Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 515

"Sato, don't you tell us about it?" Qiye walked over with her hands in her trouser pockets.

"They were my dad’s teammates on the baseball team in high school. This is the best partner of my father’s high school baseball team-pitcher Shuru Saruto. This is Shuji Shikano who is known for his strong arms and legs. Four sticks, Mr. Inobo Manxiong, and the beautiful team manager, Miss Dieko, the god bird!"

"Don't laugh at me, they are already fifty-year-old old women." Diezi the god bird smiled slightly, then looked at Qiye, and said: "This young man is so handsome, Miwako, is this your boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend..." Sato murmured, holding the rose from Qiye in his hand, his face flushed immediately.

Qiye touched her nose and said with a smile: "I and Sato are not boyfriends and girlfriends. We were not before, and we will never be."

Qiye’s words sounded like he had never pursued Sato, and would not have such plans in the future, but a few people heard the deep meaning of his words, Sato, Shiratori and Xiaoai, Sato was slightly taken aback. After that, his face became even more red, as if he was about to bleed.

Although the relationship between Nanya and Sato has long surpassed that of friends, because the two of them did not confess like each other and made it look like an affair, they are naturally not boyfriends and girlfriends. As for the future... Qiya decided to crack this time. In the case of Chou Sirou, he personally put on Sato’s proposal ring. In that case, the two are an unmarried couple, and naturally it is not a relationship between a boyfriend and a boyfriend. It is because Sato understands the meaning of Nanaya that he even became popular. There is no reason.

Sometimes, you don’t need to say too clearly, because a woman’s imagination is useless...

Chapter 515-Sorrowful!(under)

After finally waiting for Sato's emotions to calm down, he looked at some of his father's friends and couldn't help asking, "But, how can you be together today?"

"Oh, everyone hasn't seen it for a long time, I want to gather for a drink," Saruto Hideo said with emotion, "and I want to say hello to Captain Sato before that, let’s take a look today!" He put the flower in his hand At the crossroads, "I really didn't think that things are humans...hehe," Saruto Shuro shook his head, "When people are old, they like to sigh, don't say it, don't say it, then let's go... or the old hotel , You can go and sit when you have time..."

"OK Bye Bye."

Jingling, Jingling...

This time Shiratori’s cell phone rang, and Shiratori took out the phone from his pocket, and said, "Hey, I am Shiratori! What? Officer Megome, is it now? Where are we? We are now in the fourth street of Beihu , Find a suspicious person like an arsonist?"

"Yes, the location is on Shinagawa Sixth Street. A man suddenly ran away during the inspection. He is currently being hunted. He is characterized by long hair, wearing a hat, and wearing a long gray coat. The portraits are very similar, and the location is very close to you. The group of children ask Qiye and Sato to watch them. You and Takagi will immediately go to the scene to support!"


"That's the way it is," Shiratori told everyone the contents of the phone, then got into the car and posted the warning lights on the roof.

"Huh? Where's my handcuffs?" Takagi, who checked the police equipment consistently before leaving, found that he had forgotten to bring his handcuffs.

Afterwards, Takagi's words reminded Sato of the day her father died. After taking a glance at Nanya, Sato gave Takagi the rusty handcuffs left by his father.


"Do I still need to bring a pistol and handcuffs to arrest an arsonist?" After watching Takagi and the others leave, Xiao Ai turned her head to look at Sato, "Moreover, they were from the Criminal Investigation Division who sent Officer Takagi."

"Oh, that's because the assassinated corpse was found at the arson site. Although there is no conclusive evidence that the arsonist did it, the criminal police will be dispatched just to be on the safe side, so don't leave my side! Well, let's also go to the place Bumei said..."


"Yes, it's here!" Ayumi pointed to the Masked Superman vending machine, "When I got the Masked Superman Gacha, suddenly a strange uncle came out from there..."

"Is it here?" Sato squeezed his chin, "Qiya...hey?" Sato turned to look for Qiye's figure, only to find that he was still sitting in the car with a map in his hand while Xiao Ai was standing at him. By your side.

"Qiya, did you find something?" Seeing Qiye's expression, Sato subconsciously trusted him, walked over, bent down, and watched Qiye doing what she was doing with the map.The other little ghosts wanted to see it too, but Qiye was sitting in the car with the door open. The door was just a little bit occupied by Xiao Ai and Sato. It was inconvenient to get in from the main driver. Stay aside.

"Ikebukuro... Asakusabashi... Tabata... Shimokitazawa, and where we are now is Yotsuya..." Nanaya circled all the locations of several arson cases on the map, and then marked the third case. Tabata and the fourth Shimokitazawa are connected by a string...

"This is..." Although Qiye's reasoning has not fully emerged, Xiao Ai, who has a high IQ, has discovered the key, and the person who cracked the law of arson crime in the original book is originally Xiao Ai.

