Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 546

The expression on Conan’s face is really wonderful. Seeing that his off-line mother was being spit out, Conan was very happy and wanted to laugh, but when he saw Xiaolan and Qiye, his heart was furious. After changing the expression on his face several times, he was finally suppressed by anger.

"Why is it a veterinarian? It's rude to say that."

"I didn't introduce you to the forensic medicine. It's a shame for you." Qiyebai gave You Xizi a glance, and made the powerful Yu Xizi fall beautifully...

However, Yu Xizi got off the line after all, and soon came over, and she got up like a okay person.


"It turned out to be this. This seems to make people think that it is really just a prank, but if the bullet is on the shelf, the nature is different." You Xizi looked at the three exhibits on the table.

"But only these three can be used as evidence. It would be a miracle to be able to find the suspect by this."

Kudo Yukiko looked at Conan, who was about the same height as the table next to him, smiled, and said, "But if there is this kid, a miracle might happen."

Qiye drew his ears and said, "I think it would be a miracle if there is this kid in a place that is undead."

Seeing Conan's angry gaze, Qiye didn't care at all, and then yawned softly, saying, "I bet you will definitely die today."

"If you lose, you have to leave Sister Xiaolan!"

"Tsk tusk tusk..." Qiye shook her head and looked at Conan jokingly, and said: "A child is a child, why should I make this bet with you? My love with Xiao Lan is not a bet, and Xiao Lan is not a cargo. If you can put it here and there, even if I lose, I will not leave Xiaolan, and I will definitely not lose because I have never lost since I was born."

Seeing that the two people are almost going to fight, Yu Xizi immediately came out to make a round, and said, "Well, don't be so nervous. This kid's reasoning almost every time, it is really mine..."

"What's mine?" Fei Yingli looked at Yu Xizi who was half talking strangely.

Conan almost broke into a cold sweat, don't let this off-line mother let go!

"It's really... my grandfather's elder brother's daughter's cousin's uncle's grandson." Kudo Yukiko was also an acting genius, and said this long string of words without blushing.

"Grandfather''s...daughter...cousin's...uncle's...grandson, well, you Xizi, so this kid is your distant cousin." Qiye shook her fingers and said what You Xizi said. Make it clear, if you don’t know how to count, just count the seniority, grandfather and grandson, two generations and two generations, uncle and daughter, one generation and one generation, all equal, cousin and elder brother are equal, if you count it, Conan Same generation as Yukiko... Is this considered incest?

"Ah, is that right?" You Xizi said, tilting her head, she also made up the long list of relationships casually, and now that's the case, she found that it was really like this.

"So, Conan is the elder of me and Xiaolan, oh, Uncle Conan is good." Qiye said playfully with her arms folded.

Looking at the angry Conan, Qiye felt even better, and said, "Hey, Conan, if you count this way, you have to call this woman a sister Xizi."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, is there sister Xizi? This is a good name, Conan sauce~~" Youxizi squeezed her chin and immediately looked at Conan with a smile.

Conan looked at this smiling off-line mother with a cold sweat, telling him intuitively that if he didn't say it, he would die very ugly.

"Sister Xizi!" Conan gritted his teeth and said.

"Hmm." You Xizi nodded happily, then looked at Qiye, and said: "You also want to call me sister Youxizi."

"Hi~~" Qiye said lazily, "Granny Xizi."

"I... plop!"

Yu Xizi, who was planning to say something, immediately rushed to the street when she heard Qiye's words. This time she fell hard.

Nanaya gave a victory sign and said, "I win." Last time, Yuriko was disgusted with this method. This time Yuuki was resolved.

Concubine Yingri suppressed the smile, pushed her eyes, and said, "This is the first time I have seen someone who can tell Yukiko to get down." However, Fei Yingri quietly stretched out her hand and pinched desperately Holding Qiye's thigh, obviously enduring very hard... But why not pinch yourself?Because it hurts to pinch myself.

"Cuckl...Me too...cuckl..." Xiaolan's endurance was much worse, and she said while laughing. It was the first time she saw You Xizi like this.

This time Yu Xizi got up with a bit of difficulty, and looked at Qiye helplessly. This bastard's mouth was still as annoying as it was in America.

"Hey, let's go find the bear and ask him if he has any clues to refer to." Qiye was very wise to change the subject immediately before Xizi counterattacked.

"Qiye, it's not a bear, it's Qianxiong." Xiaolan corrected Qiye's mistake.

"Anlaan, it's just a title anyway. Some people like to say that I'm an asshole, didn't I refute it?" Qiye shrugged and said indifferently.

"Because you are a bastard." Fei Yingli spit out coldly, the lens reflecting a mysterious light.


This time it’s Qiye’s turn to pounce on the street. If the concubine does not scream, it is a blockbuster. I can only say, your concubine, you are amazing!

Xiaolan and Fei Yingli both smiled when they saw Qiye lying on the ground, while Yu Xizi looked at Fei Yingli, and her brows instantly frowned. How could that serious Fei Yingli say such naughty things?You Xizi had an impossible guess in her heart, and she was immediately denied by herself. How could this kind of thing be possible?!As everyone knows, this absurd guess is precisely the truth of the matter.

At this time, the kind old butler Ueki Soba came in and said, "That's no good, because the master is now in the audio-visual room, listening to classical music while reading books, so I have to wait another hour or two to see To him."

"If someone interrupts his studies, Qianxiong will be very angry."

"is it?"

"But is it okay to leave him there alone?"

"In that case, do you want to see what's going on inside the house? Because the house is equipped with surveillance cameras."

Everyone came to the monitoring room... Judging from the picture on the screen, including the audio-visual room, a total of 13 surveillance cameras were installed. Although there are many, they are still a bit less for this huge villa.

"I really saw it clearly. This kind of equipment is really advanced." You Xizi looked at the surveillance screen and said in amazement. After all, she is an actor, and the clarity of this screen is top-notch at the level of surveillance.

"Even this is not enough," said the old housekeeper Ueki Kusaba.

Qiye looked at the old man, and glanced at his back waist, is the gun there.Qiye didn't intend to save this old man. Although he deserves sympathy, the old man's body is already dilapidated. It should be supported by faith until now. And the obsession in his heart is to kill this Fujieda Mikio. After success, his life is about to come to an end, Qiye will not give up his vitality for an old man.

You Xizi looked at the floor plan of the house and said, "Yes, it is really not easy to take care of such a large house. Then this is the audio-visual room, and the main control room is here." You Xizi pointed to the floor plan. The two rooms are not close.

"Even if something happens, it's not easy to rush over. Who is usually responsible for watching these screens?"

"I and the maids take turns in charge."

What a miser.Qiye sneered in her heart. She was reluctant to spend money so she didn't hire professional bodyguards. He relied on such an old housekeeper and a few maids. This fat man would never die, even though Qiye never believed in heaven.

"Wait a minute! It looks like someone is in the yard!"


"Look here there is a figure wearing a hat!"

Qiye looked at the figure You Xizi was pointing at, took out the pistol unbearably, tapped Yu Xizi's head with the butt, and said, "Idiot, he is the gardener here!"

" generation...Is that so?" You Xizi shed tears, holding her head in pain.

"Idiot, you have to grow your IQ to the bottom of your neck to make this happen."


The Fujieda Shigeru was going to write a manuscript and left, and Qiye leaned against the wall, looking at the ceiling as if thinking something.

"Qiye, what are you thinking about?" Xiaolan looked at Qiye suspiciously.

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