Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 660

"Please, Qiye, help me." Mumu looked at Qiye with a smile. If it were just a general violent case, he wouldn't bother Qiye. After all, this Chinese New Year is really not kind, but now the problem has become very serious. It's complicated, Mumu can only pull off an old face.

"Don't come." Qiye buttoned her ears and said, "You can ask Conan to help you. That kid is very interested in investigating the case. By the way, where's that damn kid Conan?"

Xiao Ai took out the luxury magazine that she hadn't finished reading, and while flipping through it, she said, "That guy has already gone back to the stadium."

Qiye twitched at the corner of her mouth, looked at Mumu, and said, "Mumu, I bet you for a year's salary. That kid in Conan will definitely not listen to our advice to investigate the case."

Mumu also twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Forget it."

He doesn’t want to bet with Nanaya. The Metropolitan Police Department has basically gambled with Nanaya. There are all kinds of messy bets. For example, he would bet on how many times Odakiri Toshiro would scold someone today, or whether he would bet when Takagi went to the toilet. Wrestling, the bet is also weird, lighter ones, such as a dinner at noon, are quite outrageous. Shiratori once lost once and was asked to confess to a female colleague who is recognized as the safest in the entire Metropolitan Police Department. , The grand occasion at that time ignited the gossip fire of Odagiri Toshiro.But these all have one characteristic. Qiye has never lost anyway, and because of this, no one dares to gamble with Qiye.

For Conan, Mumu didn't want to deal with it anymore. After all, after the last case of the Junior Detectives, Mumu realized that they must not let children go to investigate the case. After that, Conan also encountered several cases, although Mumu repeatedly Warned him not to investigate the case, but the guy couldn't listen at all.

Over time, Mumu didn't want to care about him. Mumu is a good man, but he is not a clay figurine. Moreover, the clay figurine is still three-part earthy, and Mumu repeatedly kindly advised Conan not to listen at all. He is also angry, he It's a policeman, not a child's nanny!

I have to say that Conan, an idiot, has once again lost an important person.

Qiye turned around and walked directly into the stadium with Xiaoai and Saya, but fortunately he left Mumu with a word to ease him.

"If you encounter something that can't be solved, please call me again."


"Are you really not going to investigate this case?"

"Seven times." Qiye reluctantly looked at the tired big breasted lady beside her. She had asked this question seven times, okay, isn't it tired?

It’s impossible for Saya Gojo to be filled with the damn sense of justice like Conan, but she is very competitive, and she wants to solve problems by herself, especially when Xiaoai and Qiye are here. She wants to prove it. I am a genius.

"Humph! Do you dare to say that, the police have no sense of responsibility at all, and I don't know how the Metropolitan Police Department recruited you back then!" Gao Cheng Saya hummed savagely.

"This question is as complicated as why Saya likes me as a bastard, so I can't answer it." Qiye said with a smile, and immediately went to death.

Gao Cheng Saya's face immediately flushed, and he beat Qiye in shame, and said, "Asshole! Who would like you!"

After the two had a fight for a while, Qiye hugged Gaocheng Saya and lay on the railing. The railing happened to be stuck in the place below Gaocheng Saya's chest line. Qiye pressed her from behind and immediately squeezed her huge breasts. It's bigger.

"Now, Saya, what can you do if the prisoner wants to see us from the other side?"

Saya Gaocheng blushed, but his brain was operating at super high speed, and said, "Binoculars, portable video cameras, and digital cameras with zoom functions are fine."

After listening to Xiao Ai, although her face was still cold, she nodded in her heart. She also thought of these things, and then looked at Gao Cheng Saya... Although this woman has a big chest, she is not brainless.

The existence of Saya Takashiro breaks the point that a woman's chest and brain cannot coexist, but Ju Chuan Shizuka's existence proves this.

"That's right, but there should be one more." Qiye smiled and kissed Gaocheng Saya's face, and then said: "All the cameras of the daily TV stations arranged in this stadium can also monitor this stadium."