"Hey, what did Huihara find? Tell us..." Yuanta and the others also wanted to see it, but there was really nowhere.

Qiye wrote a huge "fire" missing a stroke on the map. Qiye used a pen to complete the last stroke of the word "fire", and then circled the last point on the map.

"Shinagawa?!" Sato looked at the spot that Qiye had circled on the map in surprise, and took the map from Qiye directly.

Qiye put down the pen and said, "The prisoner said that it is of course impossible to burn the entire Tokyo, but if this method is used, it is possible to write a huge "fire" throughout Tokyo to a certain extent. Yes, the final goal of the prisoner should be Shinagawa."

"Yes! That's it!" Sato said happily, finally found a reasonable explanation, dropped the map, and immediately went to call Officer Megumi.

After cracking the continuous arson case, Qiye held Xiao Ai in the passenger seat of the car and closed the door so that the little ghosts would not disturb him. She leaned on the car seat with her eyes half open and half closed. They all seem to be in a state of being empty, but the brain is running at speeding speed, analyzing the case of Sorrow.

"Are you thinking about melancholy?" Xiao Ai asked lightly, leaning against Qiye's arms.

"Yeah." Qiye nodded gently, without hiding. What can he think of when he doesn't want to worry about him?

Xiao Ai fell silent. Although she didn't say anything, Qiye could still feel the jealousy in her heart. After all, which girl saw her favorite man propose to another woman... it would have exploded if it was another girl.

Xiao Ai's jealous performance is also due to her lack of security. Qiye gently lifted Xiao Ai's short brown hair and said: "Xiao Ai, I am ready for your ring too, you have to get bigger quickly. "

Xiao Ai's face blushed, and then she snorted to hide the shyness and joy in her heart, closed her eyes, and began to think about her sadness.

Qiye smiled in her heart and continued to think about the case.

"If I were Sato Masayoshi, what would I do at that time? First of all, the bank robbery. The surveillance video only lasts for ten seconds. If it were me, as long as it was someone I met once, I would recognize it instantly, but Sato Justice is an ordinary person, so the robber at that time must be someone he knew very well. The person Sato was familiar with, besides his wife and daughter, should be a colleague, and there are four others."

"The prisoner escaped during the escort process, and Sato Masayoshi died as a result. He was seriously injured and left the word "Sorrow". But at that time, Miwako had Sato Shinobu, and there were even other policemen by his side, but Sato Masayoshi did not say the name of the prisoner. Instead, he said a strange melancholy. That is to say, he knew who the prisoner was, but he didn’t want to say at all, because he had a very good relationship with the prisoner. In terms of his character If it was his closest person who had committed a crime, he would definitely persuade him to surrender. That's right! Sadness and surrender are the same thing!"

A sharp light flashed in Qiye's eyes, but immediately turned into the original daze.

"Next is the true identity of the murderer, and the remaining clues are the three katakana recorded in Sato Masayoshi’s notebook. Kazui, according to Miwako, these three katakana should be about the identity of the murderer, Sato Since Justice did not reveal the true identity of the murderer until his death, then these three katakana should be able to show the identity of the murderer from the side. The murderer is among the four people, and this code should also be related to the four people......... ! By the way!!"

Qiye suddenly opened a pair of scarlet eyes, opened the door, and after putting down Xiao Ai, he immediately jumped out of the car, and said to Xiao Ai, "Xiao Ai, I think of the meaning of sadness. You help me tell Sato. Now, I'm going to check something!"

After finishing speaking, he stopped a taxi and left.

"Did this guy think of it so soon, huh, really only a woman can inspire his fighting spirit!" Xiao Ai said coldly in her heart.

"Xiaoai, where is Qiye?" Sato asked in confusion without seeing Qiye when he came back from the phone.

"He's going to investigate the matter of Sorrow," Xiao Ai looked at Sato, and said, "You should be ready to put on his ring."

"He... won't be!"


A pub named AZZURRO, Qiye directly opened the door and walked in.

"Sorry, we are closed, hey, you are not..." The owner of the tavern, Shuji Luye looked at Qiye who walked in in surprise.

"Hello, Mr. Luye, for the sake of Miwako's face, how about buying me a drink?"

When Luye Shuji heard Miwako, a hint of guilt flashed in his heart, which also made Qiye more certain of her reasoning.

"Well, what do you want to drink?"

"Bring me a bottle of vodka."

Luye Shuji brought the wine to Qiye. Naturally, this kind of tavern would not have the luxury of Polkinka vodka, but Qiye mainly did not come to drink, so it didn't matter.

"Qiye, don't mind if I call you that."

Qiye drank the double-sweet vodka and said, "Of course, you are the elder of Miwako."

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