When Naruto returned to the hot springs, Sasuke was almost done with the bath, and so was Hinata on the other side. Naruto quickly stripped naked and soaked for half an hour, then washed himself and ended his trip to the hot springs.

After the bath, they felt hungry, so the three of them had a nice meal before going home.

Naruto did not go to Sasuke's house because he did not want others to know about Karin's existence. Moreover, he would refresh his shadow clone every day to stay with Karin.

The main reason was that it was currently in the Chunin Exam stage, and Konoha had many outsiders coming in and out during this period, including ninja spies from other villages, not to mention the Kusagakure Village, which specialized in stealing secrets from other countries for trading.

Naruto was worried that someone from the Kusagakure Village would come to search for Karin. After all, Karin was a rare blood bag for the Kusagakure Village, and she mysteriously disappeared during the Chunin Exam. The people of the Kusagakure Village might send someone to search for her.

In order to ensure Karin's safety, Naruto's shadow clone had always been by her side.

In addition to Naruto, the other ninja teams also conducted high-intensity training for the players selected for the next round.

In the third team, Ningci, with his own qualifications, realized the Kaiten that only the main family can practice, but it was only in its infancy and it consumed a lot of chakra to use.

His chakra can only support him to use Kaiten once, so he needs to help him every day to hone his chakra control and further improve the method of using Kaiten. In the tenth team, Asuma, the walking"35 million" ninja world money measurement unit, pulled Choji, who was eliminated before, to be a sparring partner for Shikamaru.

For this reason, Shikamaru also has to pay for Choji's barbecue every day.

Fortunately, as the young master of a large family, he usually saves a lot of pocket money and can barely afford to treat Choji to barbecue for a month.

In addition to practicing actual combat, Asuma also takes time out every day to play shogi with Shikamaru, so that Shikamaru can always keep a flexible mind. With his super high IQ and the improvement of actual combat experience, he will definitely have a lot more chances of winning in the next stage of the elimination round.

As for Team 8, Yuhi Kurenai and Inuzuka Kiba personally assisted Aburame Shino in their training, and their strength was also improving day by day.

On Naruto's side, three days after bidding farewell to Jiraiya, the three of them retreated to Naruto's illusionary space by the river to practice as usual. Then, Naruto, who was practicing the no-mark spell, was shocked, and the shadow clone automatically released the news.

So he immediately called Sasuke and Hinata to exit the illusionary space together, and saw Jiraiya walking towards them with a shameless face, greeting them.

"Hey, that Rudo, are you training?" Jiraiya asked knowingly with a smile.

Naruto picked his nose and squinted his eyes:"It's so obvious, can't you see it?"

Jiraiya:(* ̄︿ ̄)

This kid is really unpleasant.

"I've been observing you for a while, why are you just meditating to refine your chakra, and not practicing ninjutsu and taijutsu?" Jiraiya asked

"Sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. Only when we have enough chakra can we practice ninjutsu and taijutsu. Besides, the three of us are geniuses. We don't need to practice ninjutsu and taijutsu to be better than others."Jiraiya wanted to refute, but thinking about the strength Naruto showed three days ago, he held back the words that were on his lips.

"Okay, by the way, Naruto, I have something to talk to you about. Shall we go over there and talk?" Jiraiya pointed to the woods not far away.

Naruto also shrugged and said,"Okay, you two stretch your muscles first, and I'll go over there and chat for a while.""

""Okay Naruto-kun."

Sasuke nodded silently. Jiraiya brought Naruto to the woods and immediately showed a flattering smile:"Naruto, is there any more plot in your book?"

Naruto showed a sly smile:"Why, you want to read it? Teach us ninjutsu and I'll give it to you!"

Jiraiya had already thought about it and agreed immediately

"Sure, come, I'll teach you a move, this move is a ninjutsu developed by the Fourth Hokage himself, it's quite powerful."

Naruto pretended to be confused:"Oh, what ninjutsu, let me see." Jiraiya proudly stretched out his right hand, and as he guided the chakra in his body, in less than a breath, a fist-sized azure blue Rasengan condensed in his palm.

