Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 620

Fei Yingli, who got out of the car behind him, pushed his glasses, the lenses reflected the light, and said, "You are going to drive today and you can't drink, otherwise I will sue you for drunk driving."

Qiye's face immediately became bitter, and looked at Fei Yingli pitifully, and said, "Yingri, you wouldn't do this to me."

"Huh!" Fei Yingli snorted, ignoring Qiye, apparently because he was jealous because of the words before Qiye, so she used this naive method to avenge the pretentious little woman.

"Na... Yingli." Qiye wailed, hanging on Fei Yingli's body, and said: "I was joking just now, don't be angry, okay."

Fei Yingli's face blushed, because Qiye hung her on her body, her hands naturally hung down, placed on her chest, and suddenly said, "Asshole, let go of your paws."

"Then Yingli is not angry with me?"

"I wasn't angry at all." Fei Yingli blushed and said helplessly. How could she be angry with him.

Qiye kissed Fei Yingli, and then the two of them walked into the tavern called Mei Yan.

After entering the order, the two ordered a pot of wine and some food, and then explained their intentions.

The owner of the tavern and the ex-wife of Usami Shinharu, after listening to Nanaya and Ki Hideri's words, Masako Kameda fell silent and washed the dishes quietly.

"I have forgotten about that person."

Nanaya drank the wine slowly and squinted at Kameda Masako. This woman was telling lies. When I heard them say about Usami Shinji, this woman had very intense mood swings, but she was forced to suppress it. Come down.

"I understand how your couple have broken up, but Ms. Kameda..."

"'You are all to blame for Jung Shu's death, why don't you replace him', he said that to me when he got drunk."

Still a lie, Qiye took a bite of takoyaki that tastes good, speaking calmly does not mean that it is the truth, none of what this woman said is true.

"Ms. Kameda, we understand your feelings, but now Mr. Usami is in a very bad situation. We want to help him, no matter what."

"I don't want to talk about that person anymore."

Fei Yingli pushed the glasses and said: "The crime scene is very close to here, what do you know about the night of the crime..."

"I don't know anything, if you just ask these things, please go back!"

The voice is high, and the speaking speed is fast, it seems that I am afraid of mentioning this.Qiye poured herself another glass of wine, thinking faintly in her heart.

With a crash, the hotel door opened...


The guests who walked in surprised Fei Yingri, because it was her ex-husband, Kogoro Mouri.

What do you say about the current Kogoro Mori?Tousled hair, thick stubble, a coat that hasn't been washed for a long time, a godless eyes, you can see with your eyes that it is a middle-aged uncle with a career failure, a broken family, and a broken marriage. Hehe, all in.

"Eri, why are you here?" After seeing Concubine Eri, Mouri Kogoro instantly became excited.

Fei Yingli frowned and said coldly, "Mr. Maori, please pay attention to your name. We are already divorced. Please call me Ms. Concubine. Also, why I don't need to explain to you here."

Kogoro Mouri was taken aback for a moment, a painful look appeared in his eyes, and he smiled bitterly.

Qiye looked at Moori Kogoro's appearance, touched her nose, and said, "Actually, there is a concubine lawyer who took a case, so come here to investigate with me." (You scumbag, Concubine Hideri will become now Isn't it because of you?)

It's not that Nanaya feels sorry for Kogoro Mori. Since he can do this kind of thing, he won't be a good person. It's just that Fei Yingri doesn't want outsiders to know her relationship with Nanaya, so Nanaya just pretended to be like that.

"Humph!" Fei Yingli snorted, seeming to be dissatisfied with Qiye's words, but she felt relieved in her heart.

"In that case, then I won't bother." Mouri Kogoro smiled bitterly, turned and left the tavern.

Concubine Yingri's eyes remained the same. After a sip of the wine, since the woman had already empathized, it was quite unsympathetic, and Fei Yingri did not want Qiye to have any misunderstanding.

"Did that person come here often?"

"Yes, Mr. Mori came in to take care of the business in my shop...Speaking of which, that night..."


Kameda Masako realized that she had leaked her mouth and immediately covered her mouth, but it was too late.

"That night, the day of the crime?"

Kameda Masako lowered his head and continued to wash the dishes.

Qiye put down his glass, looked at Kameda Masako, and said, "Ms. Kameda, please tell us the truth."

Fei Yingli followed Qiye's words and said, "Do you know something about that day?"

"That night, my ex-husband... Usami was here."

"Is Mr. Usami here?"


"It was right on the day of the crime."

"He came here once before and after that day."

Qiye and Hieiori looked at each other and nodded secretly. Hieiori asked, "So when did Mr. Usami come?"

"This is... But Mr. Maori may still remember."

"Is he?" Fei Yingli's eyes flashed, and then said: "Thank you for remembering it."

Kameda Masako turned aside his head and said, "It's not for Usami to remember."

After the two walked out of the tavern, Qiye suddenly smiled and shook his head. Fei Yingli looked at him strangely and said, "What's the matter, what are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, I think that Kameda Masako is very interesting. Obviously he cares about Usami very much, but he has to hold on and pretend to be a dead face." In fact, there is half of Nanya's words, that is, Kameda Masako and the previous The concubine Yingli is very similar, she is very concerned, but she doesn't admit it, but that's just before.

Fei Yingli seemed to have thought of something too, smiled, and said, "It is true, but Nanya, that Kameda Masako..."

"Yeah." Qiye nodded, and said, "That Kameda Masako is indeed a problem, and Usami Shinji is the same. In his confession, there is no mention of his visit to his ex-wife's tavern on the day of the crime. According to Kameda Masako It’s said that Shinji Usami has been here just once, and there is no misrepresentation. The couple must have something to hide."

Fei Yingli frowned, also feeling that this case was a bit complicated. For a lawyer, the most troublesome thing is not that the case is complicated, but that the defender refuses to tell you the truth.

"What should we do now?"

"Of course I went to Moori Kogoro. After all, he was the only witness in this case." Qiye said helplessly, shrugging her shoulders, and then leaning her big head and kissing Fei Yingli's lips, "Don't worry, I am I won't doubt Yingli."

Qiye's words naturally moved Fei Yingli's heart, smiled and sat in Qiye's car, and just put on the seat belt, Qiye threw a small plastic bag to her.

"what is this?"

"The octopus skewers packaged from Meiyan are delicious. You have been asking about the case just now, so I packed it for you without much food." Qiye said naturally while starting the car, taking care of her. Your own woman, of course, is a matter of course.

The soft-hearted Fei Yingli was touched again, and took the initiative to kiss Qiye on the cheek, and then happily began to eat octopus skewers.

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