"Secret Technique: Thousand Killings Water Flying……"

Under the thick fog, a cold and crisp voice sounded.

Under the cover of the thick fog, dense water thousands of fireballs quickly formed and shot towards Naruto and Sasuke from all directions in an instant.

"Water Style: Water Wall……"

Naruto, who had seen Bai's moves long ago, quickly completed the water ninjutsu a second before the Thousand Bones attacked and protected the two of them.

The all-round defense of the water array wall, the water Thousand Bones from all directions, could not break through this water curtain at all.

""Naruto, you can actually do water ninjutsu!!

You, your eyes!!"

Saeko looked at the surrounding water array in surprise. She was only halfway through saying something unexpected when she was shocked by Naruto's snow-white eyes.

Uchiha Saeko was no stranger to the Hyuga Byakugan, which was also a bloodline of the eye technique.

"Saeko and Kakashi both have Sharingan, so it's not too much for me to have Byakugan!

These are all routine operations, don't be surprised……"

Naruto laughed and teased, then he reached out and pulled out a few shurikens and threw them at the oni brothers who were rushing towards him.……

"Ninja Technique: Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique……"

At the same time as throwing the shuriken, Naruto quickly completed the seals with both hands, staring at the thick fog with flawless white eyes, and raised the corners of his mouth and said in a low voice. The few shurikens hidden under the thick fog instantly formed hundreds of shurikens, turning into blue lights, piercing over like lasers.

This is an application of the Chidori Blade. On those shurikens, Naruto attached lightning attribute chakra



The dense shurikens like a rain of arrows instantly killed the demon brother who was just shouting.

"Mysticism: Magic Mirror Ice Crystal……"

Bai, who was observing secretly, heard the screams of the ghost brothers before they died, his face changed, and he did not hold back and went all out.

The mist around Naruto and Sasuke quickly condensed, and pieces of ice crystals appeared on all sides of them and above their heads.

In a flash, an ice crystal secret room appeared in front of Naruto and Sasuke.

Before, they secretly investigated and found that Team 7 was just an ordinary Genin combination.

That's why they formulated this battle plan of dividing and encircling and annihilating!

Their task is to quickly deal with Naruto and Sasuke, and then go to the bridge to support Zabuza.

Unexpectedly, these two Konoha Genins are not simple.

Bai didn't know that only Naruto launched the attack.

"Magic Mirror Ice Crystal!!

It's a pity that I didn't plan to fight you, Jiu Lama……"

Naruto sighed as he looked at the igloo, and with a low roar, his aura suddenly changed!

Scarlet chakra instantly wrapped around Naruto, and the evil and terrifying aura pressed down from all directions like the deep sea...

Two dancing chakra tails suddenly appeared behind Naruto.

The ground was also cracked by the chakra, and it quickly cracked.……

"What kind of monster is this boy?!"

Bai, who was hiding under the ice crystals, subconsciously blocked his body with one hand and shouted in fear.

Suddenly, two chakra tails appeared like red lightning, extending dozens of meters in the blink of an eye.……


Bai secretly thought that it was not good. Just as she was about to move quickly, a tail appeared in front of her with a bang and instantly entangled her.

The ice crystals in all directions were also instantly shattered by another tail.……

"Since you are so willing to be a tool.

From now on, you are my tool!"

Naruto came to Bai's side like teleporting, took off her mask with his hand, and said with a wicked smile


Impossible, I will only be a tool for Mr. Zabuza!"

Bai's pupils shrank, a trace of anger rose on his face, and he glared at Naruto and refused

"This is not up to you……"

Naruto snorted coldly, and the Byakugan in his right eye quickly switched to Shisui's Eye, and Kotoamatsukami was activated.

This Mangekyo Kotoamatsukami is a short-term eye technique, which also has an advantage, that is, the cooling time is short.

After Naruto fused with Hashirama's cells, the time interval is even shorter!

That's right, Haku is a girl.

This is clearly seen by Naruto's Byakugan!

In Haku's situation, it is difficult to conquer with ordinary methods except for coercive means.

Naruto has no choice but to do this!

This side of the bridge

"Sakura, there is only one enemy, you protect Mr. Dazna!

We will talk about the mission after the battle.

Don't worry, I will end the battle quickly."

Kakashi looked at Sakura who was frightened by the murderous aura, pulled out the white fang short sword behind him, and said to Sakura indifferently.

Kakashi now doesn't take the enemy of the Jonin level seriously at all.

"Arrogant guy, you are just a copy ninja who got out with the help of Sharingan.

I am Zabuza, the demon from Kirigakure, not just any guy!"

Zabuza saw Kakashi in the dark, who looked relaxed, and instantly became furious, shouting angrily:

"So you are the Kirigakure demon!

You are indeed not a simple character, but unfortunately... you met me!"

Kakashi said in a nonchalant tone when he heard this name.


Zabuza's sharp eyes suddenly sharpened, he grabbed the beheading sword and was ready to rush out to kill

"You are here, what the hell?……"

Suddenly, Zabuza heard a familiar voice of disdain in his ears, which made him look forward subconsciously.

Kakashi in front of him had already disappeared.

But before Zabuza could make any move, a dazzling white light flashed, and Zabuza felt his neck lighten, and his consciousness gradually became confused...

The moment he closed his eyes, he saw a head of white hair and a shining white short sword.

At this moment, Zabuza thought of a legend he heard when he was a child.

Konoha White Fang!!

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