Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse of travel Chapter 534

Mio Tokiwa, wearing a red professional uniform, saw the crowd coming, and immediately greeted him, shook hands with Kogoro Mouri, and said, "Mori-senpai."

"Tang Pan, it's been a long time."

"I'm sorry, but I can't help you come from a long distance."

Kogoro Mouri touched the back of his head and blushed and said, "No, it should have been here alone..."

Halfway through what Moori Kogoro said, Xiao Lan immediately walked over and bowed: "I am his daughter Xiao Lan, and my mother wants me to greet you on her behalf." Then Xiao Lan introduced the people to Mio Tokiwa. .

Of course, Mio Tokiwa’s attention has always been focused on Nanya and Ms. Tokushima. After Xiaolan’s introduction, Tokiwa Mio took the initiative to shake hands with the two and smiled: "I can invite Mr. Liudao and Miss Toshima. It's really an honor for me."

The so-called not hitting the smiley person with his hand, Toshima Tsuneko naturally has no ill feelings towards this Tokiwa Mio, smiled slightly, and said, "Ms. Tokiwa, you are too polite."

Mio Tokiwa is a younger sister of Kogoro Mori. She is 36 this year. Toshishima is only 18 years old. It is naturally inappropriate to call her a young lady, so she used the title "Ms."

Nanya looked at Mio Tokiwa in a red dress, and thought a little spoof, what would happen to this woman if she died wearing this dress?

According to the traditional Chinese saying, if a person's grievances are too heavy when he dies, he will be unresolved after death, and he cannot reincarnate, he will turn into a ghost, waiting for his enemies to come down in Yinsilu. Direct revenge.

In modern times, few people can practice Taoism and magic, so even if they turn into a ghost after death, their mana will not be too strong to kill. Normal ghosts only have the ability to kill when their first seven resurrected their souls.

The first seven is one of the funeral customs in China. It is generally believed that the first seven is the seventh day after death, and the soul of the deceased will return home on this day. The family must prepare a meal for the soul of the deceased before the soul returns, and then must avoid .

The ancient Chinese method of chronology is the chronology of the heavenly stems and the earthly branches, and the heavenly stems every seven are evil, and the earthly branches are every seven for the attack, such as the Ziwu hedge, because from midday to noon it is exactly seven, and Jiageng is evil, and from A to G is also seven.

After death, the soul still clings to the bones, and on the seventh day it encounters the evil spirits. Because the body dies, the soul is stimulated, so it leaves the body. At this time, the soul is still conscious and knows that its body is dead. Conscious, and know that his body is dead, if it is a ghost, he will be stimulated by the evil spirits on the night of the first seven resurrection, and his grievance will be maximized, and the mana will be maximized. It is said that if the ghost is dying in red clothes, the ghost will Extraordinarily fierce.

I have to say that Mio Tokiwa is very good at being a human being, and she didn't show any arrogance to the little ghosts, and said hello one by one very kindly. As the eldest lady of the Tokiwa Group, Mio Tokiwa was still a bit of a catastrophe.

"Hello everyone, I'm Mio Tokiwa, let me introduce this too, this is my painting teacher, Japanese painter Minzutsuki Minami." Mio Tokiwa pointed to an old man who looked very majestic and had a long nose. Said.

"Kiritsumine... is it the one famous for painting Mount Fuji..."

Before Maori Kogoro finished speaking, he was interrupted by a wretched middle-aged man who looked drunk and said, "I also know a thing or two about you. Did it come from the detective'Sleep Kogoro'? "

"I am'Sleeping Kogoro'."

In Qiye, the trio of Kongzi and Xiaoai frowned, the old man smelled so heavy.

"This is the city councilor of Nishitama City, Mr. Oki Iwamatsu." Mio Tokiwa smiled and said, "When I was building this building, he was running around to help." There is also a guy with a national character face and a little arrogant expression. , Named Hidehiko Kazama, is a student of the bomb lunatic Moriya Teji.

"Hiccup~~" Damu Yansong burped a drink, looked at Dudao Yuzi and Xiaolan's eyes with a hint of obscene light, and then looked at Qiye with disdain, and said: "You are that little policeman... Six things. , Really has a bitch face!"

As soon as Oki Yansong's words fell, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, Kongzi, Xiaoai, and Bumei's face suddenly sank, but Qiye, the person involved, had no reaction at all, and there was still that faint smile on his face.


With a flash of cold light, Yumaru Yumaru, the treasured sword of Toshishima Koko, immediately put it on Omu Iwamatsu's neck, looking at him with extremely cold eyes, and said, "You have the courage to say it again."

The cold blade on his neck immediately awakened Omu Iwamatsu's alcoholic spirit, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Would a politician like him have the courage of a brain-dead politician?of course not!

"You...what are you doing?! I'm Representative Oki Iwamatsu!!" Oki Iwamatsu said strongly, apparently trying to scare Toxu Island with his status as a member, but Toxu Island is not an ordinary woman.

