled immediately with a flattering look.

"Huh!" Miyamoto snorted proudly, the cute look of holding up her little head, like a proud peacock, everyone looked at them and couldn't help laughing.

After everyone introduced each other, Qiye also learned the identity of the group of middle-aged uncles and aunts. They were all university classmates of Kogoro Moori and friends of the Judo Club of Yoneka University. The bald middle-aged uncle Kazuchi Nakamichi, wearing glasses Atsushi Omura, with a simple face and squinted eyes, is very temperamental. Yumi Horigotsu, who was called the Madonna of the Judo Club, is also 38 years old and still looks handsome. Yuuki Aya, and his wife, are standing round Lenses, formerly named Miyahara Kiko, now Ayajo Kiko.

A group of middle-aged people remembered the past for a while, and then went to play table tennis together. Qiye and they simply went together, because there are still three hours before the fireworks display, and if you count the time to grab the spot in advance, the rest is It was just over two hours, and it was just right to kill time by playing table tennis.

Generally, higher-end hotels, hotels and the like will have activity rooms, this hot spring hotel is the same, there is a special table tennis room, there are two tables in the table tennis room, and they are divided into two sides, the middle-aged people, the young One side.

It is Sato Miwako and Miyamoto Yumi now playing, and the two friends are playing extremely happily, but Sato obviously won't use all of her strength, otherwise Yumi would have lost with her surpassing human strength.

Lost and replaced, even if Sato didn't use all his strength, the average person would definitely not be her opponent. Yumi, Chengji, Rei, and Mami all quickly lost to Sato until Sato played.

Both Kenko and Sato are far more powerful than normal people. Although they don’t play table tennis often, they can surpass the level of world champions no matter what sports they do, although they don’t often play table tennis. Carefree, a powerful aura can't help radiating out, although Chakra hasn't been used yet, it's already at a superhuman level.

The super confrontation between Tsuneko and Sato stopped all the others on the other side, and couldn't help looking at Tsuko and Sato. Qiya sat on one of the chairs while drinking iced tea, and said helplessly: You have considered the ball Feel?

Being beaten by two supermen, Sato and Tsuneko, I can only say, ball, you worked hard.

"Okay... so awesome!" Xiao Lan looked at Tsunko and Sato dumbfounded. From their swinging motions, you can see that their two super strengths, Xiao Lan asked herself, even if she only swung the slap and didn't play. Can't achieve this swing speed.

Satoko and Sato’s super-high-speed confrontation continued for more than three minutes without a win. Sato suddenly seized an opportunity and slammed into it. Suddenly a board was drawn out, and the white ball turned into a white. The straight line accurately hit the bottom corner of the most awkward backhand corner.


The white ball immediately flew out. After playing for so long, it finally scored a point.


Both Satoko and Sato were a little panting at this time, and they were superhuman. They didn't feel tired after running ten kilometers, but they were short of breath after only playing table tennis for three minutes.

The two are similar in strength and both have practiced chakras. One is a sharp wind, the other is a sharp thunder. Although the two are friends, they are also rivals. Seven nights are on the scene, even if they are just playing table tennis. I definitely don't want to lose subconsciously.

Qiye held his forehead, looked at the two women helplessly, and said, "You two are not necessary, just playing table tennis."

Both Suiko and Sato turned their heads and looked at Qiye. Suddenly a smile appeared on Dudao Suozi's face and said: "Qiyao, how about you come to play with us?"

Tsuiko's suggestion immediately made Sato's eyes brightened, raised the table tennis racket, and looked at Qiye with a smile. Qiye looked at Sato with a cold sweat, and surprisingly saw in her eyes "If you dare to say no, I will use this table tennis. The racket divides you into parts.

"Okay, okay, let's play with you." Qiye scratched her head, and said helplessly, he thought it was good to have fun.

"Senior..." Asami Nakaoka looked at Nanaya with some worry. Although Nanaya was perfect in her eyes, both Sato and Yoko were completely supermen, and she was afraid Nanaya would lose.

