Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 623

"Hey? How is it possible?" Xiaolan was surprised.

"Stupid girl." After hearing Xiaolan's words, Fei Yingli couldn't help but turn around and looked at her daughter amusedly. This girl is really naive, "Lan, don't forget, the little girl who was killed by the dead The child is the child of Usami Shinji and Kameda Masako."

"Could it be that Ms. Kameda killed the dead in order to avenge her child?!" Kuriyama Green was surprised.

"It is possible, but there is no evidence yet." Fei Yingli said with her arms folded.

At this time, the car happened to be near Migan. Qiye put Lishanlu and Xiaolan out of the car and said to them: "Lan, Lishan, you two go and check for me. Besides Migan, there are other nearby There are restaurants that have not been served takoyaki, so Hideri and I went to Usami's house to check the situation."

"Well, we got it."


On the other side, Qiye and Feiyingri came to Usami's house and pried the door directly. Feiying thought that Qiye was proficient in opening the door with a knife just now, and couldn't help saying: "We're going to be a private house."

"An La An La," Qi Ye waved her hand and said, "There are special methods for special circumstances. Don't mind such trivial matters."

Fei Yingli rolled her eyes silently, but didn't bother to talk about him, and started looking for clues.

"Hey, Qiye, does Usami have a habit of smoking?" Fei Yingli asked suddenly.

"I don't think he has smoke stains on his teeth, and there is no color from the smoke on his hands. There should be no smoking, right?" Qiye explained as she walked over and saw a figure beside the TV. Zhang family portrait, Usami Shinji holding a six or seven-year-old boy, Kameda Masako half-leaning on her husband and son, a very happy family portrait.

"Look at this."

"Matches?" Qiye looked at the red matchbox that Fei Yingli had thrown over, "Usami Machiaki doesn't smoke, and there is no ashtray here. What does he want a match for? And he brought it from Mima."

As Qiye was talking, she flipped the matchbox and looked at it, and suddenly saw a few English letters MIMASU on the back.

"Hey, Yingli, it seems that we have come right this time." Qiye looked at the six English letters with a smile on her face, "Although it is not a decisive evidence, your ability should be enough to make her speak. "

Fei Yingli hugged her arms, smiled confidently, and said, "Enough."


Tokyo District Court...

"Then, Mr. Mori, please reconfirm what you said last time." Fei Yingli stood up and said, "When did you arrive in Meijian?"

"As usual, around 7:30."

"So when did you fall asleep."

"About half past eight."

"Then stay asleep from 8:30 to 9:55 when you wake up on the phone."

"That's it."

"What the hell does Attorney Concubine want to prove?"

"I don't know, it's probably just a bluff." Reiko Kujo said, but there were some doubts in her heart. What exactly does Concubine Yingri want to do?And that guy is not here today.

"It means that you don't know what happened during the time you were asleep, even if the defendant brought the victim to Mei Yan..."

"No, the defense is unfounded guess!"

"No, there is a basis!" Fei Yingli was full of vigor, looking at Reiko Kujo, and said: "Please take a closer look at the autopsy report of the victim. The stomach content contains takoyaki, and takoyaki is Miha's signature dish. And I have also investigated the restaurants near Meiyan. Except for Meiyan, no takoyaki is on the menu."

"Even if, as the defense said, the victim arrives at Meiyan, what about it? What's the difference?"

"This is completely different, the presiding judge, the defense is asking for a new witness to be called!"

When Qiye went to the court, she couldn't help thinking in a mess, this seemed to be the first time he went to court in a few lifetimes, and it felt like...want to blow it up directly.

The person sitting in the witness stand with Reiko Kujo narrowed his eyes. This bastard...

Qiye smiled slightly and said: "The presiding judge, everyone present, the prosecutor proved that the defendant’s motive for the murder was because the deceased had killed the defendant’s son because of drunkenness. However, what I want to say is that, in addition to the defendant, the day of the crime , There is another person in the Meiyan Tavern who has the same motives for murder as the defendant."

Just after Qiye finished speaking, Kujo Reiko's face was shocked, and she immediately stood up and said: "Six Dao Police Officer, as a policeman, you should know..."

"Of course, Kujo prosecutor." Nanya immediately interrupted Kujo Reiko's words and said: "I know exactly how slander is for a policeman, but please listen to me first."

When Qiye gave him a word, Reiko Kujo snorted twice and sat down with an angry expression on her arms.

