Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 603

"Do you really think I will have no evidence?" Nanya smiled coldly, and said: "Mr. Fuyuya, I remember when you were making a transcript with Mumu, you said that you heard Xiaowei go and ask Honami to get the key. , Is it so."

"Yeah, so what?!"

"Miss Honami, did Xiao Ai ask you to get the key?"

"No, didn't the door already open when I arrived?"

"Now you understand, Mr. Fuyuki, you didn't actually see it, because you were still in this room at the time, preparing to cut the rubber band, and I did ask Xiao Ai to go to Miss Honami to get the key. But I'm sorry, I was in a hurry, so before Xiao Ai went to see Miss Honami, I opened the door myself."

"Damn it! It's just a little bit... it's just a little bit of a leak!" Lanchuan Dongya knelt on the ground, and beat the ground with his fist unwillingly.

"Fuya, the teacher takes care of you like unexpectedly..."

"Shut up!!" Aikawa Fuyuya yelled at Inaba Kazuyo: "Indeed, I had always regarded her as a benefactor before, but until two months ago, when I was sorting out my mother's belongings. , I know the whole truth. In the car accident 20 years ago, she killed Mr. Katagiri’s wife, then framed the accident to my mother, and finally killed my mother! The day of the accident was my birthday, and my mother was with me all day. Together, how could it be possible to survive and hit someone to death?!!! For so many years, I even regarded my mother-killing enemy as a benefactor..."

"How is this possible? The teacher is an outstanding person who has been doing charity activities for 15 years."

"Don't laugh," Aikawa Fuyuya pointed a finger at Inaba Kazuyo, "Do you think I don't know?! She embezzled charity funds under the guise of charity activities and filled her private pockets! You have a share here too!!!"

Revenge for the mother is indeed a good reason, but everything is too late, Aikawa Fuyuya was taken away by Mugure, and Su Fang Hongzi’s company, and Kazuyo Inaba, will soon usher in Investigation by the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Oh... another bad holiday."

Chapter Five Hundred and Fifth—The Lieful Client!(on)

In the toilet of the Metropolitan Police Department...

Qiye squatted on the toilet, but it was not a large size. There was a laptop on her leg, her fingers tapping cracklingly, the corner of her mouth was an evil smile that could not be concealed, and the headset on her head kept sending a woman order. The sound of people's reverie.

Watching a small movie?Qiye is not so boring. Watching a small movie is nothing. This is an adult masterpiece he personally directed.

On the screen, a pair of slender and white legs flared apart, completely revealing the mysterious and delicate place of the woman. A slender and white jade hand is constantly rubbing in that place, and the gurgling spring water keeps pouring and getting wet. A large sheet of sheets.

This woman has a pair of very proud babes, big in size, but full of elasticity, not sagging at all, even the two orbs above are still pink, the color of a girl, but this woman is already 42 A year-old mature woman and a 17-year-old son.

"Well, I'll just say that it will be very comfortable. Does it feel more comfortable than doing it by yourself?" Qiye grinned evilly, and asked the woman at the computer such explicit questions without any cover.

"Yes... ah... it feels... so comfortable..." The woman on the computer side kept breathing, her voice was sweet and moving.

"Now take out what I sent you before."

"Yes..." Under the domination of lust, the woman had no sensible existence, twisting her beautiful body, crawling to the bedside table, and taking out a box about the size of a watch box.Open the lid, there is a pink little thing lying quietly inside. Anyone with a bit of sex knowledge knows what it is.

"this is……"

"Put it into your body, it will be very cool." Qiye said strangely, her voice was like the singing of a mermaid, possessing the magic power to tempting people into death.

"Guru..." The woman swallowed her saliva and said obsessively, "Okay..."

The jade finger twisted the little pink thing and stuffed it into his damp cave without resistance.

Qiye Xiexie smiled, took out a small remote control from his pocket, and pressed a button on it.

"Ah... why suddenly... I shook myself... ah... no..." The woman was trembling all over her body with comfort, although she said she couldn't, her hands involuntarily profane.

"How about it, it's very comfortable." Qi Yexie said with a smile, fiddling with the remote control in his hand, raising the vibration frequency by one level.

Under the torture of Qiye, the woman quickly reached the peak, screaming, and the water sprayed from below covered the entire screen.

"Remember, without my permission, you are not allowed to take out that thing at any time. I can start that thing to detect you at any time."

"Yes..." A woman's weak voice came from the computer.

