Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 498


"Is it impossible?" Qiye looked at Concubine Yingli jokingly, and said: "Don't you think it's getting harder and harder for you to resist me? Tsk tusk tusk tusk, I didn't force you today, you came to me by yourself. Yingli, you will lose to me soon."


"Hey, okay, let's not say, today you are tired too, let's sleep together."




Edogawa Conan was lying on the hospital bed, and the effect of the anesthetic gradually passed away. Conan woke up in a daze and saw a black figure on the wall in front of him.

"Why, kid, finally woke up." It was a voice that Conan was very familiar with, but was very annoying, and his tone was full of irony and coldness.

"How could it be you?" Conan opened his eyes and saw that the person in front of him was Qiye.

"Nonsense, you were hit by a bullet, I'm here to ask for a confession!"

"Where is Xiaolan?" Conan stroked his still dizzy head.

"You still have the face to mention Xiaolan!" Speaking of Xiaolan, Qiye's anger suddenly ignited, and he rushed over and slapped him twice, causing Conan's face to become swollen.

"What are you doing?!!!" Conan was stunned by Qiye's two slaps, and shouted angrily at Qiye.

"Damn! You bastard dare to talk to Lao Tzu!!" Qiye cursed, and directly drew out her gun and pointed it at Conan's head, looking at Conan with bloody and cold eyes, and said: "It's because of you. Idiot, there is not enough blood in the blood bank of the hospital. Xiaolan took the initiative to give you a blood transfusion in order to save you. As a result, she fainted because of too much blood transfusion. Now she is hospitalized!"

"What?!" Conan was shocked, his first reaction was to get up and see Xiaolan.

"You fucking stay here for me!" Qiye roared, and directly pressed Conan on the hospital bed, eyes filled with tyrannical killing intent, and said coldly: "What do you want? Break the wound , And let Xiaolan give you another blood transfusion?"

"I..." Conan's face was pale, as if he would die at any time.

"Tell you, it's because you, an idiot, wanted to die by yourself, and now you have caused Xiaolan to be hospitalized together. I really served you, Shinichi Kudo, you keep saying that you like Xiaolan, and you say I can't give Xiaolan happiness, then What about you?! How did you do it?! What about your so-called liking is to make Xiaolan worry and sad for you, and now you have been admitted to the hospital?!"

Conan's face was gray and his whole body couldn't help trembling. Every word Qiye said ruthlessly pierced his self-righteous heart.

"Stupid thing!" Qiye retracted her gun and looked at Conan, who was barely breathing on the hospital bed, with a cold expression, and said: "Tell you, if there is another time, I won't let Xiaolan get another blood transfusion. Yours, even though I think the crap like killing you dirty my hands, but so that Xiaolan won't be hurt anymore, I won't mind crushing you to death by myself, rubbish!"

Qiye left the ward with a frosty face. After arriving at Xiaolan's ward, the frost on Qiye's face melted instantly. Qiye stayed with Xiaolan in the hospital all day today. After that night, Qiye did not return to her concubine Yingli. Home, but returned to his own home, Liudaozhai.

"Are you looking for me today?"

Chapter 502-The blood red rose from the darkness!

Qiye sat on the sofa and looked at the gentle and strong beauty in front of him, Akemi Miyano.

Miyano took the initiative to come to Nanya today. She must be grateful for Nanya. After all, Qiya saved her life. Although Miyano doesn't know if Nanya has any other purpose, the grace of saving life cannot be erased. .

Akemi Miyano is sitting on the sofa opposite Qiye, with a bandage on her right thigh. It will take a while for her wound to heal completely, so now she can’t work hard on her right thigh. Although she is sitting on the sofa, her body’s center of gravity It was completely pressed on the left half, and a very sultry S-shaped curve was unintentionally placed.

Miyano was inconvenient to stand up, so she could only sit on the sofa, bowed slightly towards Qiye, and said, "Thank you very much for your life-saving grace, Mr. Demon King."

Qiye waved his hand and said, "This is just a small matter. Also, just call me Qiye. I don't want my identity to be leaked for the time being."

Miyano Akemi is also a smart woman. After all, in her mind, the demon in front of him is a character like gin. Of course, this kind of person does not want his identity to be revealed, otherwise he will lead to murder. Changed the title.

"Mr. Qiye, I have a question this time I want to ask you."

"Ask me why I want to save you?" Qiye raised her eyebrows and looked at Akemi Miyano with a smile, thinking that there was nothing to ask other than this question.

Miyano Akemi nodded. She is indeed very curious. Miyano is very self-aware. She believes that there is nothing special. She is also the outermost member of the organization and the lowest level member. She doesn’t know much at all. No Akemi thought Qiye was for the one billion yuan, but looking at this house, the probability is declining.

