Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 613

"Hehe, it's very simple. When you look at Ed, there is not only hatred but murderous intent in your eyes. That is the look of desperate people." Qiye is still the same. With a casual smile, he said: "You are planning to do it during the event for a while. First, knock on the door of Ed's room, then use the football to trigger your prepared mechanism, turn on the light on the second floor, and make you absent. Prove, then shoot Ed when he opened the door, and then return to the room on the second floor, right. As for the mechanism, it should be made with the sliding door and the mop in the room, just pull it The door was removed and leaned against the switch, then blocked with a mop in the middle, and then kicked off with a football mop, the sliding door would fall down and press the switch, right, Mr. Rekadis?

If it was said that Rekadis was shocked by Qiye’s momentum just now, he is completely shocked now, because Qiye has already said all of his plans. He has never told anyone about these things. He does not understand. How did Qiye know that he hadn't committed a crime yet.

Well, this is just a small illusion, without any technical content.

"Now, can you tell me why you want to kill that fat man?" Qiye asked faintly with her arms folded, but he didn't directly use illusion to let Rekadis speak out.

Recardis sat down on the ground and said: "He killed my wife..."

Then, Rekadis explained the reason why he wanted to kill Ed. As I said before, Ed is a bastard who fabricated fake news and slandered famous sports stars, such as world-class stars like Rekadis. Naturally, Ed’s news had a great negative impact on Rekadis, and finally went to court. Although the lawsuit ended in Rekadis’s victory, Ray Cadiz's wife committed suicide because of the false report.

Rekadis loves his wife very much, in order to avenge his wife, so Rekadis planned this murder, which can be said to be a typical example of desperate women.

After listening to Rekadis’s words, Qiye pinched his chin with a frivolous smile on his face. He really admired this Rekadis. After all, he himself was a man who could die for a woman. The murder of a woman couldn't be easier for Qiye.

Qiye is definitely a selfish person, so he doesn’t care about the damn law and justice. If anyone dares to move his woman, even the venting woman like Hattori Jinghua is good. If he kills that, Qiye is in a good mood. Qiye didn't care if that woman was an angel or a demon, he would never let anyone touch his own woman.

The simplest one is Belmode, she is a felon that the FBI wants to hunt down, but even so, Qiye can’t cause her to have an accident, but it’s difficult for Judy to solve it. Belmode is Judy’s. Kill your father and enemy...

In this respect, Qiye admires this Lekadis very much, plus the disgusting look of Ed, it is even more impossible for Qiye to put Lekadis in jail, and more than that, he will help this poor Man.

"Okay, catch me and go back, Mr. Liudao..." Rekadis said in a low voice, before he thought, since Qiye had seen through his overall plan, he was naturally going to be taken to prison.

However, to Rekadis’s surprise, Qiye didn’t take out the handcuffs. Instead, he retracted the pistol and his terrifying aura. He reached out and touched his pocket, took out a small thing and threw it to Rekadis.

"Here, this is for you."

Rekadis caught the thing and took a look, but found that it was a pistol bullet. He couldn't help but be shocked and said, "This is..."

"No gunsmoke bullets." Qiye said with a smile, "Your technique is good, and there is a way to solve the gunsmoke reaction, but if you must kick the ball correctly, you will definitely put on your shoes, the gunpowder residue from the pistol and the gunpowder Metal scraps will also get on your shoes, and gun-smoke reactions will occur at that time. This bullet is specially made by me, and there will be no gun-smoke, so even if someone finds out your technique, there will be no substantive evidence. As for the gas needle and football, the gas needle is so small that it is easy to solve, but in the case of football, I will help you erase the evidence by the way."

The gunpowder reaction is caused by the gunpowder in the shell of the bullet when the bullet is fired. The gunpowder residue and metal debris are usually left on the muzzle of the pistol and the hand of the shooter. On clothes, clothes, and even shoes and pants, generally speaking, changing clothes and shoes can remove this kind of gunpowder reaction.

The method of detecting the smoke reaction is also very simple. It is very simple and quick to replace the nitrate with a more active metal compound than nitrate to produce a color change. This method can be used to detect who fired the gun and determine the murderer.

Rekadis was stunned for a long time, clenched the bullet in his hand, looked at Qiye, and said, "Why are you helping me? Are you not a policeman?"

"Hehe, I am indeed a policeman, but the policeman is just one of my masks." Qiye smiled mysteriously and said, "Aren't you the same? On the surface, you are a big international star, but you are about to become one. Murderer. As for my other mask, maybe you have heard of my code name."

Qiye took out the demon's mask and put it on her face with a grinning grin. The whole mask seemed to be alive. It seemed that this was not a mask originally, but that Qiye itself looked like this. Said: "Meeting for the first time, Mr. Rekadis, my devil."


Hearing this code name, Rekadis’s heartbeat instantly became erratic. He had indeed heard of this code name, a world-class killer who assassinated dozens of people in less than two years. A senior American official who made Americans panic. The FBI almost collapsed as a super killer, but Rekadis never thought that a cold-blooded killer would become a famous policeman in Japan. What an absurd drama ?

"I represent both evil and justice. I have my own set of rules." Qiye put on a demon mask and said with a smile: "Rekadis, I admire you as a person. I don’t want my life for a woman. Nice guy, that's why I will help you, but since I am a killer, I have to get some reward for doing things. How about a dollar?"

