Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 654

"Hey, I..." Kuriyamalu hadn't reacted yet, and the whole person was already lying on Qiye's back. For some reason, Qiye's generous back made Kuriyamalu couldn't refuse, so she could only remain silent and hugged Qiye tightly. Neck.

Xiaolan and Fei Yingli didn't go fast, and Qiye caught up with them within a few steps. When the two women saw this situation, they each gave Qiye a blank look.

If it is the usual Kuriyama Green, with her understanding of Fei Yingri, I am afraid that Fei Yingri is too close to Qiye’s, which seems to surpass the degree of mother-in-law to son-in-law, but now she can’t figure out her own problems. Well, there is really no way to be distracted to think about Concubine Yingli.

The four of them returned to the hotel. Although it was a matter of morning and evening that the four of them were sleeping together, they still have to install it. The four are divided into two rooms, Qiye and Xiaolan, and Feiyingri and Kuriyama Ruriichi. between.

Back in her room, Xiao Lan stared at Qiye, pouting her mouth slightly, and said with a hint of jealousy: "You and Miss Kuriyama were very affectionate just now."

Qiye stretched out her finger and clicked on Xiao Lan's small pink mouth, and said, "Lan is jealous. It's a rare expression, so cute."

Every woman is jealous. This is an add-on to love. It cannot be returned or discarded. Once discarded, love will pass away. However, different women behave differently when they are jealous.

Although some people are jealous, they will not say anything in their hearts, such as Xiaolan and Mingmei, and then they are directly jealous, such as Xiaoai and Saya.

Xiaolan's rare jealous expression made Qiye very fond of it.

Xiaolan made a grimacing face at Qiye, but was suddenly held in her arms by Qiye, her big mouth was printed with her small mouth.

Xiaolan was not surprised by Qiye’s actions. After all, with Qiye for so long, Xiaolan could also guess what he was going to do from some of Qiye’s eyes and movements. Today they are in the same room. If Qiye didn't do anything to her, Xiaolan would doubt if the person in front of her was pretending to be someone else.

Qiye expertly peeled off Xiaolan's clothes, grabbed a touch of slippery that had been possessed by him countless times, and fell on the tatami together.

More than an hour later, the battle in Qiye’s room was still going on. On the other side, in the room where Feiyingri and Kuriyama Green, Feiyingri, who was already asleep, suddenly opened her eyes and secretly looked at Kuriyama next to her. Lu, after making sure she would not wake up suddenly, opened the quilt, climbed up tiptoe, and walked out of the room.

It's really not easy for the dignified barrister Concubine Yingli to make such a nasty move.

Feiying PolyU doesn't sleep well at night, so naturally she wants to find her man.

Speaking of it, this courtyard is indeed the best room in this hotel. The area is very large and there are many rooms. The courtyard with four people is really too much money, and although it is an old-fashioned building, it has a sound insulation effect. It was also very good. Although there was a room in the middle of the four-person room, there was no movement from Qiye's room from Fei Yingli's room.

Fei Yingli walked gently to the door of Qiye's room, stretched out her hand, opened the paper door, and suddenly saw Xiaolan who had been tossed to death.

The smell and atmosphere in the room moved Fei Yingli, looked at her daughter affectionately, and then glared at Qiye again, saying: "Don't you know where to converge? Xiaolan is about to be killed by you."

Qiye pulled the weapon out of Xiaolan's body, then kissed Xiaolan's sweaty forehead, then looked at Fei Yingli, and said, "Aren't you here too late?"

"Is that my fault?" Fei Yingli turned around and closed the door, and then came to Qiye's arms, "I have to wait until Kuriyama falls asleep before coming over."

Qiye stretched out her hand to shave Concubine Yingri’s nose, then stretched out her hand and started to take off her clothes, and said at the same time: "Then you should have made our affairs public earlier. It's obviously my wife. Why do I always make it like cheating? same."

Under Qiye's touch, Fei Yingli immediately panted, looking at Qiye, and said: "You also think about how I feel with Xiaolan, how can we go out of this kind of thing?"

Qiye lowered her head and took a bite on Fei Yingli's earlobe, and said, "If I didn't care about you, our relationship would have been known to everyone."

Indeed, the reason why Qiye is still in this situation up to now is because he cares about the feelings of Fei Yingli and Xiaolan, because the two of them did not disclose his relationship with Fei Yingli.

"I got it." Fei Yingli groaned, and sat on Qiye's body, and said: "I know you love us, my favorite little man."

Qiye Xie Xie smiled, and the hot weapon pressed against Concubine Yingli's body, and said, "Am I young?"

Fei Yingli's face flushed, and she wrinkled her nose and said, "Bad man!"

"Hey, I admit it."

Fei Yingli gave this cheeky man a helpless look, and then couldn't suppress his body's needs, holding Qiye's weapon in one hand, and slowly sat down, Guanyin sitting on the lotus...


When Fei Yingri arrived in Qiye’s room for about an hour, Kuriyamalu, who had already fallen asleep in another room, suddenly woke up again. To be precise, it was the main reason why most people would wake up after falling asleep. Urine is sober.

Although I didn't drink alcohol at the autumn festival, it was oranges and pears, and I drank two glasses of juice. The amount of water stored in my stomach was really a lot, and my stomach started to irritate at night.

Kuriyama Green, who woke up drowsily, walked swayingly. What he saw in front of him was basically frosted, and he didn't notice that there was already a big living person beside him, so he went to the toilet in a daze.