Then, Jiraiya grasped the Rasengan and walked to a big tree that was so thick that two people could hug it, and shot the Rasengan at the tree.


Along with roars and smoke, a huge spiral wound was hit on the trunk of the tree, and then the whole tree began to shake violently, and with a shrill squeak, the whole tree fell to the ground. Jiraiya turned around with a smile and saw Naruto's expectant expression.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this? It looks quite powerful. I want to learn it!"

Jiraiya said with a wretched and narcissistic expression,"This is the Rasengan, the unmarked ninjutsu that the fourth-generation guy spent three years to develop.

But I'm more talented.

I learned it in just three days.

How about it, isn't it awesome?" Naruto was too lazy to despise him, and asked,"Oh, can you show me again?" Jiraiya didn't think much about it.

After all, this Rasengan was also the ninjutsu of Naruto's father, and he would teach it to Naruto eventually.

Naruto wanted to learn it, so he naturally didn't mind a little more demonstration.

So, he stretched out his right hand again, and the Rasengan took shape in the blink of an eye.

"Can you do it again more slowly?"

Jiraiya, in order to satisfy Naruto's admiration, dispersed the Rasengan in his hand, and then slowed down. This time, it took about three seconds to completely condense the Rasengan into shape.

"Oh, so that's what's going on!"Naruto pretended to understand.

"How about it, Naruto, if you want to learn, give me the rest of the story, and I will teach you the principle of practicing the Rasengan."

Naruto ignored him and deliberately closed his eyes to rest. After five seconds, he opened his eyes with a shining light in his eyes.

"I learned it!"

Jiraiya mocked with disdain:"You little brat, I don't know where you got the confidence from. This is an unprinted A-level ninjutsu. You know, the unprinted A-level is not weaker than some S-level ninjutsu. Can you learn it just by looking at it? I spent so much time to learn it when I knew the principle.……"

Before Jiraiya could finish, Naruto stretched out his right hand and formed a claw. In less than two seconds, a blue spiral ball swirled in front of Jiraiya's eyes.

"This - this - is fake, this can't be true!"Jiraiya was shocked and unbelievable.

Naruto smiled slightly, and also came to a big tree, and hit the trunk of the tree with the Rasengan.

The roar and smoke dissipated, and the same effect appeared in front of him, which completely overturned Jiraiya's three views.

"Here, here's this, you're welcome!"

In Jiraiya's shock, Naruto took out a book and threw it to him. It was the follow-up plot of the previous work, but there was another new chapter, and Naruto only copied three or five chapters on it.

Anyway, it was still for the purpose of fishing for Jiraiya. After all, as one of the disciples of the ninja world's doctor Sarutobi Hiruzen, Jiraiya's ninjutsu is not only the Rasengan, but also all kinds of ninjutsu. In short, there should be a lot to be discovered from him.

"Finally, I can use the Rasengan openly from now on!" Uzumaki Naruto exclaimed from the bottom of his heart.

"Lewd old man, can I teach this Rasengan to others too?"

Jiraiya: (*' dish´*)ノ

"Do you respect people? You call me Toad Immortal."

"Oh, okay, horny fairy"

"you……"Jiraiya was speechless, but what Naruto said was true.

"Forget it, do you want to teach that Uchiha Sasuke?"

"Almost, my Hinata sauce is no exception"

"It's up to you, but you'd better not teach it to people from other villages, otherwise if the village leaders find out, they will most likely be considered traitors. After all, this is the fourth generation's ninjutsu, and the training method of this ninjutsu is highly confidential in the village."

Naruto nodded:"I understand, don't worry, I won't teach it to others casually"

"Since you have learned it so quickly, I am relieved. As for the contract of Myoboku Mountain, will you consider it again?"

Naruto waved his hand impatiently:"No need, I'm going to practice!"

After saying that, without giving Jiraiya a chance to persuade him, he turned around and ran away.

