Chapter 135 Privilege card, the male is robbed


There will be special rewards for first place in each stage of the Holy War.

The first place in the first stage is Lin Xueer.

Before entering the second paragraph, two staff members claiming to be the Jihad Committee found her. And took her to a gorgeous palace that looked as holy as heaven.

A kind old man wearing a noble red robe handed her a glass of water, "Congratulations to Candidate Lin for winning the first round. This is holy water."

"Who are you?" Lin Xueer didn't answer.

The old man replied: "I am the leader of the holy religion in charge of the Holy War in Lichuan Continent. I will bless the first place winner and give him a reward."

"What reward?" Lin Xueer asked directly without being polite, but the vigilance in her eyes did not diminish.

The old man looked at the staff aside. He saw a beautiful man wearing a white cloak and robe with black hair and green eyes. He exuded a holy and calm aura.

When Lin Xueer saw him, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes. She has also seen many beautiful men, especially after being bound to the childbirth system, she has all kinds of beautiful men to choose from.

However, this was the first time I had seen a man like this.

The man's tone was particularly calm, "The first place in the first stage, in the second stage, there is a privilege card to **** the male. There is only one chance. The male of any team will fight for himself."

"Oh?" Lin Xueer wasn't too surprised. She was still full-staff and didn't need it.

He asked casually: "Then will his holy war points also belong to me?"


"What's your name? What's your identity?" Lin Xueer asked.

The man replied: "Farr, the white-clothed deacon of the holy religion, is responsible for the order and rules during the holy war."

"Far, are there any other rewards?"

"Holy water is also a reward."

"What's the use of holy water?"

"One flagrant foul waived."

"Oh?" Lin Xueer's eyes lit up, "This holy water is pretty good, I'll accept it."

"Male privilege card?"

"Of course I will accept it. In the second stage, there will definitely be many outstanding males. I will not miss the opportunity to grab holy war points for nothing."

"Congratulations to Candidate Lin for a prosperous future."

Lin Xueer was sent away.

Farr said to the chief: "In the past, the reward for first place was only holy water. Why is there an additional reward for snatching the male this time?"

"The superior added it temporarily after watching the video of her killing Team 2000. As for why, you can check it out. I'm afraid this holy war will not be peaceful, so be careful."

"Yes, sir."

Zi Qi suddenly disappeared before his eyes!

Most of the points on her wrist also disappeared in an instant, and Su Yan was completely stunned.

Xiaomei's voice sounded: [Lichuan 2345 team, Holy Female candidate Lin Xueer, used the first-place Jihad reward privilege card in the first stage to **** the male of Lichuan 9908 team successfully. The current Jihad points are 87,705,200, temporarily ranking first. 】

【what happened? 】Su Yan didn't react, or she didn't want to believe it.

Xiaomei [The male of the host has been robbed! 】

[How is it possible, Lin Xueer? 】Su Yan suddenly remembered that when Lin Xueer was leaving last time, she looked at her with some calculation in her eyes, "I understand, she came here that time first to provoke a red card war." The second is that she has a privilege card in her hand and is looking for a male to compete for. 】

[Yes, host. There are so many little moves by the Jihad Committee this time! 】Xiaomei sighed.

Listening to her tone, Su Yan became more and more anthropomorphic. 【what to do? Do you have any good ideas? Yu Yan and Yin Zang went to explore the ghost ship. Did they turn themselves into ghosts by the way? There was no trace of ghosts. 】

[The host’s points are now 36985621, ranking third. Although it is dangerous, there is still a place to enter the third stage. 】

[Why do I feel like I’m being targeted by the Jihad Committee? 】Su Yan also lost her male combat power at the end of the first stage. The same goes for the second stage, [Xiaomei, do you feel anything? 】

[The external wall defense system was attacked 8,794 times, but my defense program was classified as confidential and all bounced back and rejected. 】

[Sure enough, you and I are both being targeted! 】

[Host, have you taken pregnancy pills? 】Xiaomei suddenly asked Su Yan.

Su Yan was shocked, [No! You...don't scare me! 】

Xiaomei's voice became very happy, [Congratulations to the host, you conceived naturally. 】

[...Are you sure this is something worthy of congratulations? I mean, wouldn’t being pregnant at this time affect the jihad? 】

[The host becomes pregnant naturally, and the system will trigger the infinite mode to protect the host. 】

【What is infinite mode? 】

[It is a mode where no one can harm the host. 】

[Is natural pregnancy so powerful? 】

【yes. The host that will be bound to the childbearing system must be unable to get pregnant naturally and has lost its reproductive function congenitally or acquired. 】

Su Yan remembered that she lost her fertility after Qin Mo took away her child...

[There are rumors that some people have recovered their ability to have children naturally after binding the childbirth system, but they are very rare. At present, no holy female in the past has been able to conceive naturally. 】

[It means that the hosts the fertility system is looking for are all those who have lost their fertility and long for children. And those with childbearing potential will not be selected? 】

【Yes. 】

[…] There was indeed a time when Su Yan longed for a baby of her own and wanted to get back everything she had lost.

It turns out that this is the reason why I was selected by the childbirth system.

[I am now pregnant with Zi Qi’s heir, right? 】

[Yes host. And this heir looks very good so far! 】

[Of course he is excellent, no matter who his father is. Okay, so now that I’m pregnant, does that mean I can’t be a holy woman? Are you withdrawing from the competition? 】

【You can continue to participate. Because it was a natural pregnancy, the Jihad Committee will give you special treatment. But for now, the jihadist side is hard pressed to distinguish friend from foe, so it is better to keep the natural pregnancy a secret for now. 】

[Well, please ask, can you bring Zi Qi back? I can take away his portion of the holy war points. 】

Xiaomei replied after a moment: [I have already asked, and the robbed male will completely belong to the snatching team before the end of the second stage. Will come back after the second phase is over. If he stays voluntarily, he can also choose not to return. 】

Su Yan pursed her lips, "Then I'll see if he comes back on his own and don't talk about my pregnancy." 】

[Yes, host. 】Xiao Mei Le's sweet reply.

【You seem very happy, Xiaomei. 】Su Yan finally noticed her emotions.

Xiaomei replied: [The host will become pregnant naturally, and the system will get up to a hundred times the upgrade points. 】

[Upgrade points? Isn’t it the same as having a child? 】

[The points for giving birth belong to the host, and the points for upgrading belong to the system. Of course, the host's points for giving birth will also be doubled, and you will know when you give birth. 】

[Well, I'm hungry. 】A huge feeling of hunger came over me, an unprecedented strong appetite.

[It is recommended that the host eat more natural materials and earthly treasures, which will be beneficial to the talent development of the offspring. 】

More updates are coming. Xiaoxuanzi thanks the babies for their votes and rewards~ I love you so much ((c)!

Continue to update at zero o'clock~

(End of chapter)

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