After returning from the toilet, Kuriyamalu lay down on the bed in a big font, and put his left hand on Fei Yingli's bed.(Because it is a traditional Japanese architecture, the beds are made on tatami mats)

Kuriyama-green felt that something was wrong now, because the bed that was supposed to be lying alone was cold at this time. Kuriyama-green turned on the light in the room, rubbed the still-open eyes, and then reached out. Carefully touched the bed, it was already cold, and he had obviously walked away for a while.

"Where did the teacher go so late?" With a puzzled expression on Kuriyama Lu's face, he walked out of the room in a pajamas.

Although Kuriyama Midori trusts Concubine Yingri very much, she is still a little worried about not seeing people this evening, so she has to come out and take a look.

There is a room between the room of Kuriyama Green and Qiye’s room, and there is no need to turn around. The two doors are separated by seven or eight meters. Kuriyama Green walked to the door of Qiye’s room within a few steps. At that time, I heard a sound that made Kuriyama Green blush and heartbeat into her ears.

Kuriyama Green is not a kid anymore. I have been with Fei Yingri for several years, and have dealt with many cases of sexual crimes. Just looking at the information of those cases is enough to let Kuriyama Green know something. She naturally knows this voice. What is going on, my heart jumped fiercely...

Qiye and Xiaolan...

Kuriyama Green suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, but he was more curious. Listening to the depraved sound like a mermaid's song, Kuriyama Green slumped on the ground lightly, reaching out his hand and quietly closing the door slightly. A small slit was opened, but what he saw almost caused Kuriyama Green to collapse.

Qiye and Xiaolan are in ML. This is normal. Qiye has many girlfriends. This Kuriyama Green also knows, but in Qiye's room, there is a woman who Kuriyama Green has never thought of, Fei Yingri.

The stimulus of the mother and daughter colleagues is indeed big enough. Anyway, when everyone first knew about it, their reaction was basically the same as Kuriyama Green’s now, stupid.

Kuriyama Midori never thought that she would see this kind of scene, and never thought that Fei Yingli, a traditional woman, would do such a thing and serve the same man with her daughter?This is incest!

Kuriyama Green had discovered before that after his divorce from Kogoro Mori, Concubine Hideri didn't seem to feel any sadness at all. On the contrary, he was happier day by day. He often didn't know who was calling, and even blushed. Kuriyama Green was guessing at that time Did Yingli have a boyfriend, but she never thought it would be Qiye.

However, soon, the shock in Kuriyamalu's heart was overwhelmed by her physical reaction. Although she had seen some videos and photos in the case file before, it was the first time that Kuriyamalu saw the scene. Nose I smelled the feminine scent from Xiaolan and Fei Yingli, and I couldn't help but think of being on the top of the mountain, Qiye stroking her thigh, even the feeling in the depths, thinking about it, Kuriyama Green's two legs The room was wet again.

Qiye and Xiaolan, Fei Yingli had tossed in the room for so long, and Li Shanlu looked outside for how long, until Qiye's scarlet eyes glanced at the slit in the door, Li Shanlu ran away in a panic.

Chapter six hundred and fortieth-a happy trip!(Finish)

The next morning, Qiye after tossing all night was naturally refreshed, Xiaolan and Fei Yingli weren't serving him together, although their bodies were soft, they didn't affect much.

As for Kuriyama Green, she really wanted to pretend that nothing happened, but she couldn’t help but look at Fei Yingri and Xiaolan. She now understands why Fei Yingri and Xiaolan are so close. Beyond the average mother and daughter, because they have done that kind of thing.

Then Kuriyama Midori looked at Nanya again. She admitted that he was a very attractive man, a poison that was almost deadly and irresistible to women, but she didn't understand how much magic he could make Fei Yingri. This conservative woman was shamelessly with him.

The abnormal green of Kuriyama naturally attracted the attention of Fei Yingli and Xiaolan. After thinking about it, Fei Yingli understood the reason for the abnormal green of Kuriyama, and her face turned red, and Qiye gave Qiye a shameful look.

Qiye was holding his head and whistling, and didn't care at all. Although his relationship with Fei Yingri was not public, it was still public within his women. They all knew that Fei Yingri was the woman of Qiye, and Kuriyama Green was also decided within Qiye. Woman, it's okay to let her know.

The four people, in this extremely strange atmosphere, stayed in Hokkaido for another four days before leaving this place.

After leaving Hokkaido, they didn't go back to Tokyo directly. The trip was not over yet. After going south, they came to a prefecture in the west of Tokyo, Yamanashi.

Yamanashi Prefecture is located in the southeastern part of the central part of Honshu Island in Japan. It is surrounded by mountains and mountains. 86% of the land area is mountainous, including Japan's highest peak, Mount Fuji, and Japan's second highest mountain Shirane Mountain.

Yamanashi Prefecture is the largest fruit producing area in Japan, known as the Kingdom of Fruit Trees. It is conceivable that the vegetation coverage area of ​​Yamanashi Prefecture is very large, as high as 74%.

Yamanashi Prefecture's production of peaches, plums, grapes, and wine ranks first in Japan. The processing technology of precious metals and gems is developed, and the jewelry processing industry is well-known throughout Japan.

The entire prefecture is a tourist attraction. In addition to Mount Fuji and Mount Shirane, it also includes many large national parks such as Fuji Hakone Izu National Park, Tanzawa Daisan National Park, Fuji Five Lakes, Shosen Gorge, and Takeda Shrine, Kai Zenkoji and other historical sites related to the Sengoku military commander Takeda who ruled the area in the 16th century.

Xiaolan picked a red Japanese Fuji from the tree, washed it with water, and immediately handed it to Qiye's mouth.

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