Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 474

"No need to give red envelopes."


A group of people is completely messy...

After that, Akiko Sayama and Satoshi Maeda were taken to the Metropolitan Police Department. After all, some transcripts were needed, and it was not the task of the police anymore, it was the judge's business.

"Qiyae, you are so amazing!" Xiaolan looked at Qiye with a small star in her eyes. This sentence has been said several times since she met Qiye, but this time it was the most emotional.

It is not the first time that Xiaolan has seen the scene of solving a case. When Shinichi Kudo was with her, he used to talk about how he solved the case. In fact, Xiaolan didn't like it, but she was too gentle and would not refuse Shinichi Kudo. , And compared to Kudo Shinichi's self-talking, cold modus operandi and laws, I am afraid that any girl will prefer the humane method of solving cases like Nanya.

Qiye smiled and said, "Xiaolan, I have solved this case, is there any reward?"

"What reward do you want?" Xiaolan blinked, looking at Qiye with a pair of pure and flawless eyes like angels.

"How about a kiss?" Qiye smiled badly.

"No!" Conan exploded immediately and looked at Qiye angrily.


Unexpectedly, Kogoro Mouri directly gave Conan a heavy punch and roared, "Shut up, kid!"

As the person involved, Xiao Lan did not feel any irritation or anger after Qiye made this request, nor did she feel any disgust in her heart. Instead, she felt shy and sweet, her pretty face rose with a faint blush, and her little hand squeezed gently. With the corners of his clothes, he was ashamed and hard to bear.

Toxic Island and Chengshi looked at each other, then jokingly glanced at the angry Conan, and then smiled at Xiaolan. They also wanted to know how Xiaolan would choose.

Xiao Lan also took a look at Keiko and Chengshi, and found that the two of them were not angry, and she couldn't help but feel relieved. Amidst Conan's heartbreak, she gently tiptoed up and pressed a sweet kiss on Qiye's cheek.

Qiye stroked the place where Xiaolan kissed on her face, her face couldn't help but smile. To be honest, Xiaolan is the girl he has been pursuing the most, although she has only reaped the first period of rewards, and she is really her face, but Qiye also felt very happy.

Seeing Qiye's expression of joy and obsessiveness, Xiaolan blushed for half of the sky. She couldn't help feeling ashamed. She clutched her pretty face, and ran away like an escape.


A few days later, Sayama Akiko’s case was a public trial. As evidence that he was a hacker was found in Gangwon Shinan’s home, and one of them involved state secrets, Gangwon Shinan was identified as a person who endangered society. , Akiko Sayama was found not guilty and was released in court.

On the other hand, Satoshi Maeda was suspected of assaulting the police and destroying exhibits. However, because it did not cause serious consequences, several policemen were only slightly injured. In addition, he proved Sayama Akiko’s innocence, so Maeda Satoshi was sentenced to one year in prison and suspended for two years. It is the best result.

A month later, Akiko Sayama and Satoshi Maeda held a wedding, and Qiye and the others also appeared at their wedding as VIPs. The case is now over.

Chapter 487-First Love Memories Event!(on)

"What's the matter? It was a good weekend and the weather was so good. Why do I have to come to Kudo Shinichi's house to help with cleaning in Suzuki Garden?"

From Kudo Shinichi’s house in Mihuacho, a very unhappy voice came from the garden. The garden was holding a broom, with one hand on his waist, looking at Xiaolan, and said: "Why bother with him so much, why bother to borrow the key from the doctor? ?"

Beside, Qiye pulled out his ears with a helpless expression, and said, "Yuanzi, I should be the one who should say this. It was a good weekend. I originally planned to spend a rare vacation at home to accompany Kongzi and Chengshi, why not? Come and clean this guy's house."

Qiye's tone was a little bit sour, although he knew that Xiaolan's favor between himself and Kudo Shinichi was more inclined to him, but Qiye was still a bit unhappy if he wanted to clean the rival's house by himself.

Xiaolan looked at Qiye, she was a little scared, as if she was afraid of Qiye’s misunderstanding, she explained in a little panic: “Sorry, I think there is already a tower of dust here, and it’s too hard for me to clean alone, so...”

Qiye smiled suddenly, and the gloomy mood was wiped out, and said: "Is it necessary to be so scared? I'm not angry."

Xiao Lan looked at Qiye's smile, her heart calmed down, and her mood improved all at once.

Yuanzi looked at Qiye and Xiaolan’s smiles, suddenly pouted a little unhappy, and looked at Qiye, and suddenly said, "Um... I’m tired of cleaning, Qiye, can you come out with a bomb and blow up this house? ?"

As soon as Qiye's eyes lit up, she simply followed the garden's words and said, "Okay, I still have a lot of C4 explosives in my house, enough to blow up here without leaving any ruins."