Saya Gaocheng frowned slightly, but now she has entered the thinking mode, so her shyness has been reduced a lot, and said: "It is indeed possible that if it is for the mobile phone of the Japanese TV station, it should be mixed into the Japanese TV station in advance. It is reasonable for a photographer to inquire about the situation."

Qiye and Saya Takashiro continued to watch the match, and it didn't take long for Mumu's call to call.

"What's the matter, Mugure?"

"Seven nights, the prisoner called just now and asked to put the money at the door of door 18 during the intermission."

"So what?" Qiye asked suspiciously. At this time, it would be better to arrange for ambushing and arresting people. Why did you look for him?

"That... Sato has another mission today. Nakaoka has already been in the audience just now."

The corner of Nanya's mouth twitched, and the fellow Mugure was no one to send. Except for Sato and Asami Nakaoka, only Nanya could guarantee to subdue the criminal in an instant.

"It's really troublesome, Mumu, five days of leave." Qiye immediately raised the price.

"Hi hi~~"


By the time of halftime, the stadium was suddenly quiet a lot, and at the gate of gate 18, Qiye and another guy named Tamiya were in ambush here.

A sound of footsteps rang in the silent aisle, one wearing a hat, sunglasses and a mask, wearing a scarf, and an oversized windbreaker, with his hands in his pockets and almost no skin exposed, walked over. Take away the bag on the ground.

"Okay! Let's go!"

The man named Tamiya rushed up and hit the man in the windbreaker back, but he was hit with an elbow backhand.

Qiye narcissistically tucked her hair, and then rushed up immediately, hitting the man in the windbreaker with a knee, almost knocking his eyeballs out.Qiye took advantage of the situation and grabbed one of his arms, then clasped his other hand behind his neck, and then pressed his whole person to the ground, pressing his knees on his back, so that he could not stand up.

"Pistol! Find his pistol!"

Qiye controlled the man in the windbreaker, and Tamiya immediately searched.

"Detective Megome! No pistol was found!"

"Say! Where is it?! Where is the pistol?!!!"

"Don't move him!"

Chapter six hundred and forty four-

A man’s dull voice came from the phone dropped by the man in the windbreaker: “Don’t mess with you guys and move my partner! Otherwise, I will shoot the audience and leave immediately! Sure enough, I called the police. This is different from what we agreed. , Mr. Kaneko from the Japanese TV Station?"


Qiye had no choice but to let go of the man in the windbreaker. The man in the windbreaker stood up and picked up the phone on the ground: "How dare you look down on us, I'll just kill one person, kill the chicken and curse the monkey."

"Wait!" Mumu immediately yelled, and if he were to shoot, things would be really serious.

"Let me see which one is better to kill, now the goal is to choose, ha ha ha ha..."

Hearing the laughter of the gangster, Qiye curled his lips in disdain. He would be threatened. Forget it, let you die.

"Don't do this! There is no problem with what you want!" The director Jin Jin immediately yelled. If life is lost, their daily TV station will basically collapse.

"Our police are also willing to give up, as long as there are no casualties!" Mumu also said immediately, the money is still a trivial matter, it would be bad if there were human lives and riots.

"That's okay..." The voice on the other end of the phone seemed a little more cheerful, and said: "I will give you a chance to make up. Now I want the police and the Japanese TV station to make an additional payment, one billion yuan, and one billion yuan before the end of the game. Put Yuan into the bag for me and put it at the door of door 18! If I can’t get the money ready on time, I’ll shoot an audience right away!”

"Ten...a billion!"

"how can that be?!"

It's not that Mugure and Kaneko are stingy, but the trees for this money are really too big. One billion yen is equivalent to 60 million yuan. If time is abundant, the strength of the Japanese TV station must be one billion yen. It's not too difficult, but there is no time now.

First of all, before the end of the game, even if the game time is delayed, it will only take an hour or two to die. It is too difficult to collect a billion yuan in such a short time.

And it’s the New Year, and the bank’s capital flow is already large. Even if the bank has so much money for you to mention it, he won’t give it to you. The money is all given to you. What should I do if the bank has no liquidity?

"Why, don't you want to share my share?"

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