Everyone was shocked.

It is obvious to all that the Holy Female of the previous term was banished in the end.

This time, most of them were fighting, and the shadow stones embedded in the defensive array were projected simultaneously through the sky above the mainland.

Not only the Holy Capital Continent, but also many higher continents were watching the Holy War as a grand banquet.

Among them, Su Yan is extremely popular. The scene of her killing the abyssal beast was seen by many people, so the weapons she used attracted attention and even attracted Farr.

"I refuse." Su Yan refused bluntly, and then she noticed that Far's face turned pale in an instant.

[Host, you can actually consider it. This holy king's talent is still very good, and the law of time is extremely rare. And you've even seen other people's animal bodies. The beast body of the angel tribe will not be easily revealed even in battle, and will only be shown to their partners. You have to be responsible for others! 】

【Shut up! 】 Su Yan scolded Xiaomei.

Xiaomei doesn't care, she will never let go when she sees a good beast husband, [The host can really consider having a baby, it will only take a month. After the birth, we will go find the next family. 】

Su Yan's face became more and more ugly, and she was so angry with Xiao Mei.

And all the guests at the banquet were looking at her. This is probably the first holy female in history to reject the Holy Lord's sexual advances.

Far carefully held her hand, "Yanyan, we'll talk about this later. Today is your banquet."

Su Yan frowned slightly as she looked at his pleading eyes and his small gesture of holding her hand.

She is, how should I put it, a bit soft-spoken rather than tough-minded. If others are rude to her, she can be more rude. If others try to be soft to her, she will easily become soft-hearted.

There were many guests around, all of whom were celebrities. It would not look good if the stalemate continued.

He picked up the wine glass, calmed his expression, and showed his first smile after the banquet. Although it was a bit perfunctory, it was much better than before.

"I am honored to be recognized by the Holy Lord and be elected as the 9567th Holy Female. I wonder if the Holy Lord can give me some more points? For example, 100 million?"

Seeing that Su Yan had given her face, Farr breathed a sigh of relief and immediately responded: "Okay."

Su Yan smiled, then this holy female was worthy of recognition.

Children will never be born.

Xiaomei noticed her resistance, [Host, how about I help you clean up your emotional cache? 】

Su Yan knew what she meant, "It's useless, I simply have no feelings for him." Like Zi Qi, Ming Linyuan and others, they can only arouse my desire to have children. 】

[Far is pretty good, he is a pure-blooded angel, a seraph. If the golden marrow pill is used, ten-winged angels may not be born. Anyway, it only takes up a month's time in the stomach, so the host should think about it. 】

[You seem to want me to have an angel? 】

【…Because the person who made me is an angel. 】

Far said to Su Yan: "Can I invite you to dance?"

Su Yan raised her eyes to look at him, especially the red tear mole at the corner of his eye, "I didn't have this before."

"A little trick." Far leaned over to invite Su Yan.

Su Yan put her hand on his palm and slid onto the dance floor to the passionate music.

Su Yan learned ballroom dancing from a famous teacher. Although I was unfamiliar with the dance here, I had a foundation in dance and quickly mastered the movements and rhythms. The dance was agile and gorgeous, and full of sexual charm.

Soon, many people around were only watching her dance with Farr.

Su Yan was also completely interested, and dance itself was a kind of catharsis, the release of inner emotions. She couldn't help but look at Farr with challenging eyes.

Farr didn't respond, he just tolerated her with the calmness of the sea. No matter what her movements were, he could keep up with her and be her best dancing partner.

At the end of the song, Su Yanlai collapsed in his arms, and he held her waist tightly.

"Yanyan, do you want to come to my room tonight?"

Su Yan's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Just when Fal felt ashamed and was about to change his words, he heard Su Yan say: "I will only give you one chance. If you fail to arouse my interest, I will leave the Holy Capital Continent tomorrow."

Farr was really surprised, he didn't expect that she actually agreed.

"If I say that I have never had a female before, I might not perform well. Can you give her one more chance?" His voice was very soft, falling in Su Yan's ears.

Su Yan looked at him in surprise, was it true?

Such a pure and innocent saint?

[What he said is true, otherwise Xiaomei would not recommend it so strongly. 】 Xiaomei replied.

[Isn’t it because holy-level males are hard to find, so we catch them one by one? 】Xiaomei is getting more and more cunning now.

In the entire banquet, the only holy step was Fal. It is not ruled out that there are experts who did not come, but it also proves that the holy steps are part of the pyramid and the top of the tower.

Lin Xueer and Lena also found their dance partners and were dancing on the dance floor.

The two of them had just watched Su Yan and Far's dance, and they wanted to copy her movements very passionately, but no matter how much they tried to imitate, it was useless, and they even stepped on their partner's feet several times.

Far brought over a plate of dragon fish roe, "Do you want it?"

Su Yan shook her head, "No need. After I got pregnant, I ate like crazy to raise a child. When I wasn't pregnant, my appetite was only as big as a fist. I could just take a bite. It doesn't matter if I don't eat."

"Eat some." Farr fed her personally.

Seeing the bright and dark looks around her, Su Yan reluctantly opened her mouth and said, "Okay, I won't eat anymore."

Farr used the spoon she used to eat all the remaining roe, "Don't waste it."

"..." Su Yan picked up a glass of wine, sipped it slowly, and asked casually: "Why did the former Holy Lord suddenly disappear?"

Farr handed the plate to the waiter and said calmly: "He has been weak since he was a child and has been terminally ill for a long time. Everyone knows that he died in his sleep."

And it happened to be during the period when the holy mare was about to settle down? Su Yan didn't ask any further, what was the truth and what did it have to do with her.

In fact, to be fair, if you face an unfamiliar holy king, you might as well face Far.

"Sister Su, how did you do that dance? You danced so passionately, why can't I do it?" Lena came over panting, picked up the wine on the table, and drank it down in one go.

"While you were chatting, I saw a man and went over to say a few words." Farr excused himself and left.

Su Yan replied: "You don't need to tell me."

Farr smiled and left.

Lena looked at Far's back and said to Su Yan: "The Holy Lord seems to like you."

"Really?" Su Yan disagreed.

"Forget it, don't talk about this, just teach me how to dance."

"This makes things difficult for me. Actually, I don't know how to dance. It's Shengjun who leads me well. I always follow his footsteps, or he follows mine, and I keep adjusting."

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