Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 726

"No." Qiye said lightly, mimicking Xiao Ai's usual tone vividly, and said: "It seems to have gone to some strange banquet. I don't know what they are doing. Do you have anything wrong?"

"Ah, I actually wanted to find you. Didn't you say that your cold has never been better? So I would like to take you to a large well-equipped hospital for a diagnosis. I asked a doctor I know, because I was going on a business trip. I’m free tonight, although it’s sudden, is it convenient for me to pick you up now? I will contact Mr. Liu Dao in a while. If it’s not convenient, then forget it."

"Okay, that bastard threw me here, no matter if I was a little unpleasant at first, it would be boring to stay at home alone."

"Okay, then I will pick you up in an hour, you are ready, I will leave as soon as I arrive."

"it is good."

"See you in an hour."


After the sound of hanging up the phone for a while, Qiye once again sealed the wiretap in her hand with the barrier. Belmode smiled sweetly and said, "It's amazing. You can imitate that kitten's voice so much. Giggle..."

"Is this fun? Sister, you should go out now, or it won't be fun if Judy comes."

"Gluck... I'm also looking forward to seeing that little girl. After all, I haven't seen each other for 20 years. It's a really exciting meeting."

Chapter 710-Blood Moon!(4)

When Belmode dressed up again as Shinde Chiaki and walked out of the house, Qiye was playing with the bug. The conversation he had with Belmode just now was meant for Judy and some kid to listen to, and now they are listening. When those words were reached, the plan began to unfold.

Qiye came to Xiao Ai's room and looked at Xiao Ai Lori who was still wearing a mask lying on the bed. She walked over and sat on the edge of the bed and touched her beautiful short brown hair. Under the cold eyes of the latter, said : "How about, is your cold better?"

Xiao Ai didn't answer, her ice blue eyes always looked cold, staring at Qiye closely, and said, "You want to go out?"

Qiye was not surprised that Xiao Ai could guess this, smiled, and said, "Yeah, I have something to do in a while. I made something for you and put it in the kitchen. If you are hungry, take it. , Or ask Mingmei to bring it to you."

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Ai didn't listen to Qiye's words carefully, but looked straight at Qiye with her beautiful ice-blue eyes.

"Don't ask so much, women who are too gossip will be hated by men." Qiye pinched Xiao Ai's nose, then tucked a quilt on her, turned and walked out of the room.

After Qiye left, Xiao Ai didn't feel relieved, her icy blue eyes were full of worry, and there was even a trace of unnoticeable fear. She remembered the nightmare she had had the night before.

Since coming to this home, Xiao Ai’s fear in her heart has been reduced a lot. After a period of time with Belmode, her fear of this woman has almost disappeared. The number of nightmares has become less and less, and the interval of time has disappeared. It's getting longer and longer. Before that, Xiao Ai hadn't had a nightmare for about three or four months, but this time...

Black, everywhere is black, Xiao Ai’s most feared color, black streets, black street lights, black broken buildings, black sky, black clouds, even the light is black, the only difference is that it hangs on In the sky, that perfect circle, that blood-red full moon.

There is no light source, Xiao Ai stands on this endless dark street, but she can see herself surprisingly.

The temperature is not cold. Although Xiao Ai is thin, she doesn't feel cold, but there is nothing here, no sound, no light, Xiao Ai can't even feel her breathing and heartbeat, and she doesn't know if she is stepping on the ground. Above, still floating in the darkness, this feeling of emptiness and helplessness made Xiaowei panic.

Xiao Ai walked forward aimlessly, and I don't know how long it took. This young body didn't feel tired, and there didn't seem to be the concept of time here, but what appeared on the road ahead attracted Xiao Ai's attention.

The world is still pitch black, but a ray of light appeared in the small area in front, a weird red light.

As the distance got closer and closer, Xiao Ai smelled some strange smell on her nose. This was... blood!

Xiao Ai walked over and saw the face of the person lying on the ground clearly. Although it was not the two people she cared most about, she still couldn't stop her pupils from shrinking, Hongzi?!

