Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 615

Although Conan didn't want his idol to be a murderer, he obviously hated Qiye even more intensely, shouting angrily.

Qiye laughed wildly, then poured the red wine in the glass in one breath, smashed the goblet on the wall, and said: "I am willing to help the murderer, can you control it? How about it? I want to go. Sue me? Just relying on a few words from the two minors, you want to bring me down?"

"Humph!" Conan sneered and said: "Indeed, the evidence has been destroyed by you. There is no way for the two of us to sue you, but as long as we have these injuries and our testimony, we can use it as well. I will sue you for hurting others!"

"Puff! Hahahaha..." Qiye immediately snorted after listening, and then laughed sarcastically.

"Why are you laughing?!"

"What do you mean, Kudo Shinichi?" Nanya stopped laughing, wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said: "Kudo Shinichi, you are still so naive, do you think I will show such obvious flaws?"


Qiye snapped his fingers, and the space immediately changed. Conan and Heji's injuries recovered at an unreasonable speed, but for a moment, the two of them seemed to have never been injured.

Heyji, who had recovered as before, stood up and looked at Conan, who had also recovered, and read the shock in the other's eyes. This is unreasonable!!

"what have you done?!"

Qiye stood up, spread her hands, and said, "Nothing, just magic." It was actually an illusion, but it was easier to understand with magic.

"Stop nonsense! There is no such thing in the world!" Conan shouted immediately.

"Stupid things, do you think you can't see that they don't exist? So what?" Qiye smiled coldly, snapped her fingers, and the surrounding space changed again.

The surrounding walls and floors all turned into fly ash and disappeared into the darkness. Conan and Heping were taken aback, and his feet were immediately empty. Fortunately, it was over soon. Light appeared around him. A scorching heat hit, Conan and Heping settled down, and found that the two of them suddenly appeared in a sea of ​​purgatory fire, and the two of them were locked by four chains and hung in the air.

"Since there is no magic in the world, can you explain to me what is going on in this world? Two great detectives?" Qiye said casually, sitting on a stone chair, waving her hands.

"It's won't be true..." Conan looked at everything in front of him in shock, and it was difficult for him to understand such things as he believed in science and materialism.

"Is it impossible?" Qiye squeezed his chin and said, "Actually, I don't like this environment very much, so I can change it."


It was another snap of the finger, and the surrounding scenes immediately changed. From the sea of ​​purgatory fire just now, it became a beautiful paradise of Maldives. The blue sky, the blue water, and the white sandy beach are all so perfect, Hattori Heiji and Kudo Shinichi has also changed from being hung on chains to being tied to stakes.

"Sunshine, beach, and two more beauties would be perfect." Qiye smiled slightly, smiling evilly and arrogantly. As soon as his words fell, two beauties in swimsuits came over with plates, and those two The face almost drove Pingji and Conan crazy, it was He Ye and Xiao Lan.

Qiye wouldn't really pull the two of them into the illusion space. Both of them are just phantoms, but as long as they can deceive Heiji and Conan's eyes, after all, most humans trust their eyes very much.

Heye and Xiaolan walked over and sat on Qiye’s lap under Heiji and Conan’s almost fire-breathing eyes. Heiji and Conan would naturally not know that this was just an illusion. Seeing their favorite girl sitting The man's body was almost torn in his heart.

The acting also has to be more beautiful, Qiye put her arms around the waists of the two women, smiled evilly at Heiji and Conan who were tied to the stakes, and said, "How about it, watching them being held by me like this? , What do you think?"

"Asshole! Hurry up and let go of Kazuha!" Hattori Heiji's black face was almost flushed, and he exclaimed angrily, but the stake and the rope used to tie him were extremely tough and couldn't get rid of it at all. open.

"Hey, Hattori Heiji, you have to figure it out, but it's not that I won't let Kazuye go, but Kazuye can't do without me, right, Kazuye?" Qiye said with a smile, and then looked at her body. The "and leaves".

"Smelly, who can't do without you?!" He Ye spit out his poisonous tongue at him. Although it was just an illusion, the characters and habits of these two phantoms are exactly the same as He Ye and Xiaolan himself, except that Qiye knew These two are just phantoms, and no one else can see the difference.

"Uuuuu... He Ye, I'm so sad. Anyway, we have become a husband and wife..." Qiye said with a pitiful look, and then stretched out her hand to knead He Ye's fragrant buttocks, as he usually did. Do it to He Ye.

