Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 776

When Nanya walked onto the witness stand, he was naturally stared at by Reiko Kujo's gaze. For this, Nanya could only say SORRY to her secretly, and promised to comfort her tonight. In his shame, stood still in front of the witness stand.

Qiye said with a casual expression, "What I want to explain is that the victim was killed before the defendant entered his house. It should be when the servant Yuan was cleaning the second floor, because she said at that time. I heard a strange sound from the first floor. At that time, the murderer had killed the victim and got what he wanted from behind the picture frame, but at this time he heard a strange sound, that is, the defendant Toshio Iwamatsu , At this time sneaked into the deceased's home.

Because he was afraid of being discovered, he quickly hung the painting back to its original position, and because he was too nervous, he didn't even notice that the painting was upside down, and this was also discovered by the juror Miss Xiao Lin."

Qiye deliberately lifted Xiaolin Chengzi out, and everyone's eyes were focused on Xiaolin Chengzi's body, which made her blush a little, but at the same time she was slightly proud.

"Cough cough." Qiye coughed twice and continued: "And at this time, the defendant who sneaked in in order to steal the IOU was too alarmed because he suddenly saw the victim's body, and stepped on the blood on the ground and fell down. , She accidentally knocked down the vase that was originally placed on the cabinet, and fled in a hurry. Because of the sound, Ms. Yuan went to the study to check it. At that time, the murderer hid the knife in the vase that fell in front of him and pretended Just as it was."

"You said pretending to be like you just arrived..." Sumiko Kobayashi was thinking, "So, the real murderer is..."

"Yes, Mr. Tsukano, who appeared in the room following Ms. Hara, is the real murderer!!"

In the court, proving that a witness was the real murderer had to be said to be a very impactful speech. All eyes immediately focused on Tsukino sitting in the corner.

"You...what are you talking about, Mr. Six Ways?"

Of course, there are still a small number of prisoners who confess their guilt on their own initiative. Like most of the prisoners, Tsukino is not willing to give up.

"The explanation is very troublesome, but it's better to explain." Qiye shook her head helplessly, and said: "When the crime happened, you deliberately touched the corpse to confuse the blood that was on your body during the murder. Then, while sending Ms. Yuan to call an ambulance, she took out the vase with the knife and placed it in the garbage collection area. The gloves she wore when the crime was committed were also placed in it, and then she finished recording her statement at the police station. When I went back, I took away the knife and gloves from the vase. The vase should have been taken away by the garbage truck the next morning and destroyed, but you are not lucky. It was not the day when the incombustible garbage was recycled. Then, that The vase was taken back by Ms. Yuan.

In the last trial, because the murder weapon was not found, it was regarded as a major problem. You hurriedly took out the knife and gloves and threw them into the lake in the park, hoping to be found when cleaning the drain."

"You are enough! What reason do I have to kill my brother-in-law?!!!"

"Do you want to kill someone?" Qiye turned around, sat down on the witness stand, then hugged her arms, looking at Tsukano for a while, and said: "About this, Lawyer Concubine has done it. Investigated."

"The misappropriation of public funds by Mr. Tsukano, who was in charge of the staff, was exposed. Someone testified that he had quarreled with the victim."

"That's just a rumor. Where is the evidence?!!! Is there my fingerprint on the frame?!"

"Of course not. Didn't you say that you wear gloves? And they are still relatively coarse gloves, and there are no fingerprints left in the gloves."

"Okay, look at it, please think about it, every juror, as an active policeman, is it really okay to talk such nonsense in court?"

"Mr. Liudao..." A worried expression appeared on Xiaolin Chengzi's face.

"Oh, you are so stupid that you are hopelessly stupid." Qiye sighed, her eyes completely disdainful, and said: "Do you think I will come here to play with you without evidence?"

"Since you have evidence, take it out and have a look!"

"It seems that you really can't see the coffin." Qiye's eyes turned cold and a smile appeared on his face. "Although there are no fingerprints on the knife or gloves, what about in the vase? Because the gloves are in the vase. , Of course I was empty-handed when I reached in for the knife and gloves. I checked the inside of the vase and successfully found a bloody fingerprint on the inner wall of the vase. Mr. Tsukano, do you think that fingerprint does not match yours? What is the probability of that?"

Tsukano's face was pale, and he knelt on the ground.

"You can only say that you are too stupid. If you hadn't done so much and wanted to plant the murder weapon to the defendant, your fingerprints would not be left in it, stupid fellow."