Hongzi shot several shots in her body and lay on the ground. There was no life left, and the blood went to her hair and the ground. In this dark world, it exuded a strange red and fishy smell.

"This... won't... won't!" Xiao Ai looked at Hongzi's body, and then ran forward frantically. The sisters in the family appeared in front of her one by one, together with Ye and Xiaolan, Yuanzi, Ayako, Yoko...Belmod...Sister, sister?!

Xiao Ai looked at the ground, her whole body cold, her bloodless sister, the fear in her heart once again magnified, and there was only one left. There was only one person she cared about.

Xiao Ai started again and ran forward, and soon she saw the most important person in her heart.

"Huh~ It's okay, he's okay." Xiao Ai looked at Qiye not far in front of him with surprise, and was about to call his name.


With a gunshot, the man in front of Xiao Ai's world fell down.

"Do not!!!"

Xiao Ai's heart suddenly became fragmented, and she ran towards the fallen man, she could not care about anything.


There was another gunshot, and Xiao Ai felt a pain in the back of her head, her consciousness gradually separated from her body, her body fell softly, and a cold voice sounded behind her head.

"Farewell, Shirley!"

"Let me...look at him again..."



Xiao Ai's hands were separated by the quilt, clutching her chest tightly, but this couldn't comfort the almost broken heart, her forehead was covered with cold sweat, and her pupils shrank to the size of needles.

"What's going on, it's obviously just a dream, why does my heart feel like this..." Xiao Ai murmured, clutching her chest. Xiao Ai used to have nightmares, but this was rare. When it appeared last time, My sister was almost killed by gin. If it weren't for Qiye's appearance, the two sisters might have been separated forever.

This time she dreamed of gin, the man she feared most now, and the dream was even more terrifying than last time. Except for her sister, all the sisters in the family, including him, died.

"Could it be that... this time it has something to do with gin?"

Xiao Ai thought that he had something to go out suddenly today, but he refused to tell herself what it was. Combined with this terrifying nightmare, Xiao Ai thought of gin.

I have to say that Xiao Ai's spirit is a bit overly nervous, but this time she really got her guess. Qiye's outing this time was indeed related to the gin.

After a long time, Xiao Ai's violent heartbeat and rapid and chaotic breathing gradually calmed down, and the hand holding her chest was also released, but the deep fear in her eyes still did not disappear.

Xiao Ai's gaze shifted, looking at the drawer of the desk in her room, a trace of determination flashed in her eyes.

"I won't let you have an accident, Qiye...Sister...and everyone..."


On the wide sea-crossing bridge, this bridge is far away from downtown Tokyo, so the traffic volume is not large.

Today's sunset is particularly dim, and the heavy afterglow of the sunset is so heavy that even the crow can't make a sound. The dim color gradually becomes thicker, and the yellow gradually deepens, turning into orange, and then, with blood-like colors.

The red of the setting sun is so rich, it is rare, and a Porsche 256A, which is as dark as an old antique, is running on the cross-sea bridge.

"Really? That man has already set off to the pier?" Gin held his cell phone, with a cigarette in his mouth, his tone was still as cold as the one from Jiuyou in Hell.

"Oh? Don't you believe me?" Belmode leaned on his car, to be precise, a new Chiming car, and said: "If this is the case, you can check it yourself. We organized NO.1 must have this ability, right?"

"Huh! Belmode, don't think of irritating me, you will regret it!" Gin said coldly, but didn't follow Belmode's words.

In addition to performing tasks, Belmode is mainly responsible for collecting information. For so many years, Belmode has already had an intelligence network of her own. Even with Gin and that gentleman, even seven nights I don’t know about the information network, if you want to talk about intelligence, Gin is still a lot worse than Belmode, otherwise Gin does not need to ask Belmode every time whether he has found the kitten.

"Regret? I never regret it." Including the betrayal of the organization.

"Humph!" Gin snorted coldly. He also knew that he could not pry open the mystic's mouth and said, "Belmode, you'd better perform well in this mission. Otherwise, even if you don't With permission, I will also wipe you out of this world."

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