"I have confirmed with the people in the Forensic Department. Based on the contents of the stomach of the deceased, it can be determined that he had been to Misawa about half an hour to an hour before his death and met Ms. Kameda. The key to this case is the defendant. What is the relationship with Ms. Kameda. Indeed, on the surface, because of the death of Aiko Jungki, the two divorced because of their disharmony, but all this was the fault of the deceased.

On the night of the crime, the defendant Usami had a dispute with the deceased. After the quarrel, he came out of the izakaya at 8:30, and then the defendant took the deceased to Misawa. It should be between 8:30 and 9:00 at that time, and Ms. Kameda After seeing Pyeongtaek, the anger and hatred that had been suppressed for a long time burned again, so that the defendant was called back first, and then the deceased was taken to the scene of the crime to be killed, and then returned to the shop, and adjusted the time of Mr. Mori’s mobile phone. The proof of presence, that is, the alibi that was refuted by the prosecutor, was not for the defendant, but for Ms. Kameda."

After listening to Nanya's words, Reiko Kujo was stunned for a while, then stood up and applauded, and said, "It's an elite police officer. It's an excellent story, but this is a court, not a place to reason."

"Really?" Nanya smiled, and looked at Reiko Kujo, and said, "There is something wrong with my reasoning. How about prosecutor Kujo please tell me?"

"First of all, how do you know that the defendant left the deceased in the shop and went back first? How can you not say that he asked his wife to make an alibi and then led the deceased to the crime scene to kill him?"

"If this is the case, since the alibi has already been made, why didn't the defendant speak out when he was caught?" Nanaya smiled and looked at the shocked expression of Reiko Kujo, and said, "I worked so hard to create an alibi. But instead of telling it to prove his innocence, he took the initiative to admit that he had killed someone. Isn't this a contradiction?"

"So, how do you explain the defendant's car keys left on the scene?!"

"It's very simple. It was the defendant who stayed on the scene." Qiye said with a smile. "After the defendant went back, he came back because he was worried, and saw the scene where Ms. Kameda killed the deceased, so he planned to help her. The top crime, the defendant probably thinks that he can escape a felony like Pyeongtaek who killed his son when he was drunk."

"How is it possible? Even if you are drunk, you may not be exonerated. Maybe you will be sentenced to a felony."

"That's because the defendant has always loved his ex-wife, and Ms. Kameda..." Fei Yingri, who had not spoken, finally spoke. He took out the matchbox from his pocket and said, "The evidence is this Misaki's. Matchbox with MIMASU written in Roman letters on the back."

"What kind of evidence...Ah!" Reiko Kujo whispered, looking at the matchbox in Fei Yingli's hand in surprise.

"Yes, MIMASU, the reverse is USAMIM, which is Usami. Ms. Kameda has never forgotten her husband. Mr. Usami discovered the true intentions of the wife from the match, so he deliberately helped the wife to commit the crime, even if he was absent. The evidence is not revealed."

"Nonsense! Not what she said! It was me who killed that person! It was me, I killed him by myself!!"

"Don’t say it, husband, it’s enough. I know your mood completely. I’m sorry, you gave such a testimony. I don’t know about the car keys. Just as Liudao police officer and lawyer concubine said, killed Pyeongtaek. The man is me."

Kameda Masako confessed his crime, and Usami Shinji's murder case was naturally innocent, and the undefeated record of Concubine Hideri continued again.

On the second day after the case was solved, Nanya came to the Tokyo Prosecutor's Office again alone, knocking on the door of Reiko Kujo's office.

"Come in."

Chapter 613-The mysterious journey of Nanki Shirahama!(on)

Qiye at the door was stunned for a moment, and then touched her nose. Her voice was obviously lower than her usual self-confidence and arrogance. There was no use "please come in" to speak. The woman who wanted to come inside was in a bad mood.

Could it be that menopause is coming... Qiye thought in confusion that Reiko Kujo is also 33 years old, not far from menopause, and it is normal for such a strong woman to work hard and cause physiological disorders... if let Reiko Kujo knew what Nanaya was thinking, and she might just slap him to death.

Qiye pushed the door in, and when Reiko Kujo saw him, her face was as dark as the bottom of a pot and said, "Why, is there anything else the six police officers came to see me today?"

Qiye looked at Jiu Tiao Reiko's face like Bao Gong, and couldn't help but cheat, and said, "Hey, did you remove your makeup?"

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