Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 671

Yuanzi seems to be born with a high level of sexual talent. He can absorb any posture and gameplay very quickly, and he will not contradict any requirements of Qiye, and will only cater happily.

As Qiye galloped on the body of the garden, she couldn't help thinking: Do you want to play S~M with this girl next time?

The six hundred and fifty-third chapter-the foggy dog ​​flying in the sky!(3)

This idea can be tried, although Qiye is not a trembling girl, but the girl in Yuanzi is definitely a trembling girl.

The garden didn't have as many thoughts as Qiye. Now she only wanted to get Qiye's comfort. The thinner body hugged Qiye for a long time. After midnight, the two people calmed down and hugged each other to sleep.

After the movement in the next door finally subsided, Ayako and Saya finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then their bodies became awkward.After all, after listening to the bed scene for so long, the place between the legs is wet and uncomfortably sticky now, but the thin-skinned two people are embarrassed to go to the bathroom to wash themselves in front of each other. They can only make the bed and sleep. Up.

But after more than an hour, Ayako got up secretly and looked at Saya Gaocheng who was sleeping next to her. After she seemed to be sure that she was really asleep, Ayako quietly opened the quilt and went out.

She really couldn't help the strange feeling under her body. She ran to the bathroom and washed away her awkwardness. After half an hour, she returned to the room and fell asleep peacefully.

And not long after Ayako really fell asleep, Saya Takashiro also secretly got up and did the same thing as Ayako. It was almost two o'clock before the two girls fell asleep peacefully.


"Oh, when did China's national treasures come to Japan?" Early the next morning, Qiye looked at the two girls coming out of the "next room" and smiled badly.

In a word of Qiye, it is not just Saya who is already awkward in character, even the gentle-natured Ayako can't help but stare at him. With their cute panda eyes, if they put on smoky makeup today, they can save a lot of cosmetics. It.

After spending the breakfast time "safely", the four left Shanni Temple and walked up the mountain.

This time, Qiye did not drive, but took the 11th bus. Although it is very convenient to drive, it is less fun.

It's like some famous mountains have repaired a climbing elevator. After entering, the elevator door is locked, and after ten seconds, you can see the mountains. What's the fun?

In comparison, the cable car is slightly better than the mountain elevator.

Yuanzi is holding Ayako's arm, humming a song without lyrics in her mouth, and pressing the mountain road very happily. It's not at all like the tossing of half a night yesterday, she is full of energy, it is almost like a hit. Like lottery tickets, there is wind under your feet.

Qiye slowly followed behind the sisters Hua, like an old man, not walking fast.

"Qiye, hurry up, no matter how slow you are, you will be in a wheelchair!" Yuanzi was almost 100 meters ahead of Qiye, and turned to Qiye and shouted.

"Come!" Qiye replied loudly, then turned around and looked at a girl with big breasts who had fallen far behind, and said, "Hey, Saya, do you need help?"

" need!" Gao Cheng Saya said forcefully, but couldn't help stopping again, resting his hands on his knees, breathing heavily.

Saya Gaocheng is an absolute genius girl. In the school, most of the subjects are full marks, but she just barely passed the two subjects of housekeeping and physical education. Thinking about it, Saya Gaocheng's physical fitness is not very good.

Mountain climbing was not something that Gaocheng Saya was good at. The garden was energetic and walked fast. Saya was stubborn and unwilling to admit defeat, so he could barely keep up, but he couldn't keep up for long. Gaocheng Saya had already rested several times.

"Now, don't be aggressive, let me help you." Qiye ran back in stride, ran to the side of Gaocheng Saye, and said helplessly.

"No!" Gao Cheng Saya pouted, and directly rejected Qi Ye’s kindness, because of the things he heard last night, Gao Cheng Saya can’t face Qi Ye normally now, and a little girl like her can only be cold To respond.

"Hey, Qiye, and that big breasted man, hurry up." Just after Gaocheng Saye's words, Yuanzi shouted from above.

Although he knew that the other party couldn't see it, Saya Gaocheng couldn't help but stared at the garden on the mountain, and then stepped forward immediately.

Stubbornness is not a problem, but Gaocheng Saya's stubbornness has brought her bitter results this time.

Saya Gaocheng was out of breath because of climbing the mountain and stopped to rest. He was agitated by the garden's words before his breath recovered. He immediately walked again. Without taking two steps, his breath became more chaotic. He couldn't help taking two big breaths. When the breath was chaotic, his breathing suddenly became more rapid, and Saya Gaocheng immediately choked. The result was...


Saya's rapid breathing changed several times, causing the diaphragm to spasm slightly and contracting involuntarily. Air was quickly sucked into the lungs. The fissure between the two vocal cords suddenly narrowed, causing a strange sound, that is, hiccups.

"Really." Qiye complained, hugged Saya Gaocheng, lowered his head and kissed it, and put a green light on Saya's chest.