"Cut! Representative Oki Iwamatsu? Then I'm really rude." Jundao sneered disdainfully, the knife was still resting on Oki Iwamatsu's neck, and said, "I'm sorry, Junshi!"

"Poison Island..." Damu Yan knelt on the ground as soon as he loosened his legs. This time he kicked the iron plate.

Mio Tokiwa scolded Oki Iwamatsu as an idiot in her heart. Why did she go to provoke Toshishima Miuko? Do you want to die?But Mio Tokiwa wanted to talk, but she was photographed in the aura of Tokushima Tsuiko, and she couldn't even open her mouth.

"Well, Tsunko, take the knife back, this kind of garbage is not worthy of your knife." Qiye said lightly.

Dudao Kongzi naturally listened to Qiye's words very much, and immediately took the knife back.

Nanase picked up Oki Iwamatsu, whose legs were still weak in fright, with one hand, then looked at Mio Tokiwa, and said, "Ms. Tokiwa, I'll clean up the garbage for you."

After speaking, with a flick of his hand, he directly threw Oki Iwamatsu's whole person out, and threw it into the elevator accurately. The power was so great that Mio Tokiwa was very scared.

Xiao Ai looked indifferently at the elevator door that was gradually closing, feeling refreshed in his heart, then looked at Qiye, and said, "Aren't you afraid of doing this? He's a councillor." When talking about the councillors, Xiao Ai said in a tone. It was full of disdain, and that Ogi Yansong belonged to the guy who knew what it was at a glance.

Qiye glanced at Xiaoai, smiled coldly, and said, "Do you think he can be a member of the council for how long?"

Mio Tokiwa trembled after hearing this, and she secretly thought about how to protect herself and Tokiwa Group.

Several little ghosts from the Youth Detective Group ran around, so annoyed to death, Qiye didn't bother to mix with these little ghosts, and stood directly in front of the window, looking at Mount Fuji in the distance.

At this time, Conan heard two staff members talking about seeing a black Porsche 356A downstairs, and immediately chased them out.

Qiye looked at Conan's back and smiled contemptuously. This stupid thing is really hopeless, and then put her hand on the trembling Xiao Ai around her body, and said: "Don't worry, Xiao Ai, I will protect you. "

Dudao Kongzi took his knife, stroked Xiaoai’s hair, and smiled softly: "Me too, Xiaoai, if that guy dares to trouble you, I will use my knife to kill him. Cut it off!"

Xiao Ai looked at Qiye and Dudao Kongzi, her heart gradually calmed down, with a faint smile on her face, looking out the window, she thought: Thank you, Qiye...Sister Kongzi...

It didn't take long for Conan to come back. Just thinking about his stinky face, he knew that he must have found nothing.

Qiye looked at Conan, and said disdainfully: "Why, you have come back to death? Why don't so many people die? It's a pity that you haven't died after waiting for so many years."

Conan's face was pale, and before he got angry, he heard the cold voice of Toshishima Junko and said: "Kudo Shinichi, you are so stupid that you are hopelessly stupid. You dare to take the initiative to contact gin without the strength. Consider whether or not to slash you out. It's a good thing for this society."

Xiao Ai was also merciless to Conan, saying: "If it's not for the experiment that still needs you to be an antidote, I wouldn't mind sending you a ride, stupid!"

The three turned and left, leaving only Conan with an angry face but unable to vent...

Chapter 533-Countdown to Heaven!(3)

Soon after the three of Qiye left, Guangyan walked up to Xiaolan and said, "Sister Xiaolan, I actually have something to discuss with you. Can we meet tomorrow?"

Although Xiaolan wondered if Mitsuhiko had something to do with her, she couldn't say something here, but she smiled softly: "Yes." Unlike Qiye and Xiaoai, Xiaolan still likes these children. Of course, with Xiaolan Angel’s personality, unless the other party did something insulting between people and gods, she would be very good to anyone.

"Then I'll tell you the time and place later." Mitsuhiko bowed and said solemnly, seeming to be sincere and pleading. This is probably the most polite time in this kid's life.

After Guangyan left, Bumei came to find Xiaolan and said, "Sister Xiaolan, I have something to tell you in private."

"Hey?" Xiao Lan was a little surprised, feeling that she was about to become a confidant sister, but she still agreed to Bu Mei who was kind.

At night... Inside a high-end bar in Tokyo called Holy Hell...

Qiye sat alone in a corner of the corner. At this time, a waiter came over with a tray in his hand and said: "Mr., these two bottles of wine were invited by the lady over there."

Qiye looked at the two bottles of wine, then looked at the waiter boredly, and said, "Gin and rum, Belmode, you are really boring."

Belmode's suggestion is really boring. After being seen through by Qiye, Belmode took off his human skin mask, revealing the still beautiful face, and looked at Qiye with a sweet smile. , Said: "It's boring to be seen through by you so quickly."

Qiye suddenly rolled his eyes. If he couldn't see through such obvious hints, he would die.

"Don't say anything, what exactly are gin and rum going to do?"

Belmode sat next to Qiye, first lit a cigarette, took a puff, then said: "They are going to kill someone..."

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