Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 542

"Hey, Xiao Ai, your evaluation of me is getting more and more accurate."


The two of them quarreled, traversing a sea of ​​fire, and walked upstairs. Because the elevator was completely scrapped, they could only take the stairs, and the stairs were swallowed by everyone, but Qiye and Xiaoai walked over, and the sea of ​​fire was beside Qiye. Completely isolated, even the scorching temperature could not affect them. In this sea of ​​fire, the two people seemed to be shopping.

Qiye and Xiao Ai walked to the banquet hall on the 75th floor, which was the scene of the murder. When they walked in, it was still dark.

Qiye smiled slightly, looked at the black figure standing in front of the "Mt. Fuji in Haruyuki" in the dark, and said, "Hey, I'm seeing you again, Mr. Yutsumine."

"It's him!" Xiao Ai was slightly surprised, obviously she didn't expect the murderer to be Ru Yue Fengshui.

Ruyue Fengshui turned around, still looking calm, looking at Qiye lightly.

Nanya smiled, and said, "Okay, let me explain it. Let me talk about how you killed your student. Tokiwa Mio is fine. According to my guess, the pearl necklace on the deceased It should have been given to her by you, and you specially designed it to be a style that is easy to loosen. When the case happened, you opened Mio Tokiwa’s necklace based on the lights on the ground, and then you treated her Saying “It’s okay, I’ll help you put it on”, but what you helped her put on was another exactly the same necklace that you had prepared long ago. That necklace has been connected to the scroll with a hook and piano wire. In other words..."

"The deceased was not hooked by a hook, but was put on a necklace with a hook at the beginning, so she didn't find it." Xiao Ai explained after Qiye's words, Xiao Ai's IQ and analytical ability are not at all. Not under Conan, and because of different experiences, Xiao Ai is obviously more calm than Conan and can see more things. In the original book, Conan can solve this case so quickly, and Xiao Ai's hint is inseparable.

"Yes," Qiye smiled slightly, and took out the pearl he found at the scene from his pocket, and said: "This is what I found at the scene. It should be the same as the pearl necklace on the deceased in terms of texture and size. It's the same. As for the small wine glass, you deliberately put it there to arrange a serial murder."

"Wait a minute!" Xiao Ai found out the loopholes in Qiye's reasoning, and said, "Mr. Ruyue had an alibi when Mr. Yuan died."

"You were wrong, Xiao Ai, he didn't."


A gleam of light flashed in Ruyue Fengshui's eyes, but she still watched how Qiye continued.

"At that time, a broken small wine glass was indeed found beside Yuan Jiaming's body, and some of it was stained with the blood that Yuan Jiaming shed. But at that time, the forensic department did not find anything on the fragments found at the scene. It means that when Mr. Ruyue arrived at Yuan Jiaming’s house, he was already dead. At that time, you thought that you could just use this to prove your alibi, because if it is a serial murder case, as long as there is nothing wrong The presence of evidence can eliminate the suspicion, so you leave the prepared small wine glasses at the scene."

"A pretty good reasoning, Officer Qiye, but what about the evidence?"

"You are really calm, Mr. Ruyue Fengshui, if you want evidence, isn't it in your crutch?" Ruyue Fengshui's face changed slightly, and Qiye continued, "The necklace originally worn on Miu Tokiwa. Except for the one I picked up, you have hidden the rest in the crutch."

Ruyue Fengshui looked at Qiye. Up to now, his mood hasn't fluctuated much. He twisted the crutches away and poured out all the pearls inside.

"Why do you know I hid it here?"

"Voice, before and after the death of the deceased, the sound of your crutches is a bit different."

"Oh, it really deserves to be the police's ear." Ruyue Fengshui said somewhat self-deprecatingly.

"Then the motive for the murder? Is it because she bought your painting and then sold it at a high price?"

Nanaya shook her head and said, "No, that way, at best, it can only be used as a motive to kill Mio Tokiwa, as well as Oki Iwamatsu and Hara Kaaki. Xiaoai, do you remember what was weird when we went to Mr. Kisuki's house that day The place."

"Strange place?" Xiao Ai's pretty brows frowned, apparently thinking. Soon, Xiao Ai's eyes lit up and said, "It's the curtain!"

"That's right, after you went out that day, I opened the curtain and discovered Mr. Kisaragi's motive for murder. Behind the curtain is a huge floor-to-ceiling glass. The angle of that place is very good, you can see the entire Mount Fuji, but Now it's blocked by something."

"One thing... is this two-tower skyscraper?!" Xiao Ai looked at Qiye in surprise.

"That's right, the two-tower skyscraper illegally built by Mio Tokiwa and Haraaki for bribing Oki Iwamatsu blocked Mount Fuji. This is your motive for murder, Mr. Kisaragi."