Qiye's face was disdainful, and it was too late to say that this idiot, if he didn't get out the murderous knife and gloves, his fingerprints would not be left there, and there would be no decisive evidence. It was really self-inflicted.

"That guy is not good! That greedy man! I even took away the land title book left to me by my deceased sister on the grounds of misappropriating public funds! So that day I took advantage of that guy's absence and wanted to steal it back. Land ownership book, but I didn’t expect him to come back suddenly, and I killed him in a fit of anger! There is only my sister’s land, I really don’t want to give it to that guy!"

"Idiot!" Qi Ye looked indifferent and contemptuous, "If it weren't for you, an idiot, who lost public funds and was caught by him, what chance would he have to snatch your sister's land? It's just you being unsatisfactory! Waste!! "

Chapter seven hundred and sixtieth-change back to the original!

The case was resolved smoothly, and Fei Yingli's undefeated record continued smoothly, and Qiye didn't care about the rest of the judgment. Anyway, that guy was finished.

The camera turns to the basement of Liudaozhai...

The white light of the computer screen shone on Xiao Ai's little face. Her face was filled with excitement that was completely different from that in the past, and the excitement spread more and more, causing her mouth to turn up.


Xiao Ai hit the last button, and a series of data was finally accepted under the computer's calculations. Xiao Ai looked at the results displayed on the computer screen, but her mood calmed down.

"The results of the computer calculations should be fine, and the next step is the live experiment."

Xiao Ai is obviously very happy to say, because her antidote development is finally at the last step. In computer calculations, the permanent antidote has been successful, and then just find Conan to test it.

Three days later, Xiao Ai’s permanent antidote was finally developed. There were three pills in total. One was given to Conan. If there is no problem after the test, Xiao Ai will take one, and the remaining one is used to protect the bottom. of.

"Are you looking for me?"

At Dr. A Li's house, Conan sat on the sofa, looking coldly at the uninvited Xiao Ai.

Compared to indifference, Xiao Ai is a master. A master who is much taller than Conan took out a small plastic bag with a red and white capsule in it, and said: "The antidote for APTX-4869."

Conan took the plastic bag, looked at Xiao Ai, and said, "This antidote can only last for a few hours."

"The data should be completely recoverable. Now it's time for in vivo experiments."

"Hmph, did you come to see me as a guinea pig?" Conan sneered twice.

"Otherwise?" Xiao Ai hugged her arms, her whole body exuded the aura of a queen, and looked at Conan disdainfully, and said: "You don't need to eat, I don't lack you as a test product."


Conan gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do. He closed his eyes and swallowed the capsule as if he was determined to break his wrist.

Xiao Ai turned around, walked into Dr. A Li’s research room unceremoniously, then locked the door, and put the disk he was carrying with him into the computer. After Conan became bigger, he must be naked, but Xiao Ai was not there. She is interested in looking at other men's bodies. Taking advantage of this time, she can also see if there are any omissions in her data.

As before, after Conan swallowed the antidote, he soon felt a violent pain, as if he had burnt and smashed all the bones of his whole body, his body was getting bigger and bigger, and Conan's clothes were also broken by him.


Half an hour later, Kudo Shinichi, who had changed his clothes, appeared in front of Nanaya.

Xiao Ai looked at Kudo Shinichi coldly, her gaze was not surprised, she was sure to grow bigger, but whether it could grow bigger permanently was the key.

Xiao Ai took out a needle and said, "Sit down, I want to draw blood."

"What do you do with the blood?"

"Nonsense, I'm very confident about this antidote. In order to ensure that it will become bigger forever, I still have to take your blood and get it back for testing." Xiao Ai said politely, anyway, she was from Qiye. Ren, and Shinichi Kudo are definitely on the opposite side, and there is no need to pretend to say anything good.

"Humph!" Kudo Shinichi snorted coldly, but rolled up his sleeves.

The needle pierced into Kudo Shinichi's vein, Xiao Ai unceremoniously drew a tube of blood out, then pulled out the needle, sealed the syringe, put it in the pocket of his clothes, and turned away.

"Hey, has your needle been disinfected?!" Shinichi Kudo suddenly thought of this and shouted.

Xiao Ai turned around, took a cold look at Kudo Shin, slightly raised the corner of her mouth, and said, "No, anyway, as long as the antidote is successful this time, it doesn't matter if you die."



"Shiho, you are finally mine completely."

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