Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 601

"I committed suicide. The waitress was my mother. My father died early. After my mother died, relatives bucked each other and refused to accept me. Thanks to Teacher Su Fang's help, otherwise I might have starved to death on the street. Now... I can have today and become a rock star, thanks to the help of Teacher Su Fang!" Said Lanchuan Dongya glanced at Su Fang with gratitude, but suppressed hatred in his heart, and said: "And In Promotion, many people have lost their families in traffic accidents. Not only me, but the teachers have been trying their best to help the survivors of traffic accidents."

"It's touching, I will definitely try my best for the charity performance next week!" Matsudaira Mori said excitedly, waving his arms, really a stupid big man.

"Me too..." Katagiri took a deep glance at his wedding ring, and said: "20 years ago, my wife also died in a traffic accident. I was able to participate in teacher Su Fang’s charity fundraiser, and my wife in heaven would also Be happy for me."


After dinner, everyone came to the masked house. In addition to the countless masks on display, there are many entertainment facilities, such as pool tables, table tennis tables, and chess. Of course, if you want to play poker It is also possible.

Aikawa Seiya, Masaki Katagiri and Mori Matsudaira are playing billiards. Qiye is not interested in playing billiards with the three big men, but sits aside and plays chess with Xiao Ai.

"General." Xiao Ai put his cheek in one hand and gave Qiye to the general without mercy.

"Hey, Aichan." Qiye looked at Xiaoai helplessly, there is no need to be so cruel.

"Humph!" Xiao Ai snorted proudly, then took a sip of the freshly squeezed orange juice from Honami.

Qiye shrugged, obviously she couldn't do anything with Xiaoai, and said to the maid: "Miss Honami, can you please bring me a bottle of wine?"

"Yes, Mr. Liudao, what wine would you like to drink?"

"Shirley is all right, is there Shirley Eroloso?"

"Yes, please wait a moment."

Xiao Ai looked at Qiye, and said, "Why did you drink Shirley today?" Qiye's taste is naturally clear. Although it is said that those who come and insist on eating, you can eat anything in Qiye, even if you give it. He can swallow a ton of U-235 raw, but Qiye still likes to drink spirits for his own taste. It is really not common to drink a sweet wine like Oroloso.

"Because this is my favorite Shirley." Qiye smiled slightly, looking at Xiao Ai with an ambiguous expression.

Xiao Ai blushed and took a sip. Although she knew that this guy was talking casually, she didn't ask him any more.

On the other side, the mysterious fortuneteller Nagara Kaharu was sitting at a table with her tarot cards on the table. Seeing the results of her fortune-telling, she frowned tightly. I don't know what the divination is.

It's midnight...

"Everyone, the pointer is almost 12 o'clock." "According to the rules, Masked House will lock the door." "After the door is locked, the east and west sides will not be able to pass through." Go back to your room." Shimokasa Nami and Shimotaka Minaho said one by one, really, twins are troublesome, and two people take turns to say a paragraph.

"Is there any reason for locking at twelve o'clock?"

"Shoblu's mask is very fond of pranks and will come out to play around after 12 o'clock." Shimotakasa Nami smiled.

"So lock them in the room."

"How come there is such a thing?"

"It's true, after daybreak, the mask is crooked and slanted." Minaho said.

"Or fell to the ground, it has happened many times." Honami said, how do you distinguish between the two of them...

"So, everyone, please go back to your own room." *2

The bell rang at twelve o'clock at midnight, the airtight mask Curie, and Chaublu's mask smile terribly...


The guest rooms on the second floor to the east...

After Qiye and Xiaoai finished making each other's arms, they were about to fall asleep when they were awakened by the sound of a phone call, and the internal telephone in the guest room rang.

Qiye turned on the hands-free, and a strange and harsh laughter rang from the phone.

"I am the messenger of the cursed mask. The cursed mask desires blood. Who will sacrifice tonight?"