"Sergeant Qiye, this is too reluctant." Xiaolan is also a little worried, she doesn't want to see Qiye lose, and Xiaolan's concern also makes Conan's shoes jealous. This idiot with an IQ of 250 and an EQ of 52, said Come back, it seems that he and Xiaolan haven't been dating.

"Wait a minute." Nanya was about to take the racket that Chengshi handed over, but Sato stopped him, and he heard Sato smile and say: "You are not allowed to use the racket and hit us with your bare hands."

"This is too much, Mikako." Yumi Miyamoto looked at her friend with dissatisfaction. Although it was only playing table tennis, it would be too unfair to play with his hands.

"It's okay, Yumi." Qiye smiled and waved his hand, and said, "It's just a game anyway." For him, this is indeed a game.

Miyamoto Yumi curled her lips with some displeasure, looked at Qiye, and said: "You don't think you have no chance of winning and just give up on yourself."


Yumi looked helplessly at Shuabao Qiye, this guy is really...

Qiye had one enemy and two, and he let Dudao Kyouko serve first. Dudao Kyouko tossed the ball high, and then drew the ball towards Qiye with one shot. There is no brilliant serve technique, but Dudao Kyouko can rely on He has a strong strength, accurately controls the ball's drop point, and the speed of serving is comparable to a ball machine.

Qiye yawned lazily, and with a wave of his hand, he immediately returned the racket. The ball spun at high speed, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and landed in front of Sato.

Sato drew the ball back with one shot. The speed was extremely fast. The thunder attribute was extremely violent and difficult to control, but it had a very powerful speed.

Nanaya still looked lazy, hitting Mikako Sato's ball back with a casual wave of one hand.For the first time, Toshishima and Mikako Sato formed a ping-pong doubles, but they seemed to share the same mind. The tacit understanding of the two people was very strong. The combination of their super strengths blocked all the counterattacks of Qiye, but Qiye was obviously more powerful. Sato Miwako's strength was already much stronger than before, but Qiye blocked it with one hand. This was not just playing table tennis, but a test of strength.

Mikako Toshishima and Miwako Sato attacked continuously. In just one minute, the amount of exercise was greater than that of just over three minutes, and sweat oozes from their foreheads.

If Yoko Toshishima and Miwako Sato are superhuman beings, then Nanya is completely beyond the boundaries of human beings and is not human at all.This is probably the voice of everyone present.

Qiye was born with a super talent for fighting, and quickly adapted to the offensive of Toshishima Miwako and Sato Miwako, she simply closed her eyes and used her body's other senses to fight the two women.

The more they play, the more they play, the more they become immersed in them, and their cooperation becomes more and more tacit, reaching perfection. This is not because of table tennis, but because of the excitement that Nanya's powerful strength brings to them.

The strength of Toshishima and Miwako Sato are already at the top of the pyramid in this world. It is too easy for them to do anything, so they lack interest.Just like Sato Miwako, she would be very happy, excited, and honorable if she cracked a major violent case, but now this situation is less and less, because it is too easy, no matter how vicious a criminal, Sato Mikako can easily defeat, catch, and you won't cherish what is too easy to get, but it is different in the face of Nanaya. Sato Mikako and Toshishima Yuko clearly feel that they will lose, which makes them very excited. , That at least shows that they still have a goal to live, invincible, is the loneliest.

Qiye accompanied the two women to play more than two hundred consecutive balls, suddenly opened his eyes, and slapped the ball with a palm. The white ball suddenly drew a straight line and accurately hit the midline of the two women's half. Before the two women had time to react, the ball bounced, hit the window, and then bounced back into Qiye's hands.

"Now, 1:0, do you want to continue?"

"Of course!"*2

Toshishima Masako and Sato Mikako both said very excitedly. Losing is sometimes a very happy thing. Their appearance makes Nanana speechless: Is it necessary?

The three continued to attack. The person watching next to him was shocked from the beginning, but now he is numb. These three guys are definitely monsters, absolutely!

Xiaolan didn't know when she had walked up to Mami and the others. Seeing the movements of the three of them, she was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Do you think Sister Kong's movements are strange?"

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