Chapter 109 Give me everything you have

Su Yan was stunned, then she held Xiao Qi upside down and patted her belly, "Spit it out! Spit it out for me!"

Zi Qi came back just in time. When he saw Su Yan holding Xiao Qi upside down, his purple eyes suddenly turned into vertical pupils!

"Su Yan! Are you beating the child?!" This voice was not lax, it was filled with the power of thunder.

Su Yan: "...she ate something she couldn't eat, and I made her spit it out."

Xiao Qi: "Pfft~" spit out the dark blue pearl from her cheek pouch and gave it back to Su Yan.

Su Yan was a little stunned. How could she forget that the rat tribe has a pocket in their mouths. When they see good things, they will instinctively swallow them and hide them inside.

She is a human, not a rat, so this instinct is relatively unfamiliar to her.

"Rong Ruo's incarnation of the shark bead?" Zi Qi came over and took the shark bead from her hand.

Su Yan thought of Rongruo, and something strange flashed through her heart, "Yeah."

Zi Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, "It is rumored that the deep sea shark will only turn into beads when it loves someone so much. Wearing the shark beads on the body can avoid water and withstand three fatal attacks."

"Then I don't need it, give it to Xiao Qi." Su Yan has system protection and is not worried about her life.

Zi Qi looked at her and his voice became much colder, "Are you sure? This is what he left for you. Even if you don't use it, it's good to keep it in mind."

"Well, I think he would, and would rather protect his daughter. You said that I am a bad **** and I am not worthy of his affection."

"You should keep it. My daughter, of course I have a better treasure to protect her safety." Zi Qi threw the Shark Pearl to Su Yan in disgust and took Xiao Qi away.

Su Yan caught the shark bead and looked at it against the light, as if she could see a blue figure swimming freely in the deep sea.

Bai Kaixin placed some fresh fruits and vegetables at the door of the hotel.

He shouted: "Fresh vegetables and fruits are given away for free."

"Why, the hotel business is not good?" Su Yan got off the carriage and asked with a smile.

When Bai Kaixin saw her coming back, he hurriedly said: "Of course not, this is not because Sister Su gave birth to a princess, and we are all happy. It happened that the melons and vegetables grown by Xiaoxianzi's fellow villagers could not be sold, so I helped collect some and put them on the It’s better to give it away at the door than to leave it alone, and it can also help some people who are living in difficulty.”

"It's good. You can keep this activity and do it often." Su Yan picked up a red fruit and took a bite. It was quite sweet.

"President Liu has sent a lot of boxes. Why don't Sister Su go to the backyard to deal with them first?"

"Okay." Su Yan ate some fruit and then entered the hotel.

Manman is in the system space. He has been learning the secrets of talent these days and has long been protesting to come out.

It's just that Su Yan was about to leave this continent, and she couldn't wait to have all the secrets in the system crammed into her head, so she ignored the little guy's protests and tried her best to let her learn.

Seeing the treasures all over the yard, Su Yan let her out and said, "Man Man, your father gave you delicious food."

"Mom, Manman is very angry!" Manman puffed out his cheeks, opened his mouth and protruded a fire phoenix, heading towards Su Yan.

Su Yan was startled and wanted to dodge.

But someone stood in front of her, "Barbarian!"

Ming Linyuan scolded, "Don't be arrogant to your mother!"

Manman immediately felt aggrieved and went to the three-headed dog to express his grievances.

Su Yan calmed down and said, "This girl has made great progress."

Only then did Ming Linyuan realize that what Manman spat out when he opened his mouth was not a fireball, but a fire phoenix.

"What did you do to her?"

"It's a retreat, in a small dark room. There are all kinds of fire mysteries, and they are taught in a cram-like way."

"...Take your time, there's no need for this." Ming Linyuan frowned.

"Manman's father." Su Yan looked at him with charming eyes.

Ming Linyuan's heartbeat suddenly skipped a beat, "What's wrong?"

Su Yan curled her lips and smiled, taking the initiative to throw herself into her arms, "Have you ever thought about me?"

The wall in Ming Linyuan's heart that he had just built collapsed in an instant, leaving no trace behind. "After Zi Qi, you still remember me? Humph."

"Are you jealous?" Su Yan raised her head and smiled at him, "Do you want it?"

"...You took the initiative to provoke me." Ming Linyuan hugged him and arrived in a luxurious room in the next moment. Su Yan put her fingers on his belt, hooked it lightly, and said, "For the last time!"

Ming Linyuan was shocked, "Are you going to decide to follow him?"

"No, it's just goodbye." Su Yan lay on the bed, "Give me everything you have and I will keep it all."

"This is what you said, don't regret it."

Ming Linyuan waved his hand, and the bed curtains and curtains blocked all the spring sunshine inside.

Su Yan took a Huiyuan Pill, lowered her head and kissed her, then fell into deep sleep in Ming Linyuan.

The upgraded system can store male semen. Xiaomei suggested that it would be better for her to save some before going to the holy war, because there will definitely be a competition to have children.

Zong Sili also got what she wanted smoothly. He seemed to know something and didn't say anything. He just tried his best to satisfy her.

The most troublesome thing is Pei Xuan.

This guy was uncooperative and refused to have anything to do with her anymore.

Su Yan was so angry that she couldn't laugh, but when she was really about to leave, he pulled her into the nest again.

I almost ate her up, but I didn't expect this person to be a little scary when she lost control. She really had a bit of fun with her.

If it weren't for the power of the Huiyuan Pill, she almost couldn't survive.

While Su Yan was deeply in love, something big or small happened in the palace.

Princess Zi Qiaoer got married.

She is marrying the young leader of the Bear Clan in the North District.

By the time Su Yan returned to the palace, Zi Qiaoer had already left.

"Why so fast?" Su Yan asked Zhang Wuzhu.

The blessing from the beast **** that Zhang Wuzhu sent to Zi Qiaoer was also the wedding sedan she sent her to.

"The eldest princess is confused. The milk powder she the little princess was poisoned! Manager Yu led someone to arrest her. If Your Majesty hadn't been thinking about the past friendship, the consequences would have been disastrous."

Zhang Wuzhu shook his head, not feeling any pity at all about the fate of this eldest princess.

It was originally agreed that she would marry into the top family of the imperial capital. With the support of the imperial palace in the future, she would also enjoy endless glory and wealth.

You must bring trouble to yourself.

Now she is married to a poor northern district thousands of miles away. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. If something happens, she can't help her. From now on, good or bad luck will all depend on her.

Su Yan also sighed and quickly threw the matter aside.

Because, Zi Qi received an invitation to participate in the jihad!

He held a piece of gold foil and stared at Su Yan playfully.

"Holy female reproductive rights?!"

"Uh... did you receive the invitation?"


"This seems to be mandatory and must be participated. All males above the spiritual level who have no heirs must participate."

"I have an heir."

"You want your own blood!"

"In this case, Pei Xuan and the others don't have to go, right?"

"Yes, they all have children. Yu Yan should also have received a jihad invitation letter."

"I understand, go ahead and prepare yours."

Zi Qi directly chased people away.

(End of chapter)

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