"Sacrifice your mother!!" Qiye yelled into the phone, "Dare to disturb Lao Tzu to sleep! Lao Tzu is going to dig out your pig brain and blow it up as a midnight snack!!!"

Xiao Ai, and the murderer on the phone is instantly messed up...

Qiye and Xiao'ai had no choice but to get up, put on their clothes, and came to the front of the mask house. Qiye was trying to punch the door of the mask house with a fist. Suddenly, her eyes flashed brightly, and she stretched out her hand to signal Xiao Ae not to speak. , Suddenly yelled: "Little sorrow! You immediately go to Honami to resolve and get the key!"

After speaking, Xiao Ai stayed where she was, but Qiye didn’t say it again, but didn’t know she took out a Swiss army knife from her body, inserted the knife into the keyhole, and flicked it a few times, lightly Loosely opened the door.

"The action is really skilled, I am afraid that I will be a thief at ordinary times." Xiao Ai said coldly.

"That's right, I can go in even the White House." Qiye smiled, and walked into the mask house with Xiao Ai.

"Shoblu's mask..." Xiao Ai frowned, because all the Shablu's masks that were originally placed on the cabinet were gone.


At this time, there was a sudden noise from the ceiling, as if a lot of things suddenly fell to the ground.

"What's wrong, what's going on?" At this time, Shimikasaho Nami, who was also sleeping on the east side, also came over, looking at the empty mask house, she couldn't help being startled, "What's going on, Shawbrook's Where's the mask?!"

"Hey... You guys are very noisy, it's late now..." The sleepy-eyed Aikawa Fuyuya walked over with a yawn, and was shocked when he saw the situation of the masked house. 'S mask... actually disappeared?!"

"I'm going to ask my sister Minaho to open the door!" Honami said immediately, and then she was about to call her sister on the internal phone.

"No need!" Qiye said in a deep voice, walked to the front door of Masked House leading to the west, blasted out with a punch, and directly shook the lock core to pieces, and the door opened easily.

"What's the matter, Mr. Liudao?" The people who were awakened by the violent opening of the door by Qiye walked out of the room, looking at Qiye and asked.

"Miss Su Fang may have something wrong!" Qiye said immediately, and then rushed directly to the third floor along the stairs and came to Su Fang Hongzi's door.

"Damn! It's locked!" Qiye yelled again. Why do these people like to lock the door so much? Xiang Qiye doesn't have this habit. Maybe there will be some unexpected gains.


Qiye opened the door violently with a cannon punch, knocking the door into several pieces with one punch, and everyone except Xiao Ai was instantly messed up.

Qiye rushed into the room and saw Su Fang Hongzi who was covered in blood lying on the bed, and the mask of Xiao Bleu that was dripping with a drop, as if sucking Su Fang Hongzi's life...

Chapter 594-Cursing the sneer of the mask!(Finish)

Twenty minutes later, Mumu rushed to him with the team.

"Qiyao, how is the situation?"

Qiye pointed her finger at the body on the bed and said: "The deceased is the owner of this mansion and the chairman of a charity company, Su Fang Hongzi. At night, I received an insider call in the room, saying it was a'cursed mask'. Desire for blood', Xiao Ai and I immediately rushed to the Mask House, and found that all the masks that were originally placed there were gone."

"The cursed mask, what is that?" Mumu looked at Qiye suspiciously.

Qiye pointed to the masks scattered everywhere, and said: "It is the masks of Xiao Blu scattered on the scene. It is said that the owners of these masks will encounter misfortune, and they are masks that have been cursed."

Mumu obviously had an expression of disbelief. It was not that he did not believe in Qiye’s words, but that he did not believe in the curse. After all, in this era of scientific civilization, although there are not a few superstitious people, compared with those who believe in science, the gap is incomparable. huge.

"By the way, there is this." Qiye handed Mumu the threatening letter he had found in the tree earlier.

"Cursing the masked messenger... why didn't you inform us earlier?"

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