C4 explosive is Qiye’s favorite one among the explosives that humans can make at present. It has stable performance and powerful power. It looks like a dough and can be used as a plasticine.The nature of C4 explosive is stable enough that it will not explode even if it is hit by an incendiary bomb, and it can even be used as fuel for cooking and cooking. It does not even have any sparks. It can only be detonated with a professional detonator, which is absolutely impossible for ordinary people. Use high-grade explosives.

C4 explosive is very powerful, it is a high-explosive explosive. It has great power and rapid detonation speed. It is also the favorite one for guys like Qiye.

Although Qiye’s words were joking, he did store some C4 explosives at home. The munitions stored in his home were easy enough to knock down the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. There was a mess of all kinds of contraband.

Cheng Shi put down the rag, listened to Qiye and Yuanzi's conversation, and glanced at Conan, whose face was turning black from the corner of his eyes, and couldn't help but smile: "If you blow up this place, what should Kudo Shinichi do when he comes back?" Since Qiye will be here, it is of course natural that Chengshi and Tsuizi will be here.

"Humph!" Yuanzi snorted and said, "Let him go to the trash can."

Yuanzi didn't like Kudo Shinichi very much. She had seen Xiaolan and Shinichi Kudo on a date, but she saw Xiaolan go home alone and asked her Shinichi Kudo, and she knew Kudo Xinyi went to investigate the case and left Xiaolan alone. The garden was furious at the time.

As a man, leaving the girl alone and asking the girl to go home alone, this is a man’s fault anyway. In the past, the garden was to look at Xiaolan’s face, and there was no way, but now she clearly noticed When Xiaolan’s feelings changed, his feelings for Kudo Shinichi gradually faded. While the garden was happy, his dislike for Kudo Shinichi gradually appeared. Although this sentence is a joke, there is also a little truth in it. .

"Yonko, it's too rude to say that." Suzuki Ayako's sister, Suzuki Ayako, who has the temperament of a wealthy daughter, walked over, frowned slightly, and taught.

Yuanzi spit out her little tongue, so she was not afraid of her sister. She knew it a long time ago that her gentle sister would only say a few words, so she wouldn't really come to teach her.

"Yuanzi, you are really too much to say that." Qiye suddenly taught with a straight face. Everyone was stunned for a moment. This is not like Qiye said, but the next sentence will be back to its original form.

"How can I let him live in the trash can and throw it directly into the incinerator."


Everyone except Conan laughed immediately, even Xiaolan and Ayako couldn't help but laugh, Qiye is really bad.

Qiye's words just said Yuanzi's heart, and said with a smile: "That's right, just throw that big detective into the incinerator, it's over."

Conan rolled a pair of dead fish eyes, he didn't know what to say.

Everyone was cleaning and chatting. They didn't know how to talk about the topic of first love. The garden suddenly smiled mischievously and said: "Let's talk about our first love, Qiye, who is your first love?"

Yuanzi's words are like a super-strong magnet, attracting everyone's eyes to Qiye's body. Qiye touched her nose, smiled, and said, "Poison Island Kongzi."

Qiye didn't tell a lie, if it were in this world, Toshishima Tsuko was indeed his first love.

Poison Island Tongzi smiled slightly, and a happy smile appeared on her face. After seven nights of nourishment, Poison Island Tongzi, who was originally a beautiful country, became more bright and moving. With such a happy smile, even a few girls are possessed by justice envoys. Conan couldn't help but froze for a while, it was so beautiful.

Yuanzi came back to his senses, suppressed the envy look in his eyes, and looked at Dudao Yuzi with a smile, and said, "Sister Kongzi, how about you?"

"Of course it is him." Dudao Tsuiko turned around and looked at Qiye with a smile. Dudao Tsuiko will only fall in love with a man in this life. First love, first kiss, and first night belong to him. Just like Tsunko, her first love is natural. It is also Qiye.

After Chengshi finished answering, Yuanzi immediately looked at her sister with a smirk and said, "Sister, who is your first love? Is it also Qiye?"

"Yuanzi, you... don't talk nonsense!" Suzuki Ayako said shyly, blushing, but just like her, even the natural and silly Xiao Lan can see the problem.

"Hey, are you talking nonsense? Huh, I didn't believe it. You didn't want to ask you to come, but when I said that Qiye would come, you immediately agreed." Yuanzi snorted, not giving it to herself. My sister's face, sold her directly.

"Yonko!" Suzuki Ayako cried out in a strangely annoyed manner. Her habitually squinted eyes opened open, revealing a pair of beautiful amber eyes, looking at her sister with inexplicable aura. It's like when the black bear with the belly opened his eyes.

"Huh!" In the face of her sister's momentum, Yuanzi actually snorted, and said: "If you like a person, there is nothing I dare to say. My first love is Qiye."

Yuanzi was a confession in disguise, and after boldly uttering this sentence, Ayako, Xiaolan and the others looked at Yuanzi in amazement, they seemed to be able to feel that Yuanzi was definitely not saying this time because of a nymph With such words, the atmosphere suddenly became embarrassing.

Ding Dong!

The doorbell rings!

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