Qiye turned off the computer and put the remote control back in his pocket, feeling very good.The woman who was toyed with by Nanya Long-distance just now was not someone else. It was the mother of the famous Kansai detective Hattori Heiji, the wife of the head of the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters, Hattori Jinghua.

Xiaolan and Kudo Shinichi’s mothers are already lying on Qiye’s bed, and the beautiful mother of Hattori Heiji Qiye will naturally not let go. The beauty of Hattori Jinghua, Qiye should be well trained.

For Yukiko and Concubine Hideri, although Qiye used a lot of shameful methods, and even raped Yukiko, the end result was still a happy relationship, but for Hattori Jinghua, Qiye wanted to try to train this. Mature woman, he hasn't done that for a long time anyway.

The most troublesome place for the wives is their husband, but Qiye didn't plan to kill Hattori Heizo so soon, at least until he knew that his wife had completely betrayed him before killing him.

Although Qiye wouldn't kill Hattori Hirazo for the time being, he had to wilt him first, or else Hattori Jinghua would also want to kill Hattori Hirazo.

After that, things were simple. For a 40-year-old adult woman, wherever she could endure a long time of depression and loneliness, Qiye naturally took advantage of the vacancy. First, she hacked into the computer at Hattori’s home and contacted Hattori Jinghua. , And then tempted her to degenerate step by step. Until today, she finally persuaded Hattori Jinghua to open a video with him so that Qiye could see Hattori Jinghua comforting herself, and let her put that thing into her body.

Qiye's last sentence also used the effect of illusion, creating a kind of psychological hint in Hattori Jinghua's heart, and she would never show it without his order.

That little toy was made by Behemoth by Qiye. Using satellite signals, it can be controlled by Qiye’s remote control in any corner of the world, but when Qiye asked Behemoth to make this thing, Bei Himos really almost turned her face with Qiye. Thinking about him, Behemoth was asked to do this kind of thing. It was ashamed to think about it, but in the end, Behemoth still succumbed to Qiye’s lewd prestige. Next, there is no way, I am afraid of being beaten.

In the next few days, Qiye and Hattori Jinghua still maintained that kind of video ML relationship until...

"Hello, who?" Qiye sat on the sofa at home and connected the phone.

"Hello, are you six police officers?"

"Yes, who are you?" Qiye asked, the voice was so familiar.

"Hello, my name is Chi Bo Jinghua."

Qiye was stunned for a moment, and almost cursed, Chi Bo Jinghua, isn't it the woman from Hattori Jinghua?Just like the difference between Kudo Yukiko and Fujimine Yukiko, Chiba Jinghua is Hattori Jinghua's name before marrying.

"What's the matter, Miss Chi Bo?" Qi Ye's heart was evil, but there was no expression in her tone, and she smiled.

"That's the case. I heard from my friends that if I ask six police officers, I can definitely find the person I'm looking for."

"Looking for someone?" Qiye said suspiciously. "Why don't you go to a private detective if you are looking for someone? If you are missing, you can go to the police. Why should you come to me?"

"No, the person I'm looking for is not missing, but just an old friend I haven't seen for a long time. You don't need to call the police. If you are looking for a private detective, I think their ability should not be comparable to that of Liudao Police Officer. Please rest assured, you The reward will not be less."

"That's it, no problem. I have time tomorrow morning. I will arrive at my house at 9 am, Yonehuacho 1-chome No.7."

"Thank you."


At nine o'clock the next morning, Hattori Jinghua appeared at Qiye's house on time.

"Excuse me, I'm Chi Bo who called yesterday." Hattori Jinghua put her hands on her legs and leaned slightly, saying very politely.

Hattori Jinghua wore a purple kimono. Because of the cold weather, she wore a black coat outside, carrying a handbag in her hand, and wearing a very dignified and temperamental big back, which looked like a very big and nadeshiko The temperament of the classical Japanese woman is like Toshishima Toshiko. Coincidentally, Hattori Jinghua is very good at kendo and cooking, as is Toshishima Toshiko.

Hattori Jinghua is definitely a big beauty. When Conan saw Hattori Jinghua for the first time in the original animation, he had to marvel at being a big beauty. In the modern city of Tokyo, she wears a kimono like Hattori Jinghua. Women with classical temperament are obviously more attractive to men.

But who can think of it?This beautiful, dignified woman, under her kimono, inside the holy ground, is also stuffed with an adult toy.

"Ms. Chi Bo, please come in." Qiye showed no flaws on her face, smiling and invited Hattori Jinghua into the house.

The two sat on the sofa, and Qiye made two cups of tea.

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