Generally, hiccups are not a major problem. Many people know how to solve hiccups. It can be solved by holding your breath or drinking some water. Qiye can also take advantage of the way.

Gaocheng Saye was kissed by Qiye, so naturally he couldn't breathe. In addition, the green light in Qiye's hand passed directly through her chest cavity, healed the slight spasm of the diaphragm, and the hiccups were all right.

Qiye didn't kiss any further, and there was no air in Saya's lungs. If there was another kiss with the tongue, Saya would really be suffocated by him.

Saya Gaocheng was originally tired, and his head became a little confused. In addition, his mouth was suddenly gagged by Nanaya, the shy panic, and the last air in his body was exhausted, making Saya's consciousness more confused. It took a long time. Did not recover.

Qiye "in desperation" could only kiss again and flew the air into Saya Gaocheng's mouth. At the same time, he didn't get honest with his hands, and greedily played with Saya Gaocheng's huge soft chest.

"Ah!!!" Gao Cheng Saya reacted this time and pushed Qiye away abruptly. The red on his face was more beautiful than the cherry blossoms in the mountains and plains. He covered his chest with his hands and stared at him with his big amber eyes. Qiye yelled ashamedly: "Pervert! H! Ghost!"

Qiye stretched out her hands, looking helpless, and said: "I am not wronged, I am just to help you, how about it, don't you hiccup?"

"I..." Gao Cheng Xaya pursed his slightly red and swollen mouth, and said: "The first time you can make sense, then the second time, you deliberately took advantage of me!"

"Yeah, that's right." Qiye nodded, and then pulled Saya, who was wary on his face, into her arms, and his big hands climbed directly onto Saya's pair of big breasts that can make countless men crazy, and said: Saya’s attraction is too big, especially here."

Qiye's five fingers made a grasp, and he grabbed it twice, and the chest of Gaocheng Saya was twisted and deformed in Qiye's hand. Even if he was wearing a warm coat, he couldn't cover this feminine place.

"Asshole! Where do you put your paws!" Gaocheng Saya was ashamed, and his fists kept beating Qiye's chest.

"Hahahaha..." Looking at the shy expression of this tired young lady, I really found it very funny, Qiye copied it by hand and hugged Gaocheng Saya in her arms.

With the princess hugging, Saya Gaocheng and Qiye’s cheeks are less than 20 centimeters apart. When they face each other at such a close distance, the scent of men blows over their faces, almost overwhelming the scent of cherry blossoms in the mountains, making Saya stunned for a long while.

"Ah! Bastard! What are you doing! Hurry up and let me down!" Gao Cheng Saya was not honest at all in Qiye's arms, struggling constantly, his heart beating so fast that he would have a heart attack.

"Okay, stop making trouble, let me carry you up the next road, dear princess with big breasts."

"Asshole! What a perverted name is'big breasted little princess'?!" Gao Cheng Saya was shy, but his struggling movements were obviously smaller.

"How could it be a perverted name? I think it fits the reality." Qiye smiled, her arms tightened around Saya's waist, making her body closer to her, and her soft and huge chest was also close to her chest., squeeze deformation.

Saya Gaocheng was really too ashamed, but he couldn't talk about it, so he could only bury his face in Qiye's arms, and his little hand kept beating and venting his shyness and panic.

Qiye held Saya, and the progress of the few people accelerated a lot, and soon they came to a river.

Downstream of this river is the waterfall next to Shanni Temple. The flow of the waterfall is very large. The river is also very wide and deep. The water in the river flows from a higher mountain next to it, but where is the specific source of the flow It is also not clear.

On both sides of the river are densely packed wild cherry blossoms. When the spring breeze moves, the petals of the cherry blossoms are flying in all directions.

"Oh, the environment here is really good." Qiye put Saya down and looked at Saya who was immediately away from her, like a frightened little bunny. She smiled helplessly, looking at this place like a paradise. , Stretched a lazy waist, said cheerfully, it was quite rewarding to wake up early today.

The garden looked at the cherry blossoms and the clear river, and said: "Qiye, shall we have a picnic here today?"

The six hundred and fifty-fourth chapter-the foggy dog ​​flying in the sky!(4)

The environment here is very fresh and natural. There are mountains, water, flowers, and grasses. The merging spring breeze is blowing the petals of cherry blossoms, and there is the huge roar of the waterfall next to it, which can be said to be a combination of static and dynamic. Very suitable place for picnics.

"That's a good idea."

Qiye smiled slightly while holding her chin. The environment here is very good, and there are three beauties to accompany him. It would be a good choice if you have a picnic here.

If I wanted to do it, of course I did it immediately. Qiye found a good tree and cut it down directly, and then used the trunk to make wooden chopsticks, wooden bowls and wooden forks, and firewood was a little troublesome.

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