Rekadis stood up, took a deep breath, and said, "Anyway, thank you very much, Mr. Devil."

"Forget it," Qiye waved her hand and said, "By the way, are you taking drugs?"

Rekadis smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, after my wife committed suicide, in order to avenge Ed, in order to bring him to my wife’s hometown, Japan only started taking drugs. I used the information about my drug use. The conditions of selling to him attracted him, and also to ease the pain of my bereavement, so, no matter what, I need drugs..."

What a sad person.Qiye thought in her heart that in order to lure Ed to the bait, she did not hesitate to take drugs. Once the thing was stained with the curse of a lifetime, Qiye couldn't help but think of the case in the art gallery, the words called "Heaven's Punishment" , The righteous knight killed the devil, and he was contaminated with the blood of the devil and turned into a devil, but if Qiye is here, it doesn't matter whether the knight or the devil is.

Qiye stretched out his hand and pressed it on Rekadis's shoulder, a vigorous vitality entered into Rekadis's body, freed the drug's imprisonment on his body, and also restored Rekadis's body to its peak.

"This...this is... Rekadis was extremely surprised, feeling that his body was so strong that he hadn't been in a long time, and his body hollowed out by drugs seemed to have never happened.

"Have you forgotten? Tomorrow, my girlfriend and I are going to watch your farewell match. I don't want them to see a trash guy, but you'd better keep a secret. Otherwise, I don't mind killing people. Quiet, Rekadis."

"I understand, Mr. Devil." Rekadis said, with respect and gratitude in his tone. The devil didn't seem to be as scary as the rumors.

Chapter 604-Osaka 3K Event!(Finish)

"Mr. Liudao, is it on?"

"Well, it's already lit." Qiye took the walkie-talkie and stood under the K3 building with a group of guests, looking at the building and smiling.

This is an opening event made by the three bosses of Lekadis. The three bosses of K3 light up and turn off the lights in the hotel room respectively, and use the entire building to form a K letter. It is a good idea. As for It is a better idea to kill at this time.

The light in the lower right corner of the letter K was lit for less than three seconds, and a gunshot resounded throughout the night.


"what sound?"

"Is that gunshot?" The three bosses of K3 poked their heads out of the window.

Hearing the gunshots, because of that damn detective instinct, Hattori Heiji and Conan immediately rushed up, and as a policeman, Nanya rushed in immediately, but he was going to destroy the evidence.

Separate a avatar and become a waiter casually, taking away the basketball and gas needle left by Rekadis.The clone took the deflated football and walked into the toilet. He tore the football into the toilet and flushed it. When the clone was about to destroy the gas needle, it suddenly laughed and the gas needle passed back to the body's hand. in.

Qiye held the Qi Needle in her hand, smiled evilly, and put the Qi Needle into her pocket.

When Hattori Heiji and Conan rushed to the room where the gunshots were heard, they saw Ed, who had been scared to pee by Qiya before, was shot and lay on the ground and lost his breath.

"Isn't this the news reporter just now?"

Qiye walked into the room, squatted down, took out a handkerchief and picked up the pistol that Rekadis had thrown on the ground. He pointed his finger back into the probe barrel and said, "The barrel is still very hot, it should be this. Put the gun." He put the barrel of the gun under his nose and sniffed, his brows suddenly frowned.


"What's wrong? What did you find?" *2

Conan and Hattori Heiji asked at the same time, although they both hated Nanya to death, they still had to admire his reasoning ability.

"Smell it for yourself."

Qiya sent the muzzle to Hattori Heiji's face. Hattori Heiji was taken aback, her nose twitched, and she was surprised: "Why there is no smell of gunpowder?"

"What?" Conan was also shocked, and sniffed, there was indeed no smell of gunpowder smoke.

"Hey, Hattori Heiji, this is your site, and this case will be handed over to you." Nanaya said irresponsibly, and directly gave the gun to Hattori Heiji. This is in Osaka. It is troublesome to investigate the case. Just leave it to this famous Kansai detective.


Soon, the Osaka police officer Otaki Goro rushed to the scene with his subordinates. Otaki Goro is a very honest policeman, a direct subordinate of Ginjiro Toyama, the police rank is the police department, and Mugo 13 is equal to the rank. He is also a simple and honest middle-aged uncle, with a scar on the corner of his right eyebrow. The relationship between Otaki Goro and Hattori Heiji is like the relationship between Megumi Ju and Kudo Shinichi.

Because of the shooting incident, Otaki Goro’s men sealed off the hotel, squatted on the ground to examine the body, and said: "The victim was Ed McCann, a 48-year-old journalist based in Chicago, USA. In the heart, he died almost immediately. The weapon was Smith&Wesson's revolver, but it seemed that he was struggling for a while after being hit. Heiji, when did he hear the gunshot?"

"At around 8:05 in the evening, I heard a gunshot outside the hotel and saw that the glass in this room was broken. I couldn't be wrong."

"Outside, when you are going home?"

"No," Hattori Heiji waved his hand, and said to one side that the three people asked Qiye to help write a letter K with the hotel lights.

"Oh, hello, I've heard of your name a long time ago, Police Officer Six." Otaki Goro stretched out his hand and shook Nanya's hand.

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