"Um... badass!" He Ye Jiao yelled, but his eyes flowed without any irritation.

Hattori Heiji's eyes almost burst into flames, but it was obvious that Heiji couldn't be Amaterasu. No matter how angry he was, the difference in strength was impossible to make up.

Heye and Xiaolan sat on Qiye's lap, with a little finger on Qiye, a few hot girls appeared immediately, holding torture instruments, and walking towards Heiji and Conan.

Two of the girls held a saw and placed it on Hattori Heiji's waist.

"Damn it! Stop it!!!" Conan yelled immediately when he saw that his friend was about to be subjected to such torture.

"Saw it for me!" Qiye said coldly. The women obviously listened to Qiye's order, and immediately began to do it. A saw was activated, saw Heiji's clothes, skin and flesh, and got stuck directly into the body.

"Ah!!!" Hattori Heiji yelled immediately, his body trembling constantly, but the saw continued to penetrate into his body.Saw with a saw is more cruel and painful than cutting with a guillotine knife. You will be cut to the end with a guillotine, but the saw is a long and painful torture. The saw slowly cuts the internal organs, intestines, and blood vessels. Listening to the scalp tingling sound of the saw sawing through the spine, I feel cruel and irritating when I think about it.

"Damn, you bastard, hurry up and stop!" Seeing the miserable appearance of Hattori Heiji, Conan immediately yelled at Nanya.

"Hehe, Shinichi Kudo, are you still in the mood to take care of other people's affairs?" Qiye sneered coldly, "Blow him up for me."

The four women came over immediately, untied Conan's rope, ignored his struggles, grabbed his hands and feet and lifted him over his head, and walked to a frying pan that was already burning.

"Six roads and seven nights! You devil! You must have retribution!!" Conan seemed to know that he was doomed, and shouted angrily before he died.

"Hehe, idiot, I will get retribution if I offend, throw it away!"

Conan went into the oil pot, a pot of smoking oil, the temperature can be as high as Baidu, at this time, it is definitely a happiness to die quickly.

As soon as Conan came into contact with the hot oil, the unimaginable pain made him open his mouth and scream, but with this call, he would suffer even more pain.The boiling oil flowed into his body through Conan's open mouth. The high temperature of hundreds of degrees Celsius cooked Conan's internal organs, esophagus, and stomach, and instantly burned out, and Conan almost twisted into a ball.

One of the women stretched out a hand and pressed down Conan who wanted to struggle out again, soaking her whole body in boiling oil.

Ten minutes later, Conan had turned into a piece of black coal, and Hattori Heiji was also sawn off, turned into two pieces, and passed out.

I don't know how long it took, Conan and Hattori Heiji opened their eyes again in surprise, and the man they hated was still in front of them.

"Why, two people, have you slept enough?"

Chapter 606-Wedding!

"how is this possible?!"

Hattori Heiji and Conan said in astonishment at the same time, aren't they dead?One was cut into two pieces with a saw, and the other was thrown into the oil pan. After experiencing that kind of great pain, how could he not die?

Of course Qiye knew the thoughts of the two of them. He smiled and said, "I said you two, I rarely invite you to play in hell. You just fell asleep like this, but it doesn't give me face."

"How on earth did you... do it? Aren't we dead?!"

"You said this, it's very simple, this is my world, I am the god here, everything here is dominated by me, of course, including the lives of you two."

"How is such a thing against science possible?!"


As soon as Conan finished speaking, the whole person flew upside down, as if he was hit by a siege hammer, spouting blood.

"Really, Shinichi Kudo, you are still so uneducated and disgusting, did you let you talk when I spoke?" Nanya flicked her finger and said flatly

Really, these two great detectives like to interrupt others, don't you know that this is very rude?

Looking at Conan's bitter and enmity expression, Qiye smiled disdainfully, and said, "Don't be like this, I haven't abused you enough."

"Damn it! Why on earth are you doing this?!"

"Why are you saying, Shinichi Kudo?" Qiye's mouth curled up slightly and her eyes were extremely indifferent. "It's purely because I think you hate it, you are a naive idiot like you, I'm sorry if you don't abuse you. "

With Qiye's move, the original sandy ground under Conan Heping's feet became scarlet on one side, and the beautiful beach instantly turned into a bloody and terrifying endless sea of ​​blood.

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