"The brat really doesn't know what's good for him. Never mind. I'll just read my book. Hehe... Hehe."

After Naruto returned, the three of them immediately re-entered the illusion space. Naruto also told the two that in a few days, they could use the Rasengan at will without worrying about exposing their strength.


A few days later, Jiraiya looked as if his teacher had died, staring at Naruto who was training with resentment.

"Hey, here they come!"Naruto put on a smile that showed he had succeeded in his evil plan.

""Hand over the rest of the story!"

Jiraiya actually finished reading the book that day, but he couldn't suppress his evil fire, so he had to do some handicrafts, but he also entered the sage mode.

He wanted to ask Naruto for it the next day, but he was called away by the third generation, and he also told Sarutobi Hiruzen about teaching Naruto the Rasengan.

Because Naruto was training with Sasuke and Hinata, Jiraiya didn't want to disturb their training progress too much, so he endured it for another three days.

Because he was really curious about the rest of the story, he finally couldn't help but come to Naruto.

"Teach me a few more tricks and I'll give it to you"

"What do you want to learn? I know a lot of earth escape and fire escape ninjutsu. Do you want to learn?"

Naruto was very disdainful:"Please, my chakra is of wind escape attribute. Besides, there is an expert of fire escape next to me. I don't need to look for you if I want to learn fire escape." He pointed to Sasuke who was speechless next to him.

"Wind escape? I happen to know a few hand seals for the casting of wind escape ninjutsu. Do you want to learn it?"

Naruto tilted his head and asked,"Is it S-level wind escape? If not, I won't learn it. After all, I have already learned A-level spiral, and I don't care about other ordinary ninjutsu!"

Jiraiya: (〃´Dish `)q

"If you contracted the toad of Myoboku Mountain, I could teach you some ninjutsu related to it, but what can I teach you? Um, do you want to learn my hair ninjutsu?"

Naruto said with disgust:"No, I'm afraid I'll become a Mediterranean if I use it too much!"

"you……"Jiraiya's fists hardened,"So what do you want to learn? I have nothing to teach you!"

"Let me think about it.……"Naruto stroked his chin with one hand and pretended to be in deep thought,"I got it, I want to learn sealing techniques, right?"

""Huh?" Now it was Jiraiya's turn to be confused,"Why do you want to learn this? Sealing techniques are quite complicated. It's very difficult to learn at your age and with your mentality."

Uzumaki Naruto waved his hand:"You don't have to worry about this. Is there any? I want to learn!"

Jiraiya was helpless:"Yes, by the way, have you learned the most basic sealing method, the Ichidōng Array?"

"I have learned it. I already know it like the back of my hand."

"All right, I have an article called"Fire Sealing Seal" here, I'll teach you the formula and the seal."

Naruto knew the purpose of this Fire Sealing Seal, it can seal all kinds of flames, even the strongest black flame of Amaterasu that can burn everything, but it's a bit useless, as everyone knows that Amaterasu never seems to burn anyone to death.

So Naruto looked down on this seal, and said dissatisfiedly:"Are there no other sealing techniques? Give me as many as you can. I have many books here, and I can guarantee that you can read enough!"

As he said that, Naruto took out a scroll and raised his eyebrows to Jiraiya.

Jiraiya blushed and asked:"How many are there?"

"I have at least a dozen of them here, and there are several similar comics! Do you want to read them?"

Jiraiya was immediately moved, and reluctantly took out a scroll:"This records all the sealing techniques I have learned, with detailed learning tutorials, you can practice slowly by yourself."

Then the two sides happily reached a deal, Jiraiya took Naruto's scroll and ran away, and Naruto immediately opened Jiraiya's scroll and began to observe the sealing techniques on it.

In addition to the sealing techniques that require the help of Ninja Frog, Jiraiya also recorded the following:

Five Elements Seal, Fire Seal, Four Symbols Seal, Four Limbs Heavy Seal, Finger Seal, Sealing Array and Three-Party Seal.

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