Akagi sighed softly and said, "That was a small hill I found at the end of Nishitama City. I have been painting on that hill for decades, but because I am getting older, I have to climb That mountain is getting more and more strenuous, so just three years ago, in order to continue to paint Mount Fuji for the rest of my life, I bought the hill, built a house, and built my studio in a place with the best view. From that window, you can see the whole picture of Mt. Fuji at a glance..." As Yuzue Fengshui said, he took out a bottle of ink he carried with him from his arms and poured it on a broom beside him.

"But that woman did this kind of thing!!!" Ruyue Fengshui, whose original voice had been flat, suddenly yelled, swiping the ink-soaked broom, and the black ink appeared in his painting "Chun Xue's A black mark was drawn in the middle of "Mount Fuji", dividing the entire Mount Fuji into two.

"Does the broken glass refer to Mount Fuji?"

"Yes, the fact that Mount Fuji was divided into two halves because of the twin-tower skyscrapers is his message of anger."

"But when Mio Tokiwa was killed, the small glass was not broken."

"That was just to pretend to be a series of murders, and there was no need to break it at that time, because Tokiwa Mio's body had already divided Mount Fuji in the painting into two."

"Since you have found the clues of the necklace, then I can't quibble." Ruyuefeng said lightly, and then took out a small medicine bottle from his arms. It is probably a poison like cyanide. .


With a flick of Qiye’s fingers, a force of energy smashed the medicine bottle in Ruyuefeng’s hand, and then slightly moved her hand. All the pearls that had fallen on the ground actually flew up and surrounded Qiye’s side, and then Qiye held her hand slightly. The pearl instantly turned into delicate pearl powder.

After Qiye, who had no police conduct at all, destroyed the only evidence, she looked at Ruyue Fengshui in surprise and said, "Mr. Ruyue, why are you still here? This building is about to explode."

The old man Ruyue Fengshui Qiye still looked pleasing to the eye, so he helped him this time, and Qiye didn't lose anyway.

"By the way, who on earth killed Yuan Jiaming?"

"Do you remember what Yuan Jiaming held when he died?"

"A silver knife."

"In the case of silver, spelled out in Roman pinyin is GIN, and GIN is replaced by the name of the wine..."


"Yes, Yuan Jiaming smells like a crow, but he should be a traitor. He even sneaked into the organization's computer and stole a lot of information, so he was killed by Gin Wine.

Xiao Ai was silent for a moment, and said: "Now we should think about how to leave here."

"Yeah, but you have to wait a while, Mr. Kitsuki, please sleep for a while." Qiye knocked out the water of Fengshui with a hand knife, then looked at a corner of the stage and said: "Belmod, you have also seen enough Right."

"Cuckcock... I knew I couldn't hide from you, Qiye." Belmode smiled softly and walked out of the darkness.

When I saw this woman full of magic, Xiao Ai immediately became nervous. The last time I was on the bus, just sitting in the same car, the magical breath of Belmode scared Xiao Ai, this time it was Face to face, Xiao Ai was even more afraid of this woman, and couldn't help but leaned against Qiye.

Qiye smiled and looked at Belmode, and said: "Belmode, I didn't expect you to stay here." Qiye exuded her own momentum, and immediately broke Belmode's magic.

Belmode flirted with his long blond hair, looked at Qiye charmingly, and said: "Yeah, Qiye, I have given my life to you. You won't watch me die, oh yes Now, the time bomb has been filled with gin, and it will explode in more than four minutes."

"Are you taking the test for me?" Qiye twitched the corners of her mouth. This kind of test is really boring.

"Forget it, how would you solve this problem?"

Qiye rolled her eyes and looked at the things in the venue. The only thing that could be used was the red Ford Mustang. He drove the car, and with the explosive force, he leaped over the two buildings, which seemed pretty cool...

Qiye took out his cell phone and dialed the number of Officer Mumu.

"Moses Moses~~"

"Qiyae, how are you doing now?!!!" Mumu obviously wouldn't have the mood to say hello as easily as Qiye, and immediately shouted at the phone. If Qiye had an accident, it would definitely be a huge loss for the Metropolitan Police Department. If he died, Mikako Sato didn't know what it would become.

"Now, nothing happened yet, but the banquet hall was full of bombs and it exploded in four minutes."

"Nani?!! The venue was bombed?!!!"

"Qiyae!" Upon hearing the two bombers, Xiaolan's heart immediately grabbed, grabbed Mumu's mobile phone and shouted: "Qiyae, how are you doing?!"

"Lan, immediately ask the people over there to open the dome on the roof of Building B. I have a plan."

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