Chapter 1 Traveling through the Beast World Continent

  【生子文, beastmen are all tool men, omnivores join! 】


In the Beast World Continent, the third largest beast forest - Senyu, in the grass on the edge, a snow-white mouse poked its head out of a hole in the ground.

After making sure there was no danger around, he quickly climbed out and ran away.

As it ran, its claws gradually turned into a snow-white human hand, and its legs also turned into human legs... and finally turned into a stunning naked girl with white hair.

She has a slim figure and a pair of dark eyes, full of vigilance and fear.

Suddenly, she stopped and hid behind a tree that was as thick as two people's arms. She pointed her finger in the air, and a light curtain that only she could see appeared.

World: Beast World Continent.

Body sex: Female.

Name: None.

Attributes: Albino ratman.

Talent: None.

Level: None.

Family: The Milut family of the rat tribe in the western region. The father is the male Oro, the head of the family, and the mother is the female Ban Yue [Death. ] Eight brothers [died. 】

System host information.


Attribute - Human.

Name—Su Yan.

Gender: Female.



Life span - 1 hour [After pregnancy, the life timer is paused]

System - Points system for giving birth to children. One point can be exchanged for one day of life. [The scion with higher talent will get more points. 】

System Store - Unlimited Pregnancy Pills are provided for free [for host use only]. When not activated, other products will not be displayed. Activating the store requires 200 points.

The original wish of the host is to be reborn as human beings on Earth [100 million points. 】

After putting away the system light curtain that she had watched countless times, Su Yan was absolutely sure that she was not dreaming.

The most important thing right now is pregnancy? !

It's nonsense, but I dare not not do it.

Only 1 hour left to live!

She can't afford the gamble!

Open the system again and click on the store column. Except for the glittering unlimited pregnancy pill, everything else is in gray question mark status.

There was a period of darkness on Earth, when there was no sun.

She was born during the Dark Period. The mother was suffering from a disease and died after giving birth to her.

She was raised by another mother who gave birth to a baby, but it was a dead baby.

That mother was the main reason why she wanted to return to Earth.

She wanted to see her smile again.

Zhang took a pregnancy pill from the system store and swallowed it orally.

Within one hour, if you find a male orc and have **** with him, you will definitely get pregnant.

There is a map logo on the light screen, click on the map.

There was actually a real-time picture, but the actual range was a hundred meters around her. If it exceeded a hundred meters, there were only route signs.

According to the real scene on the map, a snake crawled into the rat hole she just came out of.

This mode feels like a game.

Then treat it like a game, so you won't be so resistant when it comes to earning points for having a baby.

She really likes children, but this is by no means a forced pregnancy. Instead, she wants to breed the child of love with the person she loves.

That’s all, ideals are too dreamy, and reality is more important.

Su Yan opened the map and continued running forward.

Suddenly she stopped.

Looking at the map, a green light spot suddenly appeared.

She zoomed in on the spot and saw what it was, a man. This is the continent of the beast world, and there cannot be pure humans.

In other words, that man is an orc.

Great, pregnancy goals appear!

A hundred meters away, we arrived soon.

When I looked at the map just now, I didn't notice that he was injured at first. In just a few hundred meters, he was already lying in a pool of blood, dying.

Su Yan's heart kept falling, wasn't it? She was going to die soon.

Turning his body over, he revealed a burned and disfigured face.

Su Yan gasped again.

This...this is too hard to swallow.

Then look at your life span - twenty-nine minutes, no time to be picky.

Do it first and then talk about it!

I pulled some grass, covered his face, and began to take off his clothes without seeing him.

Made of black burlap and tattered.

The injury to the abdomen was the most severe, and it was a **** mess.

It is impossible to save him.

Su Yan covered her abdomen with grass, hoping that if he could persist in his vitality, she would be able to give him a heir.

The man has a good figure, narrow waist and long legs, beautiful and full of appetite!

Su Yan ignored her bad upper body, gritted her teeth, and raced against death for time...

I do not know how long it has been…

The man tilted his head and stopped moving!

Su Yan also breathed a sigh of relief and left without even thinking about whether he was dead or not.

She found two large banana-like leaves and some flexible vines to use as clothes and a belt to cover her naked body.

She's pregnant now.

Open the system and check the body status column: Pregnant, life timer suspended.

The parking position is also extremely dangerous, with only 3 seconds left!

I breathed out a sigh of relief!

The next step is to find a safe place to give birth to the baby. This baby must be born no matter what, otherwise she will not survive.

But there are many dangers in the forest, so it is obviously not suitable.

She had never given birth either and needed an assisted delivery.

This body did come from somewhere, but she died in the forest, obviously something happened to her.

There was a strong feeling of hunger in my belly.

It was her body that was reminding her that she was in urgent need of nutritional supplements.

When I go back to the tribe to find my family, I have to stutter first.

Then she turned into a little white mouse and ran quickly out of the forest.

And the orc she used as a pregnancy tool suddenly turned into a dark cheetah as big as an ox after she ran out of the forest!

Although there was a wound on his head, he was recovering at an eye-catching speed, and the washbasin-sized wound on his abdomen was also growing rapidly.

It had a pair of golden vertical eyes, staring with danger, and a long snow-white hair fell into a pool of blood!

Taking Senyu Beast Forest as the dividing line, the east is the East District and the west is the West District.

The orcs in the east area are mostly ferocious birds and beasts, while those in the west area are smaller orcs.

There are constant conflicts in the Eastern District, and genocidal wars also occur from time to time. The Western District is relatively peaceful and develops slowly.

The rat tribe in the western region.

Su Yan returned to her human form and walked in the tribe. Looking at the primitive clothes of the rat tribe people, her dress of leaves, vines and grass felt completely out of place!

But... isn't this too exaggerated?

The early days of human civilization?

Ru Mao Drinking Blood stage?

Judging from the food they ate, it was indeed raw meat and bloody.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and suddenly a feeling of nausea came over him, and he bent over and vomited!

It was just that she had been hungry for too long and had not taken in water or food, so naturally she couldn't vomit anything out.

However, it didn't matter what she said, causing those who originally ignored her to turn their heads.

Under the gaze of everyone, Su Yan felt uneasy.

An older man walked towards her, "Are you a female? Whose family do you belong to?"

"My surname is Milut, and I am Auro's daughter." Su Yan replied truthfully based on the information provided by the system.

"When did Oro have a daughter? I've never heard of it." A young man walked towards her while holding a **** piece of raw meat in his hand.

(End of chapter)

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