Qiye looked at Akemi Miyano with a smile, and said without concealment: "I'm not doing anything else, just for your beauty."

"Me?" Akemi Miyano was stunned for a moment, apparently she didn't expect Qiye to say that, and even more so that Qiye would not hide it.

"Is it weird?" Qiye smiled, and said: "I also said with Gin that that day, the two duels between me and him were all because of women. The last time it was, and this time it was also. I admit that I am a horny person. Man, I saved you entirely because you are a beauty."

Miyano Akemi was speechless, she didn't know what to say, after all, not every woman, it should be said that a normal woman can't be as aggressive as Nan Rika.

Qiye picked up the coffee on the coffee table and took a sip, and said, "Don't worry, I won't use strong to you, otherwise I can get you when your anesthetic is not effective."

Akemi Miyano was blushing with shame. For a long time, she gritted her teeth and said, "Mr. Qiye, I want to ask you for one thing."

"Oh, tell me." Qiye said with interest.

"I hope you can rescue my sister."

"Your sister?" Qiye pretended to be puzzled, but she had already had a mentality. Of course, Shiho Miyano would get it. After all, that was his favorite girl.

"Yeah." Akemi Miyano nodded and said, "My sister is Shiho Miyano, a scientist in the organization, and her code name is Shirley."

"Shirley? What about the others, do you know where she is now?"

Nanaya's words silenced Akemi Miyano. How could she know that her younger sister Shiho Miyano is different from her. Shiho Miyano is a core member of the organization and a top talent that the organization needs, a serial code name like her. The outermost members who are not there are obviously different. Every time she and her sister meet are organized and arranged, and the content of the conversation must have been monitored. Shiho also said that she is doing well every time, like Miyano Akemi. How could the low-level members know so much, but she is not worried about it. Now she has completely betrayed the organization. She knows her sister's character very well, in case she...

"I beg you to help, if you can rescue Shiho...I...I'll be your woman." Akemi Miyano blushed and said something shocking Nanaya.

Nanaya's eyes widened slightly, and she looked at Akemi Miyano, who was really a good elder sister. She was able to sacrifice herself for her sister. As for Akai Shuichi...Ignore him...

Qiye smiled and did not speak, but in her heart she thought about how she would put the sisters on the same bed in the future...


The sky is densely covered with dark clouds. With the development of science and technology, the development of industry, and the increasingly serious environmental damage, the weather is becoming more and more unpredictable. For example, today’s weather is still sunny in the morning, but in the afternoon, suddenly clouds are covered. There was a pouring rain.

Although it is just past three o'clock in the afternoon, because of this heavy rain, it is as dark as midnight, and it makes people feel heavy.

At the entrance of 2-chome 22, Yonehuacho, Tokyo...a girl with short brown hair in a white coat and obviously inappropriate adult clothes was lying on the ground.

The girl's body is very thin and weak, it seems to have collapsed, and the heavy rain soaks her clothes, so heavy that she can't stand up at all.

"Shirley, I finally found you." Suddenly, a cold voice rang in front of the girl, "Or, should I call you Miss Miyano Shiho?"

Just hearing the code name "Shirley", the girl's body trembled as if she had received an electric shock. She reluctantly raised her head. She saw the jet black shoes and trousers, black, the color she feared most, Shirley The whole body was trembling, although her sensitive nerves told her that this person is definitely not gin, and vodka was killed two days ago, but this person's breath is more terrifying than gin, bloody, and the lurking poisonous snake is no longer enough. Described, the lurking Tyrannosaurus is almost the same.

It's not without reason that Shiho Miyano is better than her sister. Normal people can't keep up with this perception alone.

"Why, Shirley, are you still dead? I'm really lucky." Qiye smiled faintly.

Shirley stood up stubbornly from the ground, looking at the tall and handsome man who was 1.9 meters tall in front of him, Shirley was relieved that although he was wearing black, he was not organized in a black trench coat, although he was a man. The man, but he held a red umbrella in his hand. It was so red that it was black, and the deep and suppressed red was like the color of blood, his favorite blood.

A pair of scarlet eyes bit Shirley's heart like a pair of fangs. She asked herself that Gin was the scariest man she had ever seen, but she didn't expect a person to have such scary eyes.

Nanya knew that shortly after Miyano Akemi left the organization, Shiho Miyano would swallow APTX-4869, become Aihara and then leave the organization. Nanya has been at the door of Dr. Akasa’s house for a whole day, and it is finally time to wait. Miyano Shiho.

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